$65,000 Pool Installation from Start to Finish!!

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what's going on guys my name is bart culmar and boy do i have a special project for you today we are finally gonna get a chance to install our in-ground pool we have been saving for this thing for as long as i can remember and today is the day we're gonna take you guys along for the ride every step of the way so you can see the entire process then at the end of the video we'll talk about how much we spent on it and whether or not it was worth it so let's get started welcome to the comar project [Music] this video is sponsored by raid shadow legends all right so we finally got our permits and are ready to start this pool installation but first we need to remove this big hill in our backyard so that we can have a flat space to work with and the big excavator our contractor brought in made quick work of it and started removing the grass like a surgeon with scalpel [Music] this literally took about 20 minutes and we got to dig in the hole the pool that we are installing is 35 by 16 feet and the deep end is about six and a half feet so there's a lot of dirt to be removed i think the contractor said there was somewhere around 10 truckloads of dirt that had to be hauled out this pool is going to be a fiberglass pool so it had a very specific manufacturer's specifications to how this hole needed to be done so the guys follow that and then turn the excavator around to start digging a trench for plumbing and electrical from the pool area to where our equipment will sit and then we can start filling the hole in with gravel now this is not your typical driveway gravel but a special quarter inch rock gravel that will create the base for our pool you can't just take a pool and drop it into a hole because with a fiberglass pool it will have soft spots in areas where it's not supported so getting the correct elevation for the gravel based on the bottom of the pool is critical after just one day we had the hole dug the gravel put down and we scheduled the pool delivery for the next morning the pool arrived at about 8am and there was a full crew ready to start getting it installed but the guys had to work quickly because the water truck was scheduled for 10 am and i'll explain why that's important a little bit later they attached a 16 foot beam to the bucket of the excavator and strapped the pool at four points to lift it off of the trailer [Music] then after a short trip down the driveway they sat the pool down and started installing the plumbing connections lighting and all the necessary electrical connections this was very interesting to watch for some reason i thought that they were going to be using some weird specialty tools to do this but instead they just use the drill a grinder and a whole lot of silicone and right now they're installing the skimmer this is the part of the pool that filters out the top water and is usually where you find a lot of weird things like a bunch of lollipops or your kids crunchy so this part is essential to the function of the pool next the guys plumbed all the piping that carry water from the filtration system into the pool gave it a quick power wash and we're ready to drop this thing into the hole but before we do that let's take a minute and thank the sponsor of this project raid shadow legends raid is one of the top free rpg games available for android ios and now it's even available on your desktop and this month they're celebrating their third birthday happy birthday raid as a high level rpg raid started with hundreds of unique characters and bosses but that didn't stop them from adding more and more new champions the game designers must have had a field day creating these amazing characters just check out these sketches they're so badass and if adding new characters wasn't enough last year raid added a whole new faction the shadowkin or a tribe of warriors from the far east recently liberated from the reign of evil that doesn't mean they're good guys either but for me they're one of the coolest factions in the game now raid is kicking things off with free gifts for everyone adding a bunch of content and events we're talking about champions new art effects sets and even personalized videos showcasing every player's ray journey and their own personal achievements this is the best time to get started with raid and if you're not playing yet check out the links in the description or you can click this qr code here for special birthday gifts worth 40 bucks i'm talking about three free champions at once plus 30 magic brews to help you kick the crap out of your competition also new and existing players can get a bunch of free birthday gifts worth 25 bucks once you're in the game after clicking the links just enter the promo code three years great and get your hands on everything it's that easy just click the link in the description below and i'll see you guys in the game thank you ray for supporting what i do now let's go put a pool in the hole [Music] it took the guys about two hours to get everything hooked up and now we can lift the pool off the ground and set it into the hole [Music] they use straps to guide it and prevent it from swinging back and forth because the terrain was a little uneven and we didn't want anyone to get hurt during this process so slow and steady however i was starting to get really excited at this point but we quickly realized that something was wrong [Music] all right so the guys just dropped the pool into the hole and i am extremely excited but unfortunately that pool is not sitting level so the shallow end is actually sitting much lower than the deeper end so what they need to do is actually pull the entire pool out of the hole throw some gravel underneath it so that it's nice and level all the way across let's see him do it [Music] they pulled the pool out of the hole and set it off to the side then they started adding more gravel to compensate for the pool sitting too deep on the shallow end this was taking a little bit longer than expected and the water truck driver had already gotten here and he was starting to get impatient you can actually see him here in the background waiting to pull up his truck so he can dump that water but this is a critical point in the installation because once you put the water in there's no going back [Music] all right after getting everything leveled out to specifications we're gonna try this again this is attempt number two and the same thing happened again the pool was still sitting too low on the shallow end so the water truck driver left at this point and the pool came out again the guys really wanted to at least set the pool that day so they added more gravel and tried for a third time [Music] this ain't the pool that's on here now that i'm looking at it look how those stairs come down right there yeah definitely not it this is not it and this this is the one you picked out yes yeah we went to the yard because it had that crack yeah that one right there sent yeah the wrong one [Music] so what happened was the installers were given the wrong pool specifications from their office they had a completely different pool on their paperwork and they were putting in gravel to accommodate a different bottom which would have never worked for this pool so they got the right paperwork added more gravel and with thor on the case watching every move they tried for a fourth time [Music] this time the pool set level and i was so relieved to finally have it in place and start working on hooking up the plumbing and electrical to the pool the guys laid out the water and electrical lines in the trench they dug during the excavation and started connecting the pool to the heater and filtration system that they had already installed off-camera [Music] all right so the water truck is here and we're gonna pump i think it's about 2500 gallons of water into this thing so the guys are ready and so am i it's time with everything in place and the water going into the pool the guys had to make sure that they were back filling the sides with the stone at the same level as the water this is why it was important for the water delivery person to be on site while the installation was happening if they were to backfill the sides without any water in the pool then the pressure of the stone would push the pool inward and on the flip side if they put water in without backfilling the water would push the pool outwards so it's critical to mirror the water level with the stone as the entire pool gets filled up naija is actually underneath the pool what he's trying to do is push as much stone under the first step so they're trying to actually get it pegged so that there isn't a soft spot underneath so it's not easy work being under there he's covered in dirt covered in stone but he's doing a great job so i really appreciate it [Music] all right so we got a second truck of water coming because when i said 2500 gallons before i was totally mistaken it's 5500 gallons that they're putting in this thing and that's a whole lot of women it's like having a big fish tank and i'm the fish [Music] all right guys so it's in we have a pool hey you excited yeah you ready to get swimming yeah well you can't go swimming yet because we still need to hook up the pumps hook up the electrical and put in concrete and then we can go swimming at this point we were waiting for the electrical contractor to show up and without pumps running the pool turned into what you see here it's basically a green swamp [Music] but eventually the contractors showed up and we were finally ready to connect the gas line to the heater and all the electrical to the filtration unit and the lighting so this two pull 20 amp breaker is for the pull pump and the pull heater gfi breaker protecting it and then this one is going to our gfi plug outside and that's feeding the light transformer [Music] so this morning we got woken up and there's contractors in our backyard we didn't know about no big deal this is kind of a thing that you go through during this process but what they're doing is they're actually putting in a silk fence and what a sill fence is is basically just a barrier around your construction zone to keep all the mud and debris out if it were to rain here in chicago we get a ton of rain and this way this is going to keep it out of the neighbor's yard and the rest of the property with the temporary barrier around the pool and the pool pumps running we need to get this green algae under control so we can actually get the concrete forward because someone needs to be in the pool while they do that so another contractor showed up and treated the pool with a shock chlorinator it pretty much got rid of all the algae within about an hour and we can finally see the bottom of the pool about a week later the concrete contractors showed up and started installing the forms to pour a six foot concrete pad around the pool to create the coping around the pool they're using a three-part flexible plastic form the first part gets screwed into the lip of the pool and then they clip in a vertical piece that overhangs the pool by a couple of inches then on top of that they clip in a third piece and line it with some masonite board to give the inside concrete edge a smooth look with the forms in place we can call the county and get the inspector out here to make sure that there's a grounding wire all the way around the pad and we can finally start pouring concrete 10 yards of 4000 psi concrete reinforced with fiberglass mesh to minimize cracking over time now i've done plenty of concrete in my time but i've never seen it done the way that these guys did it i've always used a 2x4 to screen the concrete but these contractors first smoothed the edges with the trowel and then they used a concrete hand tamper to level and compact the concrete to enhance its strength and durability what do you [Music] then with a bull float they smoothed out the entire pack this is probably one of my favorite things to watch on a job site when concrete contractors bust out with the floats and they make everything buttery smooth [Music] after putting in control joints every six feet and rounding the outside edge of the pad it's finally time to stamp this thing but before they can put down the mats they had to spray the concrete with a release agent this allows them to hand tamp the pattern into the concrete and when the mat is pulled up it doesn't stick to it and comes up looking like it's supposed to [Music] all right so now we have something that looks like a pool and my kids really wanted to go swimming at this point but there was still a little bit of work to be done the concrete contractor came out the next day and removed the forms and used a pommel stone to smooth out any of the rough edges left over from the forms then all that's left is to jump into the bobcat and grade the dirt around the pool and as soon as i did that the kids came running and asked if they can finally jump into the pool and who was i to say no [Music] [Music] [Music] the pool is in and i couldn't be more excited but let's talk about whether or not it was worth it for us we initially signed the contract for sixty thousand dollars and then added two more feet around the pool for an extra forty five hundred so we were all in for just under sixty five thousand now that's a whole lot of money and we're probably not going to get back our return on the investment but on the other hand we have three little girls that now can actually go outside and play invite all their friends and spend time outside instead of just being on the phone and for me that's a win as far as the timeline goes we signed our contract in late march of last year and between getting the blueprints drawn up and submitting for the permits we are finally able to get the installation started in july then it took the contractor till september to get everything done we ran into a couple of issues as you saw but finally they were able to get the pool running and we were able to get one day of swimming before the winter rolled in we had to close the pool down for the year and couldn't do anything else with it last year now there's still a few issues that need to be resolved with this pool like the concrete being pitched incorrectly in certain areas having low spots where there's sitting water and a few scratches that were put in during the installation now hopefully the contractor is going to rectify all those issues this year before we actually can swim again and enjoy the pool for many years to come if you guys learned anything from this video or just enjoyed watching it go hit that subscribe button along with the bell notification so you don't miss upcoming projects we're just getting started with this house there's going to be a ton going on but i also want to know what you guys would like to see built around the pool i have some ideas but i definitely want to hear from you so go ahead and leave those down in the comment section below huge thanks to raid shadow legends for supporting what i do make sure you guys check out the links in the description below and i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Komar Project
Views: 937,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pool building, pool tips, pool, pool installation, pool construction, swimming pool, backyard pool, pool build, how to build a pool, in ground pool, how to, fiberglass pools, in-ground pools, how to install a pool, inground pool installation, full inground pool instalation from start to finish, diy inground pool, pool install, pool construction process, pool construction step by step, pool construction time lapse, pool construction cost, pool cost, komar project
Id: YK_xvU5b3rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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