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coming on guys still come back again hope you're fantastic today and welcome back to animatronics for that fun game mechanism there apparently is a new update where Andy's made it a little bit more easy so purple guy is slower apparently and the respawn right of the gears if you've got low gears is a lot faster apparently as well we'll just have to wait and see how we get oh no no no man it's been out for a few days and if you guys have played this you know it's difficult right it's a difficult game and you guys mod it you guys might not even see this man like if I don't get any better progress or get to the end you know you're not even gonna see it go back from real life from velai and and breathe and breathe Mamma Mia was this the right way before we run all the way up here hi GK I know you've got a card but we're gonna ignore you okay okay okay yeah this is it guys night nine this is with the spirits and this is where I died every time before so yeah we've gotta find the ball pit oh no purple guy oh my God hello Shadow Bonnie what the hell are you doing here oh you thought it was slow bro [Music] oh my God I'm gonna die the ball pit hold on Bubble gonna move the secret life here the secret life here where is it where is it oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die Andy no we got it all again bro okay guys we are back so don't go up go right right yes so don't go up go straight to the rights I repeat [Music] oh oh you sugar up here okay no purple guy good look Chic is pointing over here see what you think [Music] got it guys look I got a life I got an extra life baby but look inside here we've got the clown Rocks come on Freddie Monty Chica and Roxanne we vanity graffiti oh my God Jake is twitching it's blood on oh my God they're all headless man that is crazy oh no leave me alone leave me alone you weirdo help you're gonna follow me oh guys I've got to go past purple guy [Music] what's the night guard he's here guys we've not got this far yet we have not got this far yet I'm scared because apparently it gets really really hard bonus night oh I'm scared now I love the music though am I gonna oh my God the security doors hello golden Freddy I just realized I've got no battery I've got no battery I'm scared I'm scared guys I know what this is I don't know if this is a different ending I don't know oh my god look that's me that's me what's happened to me what the heck oh God don't go left or right [Music] Freddy Yo [Music] No 10 complete what if I went right what if I went right what am I doing here what the heck oh my God it's toy Bonnie what are you doing here my leave look at that there there's a door there I can't get through toy Bonnie what am I doing what am I what am I doing here oh I can go through here oh hello he's here the night guards well that was easy Hello Goodbye guys like I said I'm just gonna keep going and see how far we get um I don't know why I chose Bonnie's here though oh God can I make that ah it's risky no okay this is bad I don't have an extra Life To Remember and I don't really know where I'm going this is a scary part I don't shots security doors now hi chica it's toy chica hello oh man so we're in the toy yeah so what what am I doing here that's true what what am I doing here guys problem is I don't oh there's a vent there guys I've got to go through there I think right here this is a problem if I get lost it's over because of my battery and I've got to do this all again which we don't want so hopefully this is the office no cannot get through oh this event there hold on hold on hold on hold on I do have an extra life though but I don't want to why you [Music] wirey this is why it's scary man oh mango hi that is so cool no [Music] that made me jump that might be jump bro rude oh what the hell is that [Music] let's just I just guys I just don't want to die he dies I just don't want to die oh look at this ball pit area so cool say why thank you for chica hello so now I got over here my oh my being there oh you troll Freddy's here too very cool guys we're making progress we're making progress but like I said there's like 20 nights so on all of these nights are completely new to me so I don't know what I'm doing remember purple guy as well I don't know where purple guy's gonna be oh hi to Freddy this is why I'm scared that's why I'm scared purple guy could be in any of these rooms like there for example like behind me [Music] oh my God okay let's not go that way let's not go that way go go hey didn't tell me you're gonna use it now bro he's got the freaking spring body outfit on Jesus man I thought he was just gonna restart the level oh my God um so I'm so lost now guys I don't know where I am I guess oh purple guy's gone I really hope he didn't respawn but I'm gonna cry so what was he oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad because my extra credit's gone I've got no freaking battery please give me some thank you very much I appreciate that give me some batteries no whenever I want Power you don't give it me do ya oh there's a door there's a door behind here look got it hello [Music] because I've got no battery I've got no battery this this this this this this better give me battery I'm dead I'm actually dead if this doesn't give me batteries over [Music] to get me a little bit though ah yeah oh if this came back to me for this door where purple guy was please nope I am dead everybody I am dead and uh well we're gonna hope you give me battery as well oh that sucks man I was so close [Music] yep oh where do I go where do I go of the exit Maybe why'd I do that I'm an idiot no I can't get out help me somebody help me and you didn't give me batteries [Music] where's the exit what about here oh foxy I don't know what to do bro I know what this Key's for oh no I'm dead oh it was for this go in there [Music] oh this is a bonus night everybody so we may as well go right instead of left to see what happens if there's any difference or if golden Freddy still gonna be there gonna be interesting to see oh that's interesting am I gonna die [Music] that's interesting that was spring Bonnie what am I doing here exactly what I've meant for you is that different I can't remember I mean that was different right oh what the heck what the heck [Music] oh my God I'm dead was it the next night then oh he was Destroy oh it was the left sides right it was the left side I'm gonna be careful about yes yes yes through here and then there was a key right yes and then guys there's a trick right that Andy told me to do with purple guy if you quickly go in and out the room where purple guy is it slows him down a lot well I was down here bro I'm an idiot I'm such an idiot if I die I die it's okay it's okay it's okay just run just run let's run [Music] and you go in this event I know where I'm going oh sugar oh I fell has you gone now though no he's on me I'm just gonna have to kill him guys I'm gonna die I'm dead [Music] I am so angry bro another 20 minutes down the drain oh recharge it's the middle one oh he's there anyway okay we've got this stuck grab this what okay I'm guessing I've got to fall down here and I'm gonna be in the office yes oh guys look yo he's hiding in the freaking oh wow that's crazy it's on here oh he's over there oh he's open now damn okay we've got an extra life we've got some gears as well I don't know where I'm going oh grand reopening all the music's different too what the heck where am I going where am I going [Music] things oh my god I'm an idiot go in here oh my God this is creepy hello help I don't think he's gonna be this is the right way I think it's all the way up over there it's music though hello it's a lot there's nothing in here guys there's nothing in here oh there's a switch though oh nice please not God be in here oh there's nobody in here oh they have they died with one here there's nothing in here bro there's no Night Guard right there's no night guards they only don't I didn't know guys that they the spirits die with one hit I didn't know oh yeah battery I gotta go and get that no no trolled me you really trolled me there I gotta go I've gotta go uh it's got to be over here man it's got to be over here I'm stressing out big time Andy why'd you do this to me I feel like I'm gonna run out of battery hahaha that tree no I'm dead GG that's the night guards here hello hello are you kidding me there's nobody there that's a waste of a credit bro this is just a I don't I'm really confused right now there's no you can't get in what [Music] well I'm I'm really confused now guys oh guys if I die here it's just a sad way to die it really is imagine the night guards just in this Roy corridor [Music] oh no it's in here somewhere or can I go through here no hi chica bro I don't see him anywhere I'm gonna run out of battery again [Music] I'm gonna kill you Maybe not maybe not or I'm just gonna die hello can you die how much help have you got this is gonna be a waste just watch this oh you actually got me back three thank you [Music] oh you were here the whole time you were here the whole time well there we go we know now oh bonus nice hello [Music] oh my God I'm following just below just Shadow Bonnie's everywhere look they're all hiding behind the arcade machines what the heck there's so many of them which way do I go left or right I'm gonna go right this time or down well well I've made my choice I've made my choice [Music] what the heck what was that what was that [Music] I don't even know what that was oh sugar nothing here at all might be some I don't see anything in there oh guys remember my life's been used [Music] oh there's events oh um I don't know I know what to do here can I go down here we gotta find a key off in can we've got to go to the left side I've got a feeling the key's in the kitchen oh no I can't get in how do I get yeah what do I do what do I do what do I do here time one here no no guys what do I do what do I do in this situation [Music] it's there the keys behind the pizza boxes in battery nope you're a troll [Music] I'm gonna die actually no why aren't any of you giving me batteries why why are you so cruel to me in battery now you give me a cog instead literally only the times when I need battery I don't get it it's hilarious so that was again a waste of a waste of a waste of my coin guys okay this is the halfway point this time I'm gonna go up and see if anything changes what the heck hi [Music] yo that was cool that was really cool damn well into the kitchen we go everybody dead cogs yes please thank you come here you what a waste waste waste waste folks thank you it looks like with the rabbit ladies you always get cogs so what's down here oh it's a ladder oh gods where am I going oh no it's this dude little bitty Bap thing I'm going I'm leaving [Music] what the heck there's a ladder can I go that way you're blocking the way bro oh my God not fredbear plushie oh they only take one here sorry guys I didn't know that don't get anything for though it's just a waste bro it's a waste of oh hello oh my god oh purple guy's in there you still the office what the heck hello I'm here oh God purple guy was on me then what's next I know yo oh gods oh it's sort of moon that's cool [Music] where am I going this is the hard part guys it's a new level it's a new level and I don't have an extra life [Music] music though can I go through here nope it's blocked off yeah I see her back there at the top these doors are closed am I dead here oh God this music it's making me sweat that's closed off as well so we're gonna go right this time [Music] this one hello nobody's in here hello oh there's a switch guys there's a switch I don't know what that did but it did something starting to panic now this music is really not helping new battery thank you I love you oh my God I don't have a lie that was really close and really stupid because if you don't give me back thank you thank you thank you so much [Music] this is where we cry Freddy where do we freaking go I'm dead [Music] I done it guys I don't know whether to just get angry or cry because I'm pretty sure that was the last level but goodness Andy included this token by the way no way be able to finish this at all [Music] guys I don't know how I'm gonna do this again because if you just saw or lost my freaking coin on someone's really silly so it's ogre [Music] I'm gonna cry I am actually gonna cry you you guys know how determined I am to beat things you've seen 50 20 mode so I can't stop until I beat it even if I died by something silly oh [Music] my God the vent was at the top here [Music] we go from here though it's like that oh my god oh there's a key here okay what do I go now though I need battery oh thank you that I think that'll do [Music] how do I get it how do I get back out [Music] oh this way oh where am I I'm dead I'm dead oh the ladder oh the God is it the ladder oh my God this game this game trolled me big time give me battery oh thank you thank you thank you oh my God I thought that was over then I don't want to jinx it but for some reason [Music] purple guy's not after me [Music] where am I don't know where I am anymore I mean is this door that I've got to go through yep oh sugar are you kidding me are you kidding me oh man Andy I bet you are freaking loving this on yeah [Music] hopefully this is it guys hopefully this is it and remember the god the rabbit lady I'm just got to run pasta this way wooden door yeah I'm just going to run past that run from my life this way I don't know where I'm going a freaking purple guy is going to be up here isn't it and I'm gonna get a game over oh shoot this oh I'm an idiot hello guys how am I supposed to do this [Music] oh there oh oh how are you oh my God we actually beat your knight holy crap oh my god oh what's next I don't even know anymore activate it's time bring my ax oh my God I'm scared what is this bring my ax I don't have an axo [Music] yo I've got an ax I've got an ax oh my God this is insane going here oh my God oh my God what's in here hello oh my God where am I going purple guy what's in there what's in here not going there bro what are you doing what [Music] it's 46 it's time for you to shave your body once more your parts are indispensable oh together what is that what is that is that the mimic We Are Forever Young ending caught in his machine look at it ending oh I got an ending I'm not gonna beat you what I beat the game okay guys I got an ending that's one of the endings in the game I got the ax and I just went up to purple there was something in there was something in the locker but I couldn't open it there's a bunch of Endings by the way but Andy's told me there is a boss fight at some point and I think it was there if I wanted to get a different ending I have to play the game all over again and I haven't got time today unfortunately because I've been recording for two hours so we'll leave it there I still got an ending this game is ridiculously hard but yeah it is it is pretty difficult but remember guys on night nine there is an extra life remember if you go to the play zone area where cheek is pointing you go between those two benches there is a token there um and that really helps me without that I don't know man without that I would be very very lost but we still got an ending and it was a very interesting ending we made like a creation like a the mimic basically I've gone into the boss boy I have to do the boss fight if there is one Andy did tell me there is one though so maybe we've got to do that uh but yeah take care a lot of love I'm gonna breathe now and I'll see you all next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dawko
Views: 251,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf security breach, security breach, security breach dlc, fnaf security breach dlc, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's security breach, security breach ruin, fnaf security breach ruin, fnaf security breach ruin dlc, fnaf dlc, security breach teaser, fnaf teaser, dawko, teaser
Id: UW6HiWzvwek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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