Fine Art Photography A UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE!

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[Music] hi guys and welcome to this week's video set myself a bit of a challenge I'm going to try and photograph something that I've fancied photographing for a long time but I haven't managed to do it yet and there's a very good reason for that is because this is going to be a Monumental challenge one that I'm not 100 sure that I can complete but I'm on the causeway between the mainland and lindisfan holy Island and there are structures out on the pilgrims way that I've always fancied photographing only because they're kind of quirky and kind of cool but I think the only way I could probably do them Justice is to photograph them When the tide is in this is lindispan which is also called holy Island it's a tidal island off the Northeast Coast of England the island is accessible during low tide via a Causeway it's also accessible on foot by an interesting route called the Pilgrim's way during high tide both routes become inaccessible for around three hours or so despite the many warnings some people risk The Crossing which doesn't often turn out favorable because of this there are a few Refuge constructions which are in place just in case the odd looking structure located in the middle of Pilgrim's way is the one I'm interested in photographing and as you'll see in the video it does look quite quirky now this is where the dangerous or Daft element comes in maybe in me I want to photograph it in my fine arts style the thing is I require the tide to be in this is the location of the tidal refuge and I've calculated the best way for me to reach it is by parking the van here and navigating a path to the construction despite how it might look in the video it's actually very scary walking out on Boggy Marshland sometimes the grass and mud is a little too soft for Comfort right [Music] that's a great start on it I've come to a dead end and I'm cornered so I'm only gonna have to commit or go back where I can see somebody has already committed there I'm not sure that's turned out for them okay all right so that's oh so that's not too bad but remember the tide when it comes in comes in and around here so the last thing I want is to get stuck and have to be rescued like a bird I do not want that to happen Todd coming in and my structure is out there [Music] I can't even see it on the back of this camera right this might well possibly be a massive No-No there's always something very weird when you walk on ground you're not 100 sure of I don't know if it's going to be a quick sinking sand quick sink in mud or what all right so let's commit [Music] now some of you guys might well be asking why and I was just walking across the Pilgrim's way and the reason why I'm not doing that is because I need an Exit Plan as the tide comes in if you know the area well that you know that the pilgrims weigh which is a walk from the island to the mainland it runs pretty much parallel so when the toy comes up to where I'm going to be standing is going to be all the way along so it's not possible to go that way oh look you see that structure in the background that's why I'm here to photograph oh that's pretty cool have a look at this they're really cool [Music] that is just so cool look at that oh these conditions are great in terms of no wind really nice oh there's the van by the way you see that white dot on the horizon that's the van so when this gets covered with water I have to retreat all that way that's so nice right so ideally because I want to create a fine art image here I need to try and avoid as much of that Horizon in the background as possible I can hear seals off into the distance now ideally I want to be shooting out here like so to place this structure here in the gap of the Mainland and the Island I like that that's nice now when it comes to this structure um where I'm currently standing you could see that the ladder doesn't quite line up if I came across here that backstangian is hidden by that ladder can you see that if I move over here look at the standard behind the ladder you can see the extension starts to come out but I've now introduced more land in the background I'm probably going to remove the land to create one of my fine art images but uh yeah I want to try and make life as easy as possible for me [Music] I'm not sure if this mic can pick up the sound of the seals out on the water's edge it's quite eerie [Music] I'm a little bit uh nervous and apprehensive about this and excited at the same time very excited at the same time but let's have a a quick look at this so you guys can see roughly what I'm looking at I'm looking at something like that really really minimalistic forget the reflection on the bottom here forget that because I'm gonna wait for the water to come in and around but I'm probably looking to take an image like that with a long exposure to flatten that water out hopefully get a nice reflection and get a bit of movement in those clouds I'm gonna have to expose for the sky I've dropped a 0.9 soft grad filter on the front of the lens to bring the light down in the sky to balance out with the floor anyway but this is going to be a silhouetted image so because it's fine art and because it's silhouetted I'm gonna have to make sure that I get everything right in this image everything but these conditions at the moment are so conducive to my style of Fine Art whereby I remove the Horizon Etc see she's really nice so at the moment my settings are F22 an eighth of a second at ISO 50. so I'm going balls out at the moment to try and achieve a two minute exposure and I know with those settings I can achieve a two minute exposure you want to drop my 10 slot filter in I've got a polarizer on and a 0.9 soft grad as well I know I could achieve a two minute exposure but but the only slight issue with that I don't mind maximizing my settings that doesn't bother me when I shoot Fine Art it really doesn't I think the the gains far outweigh the negativities or the negative elements I.E shoot in with your aperture really closed up and so on I'm not really bothered about that but the clouds are really high and they're not moving so I want to try and opt for a four minute exposure so to do that I'm going I think to choose to use my 15 stop filter okay so my 15 stop filter for four minutes it means my target figure is 125th of a second so if I shoot this at 125th of a second it means I can open my aperture up to f8 and I can shoot this at ISO 100 maybe 7.1 there you go so 7.1 ISO 100 at 125th of a second I'm comfortable with that pre-focus I'm ready and raring to go I've dropped my 15 stop filter on and that now will equate to four minutes I'm gonna grab a shot to see what those clouds look like again the problem I have is there's not much detail in the cloud so I might even be wasting my time and this is why it's always good practice to arrive nice and early and take a few test shot just bear over a second I'm just going to set my bulb timer to four minutes two seconds Elena where she goes so this is the resulting image captured at a four minute exposure now what I'm really looking at here is the sky the movement in the sky whether it's a four minute exposure or even a 30 second exposure it won't really make much difference to the water so the reason for this test shot is just really to look at how much movement there is in the sky now the only problem I have now is if I opt to shoot the images at a four minute exposure it will restrict the amount of images that I might possibly end up taking if the tide comes in quite fast so potentially I could just have enough time for one maybe two shots and that is what I'm not comfortable with I've just decided to stop that time lapse a second because I want to show you this now it's a low low high tide one of the lowest of the year I'm beginning to think under the water might not actually come all the way up to where I am this could be a massive anti-climax but then walking down towards the water's edge and I'll show you this in real time this isn't sped up this is real time look at this how scary is that look what do I hold that still that's real time I had to prove it look [Music] oh where's that [Music] that's real time that is genuinely real time wow I'm having to move back look at that is crazy do you know what I might time this so well or so lucky because there's 20 minutes of high tide left that is all so if the tide doesn't come up here it means I could play around on this area here and get more compositions because I must admit I don't know why but that is exciting me that looks pretty cool before you've even seen this picture what's your thoughts on that I mean yeah feel free to leave a comment down below love that love it I've had a change of tact a four minute exposure isn't giving me any streaking in the clouds whatsoever the sky is just turned into that black Bland or that dark Bland uh blanket of sky without any detail at all which is a real shame so I'm not benefiting by photographing this at a four minute exposure so uh I've changed my settings to to take this or to capture this image now at two minutes with my 10 stop filter two minutes is enough just to flatten the water out and give you a little bit of movement if there is any at all in the sky but at least then I have the ability to capture more pictures hmm thinking on the fly but I do like this I do like this I quite literally only 15 minutes of Tide height left so I could stay here and enjoy grabbing more shots from here because this has worked out perfect it's one of the lowest tides of the Year this year so I think that's why it favors me but honestly I haven't I didn't plan that I knew it was one of the lowest tides of the year but I've never been out here during the high tide so I I didn't know how that would affect where I'm currently taking pictures from so that's why I was a bit nervous and very apprehensive but now I know cool I'm loving it this is worked out now perfect for me just perfect and this image looks delightful oh by the time I've cleaned that image out and converted that into my style of fine art photography that will be really really nice but now it means I can throw my other lens on get a bit closer and take some wider shots as well but yeah before I carry on take a look at that image and like I said let me know what you think about this image in the comments hello now this is going to be a fine art image which means I'm going to remove the Horizon in at least one of these shots and blend The Horizon now what I never do I never self-publish I don't publicize the work that I do offline enough but if you do like this style of Photography and you're interested how I clean this image up more importantly how I blend The Horizon then I do have tutorials on that just check the description down below and I'll leave you a couple of links it is a paid for subscription but I charge 6.99 so it's not even the price nowadays of a couple of bottles of Bud so if you do want to check that out and support me and my channel then like I say I'll leave a link down below [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] that is it that's me done here I'm so lucky that the tide height worked out in my favor and I didn't have to go scurrying back to the van but just so you know this is one of the lowest high tides of the year again I'd like to take credit for me planning this but I didn't I knew it was the lowest high tide of the year but I didn't actually know where the tide would end up so I got really lucky tonight really really lucky but ordinarily on a on an a normal high tide all of this is covered in water and that's why I was a little bit nervous and very apprehensive at the beginning of this video but either way I am so glad that I saw this video out because I've Been Everywhere taking pictures from all sorts of different angles so before I show you my favorite do me a favor as always help support the Channel please give this video a thumbs up and if you're new here and you want to check out some of my other gear then please consider subscribing and hit that notification Bell as well I hope you like the pictures let me know in the comments below [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gary Gough
Views: 24,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fine Art Photography, Fine Art Landscape Photography, Black and White Photography, Black and White Landscape Photography, Lindisfarne Photography, Hole Island Photography, landscape photography, photography, photography tips, beginner photography, Photography tips, landscape photography tips, Lindisfarne Landscape Photography, Holy Island Landscape Photography, Lindisfarne, Holy Island, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography for beginners, gary gough photography
Id: Zuha-_SiQfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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