Finds From The Rock Shop and a Winner Announcement! - Nancy Jean's Garden

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[Music] hi welcome to the garden again it's that time of day um i wanted to finish up some old business i started a week ago week ago i got i brought out a pretty bag of rocks but just a bag of all different kinds and colors and things of rocks and i said and i laid them out three different ways to show how you could use the same crystals to do different things and have different energies around them so i said at the end of it if you wanted to give it a try say i'd like to try and send it to me through my email the crystaldirections.nancyjean at gmail and the proud winner is joe clark when z she's winning at least this back pattern i'm going to mail it to her so she can practice i'm probably going to send her a a vortice which is or taurus some people call it that's that donut looking thing that's in sacred geometry anyway today is i just finished my last reading for this next set of grids that i'm going to be building so next to all of next week you i probably will have a show every day because i'll be building grids and i'll have lots of crystals out to talk about things but yesterday was a day to the rock to the rack to the rock rock shop to get together the crystals i realized i needed that to complete the crystal grids i'm committed to making now the 20 and while i was there i found it absolutely marvelous this is called um zebra calcite and it's black and white the i'll catch on to this stuff one of these days but it's just beautiful and it's solid and it feels comfortable and it's very soothing to hold and i just couldn't resist it they had a whole tray full of different ones and i spent about five minutes and this became the baby i brought home so that's for me that's got nothing to do with anybody else and while i was there a friend of mine gave me this stone which is jaguar and it actually if you put it under black light it glows which is kind of odd but uh anyway um so that and my friend met me there and she bought that from her sister to give to me and i'm very grateful thank you anne okay now we've been to the rock shop last time i went i just sort of dumped a bunch of rocks out showed it to everybody and everybody went they thought it was really they like seeing it like seeing the kind of stones i start with and sort of where things go from there so i've done it again and these stones are primarily center stones and over here these are bloodstones they're two shapes i got that shape and i got a round one i have and actually have a couple of each of these because i have several uh grids that start with very dark centers i also got some leopard skin jasper which is very pretty i've got one piece it's very strange you'll see it when i finish them but i'm going to use four of these this is bumblebee jasper there's one there's a triangle around and then this will be in the center that's kind of cool these are fancy agates which are good for there's some of my centers they look kind of modeled in different colors i have one grid that's almost completely brown and in that one i'm going to have some of this tiger's eye that i found that i think is very pretty and then i needed some tiger tiger eye arches or something in that color and i found these wonderful little arches i got about 12 of them and then they'll be a smaller so somehow another those will all go together because there's um a grid i've never built before it's called soul time it has a lot of weirdly enough dark brown and reddish colors for soul time this is imperial calcite and it's very pretty it's almost translucent very very nice and this is a crinoid marble this is marble that they dig up and somebody chose to make some of them into eggs i have absolutely no idea where this is going but it's going in my drawer so it doesn't go anywhere else this is a satellite pyramid and i know exactly what red that's going into because it has a lovely blue that you want to bring out in it then over here we have more centers and these are poppy jaspers and um i have some descriptions of what these are uh are for um the poppy jasper is a healing stone it's a protection stone and um there's i have this which is a gold stone which is just a very it's just a really really pretty color this is these are some jaspers this is tree moss jasper this is a picture jasper and if you turn around certain ways it kind of looks like it's got a picture in it you know like a picture of a distance or a canyon or something um this is chris cola and this is some more uh agate and that's kind of the big big chunky center stones that i found that'll for these 20. that's not by any means all 20 because i have some stones left i always have a few stones left over when i buy like a few like giant drawers full and i end up using them again now this stuff is also aimed towards centers or um well okay this is what we got okay centers now in this okay i've got yellow this is mother of pearl and mother of pearl attracts prosperity and sure it's kind of glaring but when i put it on the grids it gives me lovely little bright shiny spots that you would think you could do with quartz or something but somehow another that essence gets lost so i bought some more mother pearl i found that last time i was at the rock shop and they also have it in squares which fits in with some of my designs better the other thing that they got for me this time was unhold small beads and in this case it's blue lace agate and blue lace agate is um it is a healing soothing stone and this is also blue lace grey lace this is grey lace but it's an agate so this is yellow adventuring and yellow adventuring is luck reflection and optimism the carnelian which are these red guys they're very very deep red they are for love warmth and to calm things down and also for transition and i mix the carnelian with the jaspers they're over here when i make a form i've made it before it's called transition and what it is actually the people who have pulled that card what's actually happening in their life is their their grids unbending and it's it creates an s shape that you'll see this when if you come back in a week these will all be in things and you can see where i use them but these make these red ones make an s around someone whose life is transitioning in other words the wreath they're re building their grid and their matrix in their energy format then we have blue onyx which is right here it's restful pure and it does mental support and um african jade these guys right here are bring they bring harmony and i they've just started having this a lot at the store and i really like the way it works into patterns then i've got the poppy jaspers up here in the red jaspers poppies align your chakras and the red jaspers increase your mental stamina because trust me people who are going through the transition uh the energy and frequency of transition really need all the help they can get then we get to this is serpentine and it stimulates your crown chakra directs healing to any problem area you you have this is a cabochon of amethyst you can see it's malevolent bright purple it's protection and i have one grid that clearly has purple at the center of it and then um so that's the smaller of those stones now we get to the big backs of bag of rocks and there's so many i can't put them all on this this is the pit light and lapid light as your if you remember from last time i had some lipid light and that run too and the pitalite soothes the nerves and is a healing stone it's just a really strong universal healing story i have some ammonias tonight and i actually have got three bags of this amazonite because of a lot of my grits have this lovely vibrant blue in them this time and the amazonite makes uh money luck overall success and it sues the nerves i tell people if you suffer from anxiety if you get yourself a nice piece of amazonite it's really good for that of course crystal points which i use on all my grids to kind of input the energy between grids this is appetite i'm going to take it out because you can't really see it through this kind of plastic but this is a gorgeous deep blue stone this i'll be working and see it's a gorgeous gorgeous blue and i really love the way appetite looks um and appetite truth and this is one you can use for vertigo and headaches and i have a friend who's been working with people recovering from covered brain fog and she's been using appetite them um this is lapis lazuli and i'm leaving it in its bag till i have to take it out but it is also very deep blue but lapis it lapis goes all the way back there's writings about lapis in sumerian literature and they priced it because they thought it was the essence of the spirit of where the gods had come from and some people believe that sumerians were in touch with extraterrestrials so they were coming out of the night sky um and they uh egypt thought they were the night sky and what lapis represented in those cultures and still does to today up to today is strength courage royalty and wisdom keeps on coming guys um this is sardinex and it's s-a-r-d onyx it's hardnecks cardonas and it's it's a protection stone lots of times reds and browns protection stones are grounding stones but this one has the incredible vibration of happiness optimism and confidence and you put it in you you mix it in with your stones when you want to have confidence and you want to be happy and grow and have things boost your self-control i guess that's the word i would use for it and then you can see i'm doing a lot of green and blue this is green moss agate and green moss agate is what i actually have in the center of the heart chakra the eggs are out by the next week i'll be able to show you all seven of the shock rags but i specifically picked green um moss onyx because it brings tranquility emotional balance and it balances the feminine and the masculine in our in our lives and it's you know i know every screen looks differently but it is some beautiful blue colors in it i mean green color isn't it green i was thinking it's going to come across as blue and this also okay now i had bloodstone this is bloodstone i had it over there you saw it it's it's a dark dark green it's got reds and greens in it this is also bloodstone and bloodstone is intense healing and fortifying for the blood and to fortify people when they have illness i'm not doing a lot of sick people i'm just doing a lot of people if that's what they drew rhodochrosite is a lovely pink healing stone and i'm going to be using this in one grid that's kind of got stark colors in it and then i'm using one in one grid that's called sensuality and it integrates the spiritual the physical opens the heart lifts off depression soothes stress and clears away stress it's a beautiful stone it's just you know both sides of in this bag kind of look you can see it's got streams of colors and some it's it's a lot of fun to work with and it's it's very calming when i work with that stone that's why i like that stone some of these kind of energize me and i can only work with it for so long this is called iolite and it's a vision stone clearly it's got beautiful blues in it it's the spirit of the gods uh oh no it's it was vision stone it releases discord so the grids those going in are people that are seeking balance and you see a lot of seeking balance because the grids are good for seeking balance but for those of you haven't totally fallen asleep yet i actually found three different kinds of brazilian points and there's this one that's very rough and ready and kind of not real shiny shiny and then there's these which are more shiny but they're all they all come from brazil and um amethyst points uh read negative feelings they they use that that pointy part it kind of aims the negative peeling out feelings out but i also got probably noticed which i need it for my sensuality and another grid and tumbles brings humility sincerity spiritual awakenings and strong healing feelings i'm almost done guys i know it seems like forever but oh you know how i had that lovely deep lapis well there's also lapis like this that's kind of rare and pinker but even whether it's dark dark or light it still has to strengthen the spirit in it it's just a different shade from a different part of the world this lapis comes from afghanistan comes out of the mountains of afghanistan and to close out our look at fun crystals we have fire courts they have really brilliant looking fire courts you can see fire in every piece of stone and that's for grounding balance of consciousness balancing the conscious and the unconscious it's a body mind and spirit stone so that was my trip to the rock to the rock to the rock rock shop now i'm not gonna write down all those stones underneath i'm just not you're just gonna have to go back listen again or right quickly because um i'm having to completely change my office this week i have to change everything around so the space to build the grids what you were just looking at is the space i built the grids in my grid process i went over when the day that jill won the how to build a grid there's that video on how to build a grid if you want to know but what i do is i pick out the stones i think match with what i'm trying to envision in my mind and the shapes and forms i'm trying to bring forward also every time i build a grid for someone we do a reading and i look at what their circumstances are if they're if they've done really well and they're settling in where they are that's sort of one you can tell from some of the temp tenor of what these stones are about if you're settling in you're happy and you want to keep that prosperity rolling that's one set of grids if you're in the process of coming out something that might be negative you're going to something new you're dealing with change and and it being adaptable that's a different kind of stone and it you know anyway i just kind of go by what i've gotten from the readings which stone goes where but um i'm really looking forward to building this group of grids they have some new grids i've never built before that's always kind of fun it's kind of fun to revisit ones i have built to to bring in new elements that now after i've worked with that subject matter before to see how it works but anyway that's my recap of the rock to the rock for the rock rock shop um like i said next week i'll be building i won't be accepting uh reading times until the 28th of april i will be hoping to have next week a show up about the eggs i should have one of each of the eggs in my hand the fabricators we've finalized all the stones finalized all the things in the middle that i call a medallion i know what else in the hell you call it but it's a medallion and she's got all those made and we've picked out all the crystals i've seen them all laid out i've approved the way they're laid out and we're in the process of printing the cards and all the packaging to go along with them so i can get them to you but more about that later when i actually do have them also you know i had i had the point amethyst points and then the round tumble name at this also for one of the grids i found this beautiful it doesn't show as well i'll see if i get them out of the they may not show well because they're tiny um but it's amethyst it's almost clear but you can tell it's the amethyst and it's really i can't get them out without without letting them fly all over my room so i'm going to do that because i need to keep my hair but that you can tell there's runs of purple in them and that's for one of my grids too i was so happy to see that because i was trying to figure out how am i going to do that how am i going to make that look like that so that's where i am i went to the rock shop spent a whole lot of money at the rock shop but it's worth it and y'all are worth it and i really enjoy what i'm doing if you enjoy what i'm doing even half as much as i do please like subscribe and if you have any questions send them to me because i it does give me a mental break to get away from the stones to look at questions periodically you can write me questions either through the comments below or through my email i try to go through all the comments and clean them all up and get rid of the trolley people that they're not trolling me over crystals they really aren't they're trolling me over being russian pornographers is actually what they are and i have to go in immediately because they go on the second you go up man they got two or three of these guys and i blocked them and i blocked them and they keep changing their names but we can tell who they are so could um youtube if it really want to get rid of them but it doesn't because it shows another hit for them to add into people who came and saw my sites i don't like doing business like that but they do it's their business and i'm just stuck in it that way also if you have any ideas for shows i know several people have sent me some stones what i try to do when i look at different stones is try to group them together just like last week i did the thing on fake on fakery and precious gems and the favorite i know of most is the false opals that are built um but people want to know about ways that they're enhancing precious gems they do tell you they've done the treatment to them and for the most part when i look in the gymnologic societies they were kind of like well yeah it really does make things better so we have that and other than that it's just you have a lovely weekend if i don't see you till next next week i'm really am anticipating taping over the weekend but you never know the other thing is next thursday at i think it's six o'clock central daylight time um andrea is hosting a massive group of readers to celebrate earth day and since everything i work with comes out of the earth i figure i better be there for the party so i'm going to be there for the party and i will if i don't see you before then i hope i will have a have a lovely weekend have a great week i hope everything's going well bye
Channel: Nancy Jean's Garden
Views: 302
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: crystals, tarot, nancy jean's garden
Id: kvjm6L_M3tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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