Finding TREASURES Trapped On Old Pokemon Game Saves!

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so what we're going to be doing tonight is we're going to be going through all of the Pokémon games that I bought in Japan I bought a bunch of copies of like all the Gen 3 Gen 4 I think it's like 25 games we're going to Snoop around didn't you already do this I did I bought more um bro this is why I don't buy English games that's messed up I would agree it's it doesn't go away if this if they have nothing oh God they're trolling me a taow with an Everstone and Aon okay uh they'd better have something else in here for the the nightmare that we've lived through already oh my God they literally have three Pokémon we're moving on to the other English game I have can we not get a bad word for for a name how about that good old Baron a baron a baron 74 hours is actually not bad they don't have many Pokémon though you know what this is actually kind of a cool team there's no way he has like a shiny or something in here right with just the legendary birds he's got a very like ash looking team Ash if he was like he had his life together you know he's got the legendary birds and like the three goats Charizard holding a master ball what where do you see that it was holding a master ball oh item is it legit I don't know if it's holding a master ball that's very suspicious isn't it dude this guy caught some stuff my boy likes Neo ran male look at this cheeky little fella he's got like a pretty I had to say it I was about to say he's got a lot of cool stuff in here I was about to say we had a chance we did not have a chance okay 3 hours is not looking great where am I what is going on here let's just take a look at the squad here they don't have like the worst little team I kind of like the the assortment that they have the battle facility they have two badges did they just hack to get here is this actually a battle facility shiny SE dot no no that's not shiny stop it oh they're in the the contest Place 40 something hours 50 Pokémon up B let's take a look at the whoa all right so they've been doing some work they're in the end game although I don't know like none of these are leveled up at all the Groudon is I guess all right they've just been blasting through the game with legendaries one Zig zagon don't be doing this to me okay they got more stuff they m they got some interesting stuff in here though like some evolved things that's shiny that isn't what that looks like right that's for sure shiny that is shiny does that mean that they have a shiny ninjas skin here we have to hatch those by the way just so you know guys so they just have a shiny Shedinja how did that happen ninjas might be in the daycare okay we can check that out what is fly in Japanese guys let me let me look this up it's like Sora otu that swellow has it you're on the squad you made it they're asking for me to leave a Pokemon here nothing in the daycare which makes me a little suspicious about the Shedinja maybe they didn't think the Shedinja would also be shiny yeah here we go first egg oh why not a cool little guy I'm fluent in Japanese that shedinja's name was Peter Griffin I I believe it I definitely believe it we'll have to take a look see if its name was Peter Griffin in fact and if not DB Studios you're out of here Source trust me bro yeah I trust you definitely all right whatever it was a starter it is nicknamed pin okay you're right DB Studios all right get me out of here next save this one has more Pokemon than the last one but they have a lot less hours they've got a interesting team I'll say um they haven't evolved their vigoroth I can appreciate that I literally thought this was in a master ball I was about to judge them very hard oh my God their Tech speed is set to slow it's so slow I don't have a great feeling about this guys I'm just going to level with you here I don't have the warm and fuzzies about this yeah next okay so this one Oh I thought that was saying that they didn't have a save what was what did that say he what are all these there's extra options here it' be great if I could speak Japanese all right whatever let's see what's going on this looks promising we'll see they have two Gyarados in their team one was not enough Vulpix is so cute they caught all these beon they didn't even like put one in their team they just got a bunch of Gyarados what they have like a lot of really strong stuff here beon is so scuffed in gen 3 you don't like it what's what's wrong with beon he's just a little dummy thick in this game he's fine okay well this is the you don't have a save thing but look how cute this Pikachu is that's not a good start to fire red I'm just going to say moving right along whoa 143 in the decks in gen one is pretty crazy I'm so far away from everything all right let's look at the party well this is a weird team two Kadabra I didn't realize can you catch a lot of gen 3 stuff in Fire Red Leaf Green I guess you must right cuz it was a gen 3 game I kind of forget it's been so long since I played Fire Red Leaf Green so this had the stars on the box like the theme and I got a little excited just hopeful you know I I had a little hope things are really spread out they just put them that's not shiny right like it looks kind of pink hold on not shiny it looks so weird why was the kaka's nickname question mark was it hold on it's like what the heck is this that looks shiny to me IDK schuma You and Me Against the World buddy tomago that means egg there were no tomagos unfortunately we're moving right along Singo with 14 minutes in game and one Pokémon so unless they shiny hunted their starter it's not looking good we're literally in Pallet he looks very shiny from the that Sprite you hate to see it we'll do one encounter just to see if they were faded to have a shiny starter here we go what like slap in music though you hear that you hear that GBA base goes it just hits different for me me 113 Pokémon 62 hours you're not leaving me at the final battle okay it looked like they were going to leave me at the like blue fight this team is stacked he's got Mewtwo Moltres a Tyranitar Dragonite this dude was a gamer okay the master ball in the Mewtwo makes sense we're on the ninth box so there's potential yeah that we actually have some things here we're just going to Snoop around if you see anything interesting you just let me know this grimer looks hilarious he's so small I hate that it goes to the middle of the box it makes it this thing looks so shiny I know it's not though it looks very like golden is Articuno randomly just legendary Ice Bird just in here with a ryhorn and a regular old Persian zap those too um this is the last Leaf Green Save this person has beat the game they have a lot of hours in this this is not looking great oh all right they've got it laid out like a living Dex I was too judgmental at the beginning here they were methodical about this I like it this literally is what I did when I was younger I really wanted to get a full like collection you know it's in the name this is cool it's cool to see somebody else doing this come on you have one special box [Music] don't play games with my heart hold on let's see I I wouldn't be able to tell with this no all right next game is Ruby okay uh they don't have a single Pokemon yet they don't have a shiny yet so we're going to set the clock we're going to go get our starter and we're going to get our shiny they didn't realize but they were going to get it first encounter let me know guys are we going for Mudkip Torchic or Trio because if we don't pick the right one we might not get the shiny I'm a Mudkip stand personally the lizard Mudkip Duo of course lots of treos a lot of mudkips I was going to say maybe I do one of each get it in get it out here Mudkip the best of the Gen 3 [Music] starters anyways 240 hours 386 that's the full decks isn't it in gen 3 yeah that's crazy we got Ray Ray salamance Metagross and the BBS nothing shiny yet Big Time gamer alert they're oh God they have a living decks built out is it legit do you guys think the fall decks all in master balls I mean these are in Ultra Balls in a Safari Ball I'm not really sure this thing has poker Russ poker Russ and it's shiny by the way if you guys don't know that gold for the number means it's shiny no way it's legit that one feels hacked for real they're all from different people very sus sa file I am feeling it yeah this thing's hacked for sure for sure right two shinies just right next to each other unless they shiny hunted them like I don't know they're from the same person I don't know they're the same exact nature too which makes me feel like maybe they were cloned got a Gerra I mean you know I don't really trust anything in this I really don't trust anything in here they have three gerachis in this box I was like maybe I can trust something and then the box of gerachis there's just a certain level of love with these pixel Pokémon they give them so much character like look at this he's so angry and happy about it it's really taking me back this is the reason that I really wanted to get a living Dex in the first place back in the day cuz just all of the pixel art looks so cool they have a complete Pokedex they were a complete cheater I think they did a lot of trading though and it was cool to see like basically an entire living decks what do you guys think hacked hacked 7h hour 16 Pokemon not oh God I'm in the middle of nowhere too all right they have a pretty cool party I mean this is a cool squad but uh no no shinies this is the first box and I only see these seven Pokémon I have a feeling this is all there's going to be we can [Music] hope next save here we go should we hatch it predicting the egg is Torchic shiny Torchic I have a feeling it's probably why not it's about to hatch patience guys patience you see that three more steps you made me look at this so many times this is on you guys and it's the why not that I said that means we're done with GBA era look at this this is what a lot of people consider to be the best Pokémon game ever made heart gold soul silver 35 hours that's a lot very good start he's got a Psyduck we're just going to look at the squad has a strange mix that thing's in a friend ball hold up look at the year these things were all caught I like that this game shows that 2009 right there was 2011 there pretty old stuff I don't know what move Pokemon is males and okay I thought they were setting up a Noah's Arc here uh you know what I mean they have a good assortment of things they're all kind of all over the place an egg that we're probably going to have to hatch right I don't think I'll get away without hatching that egg I believe it I defin itely believe it look at all the markings on it let's see when it was caught caught in 2009 uh October 24th at level 13 I I believe it got the gold nugget the trainer ID on this is 19612 just like everything else that's really cool you seen this you got any games on your phone this Oddish art might be my favorite of all time it has the smallest stupidest little eyes zero thoughts in that little plant brain this Slowpoke Sprite I think is my favorite Slowpoke Sprite ever he just kind of got the like the what you thinking about man every box is full on this thing this person was just catching everything it's kind of cool to see it though cuz back in the day I definitely was not catching this much stuff it's just a very weird assortment of Pokemon isn't it they have only golden shinies this person is legitimately just a gold shiny Hunter this one was in 2010 and you know what it's the same OT just in a quick ball I believe it it's pretty cool that was a pretty good start for the DS era I will say 143 hours all of the badges only 91 Pokémon but that is a lot of time still all right let's see the party R alligator got a bunch of legendaries this is the event one there was an event for this like a legitimate event you can see it's in a cherish ball the uh OT on the raicho is Crown I'm not sure what you know the the official deal is on that but that's really cool an event Shiny Raichu I have high hopes for this save whoa that's a shiny Pichu uh well hold on hold on hold on wait we can't just start here so an event shiny Pichu is this an event it was met at level 34 and caught in a master ball and it's shiny that does me a bit of a concern somebody else yeah I don't buy this yeah this one I I could believe this was real I'm not sure that I believe that David did this legitimately it is cool to see like this is stuff that a lot of people in in the US didn't really get or in any like English-speaking it's not shiny right in a cherish ball manife Wi-Fi present interesting so that seems like an event I could kind of believe that there's a lot of questionable things here's the thing okay okay okay this is really cool I know it isn't shiny but that's spiky your Pichu this can only be in heart gold soul silver it's not as shiny but it's real neat and it's their OT so that's even cooler so that I believe is legitimate we've seen so many shinies I think everything's shiny [Music] now okay uh yeah this is another Rando but it's like an a cherish ball Pokemon event the OT is WCS could be legitimate we might have to look at some of these do a little research on the potential events that were available on some of these because uh there's a lot of things I have questions about they have the whole alphabet I love to see this back in the day this was like annoying to do this was something I really wanted to do I never did when I was a lad what do you guys think you want to hatch a few eggs would say that that Eevee was from the World Champ event of 2010 I didn't realize they gave out so many shiny Pokémon from events Shiny Mew can't be caught at level 34 there it is the truth comes out I I wasn't really thinking it was shiny event Raichu should have crown as the OT yeah that's Crown first egg Marie it was in a box full of beon okay so there are some beon in the mix here another beay gun this is why these were taken forever to hatch don't hatch them all on stream it'll be good practice for shiny hunting if you hatch them later I I do need my practice let's quickly take a look at the OTS of the uh the Eevee and the raicho this appears to be legitimate although it's the only one they had so they must have been different events this should be Hardy what nature in is this yeah it's Hardy I I'll believe it I think this looks correct enough I'm going to trust I want to believe classic ribbon is what that is that's an event ribbon there you go it's all coming together let's check the Raichu as well so classic ribbon is like an event ribbon this one also has it legit we'll check for the cards cuz we should be able to validate it that way too there's a Raichu card oh and a cel event card manife the celby and the manife are both from events and the Raichu as well Eevee should have a Wonder card so that might be traded then but either way they have three of these legitimately and this at least confirms the Raichu like 100% right and the spiky ear Pichu is also their OT I'm believing that too and I count that as much if not more than a shiny next 70 hours got a good chunk of Pokemon you know we've been a little spoiled with let's he do why do I have a much chop you know what this could be a good sign they could be building out like a a living decks they have the whole Evolution line with pokerus by the way that's somebody else's OT so they obviously were doing some trading with some people oh my God bro what what's going on here this box says kyi Tachi kyi is machamp's name this is all of of the Machamp family this okay they had a favorite Pokémon let's let's look through these they must have a shiny Machop right like this is the number one Super Fan they must have a shiny M something they have a Slugma and they have five eggs so we're going to hatch these for sure I was really not mentally prepared for the shiny goldine I was going to say the box of machok and machamps and stuff but uh this this is a shiny goldine we have had insane golden shiny luck and it it has their OT I buy it not a lot of things in these oh okay I got a little excited there but I forgot this is a guaranteed thing in this game still cool still counting it as always do you think they would leave their favorite shiny Pokémon behind that is true you make a good point the shiny goldine who cares but the Shiny Machoke Machamp whatever that uh could not be left behind that's probably what these empty spots were the shiny Machop Machoke and Machamp they probably had all of them if I'm being honest with you well guys you know what the deal is right like I guess we have to do this why do they have the music changing item as their like their quick use item they wanted some nice music while hatching their Machop [Music] EGS yes yes they did I like it good idea oriso The Nostalgia Tunes yes for me it's Nostalgia like I I obviously played this back in the day cuz I'm a big Boomer what were the dinosaurs like uh it was a scary ton pterodactyls be walking to school swooping up kids left and right was a bad time much better now four more we have to hatch him yeah it was a dark times but you know what survival of the fittest the people were a lot faster back then the threat of a pterodactyl grabbing you was was good enough reason for you to be able to be quick pterodactyls were like the anti STS yes they were the opposite of STS taking babies away not giving babies uh did your neighbor happen to frequently say yabadabadu that was me a better time a simpler time the birds giveth the birds taketh away yes they do that is the way of the bird I've uh moved into the witness protection program here I'm no longer Fred please don't distribute these lies on my stream classic Fred classic Here's the final Machop Rocco this one's for you too bad 131 hours 136 Pokémon these hard gold soul silver saves have been extra spicy pretty cool squad they have a bunch of my favorites actually they have Caesar and they have Tyranitar in here too that is a Caesar and a sport ball which is pretty cool um and again 2008 and 2009 the dates on these things isn't sportball from the bug catching contest yeah so it's cool that they got it potentially in their playthrough right okay God every game every game whoa box number one is where the fire is at Red Gyarados we count it we always count it um we got a lot of other cool like fully evolved stuff in here at least bunch of Legend berries I'm a big fan of this game I will say the intro to this always kind of gives me goosebumps just a little bit there's just something about it when it does the little piano riff and then it goes like gutina Fades into [Music] it man let's see if they have any mystery gifts nope what do we got they've been trading things this is doing me a concern heiki let's see what hiiki has well already they have a lot of stuff why does Heatran have a booty got some legendaries a bunch of Roselia I didn't realize Roselia had a gender difference the leaf can we just talk about how cute this Clefairy is though I was saying that the last Oddish was my favorite one I like this one more this one looks even stupider it isn't even smiling it's just like he's so fat everything's so chunky so this person has a favorite too as it turns out and Electabuzz what is do they just like electric Pokemon no there's Ry on the gender difference is really funny looking on this poke radar yeah could be could be doing some poke radar stuff that makes sense got Gabby no shinies eh too bad 156 hours dude every single one of these Gen 4 games has been spicy Haruki they've got a star on their Trainer Card more eggs we might hatch these we we'll just get them in the party we'll see we'll see if we believe these might be shiny I need to be convinced if we find something with flame body I might oh my God no no give us something else it can't just be only that they had like 180 Pokemon in the decks they transferred it I think we'll we'll hatch a few eggs why not we're all ready here one more after this Larvitar makes sense why that took longer here we go final egg Riolu why did that take so long that took longer than uh Larvitar this has some mystery gift cards celby arus Pichu whoa this one seems like they've they've done some things though 92 hours 273 in the decks oh my God they they have a squad they have a plate on it we should actually see what this trainer's name is before I go too far into this hold on Yuna aaan so this is the this is the event one though they got old Ray Ray aaan this is another event thing she actually caught that one I'm not sure where this is from that's also in a cherish ball I don't know they have a lot of things a lot of potential event things that's a shiny Pichu the event shiny Pichu this is shoken the OT on this it's got the classic ribbon on it the cool ribbon so they did some other things with this it kind of looks like I don't know if that's legit whatever but shiny Pichu from the event we saw the the mystery gift card for that was that tropus level 100 was it it was in fact level 100 and it's their OT as well caught in 2008 at level 100 I don't know bro hot at level 100 but if they transferred from gen 3 to Gen 4 don't they have to catch it could that be legit or no you don't catch it like that all right that is not looking good level seven Raichu level six ente encountered at level five I don't know bro level five ente and Raichu is questionable was there an event you guys let me know it says it was caught in in Kanto I would like to believe but I've been hurt before all right that's it some suspicious things on this game no shinies beside the Pichu which I believe Mystery Gift like why not I have that event Reggie gigas in Pokemon home from my Pokemon Platinum this one is this a an event one what a friend he is a friend indeed all right the last Platinum game 403 hours a lot of things in the decks Rio they have some mystery gifts Gerra ROM that is it Gerra and ROM from 2009 a bunch of machops again and a r shiny rate rate from from Gin Gin either way not this person's OT I don't buy it I don't buy it in the least you know what's weird about this the body changes obviously but it has like some Sprites on its like eyebrows that change that don't need to change it's really weird and on its armpit too I think that this person was breeding for competitive stuff they're using a lot of different marks and this could be like IVs maybe not alastar I don't I don't really what is the names are messed up these are super hacked there's no way these are real I want to believe uh no ID all zeros super hacked the name goes off the edge of like they're such bad hacks but the Sprite the Sprites are so good all right well it's cool to see him I trust zero things in this cartridge just so we're clear although it looks like they were breeding they have a lot of ditos which I'm assuming all have different Natures oh God are you real no no you're not no you're not why would I possibly think you were real you're not either right it's too bad cuz it's really cool we're we're seeing some interesting stuff any anyways good old shiny Mewtwo and mew they really messed these up uh is this inspiring your future shiny Huns yeah definitely we'll be getting these legitimately though we'll be doing these on stream with the six time shiny hunting I have my six DS lights you better believe we're going to do some shiny hunts for these things which games do you have six of now you want want to show you I like showing them off I have six of every Mainline Pokemon game from the GBA era to the DS era I have a lot we bought a lot of things from Japan for the shiny hunting setup all right this is the final game what the heck it only has 2 minutes on the save I don't think they've even picked their Pokemon yet oh well I guess this is how it ends What a Sad ending have no Pokemon man at all I guess we'll pick a starter though we'll see if we get a shiny I wish you could tell here on this screen this would be like perfect lots of Snivy Snivy Snivy one Tepig in an aswat Snivy making it happen and then we just have to check in our party right but what if though [Music]
Channel: Calm & Collecting
Views: 65,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon save file, used save file pokemon, pokemon used save file, pokemon pre owned save file, pokemon save files, pokemon saves, exploring pokemon saves, old pokemon games, pokemon gba games, pokemon gameboy games, calm & collecting, calmandcollecting, calm and collecting, Pokémon, pokemon used game saves
Id: Ry7I7-61bVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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