FINDING THE MOON TOTEM in Booga Booga | Roblox

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hey gamers today I am back with some more booga-booga oh I'm on a different Island for once in my life with new hats Oh a meteor is falling from the sky this is so amazing what I want a friend if you feel it chilly right now where I am this is really weird I need to get used to the stuff where's my raft I want a raft thank you very much why'd you scan so much so mean Iona we are in a clan tribe Clanton think they're all in the same one though so I'm just gonna turn around because their level 100 sonow crystals nothing out today I don't want to die so oh my gosh I kind of want to get up there damn cuz there's a Brits out the crystal bridge if it is I'm the luckiest person in the whole entire world that was that where are you ice on ice but ace hopes of me down up what I don't want to go near them because their best stuff better stuff the mate but I want to at the same time because they have a ton of gold and ice cubes on anything I bet if they say no I bet you there's like Matt's trying Shelley there's I bet they don't want peace okay done where is it oh there that way we have a list here of stuff that I think that I really want to do now I have heard one this meteorite has shown right there and the fighting I'm not gonna do that I'm just not gonna go up with that not yet anyway because I don't want to die and then lose all my stuff and then I'll be like what I'll do is I need to open a load of Mg chest and just get the the gold don't smelt it because if I don't smelt it can use the stuff use the gold to make crystal stuff and the crystal stuff's actually up there but I need to make a an axe no a pick what's the best oh my god crystal speak oh my gosh this is being honest I was on this like a few date like make like days ago and it's already you really new fishing rods I know there's a mace I definitely know this amazing actually oh my gosh there's ice balances and everything over I already know I an axe iron pick I know those market I know that and the coin press you actually use gold like use gold to make gold coins a high steel raft that's new ads right stuff I know that radio the ad right stuff I want always shows you wait the imager stuff yeah level 50 is that a crystal if that's the crystal pick what is this are these Oh are you ready enjoy I don't actually need anything here except for the stone mostly the berries there I definitely need the berries thank you so much I'm gonna get I I actually do need a new Regis yes hey I need a pick steel pick iron pick let's just make it iron pick nothing anybody comes over here we're gonna be moving trouble we definitely need this gold everything in this server right now is actually open I love my life I need all of this no joke I actually needed as much gold as I could carry because I need a load I need to make crystal stuff and that needs raw gold make a crystal bag you need 20 that I Strunk oh my gosh it is yes undergo another gold node with ice cubes that I need I need these sometime at the yellow track appear more ice cubes how much else is it got oh that's not that much I build you get I build you get tags yeah sounds good pretty good new hats show me the hats and also those new chests guys no no no I can't believe this I actually can't believe this I had a whole plum hit today with getting something but now only needs 1000 or 2000 coins I made a whole list six points that will take about three videos I can do in a few seconds I'll just get ten thousand so then I could get a magnetite and a crystal chest I'm gonna do right cuz why not yeah cuz why not who give me one of those one of those and one of those oh you may i oh are you going for me I'm a battle-axe bro seriously Skyy yeah there we go no that's the wood wall excuse me hey Han Han Han come up I'm certain I'm actually insanely tense can you come and help me please come on this will be my first elimination of the day oh I own uh excuse me I'm scared and I need some help oh my gosh my health is really low no I'm oh well let's hit him Iona is good with the bow just gonna last for ages isn't it what do you think you're going come on you can tell me it's fine why are you going always go to battle ox I don't want to lose everything I don't oh my god kind of saved my life when you didn't same time I own up no I want a really good raft squad for our ice raft what's good for that because it looks cool and I think it's faster is it faster yeah you did I can see you I have something for her you're going to love it Iona squad oh my gosh she has got one it's butcher blue isn't it beautiful yeah now it's our turn and now it's kind of one of those it's they're really good yeah to be know us by number one of those and then boom just a narwhal just a narwhal irony you okay in that a little oh my gosh I need the a dry and then I'll take the blueprint just normal I love that just DISA Narwhal why'd you get hot I won't oh there it is just lurking boy I kind of want to be an I'm Shelley or a now we need to make a base yep let's make a base set if we want to make a base let's make the base let's go with can we get painting Oh stone ball you has an idea what is this idea you can be a Shelley now I can fish course my fishing rod I think I didn't lose let go hahaha Stefan girls I own though Oh what is your idea I wonder smack is this someone's face it will it was but oh my gosh can be ours now yeah oh my gosh I can't believe this right now again as many materials as you can I have a ton of materials if you want a material I have a load of logs six leaves but I think we need some more can we place it kind of place the totem a new interface isn't it shiny yes magnetites also new that's good that is good I will make a I'm you know I can't get that needle laughs I want my club my stone picking stoner and I want my fishing rod ah God my boots and then I also have a thing wrong but scared man scaring you [Music] let's I'm worn me what the night ah oh that's what I wanted what did I want that's what I want where is my jests where are my justice I've not opened the crystal one yet so [Music] [Laughter] I'm laughing with glee that's kind of it looks as if I'm insane but I need to get also get more essence oh yeah it's like I will go to me place walls wait it rolls away hey it does as well I just need any walls just walls walls any walls I don't need to make it like super amazing brilliant nurse but I do need to make a wood wall doing that now I can't roll away leveled up level 24 what level is it the I get new stuff oh yeah net yeah lock to 25 add rewrite stuff and the Warhammer and then of the golden radio and the crystal bag is there and the crystal crown and the crystal pick so I need to get a level 50 take quite a while and your character looks ragged let's go level up to level 50 we shall get you about we shall it's hard work determination oh yes add the right stuff let's go very cooked me for you and then I'll eat some blood I will go to my chest and open those more and then I'll buy thousands more feather and then spend it all on justice ready go so much essence it's like exploding everywhere I'm not even kidding this is insane I'm already level 34 or 35 I can get to level 4 so easily number 41 I'm gone I can get a golden radio if they won system level 41 code for a book so this is important yes it is very important now let's open my other chests let's open a crystal chest this this one is special wait no we've already opened one of these this one's special all I need is these you can take you old you can take tickle time didn't get cold huh I'm feeling those chests she's gonna plop on my face Oh which was this whoa yay discuss robots thanks so much and so much it was really kind of fun and now I will get the a thousand again and then I'll have how much crystal do a half a lot I've died of a ton of crystal trunks and once I get the crystal pickaxe that's like a gold bow it's amazing what was that let's go for 1,000 more and then I will 100% just get he said now let's work for it no this is amazing level of spamming F right now it's insane I'm 47 48 49 not level 50 no all right one more essence just in issue yeah yes yes level 50 level 50 30 Elson son nope if it's people over that this is actually a bit easier than I told ya he's like she's like Oh my-y crafted all oh yeah and I can get a golden radio oh my gosh I want you I want you know I can't hit the crystal creeps yeah I'm so close Oh got one more chest how much is the ergh oh hi you didn't want to join our tribe Nick Nick was like how quickly just oMG so much stuff I know yes oh yeah I wanna see the floating blend the our see the floating Iceland thing is I need wood I'm going to make crystal Greer's now and then and I get like a crystal Oh Warhammer at all right bar I can get a war on what today guys let's go where are you robots are right you know I forget everything I'm just mad I know I am but hey this is all for a good cause it's all for a good cause either for odd right bar now I need a fire it was fight going on over there locally not near us oh my gosh that's the queen of Narnia haha I am The Queen of not the King I'm a boy but I mean like you know what I mean um I you I want to see what is the crystal stick but I don't really know what it is to be honest god bag the god bag doo-doo-doo-doo-doo Oh meteor falling from the sky where is it falling from where is it falling from she probably really fall from that yeah oh no there it is and they're gone meteors are special wait a sec should i what levels magnetite a level a hunch it no oh see you guys I have a Warhammer I'm gonna use it on you graphic I can't even recall I can make a ice raft who is that and here's that invite me oh just giggle oh it's Kiko do I know that name we got some people in the tribe guys let's go I'm starving I'm just gonna gray team I'm red team shall make peace maybe a question join red oh wow with the biggest try but oh my gosh except I'm not the leader it's Iona I see you know the rent I see a feller red you know I'm gonna put my - the totem her blue help special thing yeah oh my god magnet sidebar he's gonna dolphin cause boy he is gagged Oh let's move out squad no no no no no no no no no no no no dananana no no no no no no no no no friend she's gonna past RORO volume that's now a dream Wow oh I see you you were gray gray hey this yo bear how do you do oh we're going to the floating island they are as well that's a goal I've had today gift for peace oh my god crystal a crystal bag crystal everything stole my crystal back everything leaders Gandalf is Gandalf let's make an ID raft I'm Dennis I strap because I strap so cool giant Shelly I can see you Shelly it's a pretty big Shelly or my health isn't actually that good so I should probably eat some food I'll have some cooked so the red guy here my boy yes let's go we have the staircase to the place staircase to me to play snakes food to play I'm now I'm pretty good pockle not boasting really I'm just laying them kind a meth epochal see I met at parkour no that way mess how do you get out now oh not this way the roadway ah oh that rope way so this is the rope the the Rope boy do you go through here and then oh oh runway mess up here oh my gosh guys look there's the crystal but in no way if the crystal big no there we go yay you can see this it's gold low to rope Isle City Island oh oh room and I thought I order just fell off no no need to defeat it oh my gosh is this very key oh no I fell off yes golden Oh Sun tree some shrub unter yes I want to slap you Oh coins oh my gosh yeah uh boom also needs some dye I don't want you to die I don't want you back yeah okay follow me my brother and fall wow this is well it's cool oh gosh the Forbidden Island I can't see the moon where's the moon tertons that I know it is okay fine whatever I love that okay follow me my paratha who wanna make it yes guys we made it to the secret island there was a little cave here you can actually hop down into this is so cool I know right wait and now we wait until the moon side some small let's gamble turning to awaiting civility because it takes years well is I know iodide oh by the way guys you know I did everything on my list like in I thought it would be a few videos but I did more and it's called freeze giant but I've done everything on here I've opened a load of oMG chests to get gold well I didn't need to because the some chests are he had them and also found gold loads so opening a lot of essence chests than that I found I didn't need to find crystal loads because I had the crystal chests made the crystal pickaxe didn't need to defeat the crystal guardian because he already had it he's the best and I just need to make meteorites don't know like I do that haha but I can do it 100 and then it's a level 1000 for the god back oh wait wait wait wait guys it's the moon so it's a district Aegis waiting like 10-15 minutes but oh my gosh you ready yeah let's screenshot say certain and pizza return the pizza I own I own everything you it's you okay let's - a pizza okay okay and once we do this guys just I think this should call hunt for me to use it for a recording now break it let's go oh wow where we hope reminder and yet I'm hitting you so I did just stay back we are the biggest track oh my gosh I own as probably just like yes oh my gosh red team's little is taking over the server I know right oh my gosh this is gonna take ages wait it's getting down really low really quick it's going down so quick we're gonna do it we're gonna do it it may take a while but we are going to do it it's passable past halfway it stands ok stand where I am not mine no no stand here stand yeah sound here and mine this works it's actually works oh right visit babies literally like oh let's go homes where is it he's okay he's so gay let's go homes you Travis just found it no iona had to go no he took my tribe he took my tribe but it's ok then hahaha oh my actual goodness I'm getting I'm gonna get a raft no no get a squad water already girls water I'm gonna eat some food before I need to eat food I'm hungry oh I get crystal everything crystal pick crystal axe crystal stick a fishing rod a war horn where's the meteorite and then I've also got the Warhammer plus a ton of materials meteorite stir this is amazing and I did my list in like half an hour when I thought it would take like three episodes aka like three days it's amazing oh my gosh it's great but guys I'm going to have to end the video here it's been so good like I said we've done everything that I wanted to do here and maybe next time I might be able to get maybe write stuff I'm gonna have to probably go on this like off camera and get a ton of levels from the essence chests so yeah see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 590,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, family friendly, ethangamer, ethan gamer, ethangamertv, ethan gamer tv, let's play, video games, gameplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox games, ethan gamer tv roblox, ethan gamer roblox, roblox online game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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