Finding Christ in the Tabernacle Gate and Courtyard

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The very first thing that Israelite worshipers  would see as they came to the beautiful Tabernacle   was the large white linen fence of the  courtyard and the beautiful and colorful gate.   The Tabernacle was the place where Israel  learned of the importance of repentance,   atonement, and sacrifice and could symbolically  reenter the presence of God through the priests.   Learning of the gate and courtyard  can help us better understand that   it is only through the Savior that we  can return to the presence of the Lord. Before we can understand the gate of the  Tabernacle, we first must understand the   importance of gates in ancient times. The city  gate was a place of protection and strength.   Its fortified towers were one of the  safest places of any ancient city.   The excavated gates at Megiddo and Tel Dan  are excellent examples of this with their   massive fortified structures and flanking  chambers. During an attack on the city,   these chambers could be used to  protect soldiers from invaders. Ancient gates were also a place to perform  covenants and contractual agreements.   After the death of Sarah, Abraham stood at  the city gate to negotiate and purchase the   tomb where Sarah would be buried. When Ruth was  to be married to Boaz, under the levirate law,   he likewise did this at the  city gate. Being at the gate,   allowed all the city to witness the covenant or  contract, becoming witnesses to the agreement. The Law of Moses also prescribed that those  who had been accused of sin should be brought   to the gate, making it a place of judgment. In  fact, ancient city gates often even included an   elevated seat, such as the one discovered at Tel  Dan. Here the king or ruler would come and sit in   judgment and hear the cases brought forward by  his people. Because so many people entered and   exited the city gate, it was also an excellent  place to market goods and services. With the   high amount of traffic, ancient prophets also  found it an ideal place to preach to the people.   Jeremiah stood at the gates when he called the  people to repentance, proclaiming that Jerusalem   would be destroyed if they did not repent.  Thus, the ancient gate was seen as a place   of protection, covenant-making, judgment, and  a place where the word of God could be heard. Similarly, the Tabernacle gate had  many of these same characteristics.   As sinners, we all must come to the house of the  Lord and seek protection and refuge through the   grace of Christ. The Tabernacle and later temples  in Jerusalem were also a place of covenant-making,   where Israel could promise to obey the  Lord. It also is a place of judgment,   where Israel was to bring their sins to the Lord,  and symbolically have them placed on the altar   through the death of an innocent  animal. The Tabernacle gate was   also a place where Israel could hear the  word of the Lord, proclaimed by prophets. With this background, let’s now examine  the construction of the Tabernacle gate   and courtyard. Unlike ancient cities with  their towering gates and walls of protection,   the Tabernacle courtyard had only a linen fabric  wall that separated the world from the sacred.   This of course was largely because  Israel needed the Tabernacle to be   a portable structure that could move with  them as they traveled in the wilderness.   This outer fence was made from white fine  linen, the same fabric used in the clothing   of the priests. John the Revelator wrote  that “the fine linen is the righteousness of   saints.” In ancient times the color white  in fabric was very difficult to produce,   having to go through a laborious process of  bleaching or fulling. This would make it uncommon   to see white fabrics used except for the wealthy  and elite. These white fine linen walls would also   stand in stark contrast to the thousands of black  coarse goat-hair tents. The white linen creates   beautiful symbolism of a sacred space that is  set apart from the contrasting surroundings. This outer linen fence was  hung on 60 wooden pillars.   Unlike the inner sanctuary walls that  rested on a foundation of silver bases,   these outer pillars rested on bronze bases. These  different metals show the levels of gradation of   holiness. The outer courtyard is least sacred  so bronze is used for most of the items,   including the bases of the pillars. As you  progress towards more sacred areas, silver and   gold are used more prominently to show the  symbolic progression of holiness. This outer linen   fence was about 7.5 feet or just over 2 meters  tall. Being above eye level would create a visible   barrier that separated the profane from the  sacred, blocking the view of those on the outside.   This would mean that the only way to see  inside was to enter through the colorful gate. The Tabernacle gate itself was made of blue,  purple, and scarlet fabric woven into white   linen. The colorful gate was surprisingly  wide at about 35 feet or over 10 meters,   perhaps symbolically showing how despite the  fact that there is only one way to enter God’s   presence, it is wide enough to allow all  who desire to enter. The Psalms gives us   the requirement for entering by saying: “Who  shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or   who shall stand in his holy place? He  that hath clean hands, and a pure heart.” The gate was located on the east side of the  courtyard. This meant that as an Israelite entered   the courtyard they went in a westward direction.  When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit   and were cast out of the presence of the Lord, we  are told that they went in an eastward direction.   This means that to reenter the garden, they  would have to turn around and then go westward,   passing the cherubim who guarded the tree  of life. Ancient Jews saw the similarities   between the Garden of Eden and how the  High Priest, who represented all of Israel,   reversed the steps of Adam and Eve, bringing  Israel back into the presence of the Lord. Beautiful symbolism can be found in both the  outer fence and gate of the Tabernacle that   point us to the Lord Jesus Christ. As we draw  closer to the Savior, one of the first things   that often will catch our eye is His purity and  perfection (symbolized by the white linen fence).   In many ways, we may want to turn away  because of our own lack of cleanliness,   but the Lord beckons us forward, showing us how  we can become pure like He is pure. The fine linen   used for the outer fence may also remind us of  the fine linen strips that were used to wrap the   lifeless body of Christ at his burial. The colors  of the outer gate could symbolize the perfection   and attributes of the Savior. The color blue  in ancient times often symbolized heaven,   the color purple royalty, and the color red death,  blood, mortality and sacrifice. These same colors   will be replicated throughout the Tabernacle,  in the beautiful garments of the High Priest   (himself a type of Christ), and  the veils of the Tabernacle. While teaching in the Temple at Jerusalem, Jesus  taught: “I am the gate; whoever enters through me   will be saved,” teaching us that to return to God,  the very first thing we must do is pass through   the Savior. It is as if the Savior (represented  by the beautiful colors) as the Great High Priest,   stands at each of the main areas of division, the  gate of the courtyard, the door of the Tabernacle,   and the veil going into the Holy of Holies. From  the very beginning to the very end of our journey   back to God, the Savior stands beckoning us to  enter through Him. As we pass from one point   to the next on our journey back to God, it is  always through Him and because of His infinite   sacrifice and resurrection that we can  progress back into the presence of the Lord!
Channel: Messages of Christ
Views: 66,519
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Id: 9opTZb54IA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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