How to Repent correctly after you Sin. Mar Mari Emmanuel

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you just told me here that you ask for forgiveness every day and you sin every day well let me put it this way and I pray this going to help you to boost your morals and give you a bit of a hope that you are not condemned to hell if you have the Lord Jesus you have the grace of God of Salvation and Redemption well I'll put it this way the day that comes any one of us that does not sin we become like God the only one who does not sin is God humans as long as they live in the flesh they are susceptible to making mistakes and if you are trying your hardest my beloved not to sin then you are approaching it wrongly all together you're wasting your time your energy your breath on on achieving something that is unachievable by you you cannot stop sinning because if you don't sin at all you're like God that day will never come so what did the Lord Jesus do knowing beforehand that the human race is uncapable of not sinning he came and he said except me as your lord and savior and every time you show you fall short I will complete what is lacking you see my father says you need to enter my exam God says you need to enter my exam and in order to make it to my heaven you need to get a 100 out of a 100 no one can do it so I entered the exam and the best I could have achieved was 10 out of 100 if you ask the Lord's help he'll come and add the other 90 on top of your 10 and he'll say to his dad daddy your child got 100 out of 100 that's called Grace that's called Mercy but there's one thing my dear if you're asking for forgiveness every day and you are sinning deliberately every day you're asking for forgiveness the Lord will not hear if you come in here and say Lord forgive me and you are going out knowing knowing for sure you're going out to do something wrong deliberately the Lord cannot help you but if you are sinning indirectly you haven't planned for it you haven't plotted for it and you went out hoping that you'll be fine and something comes out of nowhere and makes you fall you go back and ask for forgiveness the Lord will forgive you but if you go out deliberately doing something wrong knowing that this is wrong in the sight of God yet knowing this and you're still doing it how can the Lord forgive you impossible you need to ask for repentance from the heart and you need to mean it and you need to do your best by the grace of God not to make a mistake but if the mistake comes with no intention behind it prior intention then the Lord will forgive you when you come back and say sorry Lord but if you're doing it deliberately then what are you asking for it just we are just deceiving ourselves like I'm coming to the Lord Lord I'm really sorry I'm a sinner but my friends are waiting for me I have to go Lord thank you so much doesn't work so when you go out your friends call you don't go so you don't go with your friends that teach you to do the wrong things you didn't go that's good so you went another Direction something happened and you lost it that that was not intentional come back and say Lord I'm sorry he will forgive you when the Lord God pre-warned Adam out of love and concern for Adam and said to Adam do not eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil don't eat because the day you eat from it surely you shall die when Adam broke God's word and ate from The Forbidden tree Adam literally said to God from this moment onward I Adam will be the definer of what is good and evil not you God I'll be the definer God said the day that comes Adam and Adam is every human being we are all Adam Christians non-christians alike he said my beloved child the day that comes you become the definer of what is good and what is evil your beginning will be good but your end rest assure will be evil mom out of love and concern dad out of love and concern come to their children my son my daughter I beg you don't mix with those people don't call them friends don't associate yourself with them don't go out don't be late where are you going what are you doing my child listen to Mom listen to Dad the children come back and say enough Mom and Dad whether you like it or not you need to face the inevitable this is Australia this is not some Village in the Middle East and if you don't like it Mom and Dad well tough luck because Mom and Dad I as your son I as your daughter I am the definer of what is good and what is evil not you Mom and Dad so I choose my friends and I say who are good for me and who are not so when they Define what is good they Mis Define it and when they Define what is evil they also Mis Define it in both they fail that's why at the start they're having fun at the end they they drinking poison for true and righteous are his judgments God is the only being that qualifies fully completely to Define what is good and what is evil for God to allow an illness coming my way that illness for me is bad is evil but God says no you are defining it as evil but for me it is absolutely good so you keep on begging me to heal you I won't you know why because the moment I heal you I'll lose you I'll lose you you beg me to give you money the day I give you money I'll lose you you beg me to make you successful the day I make you successful I will lose you God is just and is true when it comes to his judgments he never fails he never misses the mark he knows exactly what is good for you and what is not and that is why when you go through some rough seat and you've been praying for a little while for those rough sees to come to Absolute calmness and serenity and if those prayers are not being answered back quickly swiftly it is being delayed do not panic because God sees God knows and he's in control don't ever think that he has forgotten you don't ever think that he has forsaken you don't ever think he has walked away and left you behind impossible impossible
Channel: Jibee00
Views: 326,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Truth, Religion, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, Believe, Faith, World, Church, America, Asia, Europe, Sydney, Australia, Africa, Evil, satan, Gospel, Mar Mari Emmanuel, Bishop, Priest, Motivation, Help, Control, Life, Family, The End, The End Times, Christiantiy, Mistake, Read, Get Closer to the Truth, Heaven, Hell, Exist, Why, How, Live, Answer, SIn, Unforgivable, USA, True
Id: g-rD6-C4fXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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