Finding And Identifing Spring Mushrooms

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[Music] do [Music] don't cut it i want to see it on the camera look what i found oh wow that is a pretty one that's a pretty one well there's one there's more look at that there's your white stalk isn't that pretty it is pretty i like it there's another one another one camera oh that one's big too oh yeah they are unique aren't they oops sorry little guy just a pretty mushroom huh first time ever finding these i'm proud dawn can find the corfei can't find the brunius [Music] [Music] apparently i'm walking past mushrooms dawn just pointed out one that i missed looks like i missed the corfei down here now that's a pretty one let's go and zoom in on that i didn't expect to find him here we're in cottonwood with bladder nut we're in a small bladder nut stand cottonwood go figure it's a good day though one of the only buckeye trees i know of in michigan and in this place that dawn and i are at there are bunches of buckeyes i'm just not used to seeing them in michigan can't see it but over on the hill i just spotted a gyrometra wild leeks let's do a quick id on gyrometra brunia it's a beautiful mushroom it's one of the gyrometres that i think is the easiest to identify and it's because of the way the cap folds in on itself it has elastic flesh like most of the other gyrometres a thick white stalk usually just as short as the corfei we'll cut this one in half and show you what it looks like but you can see how it folds in on up on itself how these mushrooms were unfortunately put into the label of false morale we don't use that word it hinders learning and there's your cross cut of the brunia see how the cap is folded in on itself very cool so key identifying features are this color usually stays the same until it gets burnt frost bit it comes up earlier than more shells typically so does the core fie it's got an elastic like flesh like other gyrometres and its cap folds in on itself now this is a completely edible mushroom once it's fully cooked but i encourage you to do your research and make sure that you do have exactly what you think you have down to the species you don't want to eat the escalante the guy remember escalante because it takes special preparation to cook a little snail put him free him but these are a beautiful mushroom they're fun to find i think the brunias are easier to find than corfeis for some reason i struggle to see these boogers and they they tend to hide under the leaves pretty well hopefully we can find another species of gyrometer before the days out [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] oh wow yeah what's the bottom of that and then there's one so hard to see are you proud dawn i am i got one of my favorites my favorite's actually augustaceps marshall and gustasepps but this is more shella prava and this is in the escalante clade another michigan mushroom and this is what we call a honker of a grey because grays typically don't get that large i'm gonna borrow the camera from dawn real quick and just i think this is one of the most beautiful of all the marshallers of course i'm full of opinions note that the ridges are really light and the pitting of the honeycomb is quite darker this is what causes local foragers to refer to as the gray marshella these come up before yellows and then overlap into the yellows and this one's been here a while you can see the either the frost bite or the slug burn not sure which it is but with more shells typically when you cut them in half the cap is attached to the stem 100 percent more shella prava escalante clade one of the most beautiful more shellers in michigan i think let's see what else we can find you didn't know i was filming no there's the two you seen and then there's another one beyond it very cool i even see another beyond them these are pretty right here ah i accidentally got your bum in there nobody wants to see my mom there's another there and i think i just seen another right here yep i'll let you get that one where right there and there's a tiny one we'll leave him for spores we found one i didn't see someone stepped on one mushroom hunters come in and we found a couple of areas where the leaves looks like a leaf blower went through there's another one over there i think we've kind of harvested enough but there's one there there's one there there's probably a bunch more in here it's a proud moment for dawn this season because i almost stepped on this and she was following my footsteps she got me very nice very nice [Laughter] oh you did step on one oh she really busted me poor guy that's all right we'll still put that on a sandwich now we need to look close oh my goodness i found two and i just started [Laughter] so far dawn caught me almost stepping on a mushroom and stepping on a mushroom so i'm gonna have to kind of pick up my mushroom eyes and get them properly adjusted that's for sure and for certain i wanted to show you guys this particular species real quick growing next to the sweet sicily which is one of my favorite plants this is more shella punk peas this is in the a lot of clade there's a bit of controversy around this mushroom some people believe that it's not a true morel but it certainly is it's more shella punk to peace or the half free morel it has some names that we won't say on youtube but when you cut this in half like all more shellas the stem is attached you can see the stem is attached right here and then half of it hangs free away from the stalk thus the name half free morel further the stalk is usually beaded up thus the name puncta piece now some people don't do too well with these they don't digest them too well i eat them but i don't mix them with regular marshella usually when i eat these and i do eat them and i do enjoy them i cook them all by themselves i'll cook them for a bit in a skillet and then i'll add them to an omelette or i'll add them to pizza they're absolutely delicious it's a very neat mushroom typically it comes up before the yellows and then overlaps into the yellow season half free very neat mushroom let's go see what else we can find i got a pro tip for you guys morales are difficult to find everybody has their own technique usually when i find one i have everybody that's in the group with me come look at it before it's picked looking down you don't really see them very well so i always tend to look out several feet away from me and see if i can get a downward perspective here and as i'm going out [Applause] now we already walked a circle to try to find as many as we could dawn actually spotted the first one she's proud it's a nice one there i don't see any more hope i didn't make you guys dizzy a little bit dry what's that shirt you're wearing this is called david's closet funny funny i'm gonna grab the basket i'm scared i'm gonna step on some that's the hardest one to see right there no there's one under that eight may apple two three there's three right there then one in front of it and then one off to the side of it i think that's all of them two i didn't see that one here and drop them in the basket oh look there's a can you see him yeah yeah i'm not excited about chicks well it's a spider mite and here's another one right here another one a nice big one hope i didn't make you guys dizzy with all that well that one's got frostbite nice all right we're gonna get these and keep looking don is becoming a pro fast [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i've walked down this path several times and i just now noticed this tree and the bark resembles apple but it's some kind of a hawthorn it's not apple leaf some kind of a hawthorne leaf so i started looking around immediately for gyrometres and i found our 10th brunier down here hiding under this dutchman's breeches see him down there hiding thought he could get away from me but the eagle eye has struck again now that is a beautiful specimen brunier say thank you to this nature hi guys dawn and i tried to take you through a more shallow season in southern michigan we started out with some gyrometres and found various mushrooms here and there but it was a really tough year it was a tough year because it was too cold too cold even though we had the moisture that we needed and then when the temperatures got just right it got too hot and so we're in the last throws of the marshall season here in southern michigan i'm not hearing that it's really going that well up north so we might not go up north until bow lead season i wanted to say that even though it was a hard year we do have footage for you and we are going to show you some identification features but if there's any mushrooms that you've seen in this video that you would like identification features on go to our playlists and look for mushroom minute identification and the mushroom that you're looking for should be in there this year we hope to do that quite often also as dawn and i tour this different areas we're going to leave some of these mushroom walking sticks that i made about 15 years ago we're going to leave them in the woods with a gift for you sign on them if you find them just drop a comment for us so we know someone found him and we know where they found him i wanted to show you this one before we end the video this is the hexagonal polypore now this is an edible mushroom that i can't say is worth your time eating because they're usually tough but when you find them really fresh and i've eaten them really fresh they're not too bad i'm not going to say that i harvest them every year um i will say that there are certain mushrooms like the dried saddle that i'll harvest when i want to have scrambled eggs and cheese and this one i have thrown in with scrambled eggs and cheese you can see that it's a poured mushroom no gills the flesh will be white before this ages it's got a very light bun color on it it's actually a pretty mushroom and most books will list this as outer non-distinct and right now the odors starting to leave but during the more shella season this is blooming a lot on hardwoods specifically oak and beach there's some bigger specimens down here this is about as big as i ever see them poly pore mushroom with a bun colored top white flesh a mild odor white to cream underneath blooms in the spring edible but usually tough you find them really flat fresh i'll add them to scrambled eggs cheese anyway hope you enjoyed this video guys hey have a safe safe and happy foraging everyone we'll cut that keep going and we'll you
Channel: Found You Foraging
Views: 1,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morchella Punctipes, Half free morel, Peckerhead mushroom, dog pecker mushroom, calf brain mushroom, snow bank mushroom, morels, morchellas, gyrometra, Gyrometra Korfii, Gyrometra Brunnea, Elephant Ear Mushrooms, Verpa Bohemica, Verpa Conica, Early Morel, Thimble Cap Morel, False Morel, Morchella Prava, Morchella Angusticeps, Black Morel, Grey Morel, Yellow Morel, Mica Cap, Foraging Mushrooms, hunting morels, hunting mushrooms, mushrooms, spring mushrooms, foraging morels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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