Finding A Rural Idyll In Ipswich For £300, 000 Part Two | Location, Location, Location

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our first impressions are when you drive up the road are absolutely magnificent nights those views are incredible so far so good but what about the interior this your kind of deck or now I don't think the deck Horace but certainly the beams are in styling in keeping with what we were looking for from the property yes there's a lot of beams through through this house and they've all been glossed over very quickly with this but the normal way of bringing it back to its natural state is to sandblast it but because this property is listed you really should paint strip it and there's a lot of work involved stripping is a bit of a theme in this actually because there's tons and tons and tons of wallpaper everywhere it's really important to look beyond surface decor despite initial appearances there are many authentic and surprising features well cherry pick a staircase anyone's a winner come in this is where the the main bedroom was I'm not sure if it's the best use of space it does have a very beautiful view yeah would you be able to make the floor smooth and level you couldn't with the existing floor I think what you'd have to do is put another floor on the top of it it is fairly drunk I can but we're seeing that in all these old houses don't worry that's right so we right to bring you here yeah you've got some very positive vibes going from us at the moment we're uh very taken by a great lots to think about yeah lots of potential lots of charm and lots to think about us but we're on the right track so nice definitely yeah but we still need an answer to that overriding question what's going to happen to the pig farm behind the property the herd is about to be sold off but the future of the farm units is still uncertain with an eye for development Brown is keen to turn this to his advantage what are your thoughts on the farm yard yeah I think before we even entertain the idea of buying this and it is a you know an idea in our mind is one has got to find out what's going to happen to that and I think it's almost a necessity that one purchases that with the house to prevent future development of houses and we can find out some more information on that but meanwhile we've got another property to see yeah happens to be my favorite so come on team looking forward to this yeah but there's just one snag it's 20 miles and a 40 minute drive west of Ipswich Oh after a bit to be pretty excited about this one not only do you have the house there's also eight maybe nine outbuildings terrific Pond and seven acres of grounds that's the land isn't it we asked what that's the land that you asked for so we'll come back to have a look at that first of all impression please well from what you've said and from what I can say the outbuildings fantastic I would say initially house looks very small not as small as it looks though with four bedrooms and a sizable kitchen and reception room it's on the market at three hundred and fifty thousand pounds extension you wouldn't know no burn dump very well not very roomy as well big enough for you plenty the other clever detail in this house is this hatch which was cut in the ceiling you should have any piece of furniture if actually I have a bigger up through this hole rather not the cottage there's even get cherry but there's more to this plot than the main dwelling I think we'd better take a bit of an explore around all these outbuildings there's plenty to explore by the looks of it find out what you might just do with them but no I'll do I know what I'll do with that that's Sunday lunch now this is the real piece that really is the yes there is this dose isn't it I wonder if we get planning on that I think this is a real treat yeah and it like this I mean this is exactly what I was wanting when I said help buildings it would make perfect house perfect office even house for us your house if it's up here benefits from a spectacular view which you haven't actually appreciated yet and the seven acres going down to a river that's it that's the land it was a river at the bottom as well oh wow that really is the wild doesn't that that's fantastic that I take it as the bottom bound that's right down by the rivers yeah could be your Manor well there's no lack of outbuildings but is it actually too much to take on what you think what I love it I think it's got just stacks of potential just a few things to think about do you think it's got everything that we have set out in our particulars there's a couple of issues that we need to discuss such as location cost of property well a lot to think about meanwhile our research into the property at cattle Bastion has revealed that the farm buildings aren't for the moment for sale armed with this knowledge we reconvene the following day to hear cherian brand thoughts we've both fell in love I think with the first property and also the last property to farm there are a couple of reservations and a couple of considerations that we've got mm-hmm the first property is the obviously the price and the amount of work that needs doing on it the last property which is is just absolutely fabulous hitter it's the bill perfectly it's it's a long way outside Ipswich and also obviously the main considerations the Planning Commission on the dawn well research to do but I think we need to go back and have a really good look around both properties so it's back to great bryce set with its magnificent whole this time we need to go beyond first impressions and look more critically at its physical state one room resembles a building site but is it as bad as it looks the timbre of the original floor would simply have been laid on top of the dirt now you'd need to come in and spend about 300 pounds to level it off and prepare the ground for the new floor after that it's the cost of the timber right which is probably the more expensive part yeah so replacing the floor won't be too pricey but it's important to remember that historic buildings carry a responsibility the grade to listing includes strict guidelines what you can and can't do to a building and you may at times have to employ specialist craftsmen we called out medieval expert John Barry for advice on a deteriorating wall at one side of the property any rain that you're gonna get on this aspect of the house is is literally hitting the walls and running down and possibly going inside you could probably render it and solve all your problems and add a lot of insulation at the same time could you give us an estimation of cost I mean even cost cost a huge amount I would think you can get it rendered for less than a thousand possibilities at great price it then next up is the farm and all its outbuildings there's so much to consider here but first off let's find out if the house itself is in good Nick this is one of two bedrooms which you could use as the master bedroom now it's funny this house because it's very cluttered and the gentleman who lives here has a lot of old memorabilia and you think that the house is a bit tired but it's not if you look around you can see there's a great big new radiator there lots of electric plugs and points all the plasterboard seem very smooth windows new you know it's all there Brown's major concern is whether he'd get planning permission for the barn a phone call to the local Planning Department ought to shed some light on the situation they have a policy that they want to encourage employment in rural areas so they would much rather see it turned into a commercial space than a residential he did go on to say that if you marketed it as commercial premises for a period of time then they would look much more favorably on an application for residential use most of this house doesn't need anything doing to it it's in really good Nick this is the one room where you really need to do some work because everything that you see is going with the current vendor it's in no way a fitted kitchen the only thing that's gonna stay is that quite makeshift sink arrangement and this which is a solid-fuel burner which heats the water for the radiators and the bath upstairs could you live with it as it is not in such a raw state no we would definitely have to do some work in here but it's got so much character and so much potential and I especially like the feature of the stable doors cherry is reassured about the house well brian has got plans for the outbuildings yeah I think if you've got permission on Devon be nice to see another access coming in from over there around here and having a separate entrance but there's an awful lot to think about [Music] they've had a night to sleep on it and a lot of discussion chariots enjoying a well-earned lion but she and Brian have come to a couple of decisions smiley - yeah just putting a face all right we've had our little discussions but an offering on the first property of 275 that's the great bright at house it's on the market at three to five and you want to put an offer at two hundred and seventy five thousand that's right and on the same theme we thought it would be foolish to try and put a high offer in for the other property other one as well Wow that's two offers in one weekend locations first Brown wants to buy the farm for thirty-five thousand pounds less than the asking price and that subject to planning permission so both offers are low but worth upon't that's wonderful well brilliant wait here for me many thanks bye-bye whilst bran continued with negotiations cherry gave birth to little Amelia lucid brown and she was born four weeks ago seven pounds 12 ounces and an absolute treasure and what about the houses great Bryson was a 1 which carry absolutely adored the offer was too low I think we will when you're going to be too low and he didn't accept it and then the farm which was my little hobby horse was perfect but just too far away so we're moving out of here very very shortly and we're going to be moving into rented accommodation the short them older ferry nicely so the search continues you
Channel: Location, Location, Location
Views: 28,078
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Kirstie Allsopp, Phil Spencer, Kirsty and Phil Location, Location Location Location, home hunting, home improvement, UK housing, British houses, how to find a house, real estate help
Id: uez0m9L5f7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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