Location Location Location Season 16 Episode 3

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this week the race is on in the lightning-quick London market let's keep the momentum going it's fast we've just got to fast food drink up it's serious and with people praying to win we see something we've never seen before this week one powerful hunters strike in record speed I've been really brave is also quite nerve-wracking we're taking on the London market and it's a bit of a minefield out there we're south of the river where properties are selling in the blink of an eye and there's a need whiskey - usually I think we've got to know each other pretty well over the years Kirsty and while I'm joking about the shoes I'm serious about the speed of the market houses here sell twice as fast as the rest of the country the average going under offer in less than five weeks the good ones going in a couple of days together with the Capitals inflated prices means that this is the most difficult market in the UK for one group in particular first-time buyers like both the sweetness apples I'm Mick Georgie Allen and Louie Beaver to London trendies who long to swap their colossal commute for an inner city love nest and I'm helping IT specialist Rob Hitchcock's and events manager Nicky lemon perfectly matched dynamic duo sadly not to search for their first home together well quite so much I think he's found the channel last year so epic swimmer she can aBSI destroy me in a swimming pool he likes everything that's exciting and potentially dangerous decided to climb on blonde last year but that's nothing their next challenge is that biggest to date buying a home in London it's as exciting as his booty I guess I'm really put to left house it'd be nice to pour money into something it's not you allow me yes it's yours it's our futures are gonna be our little mess they're tired of renting in North London and want to move south of the river which is convenient to work and close to their friends this super organized pat know getting on the London ladder is no walk in the park they've been mapping out their house firing mission researching properties and pulling together every penny from ten years of savings for their deposit we had a very super geeky spreadsheet as well so each time you saved a little bit we'd put it in and you see your graph stick up and everything so I can pack out 80 so had to be some form of geekiness but even these two switched on go-getters the found that it's just as easy to sink a swim the hardest thing is just thin overwhelmed with different types of information time to take the Lifeline Phil I think we could to understand what the game plan is behind this are you looking to make money are you looking to invest the future are you looking to think about a family in years to come or you having fun and going wild and crazy in London and being young and there's a great velocity so how many four to five years but we still want to have a lot of fun you know when you're ready to give up on that whole gang are blended lifestyle just yet okay let's talk about the specifics of the properties so from clucky I think both on having a decent kitchen we want to get you to be like a cool part of them like so you can entertain and I understand you don't particularly like ground-floor for us I don't like the idea of someone living a Buffy which I know sounds strange possibly because of noise and yet you do want some outsides but whether that's a roof terrace or garden just a bit son just a bit of when it comes out yeah sometimes it does this all sounds like quite a substantial probably do your work you heard I felt if anyone can find these lovebirds they're perfect match it's you their dream home Nikki and Rob ideally dil wants to spend more than 480 heroin pounds but can at a push then run off million mark and if it truly chug their heartstrings it needs to have two bedrooms and be first floor with a dining kitchen and a garden they're keen on southwest London my neck of the woods so with home advantage I'll be taking them to a select few neighborhoods that offered a local lifestyle and green spaces for exercise that they're after I'm in South London too with my couples Louie beaver and Georgie Alan these cool kids met in London shop here and work here they're completely in love with the city George is in PR and Louie is a men's fashion buyer for an online retailer they also love the city nightlife but their parties are constantly pooped by their mammoth noobs between them they're traveling a whopping 8 hours every day with work in London their homes in Surrey if we're ever out in London seeing friends we're constantly having to croc watch to make sure we get back to station that so we can get our last train home horrible bring the people who have to leave early because we've got to get home but there is light at the end of those train tunnels by living separately with their parents they've saved enough to secure a 220 thousand pound mortgage for one Redfern the aim is to Gehring place now just dismay in Georgia but with the average price of the one bed in the capital at 330 grand these two are fighting an uphill battle we've probably seen about 20 almost 30 properties we've got some of them have been awful than other ones that we like have just that bit out of our budget just makes me cry a little bit inside just thinking we've got actually a decent amount of money but you pretty much nothing really when you get into London what's making things harder is that they're not just searching for the two of them Louie is a dedicated follower of fashion a rather obsessive one and his trainer collection is getting out of hand yeah I've got you four he prepares a few pairs is definitely an understatement about hundreds or so it's not out bad between the two of us as we've lived separate lives we've accumulated a lot of stuff someone to push it be nice so tight budget and storage requirements in one of the most competitive markets in the world good luck Kirstie I'll need it George in Louie want to be a short hop from London and with an easy access are sorry if I'm looking at East Dulwich and Forest Hill finding something in these areas on their budget won't be easy but at least I think I know exactly what to look for what you need is your own little love nest yeah yes correct yeah yeah it's 220 yes and what do you want from that money we kind of want our lives back a bit to have time to ourself to have time to spend with our friends have them over for dinner which at the moment just isn't even a possibility we know what you want and we know what you've got to spend so what we've got to do is bring those two things as close together as possible drink up I'm good today so for that hard-earned 220,000 pounds with Georgie and Louie are after one bedroom of that convenient to the city it has to be in good condition but all priced low if work required and needs to have and you have stewards for Louie's trainers wonder Phil's got an easier task at hand you'll be so proud of robin lathy you know you always talk about people don't make sacrifices and save on they have made endless sacrifices and saved up 75 grand randomly they they want a garden but they don't want a ground floor flat it's a sentient week because Louie and Georgie for five years they have lived with their respective parents okay but a fashionable couple look at you in your bright red coat I can stop traffic we will know where you are all week there will be no sliding come on let's get started both of us start a house hunting couples this we got far from alone first two months 2013 so the number of first-time buyers in the UK hit its highest in five years but that doesn't mean things are getting easier first timers still have to find an average deposit of 20% and while mom and dad were buying in their early 20s today's newbies are averaging 29 that means Nikki and Rob fit the average buyer profile perfectly though I don't suppose they'll settle for an average property in London's popular Southwest where we're searching I'm happening a couple who first years old they're looking to settle somewhere in southwest London good idea about our vision yeah absolutely it's cheap in the North London I do probably get more value for money it's just a very good place to live the Northern Line is such a magnet for our substances just coming so difficult to get place making my search all the more challenging when first property for Robin Nikki is in the plain location of Wimbledon less than an hour's commute from their City jobs it's also only a short walk to the chance of Wimbledon village and to the greenery of Wimbledon Common which makes this flap about is well situated as you can get we are on the borders of Wimbledon Village first of all flat with private garden before I don't quite well great start yeah Amy come on in nice bright start film this property offers a sociable dining kitchen cozy living room and private garden it's also in move-in condition and with an asking price just below four hundred fifteen thousand pounds it would leave 85 grand of their budget staff at any improvements kitchen diner so you've got you entertaining space the kitchen itself down that end a little bit compromised by the fact that the fridge is sort of enclosing the space it's whether you think that that is made up for by having such a big dining space I think so because even if you were cooking you just be eating could just have a chat and a bit more social it's not as open plan I was like kind of hopeful because we have seen some pretty big kitchens yeah so Nikki's seen the charm after you but Rob's not quite giving off the same vibes that's nice you're not convincing me wrong he's just on the smaller side of what I have in mind can I just ask how you both imagine that you will view properties I'll be there Hart and reports about this structural side of the house against the feeling after a PD properties so you contract the price county is it big enough can I get to work can I afford it yeah I think mr. practical just isn't feeling this one plenty more to see here yet Kirstie Quitely Neverland Ranch bedrooms it's your bedtime so your bedrooms are where they know it's dry mr. Spencer family window for me could you just back out a double in yeah well they've been rather underwhelmed by the size of the property I've got bigger and better things to say that this is a this is a good start it'd be a very safe first time buy for them safe yes but is it the dream maybe a little bit before it seems not but credit to rob he's putting everything to the chest in here that's a nice face where does these sorry Phil it looks like we can flush this property down the drain it's just slightly smaller than I had in mind we'd rather spend more of the money and get less face let's move on I'm going to show you bigger things I'm going to show you more expensive things there won't be a melon village so that's 150 out of the running for robber Nikki clearly space is going to trump location for these two looks like I'll need to dig deeper to find their gold medal home this week we're in South London helping to set the first time buyers tackle the supersonic speed of the Capitals property a decent affordable property shifts like greased lightning down here so there's not gonna be a moment's rest if we're to keep up this week some reason never it'll never if it was easy we would never talk so maybe it's best it's like why not someone have employed us to do something else I was quick off the blocks finding attempting first flat in Wimbledon for 12 and loving Nikki and Rob but the property didn't quite make the podium it is just on the smaller side of what I have in mind to get their hearts racing I have to produce something that can compete in the space space well size does matter fell but then speed does - there are over 8 million people living in London if you want to buy a home in this city you have to plan your strategy first funky Forest Hill where the average selling price of a friend is 220,000 pounds bang-on Georgie and Louise budget it's an area I know they like it's in London's southeast and just a 14 minute commute to the city is making the area increasingly popular there's a big change in in young professionals moving into the area there's my stars galleries and some really much independent shops that are opening up I think Forest Hill is a great place to live really nice community feel very friendly so the area gets the thumbs up but will this flat it's got private parking good sized rooms including a second kitchen and just decorated it ready to move straight into it's on the market at 220 thousand pounds the very top end of Georgie and Louise budget film has long been a fan of Forest Hill it's not the first time we've searched here so he's come along to have a look at the flat it's just come on the market don't think I'm saving the best for last no yeah I'm staying you've got to bear in mind that you only need the wrong flowers yet if it's love at first sight fingers crossed they'll need to act quick there's a second viewing already booked this afternoon let's start in this room as you can see it's not occupied great space yeah sighs so hold on today there stayed a chef something had a thought don't move okay don't move don't move knocking down walls you could just cut literally cut a hole in that and parental breakfast foil absolutely so you have two people set this side - yeah those things to do as when we wanted to you wouldn't want to be doing too much selling odd story because it is at $220 it's okay it's okay oh so first impressions big bright airy nice you know what I feel it won't be one of those days when we just get it done dude very good I reckon calm down Kirstie they've only seen one room in one bed London flat she don't get much more than one room this is a very good start quietly sit straight down the back is the virtual space lovely French window is that communal garden so $15 is it ours very tidy a little really moving it that's a good sign no it's gorgeous given that you guys have really seen quite a bolt we're easy to think it will be to make a decision I think a moment this is one of the best we've ever seen so you aware of patient America yeah it moves so quickly you've got cursor inside their life all will be well okay all will be well all will be well once I tackled Louie's training addiction sometimes will continue they say why I'm not going to buy a house and a second part my car off street or I can have a garage for this and I'm like get rid of the car and you have got something even worse than a car how many hundred pairs of restrain yes now I have a hundred pairs of shoes but I'm a girl okay I know I get this from Georgie all the time I know anyway just to tell you that and they're they've lowered the ceiling and there's fantastic storage so you're saying I can bring no no did you hear me say that I think you found the way to Louie's heart and that's through his trainers I'm now going to condone the trainers but if the shoes are part of the deal I'll do my best to provide good size kitchen safe again hi serious ready to move in there's nothing but good vibes coming off these two they'd seen a fair share of London property already they know good from bad can you prove it this morning we've kind of asked for to have in one sort of place this is the first flat you you've seen with us it came on the market at the weekend other people have seen it now there's a second viewing here today and I would be misleading you if I didn't say this is a cracking flat at the right price in the right location with the right circumstances doesn't happen every day you could see a hundred flats and not see one as good as this he does seem to take all the boxes we've asked for sure the times of the essence yeah and if they've got another viewing coming in this afternoon they could like it gone and why wouldn't they in 16 years and over 200 house hunts I've only seen this once before they clearly intend to make an offer here and now these are to house hunters determined to beat the turbocharged London market at its own game it's difficult once at the same time curiosity wants to show you something I mean from what we have seen already Emmaus is the best one we burst yeah it's not first for me and I love it to be honest it's at the top of our budget which you know it's fine we won't need to do much no won't do anything at all it sounds like units for that what it would take to cancel humans yeah yeah yeah yeah good yeah okay okay these guys are serious lucky maneuvering competition in this market is tricky no it's caste what do you think it would take for your vendor to just say right that's it the doors closed to other punters okeydoke okay Georgina I'm doing really brave but it is not an easy thing to do first flat first morning of curtain eye to stump on ago I like it try and buy they've been really brave it's also quite nerve-wracking cuz she's doing a wonderful job news he said he thought to seventeen to eighteen would sort it out okay but he also said if he made an offer we put it forward to our aunt and they'd have 24 hours to think about it now those two things don't correlate if you offer to eighteen or it it's probably acceptable but you won't stop the viewings if you offered to twenty I think you would you been you'd have a very strong argument to shut the door nobody else sees it I'm just worried if we do that someone else here to make an offer and then we'll be priced out we haven't got much to solve to 20s our top and that's it we can't start doing and going up and up and up this is a super high stakes game they're playing matching the asking price would take every penny they have are these guys really going to put it all on the table right here and now I feel like I want to offer to 20 and tell them to get it off get it off the market that's what I call beating the fast London market at its own game this is our situation we want this flat I would like to make an offer of the full asking price on condition that no one else sees the flat as of now it's not made under any other circumstances so if you think that she can't do that or doesn't want to do that disregard our offer he said I see no reason why she shouldn't take it off the books and say sold that's a full asking price offer obviously it's the vendors choice it's off there's nothing we can do about that all we can do is wait but with a full asking price offer in news shouldn't be long in coming whatever the outcome Georgiana we have done the right thing see it like it buyers while one-hit-wonder Kirsty has an offer in the bag I need to continue my search from robbing Nicky in the cities so West after being unimpressed by the space available in Wimbledon we know they want more square footage for their money and I have a good idea where to find it I've been looking at Colliers would an area sandwich between Wimbledon and tutu it offers a quick commute on the northern line and a new cycle superhighway to the city something Rob and Nicky would love in my opinion sees very often common and that's because the market the popularity has drifted down the northern line Clapham was popular then yeah Balan was knocking and Tooting and now quarries would it's 1930 field say I'm not pretending it's stuffed full of character and interest it's not but it is full of space okay it's a whole house it is a whole house yes well that's awesome yes should we go in yeah it's good with the large dining kitchen huge garden and three bedrooms this house has all the space they need for now and any family plans for the future and it just below four hundred ninety thousand pounds it's under their half million pound maximum budget this is about kind of safeguarding your future right this is a very much a long-term place that you could grow into yeah right on that cusp of modern young couple and family because actually if we're realistic is more where we're at and I did go for something that was morning didn't give us the space to grow we might restrict us in number of years it's the kind of house your parents would probably like to see you buy is it sensible yes that's exactly the word I was looking for it looks very sensible yes maybe a bit too family ish yeah Nanami nick is managing to see the long-term potential but surrounded by kiddie clutter it's not making sense to rob you look scared kind of game one and you lose another so I think game size obviously fat loss of character it's not quite as wow this is really interesting but this is only room 1 surely when Rob sees the rest of this has the facts and figures will add up to a winner on his spreadsheets pretty much what I expected there's just very predictable so who else do we want from a room if it's not good size yeah complete blank canvas I'm guessing there's another one like it on that side there is and that's where I want to chat with Nicky I don't want you to be to put off okay to be you know kind of conscious that you've just gotta get your not yet married and Here I am showing you houses with with cotton have I gone a step too far as far as whoops concerned you think I think Rob will take time with any property to feel either way about it it's the nervousness of bitterness is making a big jump Rob likes things to be efficient does get tourney likes is spreadsheet yes and I think what love you tonight is will almost list some criteria and will rank them one to ten and will score them each and we'll come up with a score which tell us what we should do something tells me it won't make a jot of difference though I've shown this couple two options and Rob really doesn't like me though this is turning out to be more tricky tonight first expected how'd you get on this kid I liked it like what you said is definitely a sensible option definitely future-proofed and I love a space I think it's just a little bit too early for me personally it's like you found the perfect house if we were four or five years older or so we should move on good effort mr. Spencer but it's still nil Casti one will see you've not sealed that deal you this week we're on the London property roller coaster the fastest moving market in the country hey Caesar going to the intamin army if you're a first-time buyer on a limited budget this is the hardest place in the UK to find a home and it definitely keeps filling on our toes fitness fanatics Rob and Nicky are treating their house hunt with the planning and preparation they would one of their triathlons with two properties down there still nowhere near the finishing line whereas my cool commuters Georgian Louie got off to a cracking start and they've done something I haven't witnessed in a while they put in an offer having seen just one part I want to offer 220 it's a bold move but I'm convinced it's the right one the Forest Hill property is at the absolute limit of their budget and have they seen enough to compare it to fear not Spencer while we wait for the agent to respond I'm going to show them somewhere cheaper and closer to the city center I want to make sure they're still confident in their decision and they've seen what else their money can get it's in one of their favorite areas east Alec which offers the delis wine bars and bistros these cool kids crave but on the way to our meetup I've had a call from the agent in Forest Hill which means I've got knees before you're into the splat I should fill you in on what happened we rang mode together then I got a call from Bobby in Moe's office and he said that when I had been on the telephone to Moe on his mobile someone else had been on the telephone to Bobby and that person had made an offer on the fact okay the good news is that yours is the hire off she is not going back to the other people she has accepted your asking price off okay so that is fantastic news horrified you do it so quickly not really well we've had some time for a little bit and I'm still really sore I still expecting you to come back and say that she was like now she wants more no or something no she was very honorable about it are you pleased nice yeah what we're doing now is we're going to continue having a conversation about size price location and value yeah because I want you to feel confident about what you've just done one-third of offers accepted never reached completion so there's still a chance the Forrestal flat will fall through I won't feel I've done my job if I don't show George in Louie and alternative and this one bed flap with a generous open plan living area and large shared garden is on a two hundred and five thousand pounds fifteen grand less and Forest Hill will it reassured Georgie and Louie that they're doing the right thing or will it make them think twice about their hasty decision now this is a contrast obviously yes but it's a lovely big room with fantastic high ceilings and original features and the fact that it looks like this is because the tenant really isn't particular interested in making it as nice as possible but good Street the location great that you're a great location of the coolest thing very prettily seems like first impressions are good and they're still to hear the price it's on at 2:05 so Christ yes so does that change your mind interesting okay food for thought yeah that seems to have put the cat among the pigeons are those second thoughts I see flashing across those young minds I lost the front room yeah useful it's okay yeah really nice bet big garden actually there's a garden a lovely living room and cheaper and better located than the Forest Hill flat what's not to like well bedroom is not quite so spacious and remember Louie has got a footwear collection to think about the reason why the turning chosen five company thinking it with all your staff as well where would we use 1194 a wardrobe yeah looks like they were right to go with their guts on the first house thank goodness would have been sad to withdraw that offer you who were you stressed about yeah slightly when we I love the road I love the location I was like have we made the biggest mistake from just gone too fast too soon you know do you feel more confident yes yes definitely definitely feel calm we've made the right decision - sure for us and that's fantastic so the first decision is still the right decision and tomorrow we'll go back to Forest Hill and have a look a flat that will be there usually at this plan saying I'll think about it don't you sleep over it or at why I'm just saying - Tori's please time October we're going to celebrate into a burro and I thought you'd be popping corks it's a brilliant success Kirsty at times like these Phil I'm drunk on life enough as it is thank you very much I've got my pair of first-time buyers all but across the line in record time are you getting on with yours well progress is proving slower with Robyn Nikki I must admit the first item in buildin was too small colles were too grown-up so to get ahead in London's lightning property merry-go-round I've used my contacts and got wind of a gem that won't actually hit the market for another month it's in Stratham Hill very close to the couple's target areas of Balam and Tooting Bec and over a thousand square feet this is the biggest property Robyn Nikki obscene yet but there are a couple of patches it's a ground floor flat which they are keen to avoid and perhaps more worryingly that has one actually be available to move into for another eight months so I'd call them Kirsty maybe her coat will distract them come on pick up so you go right outfit these are my favourite thing in the world purpose-built period flats and we're talking top floor again no we're not talking top floor but where we're going to wait we're not gonna we're not going to judge it let's told them cursed yet it's gonna let's hope there is an open-minded as you are excited this home has a massive contemporary dining kitchen period features in the spacious living room and bedrooms as well as a good-sized private garden and it comes with an extra feature that is more common than you'd fake a living cat the owners want to leave behind it is at the very top of their budget at just under five hundred thousand pounds this doesn't go on the market for another month the owners here they're expecting twins and if they could do a deal without having lots of people round they'd like to do that good news for us is it getting texts on the old spreadsheet so FAR's pleased to see the park at the end of the road and looks pretty nicely decorated all of the features you both look really like slightly i shiny ping-ping-ping so far I guess yeah looking forward to seeing the rest of it it's been valued at just under five hundred thousand right it is of course it talked about it is it really people it is that we always said if we were in the right environment we both knowing that we could be brave let's see how they take the news of the living Roger the cat actually comes free with a us chat they're not doping well that didn't seem to get anyone's backs up thankfully time to crack on let's get Pulaski it's going going I couldn't probably redesign this any better than what we want there is a catch it's at winning catch two carries to hold it back the catch is that was we've got in early these people have move until December it's not so yours absolutely sorted but the forget is she moving I know it seems like a long way away but actually you can have a summer that knowledge that you'll be in before Christmas mean what we haven't seen well no luck yet okay why don't we split up what let's go out to go and leave you girls looking that no one day that stereotypical stuff will get you in today hopefully outside rob will find enough to love to make the weight worthwhile what you makin is so fun very fests I'm gonna say like love the character love the kitchen love the fact that it all comes with a garden as well and well Nikki certainly looks some yet pretty excited yeah I would expect nothing less a face like this and she's not the only excited one dressing table that you have bookshelves either side of the fire place and you could sleep with your window open and at least open and that leads out to the garden yeah whereas at and mr. Spencer's like a cat who got the cream it could be in the turn when you're almost standing in the street looking at this flat you look like this was it and then you walked into this room and you were just like because I was nothing anything like this we've not seen anything like this ground floor was ruled out after about three bad ground floor flats um yeah I have a fly right if you go it was sounds like done deal to me what a day uniteq as well so it seems they'd be happy to wait for this flat all their worries about ground floor have disappeared yes I've got a feeling the future's bright well it's certainly orange he's still talking to that cat oh it's you so I was a lollipop lady or something come to frighten me oh this is going well isn't it what hey yeah what I don't count our chickens here a little bit early bran cracking for us cracking flaps senator steam cracking composters again when I pull you in that what's to like I think your face is tell quite a lot of the story of what you make of this fight that's this sighs he seems pretty excited no survivors got butterflies in our stomach definitely time not to jump now get so excited and try and be sensible and go through this process but I just I have absolutely fallen in love I really like it I'm absolutely grateful I said good character education because I think my living on the rationale get the spreadsheet out triumph altar and and we'll meet up tomorrow morning to some acknowledge coming up we may have had to go off market to beat the London property race and I think it's paid off here in Stratton Hill it's Rob and Nikki take a leaf I took George Ian Lewis book and move fast we could be looking at two sets first-time homeowners South London and if the property market here is fast our two couples this week approving faster my couples Georgie and Louis struck like lightning by putting in an offer on the first flat by showing and after passing on two flats Nikki and Rob have asked me to meet them back at the third the period to bed and Stratton bill that had them all so starry-eyed and lovestruck I didn't believe it even I'm excited this morning's we got in this round I'm here it really was love at first sight when we bought them to view is flat but as second viewings are about practicalities I want to know how this property rates in the cold light of Jerry after a night of number crunching did you get the spreadsheet so I knew I would come up we do now - we did look a patent and it wasn't big scored in four which house you should live in based on just the facts of a selfie ignoring the emotional side and this one did to come out on top emotions make sense good freezes the compromise from our perspective was was the delay of completion time eight months I didn't really see it as a problem it's like we were working towards getting a deposit and we did well we start looking and now we can work towards an even date now they're confident the Sun set up all their needs is to figure out if this place feels like home and they want that little extra that comes for free they can play the lawn not the best foot to get off on with your potential future housemate they really have tackled this whole process with such a logical sensible fashion the way they saved up for their deposit with it branded rate and all of the first little carried away that's how about one small problem they've not yet said they're going to offer oh but before they get too dizzy with excitement I need to remind them this property isn't yet on the market I've got one heck of a deal to be if they're to keep that spring in their step on my side of the city celebrations are looming not only how Georgian Louie had that offer accepted but it's Louie's birthday so here we are back in Forest Hill but it's not quite party time yet at that two hundred and twenty thousand pound offer is the absolute top of their budget and they agree with me that the kitchen should be not through to make an open space will they be able to afford it local builder mark has arrived to give us his advice this is just a non load-bearing stuff all South Africa stop you taking the whole of this out and in the nice big kitchen dining area if you wanted to say like nice space though the whole roll out it's going to cost you around sort of 1,400 pounds to move it all you haven't seen any horror slop no none whatsoever nice looks like it's been recently refurbished to me anyway so once you have a look at the garden see if the Sun is still in the skull so potential improvements covered nothing left on this side but to celebrate over to use rubberneck e are ready to offer on the stratum hill friend and as the owners haven't yet put it on the market they're in a brilliant lying position past one wrong move could blow their chances slightly tricky one because they haven't tested the market and there's no doubt the market is busy and it's seller's market how are they going to react to us try and do a deal off market I'm also mindful if we make a low offer let me try and negotiate and be clever they'll just go you know what we'll just wait and put it on as we intended to originally I think that's my fear definitely but at the same time I'd want to be paying you know a premium just to get in there early Mazda's i actually been the agent for kind of off the work hold conversation and try and put it back to them to say will they do a deal but i don't want to talk of us you just show the quality money put a bit on the table and then take it to mark anyway this is a delicate phone call I've got serious buyers but have we got serious vendors and Pamela can you talk this is Phil Spencer they do like it very much it is it's a lovely fur if you and I put a properly sensible offer on the table now from properly sensible buyers would they take it good manoeuvring Phil don't forget the added extra we did talk about the cut yesterday I better check okay well the agent feels her plants of a mental side they realize the situation if somebody was to pay the asking price now would never hit the market no one would say I'm gonna take a cat the cat will take the cat but with or without the carrot securing this man will still take almost all of their five hundred thousand pound maximum budget I think that's what we're prepared for to be honest we did that's think that we're the case and we're just checking before we said would we pay the full amount if we came down to it I think we both would it's a perfectly fair price and I promise you I would tell you if I thought it was ambitious it's not Stern it Tamino its Phil and I'm pleased to say that I have got a good offer for you they will pay the full asking price to pay for nine nine nine fifty on the understanding that that nobody else we've seen fire Thank You Pamela I wait here cheers bye bye Nicky and Rob have just put ten years of savings on the table I just hope it tonight back in Forest Hill the deal is done and in time for Louie's birthday really difficult scheduling okay nice and furniture moved in Louie a little better is it what you would have wanted for birthday Louie definitely more really like oh my god I didn't need to do that don't believe that kind of extravagance it's the best man first health I knew the bubbly wouldn't be far away I'm toasting a very brave couple who got exactly what they deserve talking of which I'm still on tenterhooks with Robyn Nikki as we wait for a reply to their offer these delights is with her and he's very very happy to accept me lovely for I'm chuckle bit Robyn Nikki have got the home of their dreams and have till December to prepare for it unfortunately for George in Louie after their super speedy offer on the Forest Hill flat Progress grant to a halt we had a bit of a disaster and the value were valued the property at fifteen thousand pounds less than what we had offered which caused the few problems we get in the mortgage but this determined couple weren't giving up their dream home without a fight and went back to the vendor to try and renegotiate the deal luckily for us the vendor was brilliant we both wanted the stable to go through quickly and she accepted a slightly lower offer so with the new deal done things are back on track our people struggle we've had has made us realize how much this flat means to both of us and how much it's going to change the way we live Reece Tucker you've got there you've got a good result in the end so really happy about next week we're in livable where it's all about your first time don't be disappointed okay it can be a daunting experience I think I'm in trouble which is often full of surprises you know this is a high-end stripper and but that came out wrong it can even reduce you to tears you know in cryo but it can be a moment you'll never forget to collect property information from the show into your own online scrapbook or to get our help with finding your own home go to channel 4 dot-com slash crusty and fit if you just can't get enough when it comes to house related programs then why not download Grand Designs to your smartphone or tablet thanks to the clever people for odie pencils have been sharpened uniforms have been ironed the brand new CDs educaiton Yorkshire is in a couple of minutes
Channel: Jason Morin
Views: 38,587
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Id: _DyU5xOlmws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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