Find The Research Gap Using ChatGPT (NEW Process)

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if you're struggling to find the research Gap to really justify or even develop your research question then I've got good news for you because charge GPT can do the work for you or at least part of the work and I want to show you exactly how you can leverage this new technology so that you can have a much better research Gap and a much better research question much faster and you're not going to spend weeks on it you're actually going to spend a few minutes on it before I dive into it you know I know that charge GPT is a controversial topic there's lots of ethical uh considerations about that as well so I'm gonna preface you know this by saying that that you really need to be careful as well about the information that it gives you right of course it's just a tool right and it's got certain information that it's using so you've got to verify that information of course but what I think chat GPT is amazing at is like just cutting down the time that it takes you to do certain simple repetitive tasks right and finding the research Gap there are many parts of that task of finding research Gap that are simple and repetitive like for example you've got to read a lot of papers you've got to find a lot of papers and you know there are the same elements of a research Gap that you've got to be looking for right and I've got other videos where I explain the step-by-step process for it so I think Chan GPT is great at that it can really save you tons of time and tons of effort and give you not a finished product but it can give you something that you can start working with and it's going to save you like weeks of that Drafting and Drafting and brainstorming and it's going to give you that so that you know in just a few days you can polish that product and have a research Gap and your research aim right so with that said let me show you how you can use chat GPT in order to find a research Gap in just a couple of minutes really so what we're going to do first is see if child GPT can give us a research Gap just based on the topic that we have so this will be really useful if you're kind of just starting out and you have like a broad topic for your PhD or for your research but you're not sure what the research guide might be let's just start with the main topic and I'm going to use a topic that um I'm writing currently on and I'm an expert in so that I can assess what a work chat GPT gives us and is valid at all foreign [Music] Ty gave us and I must say it's it's pretty good you know even this paragraph if this was like a presentation of a research Gap in a research paper it's not bad at all so like we get the main topic and the definition of that topic and then you know there has been some research on that topic but there is still a gap concerning our most specific topic yeah and then chat GPT actually suggests a very specific research Gap here which is uh experiences and perceptions of non-native English speaking presences and attendees and as an expert in this field I am almost 100 sure that this actually has not been done at all so this is a very good suggestion another suggestion exploration of the strategies and practices that conference unorganized can adopt contract native speakers even promote greater inclusivity definitely you know I'm 100 sure that this has not been done yet which is very interesting because like I gave charge GPT like a very vague topic and from that Chad GPT gave us two very specific um research gaps now the next thing that you should do is obviously to read a little bit more about this topic just to make sure that whatever research Gap chart GPT gave you is actually valid I mean I can assess it straight away because you know I've already read so much about the field but I would still nevertheless go and check that nothing on this has been done especially in 2022 and 2023 because the data chart GPT is trained on is up until 2021 I think right so let's see how we can do that [Music] I'm just going to ask chargpt to suggest and five key Publications on this topic I should read so the first one is definitely a very important uh publication right and holiday is a very important author yeah so I feel that you know these three sorry these four and I mean these three will be useful to get some idea about Native speakerism the overall topic this I don't think it's very relevant to here and but this one I I really like this one because it focuses on conferences right which is you know which is also our topic so that's uh really good of course we can ask child GP to suggest you know more specific Publications right what topic the one that we've decided on is a native speakerism in English language teaching conferences we would want just Publications on that so let's see what chart GPT gives us foreign so we've got this one and and this one that are useful uh plus uh this one so we've got three Publications that would be useful on this very topic and so chat GPT didn't provide much this can already indicate that there is a research Gap um on this topic so if you've enjoyed this video but you'd like to work with a human being not an AI tool then definitely schedule a free one-to-one consultation with my team we're going to identify the specific challenges that you're facing and also what goals you want to achieve and then we're going to outline a plan for you designed for you that will help you to achieve those goals much faster and the link to that free ones one consultation is right below this video now this was like you know and overall what is what is the research Gap here but obviously there are different types of research gaps and I've got another video where I go over the different types of research Gap and how to find one right but we can ask chargpt to provide the most specific types of research camps let's think about you know limitations of previous studies because that's one important research Gap if you copy the same topic that we already had that GPT suggested to us uh before and I'm gonna I'm gonna ask it to provide us with limitations and let's see what it gives us [Music] now this is I must say this is this is very this is very impressive and again like I I know this field pretty well so these limitations are actually you know are actually pretty good you know um and again you know I'm not going to do it again but you would want to follow up and and read more about them to like be 100 sure that these are real limitations of real studies but I can tell you just by glancing at it that this is this is pretty good right so one thing that you you want to do is ask about the limitations and of previous studies right and now what we can ask about as well is lack of studies right so let's let's keep the same topic just to keep it simple thank you [Music] all right so I'm just going to ask Chad GPT what kind of Studies have already been done on this topic and you know what lack of research is that because ultimately you know I want to know what other researchers have done on this specific topic so I can position my topic as novel right that will answer to a specific lack of research so let's see what child GPT gives us yeah I I must say that this is you know this is quite uh impressive these are real Publications that they're not like made up or anything which is which is even more you know impressive because like these are like real people real researchers you know and like notice how quickly we get a good feeling of what has been done on this topic now obviously the next step for you would be to find this publication by holiday to find this publication find this publication read it to corroborate what channel GPT is giving you but like the great thing about it is that like in one minute you have a great overview of what has already been done right and charge GPT gives you you know the lack in research when it comes to this topic which is great again you want to corroborate it you want to read up on it but in one minute like it gives you something to work with straight away now another type of research Gap that we can talk about is kind of sort of disagreement lack of consensus on a specific um issue that's that's a very frequent research Gap meaning that like you know a lot of Studies have been conducted on something but the results are contradictory or just different people disagree on it right so let's ask Chad GPT about that and see what answers we get see if there is a you know some sort of disagreement among researchers that we could use to back up our study [Music] yeah I'm not sure if this is exactly kind of a disagreement but we could use as a as a research Gap but you know it's just two different research strands but I think this one is you know is definitely a disagreement and it's very much connected to our topic about you know inclusivity Equity at conferences for English language teachers which is very good again what you would need to do afterwards is you know take a topic from here that some researchers advocate for more explicit right you take this topic and you get charge GPT to suggest five Publications that you should read on this topic and then you go off and read it but to be honest with you I'm very very impressed so far with what Chad GPT has produced here um because we've been at it for like 10 minutes and we've got very solid ideas for the research gap for our paper we just need to corroborate it and read a little bit more but the work that would otherwise take you know months if not weeks can be done in literally 10 minutes which is I think amazing so if you're struggling with the research Gap definitely try out chat GPT and the strategies that I've outlined here so if you've enjoyed this video but you'd like to work with a human being not an AI tool then definitely schedule a free one-to-one consultation with my team we're going to identify the specific challenges that you're facing and also what goals you want to achieve and then we're going to outline a plan for you designed for you that will help you to achieve those goals much faster and the link to that free once one consultation is right below this video
Channel: Academic English Now
Views: 43,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: academic writing, how to write a thesis, how to write a research paper, academic English, writing a PhD, qualitative research, research gap, literature review, research paper, quantitative research, systematic review, review paper, research proposal, how to write an essay, writing tips, essay structure, research methodology, research methods, phd writing, grad school, dissertation, writers block, post-graduate, post doctoral, how to, thesis
Id: oGzXhKeyjU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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