Find Out Which Settings To Change In Gray Zone Warfare!.. | GZW Settings and FPS Boost Guide

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it's safe to say that performance in gry zone Warfare is a pretty heavy topic right now so I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring and discuss what each setting does so you guys have a better idea on what you should be tweaking and what you might be able to keep a little bit higher inside of the game even though most of the warfare that's going on is war with the Unreal Engine 5 crash Handler it's still a safe thing to say that the performance leaves a little bit to be desired right now hopefully with this guide you'll be able to understand what the settings do and make adjustments according to either improve your performance or to Simply make the game look a lot better there will be more guides coming up soon for different tweaks for gry Zone Warfare but for now I'm going to stick this strictly to the settings so if you have any questions about what any setting does they'll all be time stamped below so you'll be able to see what each one does if this helps you figure things out make sure to hit the usual buttons down below and join the Discord it's the first link in the description and Del lie to ask me or other people questions in there about different settings inside a zone or just optimization for your computer in general there's also my streams that I do on Friday at 6:30 p.m. CST and on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. CST the latter of which is a PC shle live stream where I bring you guys in directly to help you with your issues one-onone feel free to ask me any questions in the comments in my streams or in my Discord everything's linked below yeah with all that out of the way let's get through a couple caveats real quick before you start trying to test settings within the game first things first is that this game does have some sort of dynamic Shader compilation or something of the sort I noticed when you go to new areas for the first time there is a massive increase in CPU usage for a considerable bit until you actually get to the location this can result in stutters or downright freezes for a little bit which on occasion does cause some people to crash this is different to tarov if you play that game in tarov there's normally a pretty heavy important set on single core performance and on cash bandwidth with this game it uses a good bit of your cores and also most of your threads and it can even max out your CPU when you're loading into new areas I don't know whether to be impressed or terrified by that but that's something you should note and that also might be the reason why your PC starts to freeze up if you're traversing the area depending on your system you might be GPU or CPU ball neck in gry zone it looks like a good portion of you are GPU ball neck at least based on what I'm hearing though that could be different for some of you so to put a long story short if you have any sort of overlay like mine say MSI After Burner which I made a guide out about I'll I'll link that below or capf frame X or Hardware info or anything like that or even task manager though that can be sometimes inaccurate if your GPU sits at roughly 100% usage then you know that your GPU ball neck if it tends to fall below this towards 80 70 60 Etc per then you can be pretty sure that you're at a CPU bound situation for your frame rate in that scenario so just know if you hear me talking about GPU or CPU bound that's what I'm talking about another thing too that I wanted to note if you're trying to test any settings quickly and on the Fly is that the main menu is actually rendered in real time quote unquote kind of sort of what I mean by that is you can go in and change settings while you're in the main menu and sort of see the effect this was a really good place for me to do some benchmarking for some of these settings it's a repeatable scenario that I was able to boot up every single time and test the impacts of various different settings this way obviously the actual game is more intensive than this but it gives you a good place to see the difference for example if I set Shadow quality to Epic you can pretty clearly see that something changed in the image quality setting it back down to low you'll see that it changed again I'm going to start with setting all of my settings to low and we'll move up from there with also upscaling disabled completely and I'll explain what each one of these does oh and one extra thing to note really quick is that when you do apply some settings they do require a restart or at least it seemed to me to be that way for example for text resolution it didn't really fully apply until I did a full restart on the game other settings may be the same and I tried to restart as many times as I could to to see the differences but you know your mileage may vary so the first thing that I want to talk about is the lighting of this game as you can kind of tell it's pretty pretty amazing and the way they do this is with Unreal Engine 5's Lumen technology or at least to the best of my knowledge that's what they're using if I pull it up really quick there's an article that I'll link in the description it's the documents for un real engine and they talk about global illumination if you're interested there is obviously different ways to do this baked lighting versus Dynamic lighting but it seems like for a good bit of gry Zone Warfare they are using Dynamic lighting the reason I think this is because of the way the lighting reacts to the environment let's take these lights for example you can see they're shimmering a good bit and they don't really stay still if that makes any sense you can also see and this is a artifact that I couldn't get rid of when you aim in with your site there is a slight amount of ghosting on the objects so you can see for example when I un ads ads on ads there's a little bit of ghosting and I believe that is also directly from them using Dynamic lighting when anything on your screen blocks the path between the lighting and your camera it sort of gets forgotten and needs to render it again or to add it back to the scene if that makes any sense this is a little bit of a problem and kind of annoying honestly and I don't really like how it looks but it is due to that fact if I had to guess I'd like to know what the devs think about this and if they're ever going to patch out say this issue for instance as this ghosting is a pain this relates directly as well to the global illumination quality that's the first setting inside of the graphics quality options well as these preset options here as you can see gry Zone describes that it determines the quality of dynamically calculated indirect lighting bounces so the lighting that I was saying before with for example the Rays bouncing you can see it's blocking the camera so I don't see those rays and they sort of get drawn back in over time right that's sort of a lighter way to do that Dynamic lighting it controls the shadowing the sky as well along with ambient occlusion if you don't know what that is that essentially is the shadowing around certain objects in the world so if you can see for example how there's shadowing around parts of my gun that aren't like in the light for example like my front sight or if I check the mag here real quick you'll see like in the chamber it was darker inside of the mag it's going to be a little bit darker and that is ambient deocclusion right there you can sort of see it on the box as well see how it gets like sort of D drawn once my sight blocks that that's ambient delusion right there just a light amount of shadowing around stuff the quality of that is controlled by this set the only issue is I feel like this isn't properly applying like for example if I take this up to high here I do see a difference in the ambient occlusion quality it gets a lot more uh what's the word less fizzily right but the main issue is it's it's not really changing this issue maybe this is just a result of how they do the the lighting but the amount of rays or however they're doing this lighting doesn't change with this no matter how you change the illumination quality this Relic is always here and well mad finger and off chance you're watching this I'm not using any sort of upscaling here either so this isn't any sort of artifact from that I'll show that real quick right here you can see that no matter what pipeline I use this artifact is still here I really hope it does get addressed is that shimmering is incredibly annoying regardless you're here for performance so if you're worried about performance just don't have this set to Epic every other setting here didn't increase your my or increase or decrease my performance it was really just when I set it to Epic that there was a little bit of a performance perance hit I believe this is starting to use some sort of expensive calculation for the ray tracing as it says down here though they're not really precise or not no pun intended but they're not really precise on what is happening here maybe it's some sort of directly Hardware accelerated rate tracing I'm not sure regardless if you're worried about performance make sure this is off of Epic and besides that it doesn't seem like there's any other performance difference for me here I'm going to have this on high still but you can go ahead and change this to whatever you like now that you know what it does next up I want to talk about Shadow quality and this is a pretty important one I've heard a lot of people complaining about how Shadows look in this game let me try to find an example of what I'm talking about one eternity later it occurred to me that I was an idiot and there's an example of shadowing right here so for example with these Shadows you can clearly see that since I'm on low Shadow quality right now the there's a lot of shimmering on the edges of those Shadows if you can see that right there the higher you set your Shadow quality the better that this shimmering becomes because the resolution of the Shadows increases secondarily if I go out front really quick I can show you that shadow quality directly affects the distance at which Shadows start to render so if I go out to the front here I'll stand on these boxes just so you can see far away and if I go to my settings you're going to see that the shadow distance say on these trees over here begins to pop in so let's see if I go to medium here you see how there's a little bit of shadowing added to these trees and that distance is directly set by this setting as well it is both the distance oh I just changed texture resolution like a like I'm stupid okay but you can directly see that the distance of the Shadows is affected by how high I have this Shadow quality set also when I go up to high there is a significant little dip in performance and on top of that there's this sort of fog that's added I'm not sure if this is volumetric fog or what this over here is but regardless it's added and could potentially impact your game play but it also does impact your GPU Bond wow your GPU Bond performance so you know just keep that in mind if you're trying to aim for performance while still retaining some image quality it might be best to set this to medium I'll show you why back where we found that comp back in here you're going to see that the shadowing at least on medium quality is a bit better there's still some flickering but the amount of flickering is reduced now if I set this to say hi and this is where if you have a more powerful GPU this comes into play the amount of flickering drastically reduced there's still there's still a little bit but you can clearly see the difference between high and medium Shadow quality that resolution improves and so too does the actual Shadow quality moving up to Epic helps a little bit more but it's harder to see there's not much of a performance impact that I could tell though between high and epic so if you're going up to high you might as well go up to Epic if you got the room but if you don't have the room for performance stick to medium this will help reduce the amount of flickering in the shadows hopefully allowing you to see a bit better in those shadowy thickets that are around towns the next thing is texture resolution if you're around and you know carry about optimization a good bit you probably know what this does it just changes the details of Textures in the map in the entire world what I did notice however and I'll try to put this on screen for you guys is that for example in the main menu having the texture quality too low made it harder to see through some of the netting and fencing that was in the menu with that being noted it might be a good idea to steer clear of low unless you just don't have the vrm capacity to handle the game medium is the default for the game and I recommend sticking to that unless you have say 10 12 16 GB of vram or more and then you might be able to put it up further I believe and don't quote me on this I'll put the Tweet up that they're going to be addressing texture quality in the near future trying to disable the higher settings for those of us who don't don't have the vrm capacities for it which is going to be pretty nice so yeah if you have an 8 GB card stick at medium but if you have enough VM to Start experiment but if you have enough VM to experiment with this feel free to press it higher if you notice any abnormal stuttering though where it's getting pretty constant amounts of stuttering then it might be a good idea to start ticking this lower if you have one of the overlays like I have here you'd be able to add the vrm allocation SL actual usage to this overlay so be able to see if you're maxing out on your vrm or not next though is effects quality and uh frankly I'm a little confused on this one it's not the normal type of effects quality that you'd see in other games say like pubg where just controls explosions and you know gun particles and and and bullets hitting the wall and stuff like that it has a lot more control on the actual quality of the game than I assumed it would when I swap to medium I get a slight performance hit like for example switching to medium it's really hard for me to actually tell what's changing the description says it determines the quality of visual effects which I figured but also Lighting in the game like for example let me put this up a bit higher and you can look at the image that's a result and see if you can find any difference I struggled to actually see it frankly but if you can see it feel free to adjust accordingly something that I do see is possibly the quality of the trees a distance over here but that's also controlled by a by a different setting so I I'm really confused by this one madfinger if if I could get some clarity about this this would be great cuz I'm not really sure what's going on with this one again it seems to get a little darker outside like I'm not I'm not sure they weren't clear about what this does and I also can't see it as far as performance goes though low was technically the best though they were all within a couple frames of each other when I was at you know it was between 68 and 70 FPS so generally if I set this to Epic there there really isn't too much of a performance impact if you see a difference feel free to keep this up but I in my opinion I see this as a performance hoger that doesn't really affect the game quality that much I'll post a comment though in the description if I find something that contradicts what I'm thinking right now for now for most of you I'd recommend having it to low next up is the reflections quality I'll give you three guesses to figure out what this does it affects the reflections but there is a bit more to this and you can actually have this a bit higher depending on your card so let me put this on the side of the screen here so you can see it and I'll show you what this does so having it set to low right here is how this looks right here but I want you to see the difference once I set it to medium having it set the medium adds a bit more reflection to this metal table outside and clears up the reflection here a little bit it's noted in the settings though that setting this to high and above high utilizes more precise race tracing methods again not sure what these are but you can clearly see the difference in the reflection it's much more cloudy but also a bit more realistic than previously however there is a performance hit when you go up too high and obviously epic has the same sort of performance hit but the actual rate tracing is a bit more fleshed out and a bit higher resolution what I did notice though is that depending on the object there's this like spotty effect that you can kind of see right here on the rate tracing at the moment that sort of make makes this not worth it for me for the performance hit that it is I really wouldn't recommend having it on for now if you'd like to have slightly better quality Reflections though you can run out at medium and not really get that much of a performance hand you can see I have medium here and obviously my performance is fluctuating a decent bit here there's not really that much of a difference so having that extra little bit of quality is nice having that applied the last setting that I want to talk about in the quality section is foliage quality now obviously I'll have to go outside to show you that one going out to the front here you're going to see that once I get up here foliage quality sort of does something similar to object LOD quality if you're familiar with that from the game escape from tarov you're going to see as I change foliage quality the quality of the foliage yes I know shocking increases at a distance so this controls the distance at which the level of detail or LOD as it says in the description changes on the foliage so you're going to see for instance when I go from low to medium that foliage closer up is animated now it adds a bit of life to the image even foliage that's further away got a bit more life to it this increases the more you set this up adding more detail to the foliage and as you can see when helicopters pass by and wind gets hit it it it's pretty it's pretty sick I'm not going to lie I'm also not seeing too much of a performance hit with this either so this might be something that you could set a little bit higher if you want a bit of eye candy I just want to note though and it's pretty impossible for me to test this but having this higher quality of foliage May adversely affect you when you're traversing large areas quickly due to the amount of stuff that needs to be rendered having the extra foliage at a higher quality may impact that so do keep that in mind if you bump this up if you're having a ton more issues when you're flying through helicopters however I think it looks really nice and I haven't noticed too much of an impact yet so I'm going to have it set to high epic as you can see draws in even further and there's not much of a performance hit to this either but on the off chance that anything is discovered I want to be a bit safer now on to postprocessing I recommend having this set to low and the reason for it is not really because it controls the quality of depth of field or bloom or motion blur but that when you set it above low you get a bit of shadowing that's applied to the edges of the screen for me I really don't like this asz it sort of makes the edges of my screen a bit harder for me to see and if a player Peaks on the edge of that screen I don't want to miss it because it was a bit darker than the rest of my screen if this is something that you'd like to have though feel free to set this to medium now obviously motion blur I would keep off sharpening is your own personal personal yeah personal preference color blind mode again personal preference and strength and now we go to the anti-aliasing or upscaling method this is going to be a doozy let me get the elephant out of the room first yes there is such a thing as frame generation but those frames aren't real frames when you first get into the game I believe the default values they have set for this are FSR with frame generation on and this set to either quality or balanced what this does FSR or xcss or dlss is that they're all upscaler or well technically TSR as well what that means is it takes a lower internal resolution and upscales it to your native resolution using whatever algorithm is selected dlss is nvidia's algorithm that only runs on 20 30 and 40 series gpus while FSR is more widely compatible with a slight degradation to image quality in comparison to dlss generally xcss is Intel's version of an upscaling solution which has a specific version that is made specifically for Intel graphics cards but is also compatible with other graphics cards on the market and finally there is TSR or temporal super resolution and this besides controlling anti-aliasing as you can see here also controls you can set like a custom resolution here so you can for example Run the game at 50% of the resolution and then you get the performance benefits that come with that you can even if you wanted to set it all the way to 30% of the Native resolution ution but please oh God please don't do that if you don't use temporal super resolution this setting gets grayed out so for example if I go to dlss you can no longer change this resolution slider as this slider now gets changed by the different qualities of dlss that you choose so for example for dlss if I choose quality it's at 67% and that's the same thing with FSR on quality it's also at 67% so you'll be able to see for example based on what quality of upscaling you choose what percentage of your native resolution it's starting at to upscale for your preferred upscaler depending on what GP you have and depending on which one you can use you're going to want to stay at as high of a super resolution setting as you can while still getting the performance benefit for most of you I would recommend quality but for some of you I understand that it may be required for you to set this a little bit lower in order to get sustainable performance quality is at 67% of your native resolution whatever that may be balance is at 59% performance is at 50% and Ultra performance which I really don't recommend you use is at 33% for some of these as well you can select a native anti-aliasing solution which for both FSR and dlss I think looks pretty dang good now for most of you you're going to have FSR frame generation available to explain what this does in you know reasonable amount of time because I know there's a lot of people who have been claiming this doubles their performance it's not really a doubling of performance what this is doing is it's inserting a fake frame in between frames so for example if we have five frames on the screen it will try to interpolate the image in between those two frames delaying the most recent frame to insert a fake frame in between those two this can add a good bit of latency and isn't really advised if you don't have above 60 fps to start with at least in my opinion your sensitivity to the latency of frame generation is honestly personal preference it's hard it's hard to convey that feeling to you in any meaningful way but I do want to show you though is that frame generation can have some artifacts so for example when I move the my site across the screen right here you can see that there is a considerable amount of ghosting if you're seeing this ghosting and it's extremely annoying to you when you're moving the site around like this it may be advised to turn frame generation off to help reduce that also if you're playing and you feel like you're not as resp responsive as you were before frame generation might also be to blame as it does increase the latency especially if you're running at a lower than 60fps refresh rate this is why for most streamers who say have more expensive cards say a 4080 490 Etc they're able to hit those High refresh rates from the get-go like roughly what I'm seeing up there then they can use frame generation specifically dlss frame generation but we'll get to that in a second to hit even higher frame rate targets sort of widening the Gap and making it look like those cards are performing way better than they actually are in comparison to say my card or your card like for example you can see if I just ran frame generation it would look like I'm running roughly 100 FPS with quality FSR upscaling enabled but if I went to disable the frame generation and just had the quality FSR on you'll see that in reality I'm running closer to 60 frames so when you see that number don't take it on face value as they could be using frame generation to make the game feel smoother for them and in reality it's not really the performance they're getting those frames don't actually take your input so it's not like the game is more responsive the difference between FSR and dlss frame generation is that DSS's frame generation is only available for 40 series cards FSR frame generation on the other hand is available for everybody but FSR frame generation in my personal opinion has less quality I can't show dlss frame generation because I'm on a 370 TI and you know like I just said you need a 40 series but arguably it's the one to pick if you're on 40 series just like I said regardless of what frame generation you're choosing make sure you have a high enough refresh rate to start off with before you go for frame generation just to make sure that it still feels responsive enough to play it is also highly recommended that you use Nvidia reflex with this Frame generation if you have access to it to help reduce the latency to make it feel a bit more Snappy what this does is it synchron izes the work that the CPU and GPU are doing by delaying the CPU workload just a bit to make sure that whenever the draw call for the GPU is ready to be presented it can easily be sent to the GPU and the GPU instantly doesn't without having to wait for say the GPU to complete a different frame or anything like that it's all synchronized that reduces the latency on plus boost just keeps your clocks higher on your GPU and tightens those timings a little bit to make it be a bit less delayed that's the word yeah it also make sure that the clocks on your GPU are boosting correctly though for most of you if you're running say at 100% GPU usage they're probably clocking correctly it's more made for scenarios where your GPU is not at 100% usage so it may try to downclock to save power if you're trying to reduce latency as much as possible you could go for on plus boost but if you're in a GPU bound scenario you're probably just fine with on and then with the frame generation again if you had the the proper frame rate to use it for me personally since I have some issues with my performance when I'm on stream I like running dlss quality since I'm at 1440p that's a 67% resolution of 1440p which is upscaled and then I might sharpen it up a little bit say to like 10% so let me get there real quick there we go I feel like this adds a pretty good image quality in the end and it gives me a little bit more performance to work with your mileage may vary though so feel free to adjust to whatever upscaler you like and all of that stuff now that you know what each does because I forgot at the beginning of the video we're going to talk about the display now monitor is obviously whichever monitor you're using Window mode is actually a little bit of a controversial topic most recommend full screen for the best latency possible but really on Windows 11 Window borderless mode or Windows full screen in this case is sort of the ideal mode to play as they have optimizations made specifically for window titles for this case it's best to honestly run window full screen it also allows you to Tab out for quickly which is nice it's a little extra bonus since I'm on Windows 10 though I tend to run full screen just that's windowed I tend to run full screen as that's what this is currently optimized for and Windows 10 does not have access to those same optimizations at the moment display resolution should be whatever you are natively running at don't set this to anything lower and if you are use the UPS skillers down at the bottom over here whoop oh right here instead of lowering that resolution vertical fov is completely up to you it's your personal preference though I guess technically there would be a performance impact don't worry about it set this to whatever you feel comfortable with and move from there vertical sync I would actually recommend disabling unless screen tearing is specifically a problem if you don't know what screen tearing is it's where a frame that's newer is presented on part of the screen before the older frame is removed from the top part of the screen so you can see like for example here the image is torn across a line causing it to look split pretty much if this is an issue for you then I would recommend turning this on otherwise if you're not experiencing it don't worry about it and leave it off these four settings here brightness contrast saturation and Gamma are all personal preference I didn't see any performance impact with any of these uh and you can feel free to adjust these as you will I will warn you however that upping contrast does make darker areas darker if you don't want to do that you might want to up saturation instead as that actually makx the colors pop more contrast however makes the lighter portions of the color lighter and the darker colors darker as you can see right there then of course if you're worried about the brightness of things and you're having trouble seeing in Darker areas upping your gamma may help you see through those as it UPS the brightness of the image it sort of washes it out but on the flip side you're able to see a bit more it's up to you which one you want to choose finally you can use a frame rate limiter if you are struggling with some performance of tasks in the background for example if you are attempting to stream this game and you're not on a super beefy computer especially if you're on a single computer you may want to limit the frame rate to ensure you have some GPU Headroom for your encoder to do its thing also the CPU might be a limiting factor if you're maxing out on CPU usage when you're loading into different areas and I'm still working on finding a fix for that so stay tuned to see some stuff about that as well I'd also recommend keeping the frame limit on in the background so that for example if you Tab out it lowers the frame rate dynamically to the this performance so that it's not utilizing as much system resources when you Tab out of the game but yeah with all that out of the way that's pretty much everything if you're wondering what settings I'm going to be running it's probably going to be this that you see on screen right now keep in mind that this isn't for everybody but I am running the recommended GPU for this game so it's been pretty okay so far there's going to be a good bit of adjustments to these in the future so don't expect the performance you're seeing right now to stay this way but now I just wanted to explain what these set are doing so you have a better idea of what to tweak I may actually just in case this ever adds to additional performance cost lower this down to medium let me do that if I get more clarification on say the global illumination settings and the effects quality and what that does as well I'll make sure to post that in the comments below and as I was saying this isn't like a magical performance guide but again I hope this helped you to figure out what each setting does at the end of the day knowing what each setting does will allow you to dynamically adjust and get a better image quality while still maintaining the same frame rate or get more frame rate depending on what's going on for now though I hope this helped stay tuned for more gry Zone guides in the future and make sure you tune in to my streams that are on Friday at 6:30 p.m. CST and on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. CST join the Discord like And subscribe this helped yada yada typical YouTuber baloney and I'll see you guys very very soon thanks for watching and this is Clen clocking out later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Klemintime
Views: 45,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GZW, Gray, Grey, Zone, Warfare, Crashing, Crash, Bug, Nvidia, Intel, AMD, New, Update, Performance, FPS, Boost, Optimization, Lag, Fix, Frames, Graphics, Low, Quick, Easy, improve, stuttering, Startup, Freezes, Freezing, Standby, RAM, Memory, Wipe, Streets, Quality, Shadow, CPU, Bottleneck, Issue, Shadows, Comparison, Visibility, LOD, Texture, Reflex, Overall, High, PostFX, Stutter, Input, Latency, Guide, Settings, graphics, 0.14, Best, Live, 100%, Usage, GPU, Process, Lasso, Less, Than, PC, End, Edition, Reflection, Effects, Post, Processing
Id: BeOTmK3o_GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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