Breathtaking Discovery Metal Detector Finds Ancient GOLD HOARD

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I had a bit of a think last night and I thought what I'm doing with the GPS is I'm getting it to amplify the signals that are in the ground because it's got a because it sort of amplifies the signals so I for old on a minute there's a program on the CT yet it's called low and slow and that sort of does the same sort of thing so I thought why don't I wander around the field with low and slow and then toggle back to my normal program if I find something so I'm going to give it a bash low and slow it's very annoying though I don't know how it's gonna come across because it's very annoying sort of tones very annoying sound to it that's that's what you want to look for so what I'll do is I toggle it to my other program you see there's something down there now whether it's a piece of flower and I don't know still might be a piece of vine where is it - it was over there oh I got a sweet signal here 13:46 could be silver or definitely could be silver oh yeah gobby silver it has gotta be silver right there if it's shiny for silver nope not yet out was it too yeah it's disappeared nope was it true pesky see Daniel no ah alright just get me a metal detector on that oh dear it's disappeared nice over there I'm gonna get over there Oh wish me silver I can't see it can't see anything silver it's a pity with this pesky long grass right pinpoint yeah that might help right yeah oh no they don't look like silver well that was give me a banging signal what's it made of there's look a bit blackish it looks a bit blackish looks like copper oh I thought convinced them to be silver Oh what on to the next oh I got sweets again now didn't it from your 23 party next to the hedge is probably ecwid oh can I see anything nope just give it a swing get rid of that 12:41 could be a coin could be a coin right there right there you've seen anything yet right they're getting closer Oh mr. bat it must be right on it right on it nope get there eventually nope or is it too [Applause] good up today is no wind at all what excuse me dissected worm it's really hot what was that bit dark so what's that there is it bracelet I broken it possibly son usual shape alright let's just get that out yeah I've got a bit more of it so that goes on there is it going that goes on there like that just I for a bit of bent wire or a bracelet right let's get this cleaned up and I'll get back to you right I think it's a bracelet because almost looks gold inside look I mean get that focus so you not sparkling in there that's very brittle I think it's structural integrity is being compromised by being in the ground for like a couple of hundred years or more but you can the reason I think is a bracelet because look at the shape of it it's sort of oval it's not like like a piece of wire would be round wouldn't it but this is over oval shaped like a bracelet I think that might gun on there it's just bent out of shape probably been in the ground for a long time so yep yeah interesting a bracelet it's not made of solid gold on to the next go look at this thing we got here Oh 15:45 I could have a Ord order that would be nice wouldn't it a proper Ord 50,000 silver coins oh yeah I could get ax in the village and I wouldn't have to cycle here oh I can't see fifty thousand silver coins sweet 12:46 could be silver would like a nice bit silver oh there's oil oh whoa look at that look at that right could that be Saxon could that be Saxon yeah he's got leather on it I shouldn't think so they do reckon that the reason these buckles have still got leather on them is because it gives off the copper as its degrading it kind of does something to the soil around it and you end up he ends up sort of preserving leather very crumbly lever at that Zion pin now I'm not entirely sure that that's particularly old but yeah it does something to the leather it sort of like preserves it right on to the next lovely signal yeah 12:28 could be gold mmm gold gold be nice right maybe gold can't see any goal [Music] 12:28 could be CAC passports CAC is well as gold right there all right where's we CAC oh yeah nope I can't see me can't ya rip that one lump off know something there ya still in there what's that there is it a bullet it's a bullet it's a 9-millimeter slug Full Metal Jacket just slug let's just make sure there's no way casing in there note so it's been fired and it hit something very soft on to the next I thought this was gonna be a bit of foil but it's not it's not foil it's a it's a thing it's like it is broken like whatever lies got some writing on it got some writing all right I said I didn't carefully clean this up because there is some writing on there and we'll see what that is right top bits not got anything on there but the bottom bit she's got some numbers on there and I can see an M and then a dot and another M ve is it ve and then I can see three five oh and then something looks like 17 at the bottom 1713 I can't see it very well on the crew finder I have to lighten up a bit that picture isn't always a bit dark the new camera might have to adjust it but anyway it's got some brightening down the bottom but it's too far gone so whatever that was onto the next [Music] whoa what's there [Music] and locked under the ground what looked a bit dryer [Music] Oh luncheon rocks [Music] right underneath some power cables here so I'm gonna have to do plenty of noise cancels right loads of rocks might have a graveyard right here why don't we just turn the thing off oh yeah I've got something right here if that is that route oh that's a breach Oh was it a route oh my god oh my god it's a gold noble oh my god oh my god I dreamed of this day would happen I feel the weight of it oh my god [Applause] my god it's a gold noble oh onion have to calm yourself down my lovers oh it's a gold noble evil it's really good condition yeah it just needs unfolding gently gently yeah oh yeah gold usually is for some reason gold is usually in mint condition have you found more that I don't mean now here well well I just kind of freaked out and started shoving and I thought I heard you say gold and then I thought oh the yelling must have been the kids up the road or something that is amazing I've left it with the landowner they're gonna try and identify it that's what I just add the gold noble gold noble there and I got another signal here Oh twelve thirteen oh my god not another one I might dig this one a little bit wider just in case I don't want it really wide this one just in case can't see anything I can see something it looks like a hammered coin just an ordinary hammered coin a boring just a boy in hammered it is it's a hammered coin but obviously a coin spill huh does that make it treasure I think it does right yeah we got a hammered coin Oh heavily clip this one yeah now that one might be a bit more identifiable but I give it a rub on the magic trousers hammer coy yes coin spill head of a coin spirit hell of a coin spill right yeah that's webinars it's gotta be a Henry right onto the next what I'm going to do my lover's is when I I'm gonna come back to that place in the field and a grid search the whole area right so just to see if I can find any anything else and then when I've when I'm absolutely sure that I've grid searched it with the GPX and the CTX well I'm absolutely sure that there's no other coins there then I will release the video in its entirety Cheers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: West Country Clegg
Views: 48,298
Rating: 4.7178016 out of 5
Keywords: astonishing discovery of ancient gold, west country clegg, hammered coin hoard, finds gold coin, hammered coin, hoard of gold, gold 2021 youtube, hoard of gold found, Metal detecting Silver hammered coin hoard, finds discovered by metal detector, treasure hunting hobby, Treasure hunting tips, find gold with a metal detector, metal detecting gold coins, Metal detecting california, found epic gold coin, 600 years old, amateur metal detectorist struck gold, first treasure hunt
Id: 3axPBgiwnxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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