Find Larry or He Kills Everyone...

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what the is that oh God it's a murder scene welcome back for the first time to let's find Larry now this is a we's Waldo Style game but we'll see about that it's supposed to be a horror game but all right enough of the intro let's get started oh one sec I need to get some water today's episode is brought to you by Era but more than that in a little bit okay here we go uh is that him that fool is [Music] why does his eyes look like goggles why hello there um hello my name is find him really I love finding people it's fun okay so he's not Larry go ahead and Press A and D on your keyboard okay so that's how you rotate wow he just made the whole world spin am I making you dizzy yet are you dizzy okay sorry sorry my bad my bad all right [Music] what a beautiful day I went to go take a [ __ ] in the park I mean a walk and then I saw him I never forgot his face my best friend from high school Larry he's the Talk of the Town we haven't seen each other in years it's great to see you Larry okay so that's Larry right there you found Larry chingon okay we found Larry he's a a creep actually how old are we oh [ __ ] okay this is going to be tough ion okay yeah he's right there he's right there I see his ass he's right you found Larry the graphics are really cool in this game I like it I like it so far okay where's the horror how does this turn into Horror oh Jesus Christ yo what's up Terry Cruz there he is I found your [ __ ] ass what what do you mean that's him bro that that's not him where's Larry okay I I asked the question I did I I said the title oh my God yo me waiting in line for the cashier to scan my Pringles so I can eat them on my way out okay for real what the am I missing no he's right there that little you found Larry he was in the middle of the crowd okay he's he definitely is not the kind of guy you want to see hiding behind the tree at your schoolyard okay where is this mother okay so we got Let's see we who do we got over here we got U who are these people yo what's up with this man's Noggin look like a beluga whale hey Primo Juan what's up byy I found him he's right there he's he was right there priman came through all right so we're starting off pretty pretty innocently what the is that oh God you look like one of those fools that likes to like Pierce themselves and it's covered in face tattoos like that gets like the lizard tongue in [ __ ] like all right where is this guy where are you Larry on this T I'm going to find you [ __ ] I'm going find your [ __ ] there you are you found peeking at me from behind the building I have a feeling like this is going to go south real quick why is he actually hard to spot he's right there I see him already who is that wait hold on let me get let me get a good look at these fools see if there oh they're all the same people yo it's the guy from Epic Meal Time I'm beginning to be creeped out by all these people staring at me like that something ain't right here what happened to that guy that one right there I can't zoom in on him editor zoom in on him instead that one right there he's got his head glitched inside the he's looting I found you wait what why are they all just like in the center like this he's right there but every look at everyone just [Music] staring looking like okay this one go you found L got him got to stay hydrated today's episode is brought to you by Arup and no this is not your typical water bottle Muchachos this is an Arup bottle now you guys know that I try to stay fit and I'm always looking for alternatives to sugary drinks and so AR up sending me this bottle could not have come in a more perfect Time air up is the world's first hydration system that flavors water through scent Yes you heard that right here's how it works you take a flavor pod like this watermelon one and you put it on the water bottle like this once you got the flavor pot installed you simply lift up and you sip your water yeah that tastes really good you can actually hear the air bubbles flowing through the bottle because it's carrying the flavor from the Flavor pot and into your water as you sip it it's like you're hacking your brain into thinking it's tasting watermelon but it's just through the air if you want to just continue drinking the boring water then you simply just push the flavor podt back down and now you're back to drinking regular water after using it for a few days it's really just made drinking regular water more fun for me cuz you get a ton of flavors look at this now in my opinion Arup is the perfect gift for someone this holiday season picture it like this you gift someone a chla everybody knows what a chuna is but you give someone an arrow bottle they're going to be like thank you this slaps so gift with taste this holiday season and click the link in the description to get yourself one of the limited edition bundles perfect for the holidays and save up to 30% thanks ER up now back to the video where are you I'm I have a feeling I'm going to find this [ __ ] doing something creepy at some point this is just like what I do on a regular bases when I go out I like people watching seeing what these fools are doing I forgot what he looks like now they're all starting to blend together please don't blend together I'm clicking everywhere and cannot find Larry is he behind the oh there he is right there no wait I already I already tried clicking on him I can't he's back there somewhere but I can't click these people you found Larry what the I I barely it was him I just had to click his foot why did that scare the F out of me wait who was that there was somebody on the bottom right just now I didn't see him he's starting to jump scare people now there you are I see you [ __ ] oh what what what the uh-uh what's up with this look there's wanted posters of them that's the fool that look like this this the one with the gums I saw him where is he wait no it's gone I can't what happened to the nighttime shot damn they all look the same no M okay there's Larry right there I put them out way okay why is he scared [Music] now okay this is getting really weird Muchachos what is that what is that there's someone right there where's Willie Mac wiie Mac's is that is it no it's not him that's not him that's not who I saw in the wanted posters I know how to find Willie all I got to do is stand out in the streets and hey yo I got some crack and he's going to show up I guarantee it oh no he showed up instead he's not any who is this guy I haven't seen the one with the pointy with the pointy hair yet you found Larry I just clicked around in the crowd he keeps hey quit it what is he talking to me now oh [ __ ] who is this guy up here he's still watching there's more people watching now look at them they're on the rooftops who the [ __ ] are these guys hey yo I'm here to take pictures of you wait what if this is like the Matrix and [ __ ] one of these is Larry where the is he hiding maybe maybe he's the one without a camera is there a person standing without a camera what if he's in the center behind that tree oh I saw his shoe I saw his shoe behind the tree stop following me or I'll call the fuzz wait maybe I'm the creep Larry's just trying to chill I'm the problem maybe he just doesn't want to be found maybe he's just living a normal life you guys need to breathe you're looking a little red like a little too red I'm clicking on all of you is he behind any one of these buildings Muchachos where the is Larry he's gone now for real for real did he get [Music] buried he was behind the building are you kidding me help somebody stalker he was behind the building why would you do that oh the music changed okay he's right there literally right there easy you found Larry please he just wants to be left alone oh God where is he now now we're at the M lady okay I'm going to tell you right now take a shower please you look a little throat sir close your mouth like just go like this breathe through your nose you look like a mouth breather sir you got to stop eating Pier it's not good for your hairline and look at your belly sir H now I just you're just weird no that's him that's Mac wiie Mac that's him I have never seen someone smile with their irises their retinas their and eyeballs like that he's back there I see him found you mother Larry was there the whole time oh God damn it stinky food cool clothes awesome jeans Halloween masks Beauty Bongos Around the Fur ew is that a furry shop maybe Larry's in there there's new characters now there he is he's inside the Halloween mask section he's hiding from me I just want to look around real quick I found his [ __ ] ass I'm glad I looked through the windows hey cousin Juan get that 65 in TV while they're not looking fool take it in the shopping cart and bring the shopping cart too we can play around in the neighborhood with it [ __ ] just saying okay oh my goodness homie look like he's having thoughts homie head so big he look like he just got an idea homie thinking about something bro bro look like he got a lot on his mind hello it's me Welcome To Earth okay I got to click on Larry I found you [ __ ] Larry I'm still worried about Willie Mack though oh my goodness what the is that your mouth look like it's a face your mouth looked like it's smiling like like like it's a it's eyes and a and a smile hey guys you want to go fishing oh I can actually go out of the map this time what the why I've never been able to go this far with this thing he's right there no that's not him is he is he eating in here is he in one of the is he in the floor oh he was right there the whole time how the was that I'm just clicking randomly now he's going to be pissed what the [ __ ] is that oh God it's a murder scene someone got murdered someone's dead someone's dead ah we got to call 9 I just think I witnessed something he's the guy with eyes that are facing out okay elisco that's not good cuz look it looks like there's a person there but then you zoom in and hey can't you see someone's in here it's him though he's the killer right look at his eyes okay just sorry man pick up your pants already I've seen you where the is Larry oh I forgot that you can change the perspective I'm such an idiot there you are he's shaking how did I forget that you can change perspectives I've been playing for half an hour already and you guys have probably been like Eddie change perspectives I need some water that watermelon flavor is my favorite I found your [ __ ] ass you found Larry oh God you don't have any idea what you're doing are you with them oh God leave me alone what was that about the was that man okay I'm going to inspect things now now that I remember that I can turn the map I see him he's winning a car wait did you trick him win this car Larry got tricked all right where is that man hey cousin Juan when I find Larry take the car fool okay oh my goodness bro you can't just be stashing nuts in your mouth like that like what are you you look like about to hybernate wa you preparing for winter what the all right Larry I found you you're you're inside the car dude that one that one was like super easy come on man oh wait this has just gotten like creepier because it's like a satellite which one it's none of these it's just repeating the same ones how about over here where is this man the black car what's in the black car there's that one black car and you can't see who's in there okay I don't see him I don't see him hey yo Will Smith have you seen uh Larry anywhere no okay I'll keep his name out your mouth uh that's him I found him I found you Kon he was trying to get oh he's got the black car following him he had the black car was following him he was scared Larry what happened he crashed yo this is getting wild aha you found Larry I know you were there the whole time dude what happened all right now I'm getting creeped up they burnt the whole city Larry what the bro what's going on you found Larry oh God it's like post-apocalyptic and [ __ ] it's the people again they're on the roofs all the people are on the roofs I I saw Larry up there hello oh I can't switch perspectives anymore I'm stuck my camera is stuck uhoh uh-oh Larry Larry Larry who are you running from there what was oh God it's the Shadow People what are they doing Larry Larry it's the mafia they're here for him oh God who is that hey yo get the F off of my screen dog what what Hey listen fool I've already turned in my money all right I gave I got my cut I gave y'all everything notice you've been keeping a close eye on somebody we like finding people too recognize this rat nice guy Larry once again the popular local middlewood resident is being honored mayor for his several acts of kindness read uh yeah yeah I know he's close I can smell him we would like a little wor with him he's a slippery son of a [ __ ] proven to be difficult to track down but you seem to be doing just fine I'm not somebody you want to upset stay on his tail if you know what's good for you you'll need us you'll lead us right to him Larry isn't here uh-oh where did he go Larry where are you bro why am I keeping a close eye on Larry he's just my friend from high school Larry's not here F oh Larry Larry I'm coming for you Larry oh Larry you can't hide from me Larry I'm going to find you you creepy oh he's not here Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry I'm going to click on everything until you come out of your little hole ah Larry Larry Larry you think you can hide from me I'm the master at hiding Larry you're in there aren't [Laughter] you uh Larry come out I'm not going to hurt you I just want to talk Larry you saw them didn't you listen they they took my family they took them I don't know what they've done and now they're coming for me they're Relentless anywhere I go they always follow me they'll never stop no no no help help me please I'm going to die they're here please okay oh God they actually are oh no oh no my bad Larry there he is point out where he's hiding do it [Music] now okay what if I don't want to he's hiding right there he's hiding right there he's over there nope he's over there I'm going to help him I'm going to help him he's hiding over there guys guys he's hiding in there in that building over here I have to point Sorry Larry you found Larry y he was right there the whole time what the oh he right inside the club oh no oh no hey yo all right Larry I found you buddy found Larry keep running keep running Larry this game is crazy man Larry I know you're hiding in between all these people and that's kind of up the fact that you're trying to hide be between all these people Larry that says more about you than it says anything about me you know what it says about you you're into some weird [ __ ] Bro [Music] Larry oh okay enough I found him he's right there you oh no Larry why is he scared I mean I know why he's scared but why is there blood everywhere everywhere hey yo what the oh he's right there bro you just have to like you f Larry he hides behind the woman whenever you click on the thing whenever you zoom in but I got your [ __ ] ass the [ __ ] lar I see you what is this why is there so many Larry you found Larry did he just fall off the world he just went off the world uh-oh Larry Larry I see you bro Larry let's talk about this man tell me more what can I do to help F if you help me I help you help me know who these are and if you tell me who they are and you prove your innocence to me I'll pretend I didn't see you how about that you ready to talk he's not ready to talk yet okay he's up I'm just trying to help you Larry maybe if I wear a disguise and talk with a thick accent maybe maybe he will um Larry hey fool it's not the same person that was looking for you is somebody new I promise it's somebody new okay he recognized me oh Jesus Christ sure um good job the fool has ran into the building up ahead we got him trapped on the rooftop this is the night boys you'll be able to get a nice clean shot on him from up here take this you found 50 caliber sniper rifle Ching oh wait sorry Larry this looks fun all right tell me what to do oh is this holy [ __ ] AI generated building oh he just wait a minute what if I don't shoot him what what if there's other people that come up the other fools are they somewhere oh you ran into I was just clicking around Larry oh no way Larry you [Music] bastard oh [ __ ] no way nice one kid shut the fu up up you don't know how long we've been after this motherucker no we got your trap now no Escape shoot him me shoot him you've been hiding for long enough I dedicated half of my life hunting you down time's up wiie Mac wait that was Willy Mac but I'm just Larry cut the [ __ ] take it off you son of a [ __ ] when I heard the fuzz caught you and put uh put you behind bars it was the worst day of my life cuz I thought this moment would never come the moment where I put a bullet through your sick skull you son of a [ __ ] wait so I've been get I got duped by Larry oh no I should make an apology video about it is he coming out oh [ __ ] oh oh my God what the bro uhoh he's coming for me now I don't have any more Jesus candles I'm preparing myself here just take my guts huh I'll just give them to you there he is oh oh he left his mask this game is incredible I fuing love this you couldn't just leave me alone could you no I'm sorry Larry Larry it's me your friend from high school thought I had a good thing going to you came along and ruined everything looks like I need a new place to hide I wonder if you scream as much as he did also he killed Larry wait wait wait what oh God now I'm the one hiding I'm the one hiding now okay uh no M this game is epic Larry okay is that what it felt like I get it now news coming from the quiet town of middlewood this morning is that what it felt like every time I found him where a dismembered body of a man was discovered today at middlewood Park the police cordoned off the park and discovered trash bags that had been buried underground trash bags containing severed body parts attempts to identify the body have proven difficult as the authorities state that the face of the man had been removed the police are asking for anyone to step forward with any information or anyone who might have seen or heard anything in middlewood park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the extreme graphic nature of this crime Bears an uncanny resemblance to the Willie Mack murders that haunted the town for many years Willie Mack notorious for the murder and mutilation of 17 people between 1996 and 1999 some of the most graphic of the murders committed in the town of middlewood in the year 2001 he was apprehended and sentenced to life in prison although only last year Mr Mack was presumed dead when a prisoner transport vehicle relocating him crashed and burst into flames the middlewood police will be issuing a statement shortly but for now we go over to Tom for the weather take it away Tom hate this job uh Tom oh yes thanks Jerry it's going to be a beautiful day folks Sunny spell all [Music] [Applause] [Music] around I was not expecting a totaling Masterpiece of a game I just that's all I'm going to say okay of course I want to say more what's happening now is that what was that it flashed some something and then my game closed can I open it [Music] again okay so things make more sense now because there was those points where you were in the middle of the town and then I zoomed in and then there was like police vehicles and there was wanted posters and [ __ ] like that which is basically just a flashback to the murders of when of when Willie Mack killed all those people so Larry was just creeping around all of these places looking for victims and he would have gotten away with the two if it wasn't for your friendly neighborhood Mexican finding him yeah yeah I was trying to find him and not help him at any point uh let me know what you guys thought of this game if you enjoyed it leave a like let me know down in the comments what other games I should be playing cuz this was a fuing masterpiece simple effective actually fun that's it for me I love y'all and I'm going to see you next time bye [Music] n
Channel: special edd
Views: 1,872,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddie, special edd, eddievr, funny, mexican youtuber, funny game, meme, hilarious, NEW, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, horror, creepy, find, larry
Id: teYW51C0QCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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