Financial Philosophies of Jesus, Job, and Judas by Jim Rohn

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hey thank you for joining me today on the prophet dare today we have a special treat from Jim Rohn and this message is three different things combined and he's speaking about different Financial philosophies of biblical people so first of all we're going to listen to the philosophy philosophy of Jesus The Miracle Worker second the philosophy of job who uh is known for his suffering and three the third one is the financial philosophy of Judas Iscariot who was a sellout in loved money so without further Ado here's Jim Rohn [Music] one of Jesus disciples said to Jesus it's time to pay our taxes and we don't have any money that's how come I know it was around April 15th that's close in response to this statement by this disciple Jesus said no problem now why could he say no problem well word has it word has it if you're a scholar at all word has it Jesus was a miracle worker if you handed a problem to a miracle worker what would he be inclined to say no problem you got to hang out with people like that I'm telling you miracle worker I belong to a little small group we do business around the world these guys are all miracle workers what an incredible group if you handed any of them a problem guess what they would say no problem they'll read how many books to solve it how many that it takes if they need to consult how much Consulting will they do as much as it takes how early will they get up as early as it takes so it is no problem you've got to hang out with people like that you cannot believe the thrill of being associated with miracle workers people who will do whatever it takes to get the job done perform miracles Jesus said I'm telling you it's no problem [Music] he said it's going to be simple this time to pay taxes and haven't got any money it's gonna be easy my seminar Jesus said it's going to be easy he said to his disciple here's how easy it's going to be just go fishing now it can't be any easier than that and especially for this disciple his name was Peter and Peter was what a fisherman now if you can fish and you should fish and you don't fish that's how come you get no miracle but he said to his disciples just go fishing and the first fish you catch look in his mouth Peter said okay he was used to strange things happening Peter goes fishing catches the first fish looks in his mouth what coins coins in the fish's mouth Peter says wow coins and he starts counting and adding up the value of these coins guess how much it added up to exactly enough money to pay his taxes and Jesus taxes I'm telling you Jesus did pay taxes now the question is should he in my book coming up I can answer that question all right yes of course Jesus and kids should pay taxes [Music] now what do we call coins in the fish's mouth here's what we call it a miracle and here's why we call it a miracle simply because we don't quite understand how it works that's all it doesn't mean it doesn't work it means we don't quite understand how it works which is true of all miracles and most of us all of our life is a miracle I'm telling you here's the greatest Miracle of all God says now I'm an amateur on God too but let me give you my best shot God says if you'll plant the seed I'll make the tree wow you can't have a better Arrangement than that number one give God the tough end of the deal what if you had to make the tree that'd keep you up late night trying to figure out how do you make a tree God says no leave The Miracle part to me I got the seed the soil the sunshine and the rain and the Miracle of the seasons and I'm God and I can do all this miraculous stuff I just have reserved something very special for you and that's what plant but if you want a miracle you've got to do whatever you can do and if that's plant it's plant if it's read it's read if it change it's change if it's study it's study if it's work it's work labor whatever you got to do so that's number one labor that works miracles number one do what you can the whole drama of life is is unique right the Bible is one of the most fascinating books to read because it is so unique in its presentation one story says God and Satan were chatting away one day now see I wouldn't have thought that isn't that unique and they're chatting away chatting away and looking down on what's going on on the earth now see that that's unique I thought how often do they get together and chat and talk about all this stuff I don't know but the drama of the story is absolutely fascinating I mean it's Unique and on this particular occasion the story says God got to bragging about one of his favorite people job and he got to saying job job he's my favorite friend job he's the greatest he's the richest he's the most powerful and I'm taking good care of my friend job and he kept saying job job and finally Satan got it up to here with job job and he said yeah God job job job your special friend you've got this wall built around him I can't get to him in my normal fashion and God said well he's a special friend of mine right we got this thing going so I'm taking good care of him now this conversation is going on I I find that fascinating I find it unique and finally in the scenario of the story Satan says to God I'll tell you what God if he was to take that special wall of protection down from around your special friend and if you were to let me add him I promise you in a short period of time doing my specialty he will curse you to your face and then die God said you're out of your mind he would never do that not my special friend Satan said would you like the wager wow isn't that fascinating God says hmm interesting question I wonder what job would do now see job doesn't know this is going on isn't that fascinating that's a fascinating story finally according to the scenario of the story unbelievable God went for the BET and he had just one requirement he said just one thing Satan said what's that God said well you can't kill him because he's my special friend Satan said okay okay I don't need to kill him but you just take the wall down let me do my number and I promise you he will curse you God said no way Satan said I will do it and the bet is on isn't that fascinating that's fascinating according to the terms of the wager God did as he was required by The Wager and he took the wall down from around his special friend and when he did according to the story Satan did one of his all-time famous number on the man first took his family second took his will destroyed it and Below three took his health that's called triple blow your family your fortune and your health in one of the last scenes job is sitting on the ashes with everything gone and he is scraping his sores with a rock and his wife comes along and she's observed all of this scenario God forsaking his special friend job and she said to Job it looks like your friend has forsaken me why don't you just curse him and die Satan said to God here's where it happens God says he hasn't talked yet isn't that fascinating while they both watch wondering the outcome of this wager job says from his ashes never I will never curse my friend God said I knew it I knew it and he picks up the bed ten to one or whatever it was I don't know did you say bingo it doesn't say what the wager was I bet you slice into the woods a hundred isn't that fascinating now the rest of the story says God did make it up to his friend job and when you play these kind of games you do have to make it up let's see what shall I do I know what I'll do I'll just give job twice of everything he had before and Joe became according to history one of the richest most powerful men in the known world but isn't that a fascinating scenario the story says Judas got the money you say well that's a success story no no it's true 30 pieces of silver was a sizable sum of money but it was not a success story his name was Judas doesn't that ring a bell it makes all the difference in the world Judas got the money here's something interesting about the story of Judas after he got the money he was unhappy someone says well if you had a fortune in your hand why would you be unhappy and here's the key he was not unhappy with the money he was unhappy with himself here's a key phrase the greatest source of unhappiness is self unhappiness it's not from outside the things that make us unhappy greatest devastating unhappinesses to be unhappy with yourself now a mild form of unhappiness is constructive the desperate form of unhappiness is destroyed it's like worry we should all worry a little but not let it destroy our lives if you're in New York about to step off the curb in downtown Manhattan and the yellow taxis coming best you worry enough to get your feet back up on the curb lest you get yourself wiped out so it's called caution but not undo caution it's called fear and worry but not the worry that kills you not the worry that destroys you it's like hate you know you don't need to hate your job save your hate for the important things like evil like the weeds that attack your garden like the Diabolical ideas that try to entice your children right you don't need to Hate Everything I hate this I hate that that's the misuse of your hate save it for the things we really must hate but this is so important now to beware Judas was so unhappy he tried to take the money back they said heck with you we got what we wanted you got what you wanted out they threw him out with his money now he becomes so desperate he goes out and hangs himself for what he did he became a traitor so that's the caution now if Judas could speak back to us in any kind of clear language here's what he might say beware of what you become in pursuit of what you want don't sell out it's not worth it I really love those three messages now a lot of times people may get a little bit upset because he's kind of loose with the text and he's kind of you know making some kind of some joking matter but if you really listen to what he's saying how he applies it it's uh it's helpful for us right so um I hope you don't get too offended by his way I know I'm sure Jim Rome loves Jesus loved God and um he's making a presentation to business people so it wasn't like a a Sunday morning sermon but uh both of those are all three of those I think are great to listen to and to understand that um I love the thing about Jesus and I I've listened to that message several times and often I was kind of perplexed because Miracles just happen right and we don't really work for miracles but the way in the context and what he's talking about was the miracle of a tree or a plant and we have a part to do but none of us can make a tree grow and then Jesus invites us into a certain part of this miracle-working thing right so I thought that was really good and the and the part about job is there is man we are not immune to pain and suffering and often unfortunately often um there are some Christians who believe we are and all that does is create frustration um when it actually happens because I you know unfortunately it will happen to all of us we all will face some kind of pain and Agony or Agony in our life and that's just we live in a sin cursed world right and then sometimes people get wrapped around the the last scripture he talked about that God gave job double and people say I got double from my trouble and I and I want to caution people from embracing that so much because in the end job lost a lot of things that are Eternal temporarily at least um and money does not answer all the problems right so just because someone got some money after the fact or got more money after the fact does not absolve or swage or mollify the pain we experience so I I want to caution you for that right let's just not go crazy we ain't got more money I gotta double for my trouble that's not that's unwise because uh it will not bomb the heart when those wounds happen and then Judas don't be he said don't be a sellout right don't be a sellout don't do don't sell your soul for money and I I wrote a book a long time ago probably five years now called uh the prophet dare which the site is based on but the subtitle is winning at wealth without losing your soul it is so important that we don't trade we don't compromise if we walk in Integrity so again Jim Rome fabulous three messages combined hope it was a blessing to you if so please like And subscribe share this with somebody and I will see you soon with a new video blessings [Music]
Channel: Savvy Stewardship
Views: 91
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Keywords: jim rohn, jim rohn personal development, jim rohn motivation, Jesus, God, blessed
Id: sKx4XP5hRLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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