Financial Expert Jeanne Kelly Solves Credit Issues For Breakfast Club Listeners

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is de jmv Angela Yee Charlemagne the guy we are the Breakfast Club you got a special guest in the building JD Kelly welcome mr. Gina Kelly thank you for having me thank you so much if you don't know any Kelly is she is a credit expert I'll just explain the story for people that don't know I was trying to buy a home maybe about six seven years ago and something popped up on my credit that shot my credit from a 700 too close to a 500 you and I didn't know what it was and I didn't know how to get it off so I started calling people and asking if they knew anybody that helped with credit and somebody gave me Jeannie's number I called Jeannie I paid her and she did my credit she didn't know who I was I didn't know who she was and after she fixed the credit so fast I said it was so great and experience was so fast that I really want you to come on air and tell our listeners how you can help them fix their credit so now is the perfect time for this cuz the holidays are coming out here and people have a lot of things going on with vacations and family and gifts and all of that so this is a perfect time for people to get their credit in order yeah definitely be grateful to have better credit and before the new year let's get it in shape before the new year I'm sure might have been on your list so we can do that I could tell Charlemagne is even proud of his credit he came here one day and he was like he was like yuck my credit scores at eight hundred we don't care about our credit score when it's bad but as soon as we get there no I can't about mine when it was bad well you know what you know what hurt me actually a long time ago maybe like fifteen years ago I went hey something I didn't have any credit that does hurt you know no family don't have no credit but I thought I wouldn't got me a secure debit card and secure credit card secure credit card have been okay people get credit if they don't have credit how can they establish it is hard you're right because no one wants to give the credit at first so you can try for a store credit card or the secured credit card which means it's your money in a bank account so if it's $500 they'll give you the credit limit up to $500 because it's really your barring against yourself right and then after time you know that goes on your credit report make sure you pay it on time keep the balance low and then you can try to get a traditional credit card give it some time though some people feel like I just pay for everything with cash I don't need a credit card but you need to establish that credit anyway absolutely who can walk around without being able to use credit I think that's hard you know no matter what whether it's for a cell phone plan your insurance even a job sometimes they want to look at your credit so what's just a buddy's credit score b-but said what's a good place where your score should be well at least a 740 or above your yes your FICO score you know that's that's the one you want to pay attention to as well because there's thousands of credit scores out there but 90% of lenders use your FICO so pay attention to that score I get that updated every month I have that thing on my it checks all of my credit scores and it also makes sure that nobody's trying to open an account cuz I've had those issues where people have tried to open an account in my name now let me ask you this so have a Bloomingdale's card right and I guess like one month I paid late because I forgot I just forgot I had it and then it lower my credit score can you call and be like okay I pay on time for the past 15 years like y'all didn't have to do that of course you definitely always remember you choose to do business with them so I would make that phone call to say this is a little ridiculous and sometimes they will remove it you know and sometimes not but I would definitely be working directly with the creditor who reported the information and you know that's a lot of the work that we do so we like helping people and have them understand the real way of rebuilding no Jeannie's a beast don't get it twisted I had the same problem it was I don't know if I was out of town or whatever and they didn't take it out oh no my credit card I guess my debit card was stolen so I didn't put up the new credit card information for my my my GM financial and they marked it as late and my credit score's shot down 100 points and I called Jeanne and Jeanne said MV why did you call them because I called the guy that cursed him out I said I've been with GM financial foods they were like is why the hell are you doing this and I curse them out Jeanne called them and within how long did it take it was I don't know a couple of days within days my scores shot back up 100 points because somebody talked to you like that he's not gonna make you be like well let me take this off your credit report right exactly but that's the thing sometimes you're so frustrated and upset but that's why it's good to have someone else help you right because you you know a lot of times people it's over a medical bill or a collection or a divorce you're upset about the divorce or whatever it may be it's so upsetting you're bringing yourself back to that and I think that's why a lot of people reach out to want to work with me they tell me once and then that's it right you know we take it from there well we have people on the line I want to talk to Eugene oh great okay let's talk about what you guys are hello okay what's your name cool Co Co Co Co Co Co Co all right now Coco we have Jeannie Kelly here who is the credit expert do you have a problem with your credit what's the problem yes what my credit is kind of tarnished I worked at the sheriff's office for Orleans Parish and when I left the third wages and pay increase and harassment in the jail everything kind of fell apart after that as far as credit like I was taking out loans so like basically keep up with my rent because I was on the getting paid like 800 dollars every two weeks and we have a car no car insurance rent water lights and gas that's not enough money at all to pay for that stuff so I'm like back there with loans in school loans so I'm kind of like an expense bill so what does you do Jeannie - yeah with the school loans have you called for a hardship program yes with the school loans I'm adorable for loans student loans again but I'm still only have like five more classes to complete okay so that's good and as far as the accounts that are on there that are they showing late now or now are you current now yes are late now but it's been like like two years okay all right my credit report what's your name Coco all right Coco you hold that's my stage so what we gonna do this morning is people that call The Breakfast Club will take care their credit will pay for their credit I'll pay for genie to fix their credit that's great and make sure that credit is good for the holidays is it gonna make my credit score go down to fix her credit is that easy at a difficult task when you guys do two loans not what the student loans you know because it's an installment loan as long as they're paying it on time or in a deferment but as far as the other accounts a lot of times I can't help people if they're still paying late I can't it's almost like if you're on a diet but you're still eating the cake that's right so you have to be able to like if you had hard times but you're okay now and you can start paying on time and maybe pay some things that need to be taken care of that were collections then yes things disappear cuz you make things disappear in your credit like poof and it going I wish it was that yes but you know there's a lot of things you can always rebuild even keeping some derogatory if it's accurate so it's all about challenging things and making sure on the report it was done accurately and you know a lot of credit reports have mistakes on them I mean I haven't seen a report ever without a mistake ever okay I better take a look hello who's this I know our royal what's up bro you have a credit problems brother yeah actually I wanted to start my credit but I've been hearing a few people say like when they actually make their payments I'm not sure if it's interest rate when they make their payments their credit scores go down when their payments are paid on time like is it like any hitting I don't know if it's interest rate or and um I think it's the entrance rate so you ask it if you only pay interest only does that make you credit stay normal but if you pay your regular bill it makes you credit go down yeah that can require your credit score to go down when you make payments on certain due dates is that Jeanne Jeanne see our credit expert Jeanne is that true I think what maybe what you mean is when you pay something so if you let's say you carry a $5,000 balance every month on a credit card and you get that statement in and then you pay it when the statement comes in the credit card company never shows that zero balance or the lower balance so what you want to do is pay it before the statement due date so always find out when your statement due date is because if you pay it before that when it gets reported which is every month on the credit report it'll report the lower amount which can boost your score overnight what's your credit score Deborah I wanted to start I just didn't want to write well we go you hold on the line man we're gonna pay for Gina Kelly to look at your credit and tell you what you need to do about why his credit messed up before you just saw okay you old student loan become a rapper right now now this is doing credit is not as hard as people think is that correct it is true you know with the right steps I think a lot of times people will mess things up because they don't realize what they're doing wrong actually that's why a lot of people come to me they'll come saying I just did this I thought that was a good thing to do but it dropped my score so I think it is easy once you have the right game plan it's like knowing the rules of any game I make it so simple I'm a New Yorker I like it easy fast bottom line and so that's how I you know educate everyone and then once you have that game plan you're ready to go now when I spoke to gene even close Kosmic gajini at least once every two weeks just to make sure she she texts my credit she my wife's credit we do so many things with investing in homes I always have to make sure my credit is good so we came up with this thing where we thought about it said how can we help people do their own credit you know maybe they can't pay for somebody to do it monthly or weekly or every six months so we said how can we you know get people to actually learn how to do it themselves absolutely right so we're doing a class and it's gonna be at st. John's a seminar where she's actually gonna teach people how to do your own credit teach people how to get the the negative enquiries off your credit the the negative everything well if your credit letters that you can send in then you need to absolutely yeah I'm gonna go over all of it and all just simple things that you can do that by the time you leave that 90-minute workshop you can already start working on your credit and improving and then you'll be Jeanne's competition and start your own healthy credit so many people to help yes Oh Kevin Kevin what's up man you have a credit problems brother yeah tell us about it helping out my ex-wife and getting loans and stuff for her and found out that these folks been paying some this stuff back to find out a lot of that stuff she didn't pay back I'm cosign for Carrefour wasn't paying the car no damn and then I ended up taking the car from her but by the time I did like the payments was like twenty eight months behind but like late payment 28 months geesh hmm definitely yeah and that's an important thing to think about I wish cosigner they would just stop saying that and just say joint account because sometimes you think you're just helping someone by signing your name but you're not they're responsible and it goes on your credit just like on the exes credit so you can still rebuild though if you start paying on time today even if some of those late payments are going to stay on the credit report you can still rebuild you can still get maybe not a 740 but instead of being in the fives maybe it can be a 660 it's like this and the Breakfast Club is going to take care of your credit two-thirds of The Breakfast Club must be I wonder I wasn't what would that be three take care of your credit bro Jeanne Kelly our credit expert who says she'll go through your credit she'll take off the things that don't need to be there and tell you and guide you to get your credit back where you need to be all right and don't feel like you're alone a lot of people that have an issues with their credit but at least you know your credit score and at least you're actually being proactive in trying to fix that because finances are such an emotional burden for us so when you can actually improve on that and take back some of that power that's gonna be great for you I do think that a low credit okay shows a lack of either education when it comes to the finances absolutely lack of discipline yeah I think both and who does teach us about credit a lot of times we learn from the mistakes that we're making right and it not only I mean people go through hard times to just think about if I'm doing you know I can't pay my bill oh I co-signed something for somebody and you know they don't do it you know it's stuck on me you know my dad cosign for my first apartment he didn't even know that's against the law it's my dad I pay for everything on time myself and didn't have any issues but imagine if I did it now my dad's credit would have been bad I hope the feds pick you up for that car with you because Jeanne does this for a living she does people's credit she has a service and if you want to find out how you can get you a credit done give them all information how to get in touch with you Kelly group coaching comm and also my phone number and you can text or call eight six six two eight three eight eight one eight okay I really sent me to do well now it's done right it's closed I mean I think we are doing a credit in New York in the tri-state area we are doing a credit seminar November 25th and you can come down there and she'll teach you how to do these things yourself she'll teach you how what sites do you need to go to what sites you need to have on your phone how to write the letters where to write the letters I need to talk who you need to talk to and all those things that she does that people pay her to do she'll teach you how to do it where you can do it on your own and make sure that you establish your credit and keep your credit going the right way all right and thank you for joining us thank you so much this guy with the beard right here okay he needs your help desperately okay Rob's credit is is I don't know what it is but he caught he said you need some help but credit was like six so you just weren't paying them at all I was trying to fur but then I missed a couple like when the extension period so they are you paying them now yeah now I'm paying making the payments that I also have like a dispute with a old doctor they're saying that they never got a check from my insurance at the time and unfortunately their whole system is like paper so going there they're arguing with me back and forth I know we give them the check the check is cash you took your CT the STD but absolutely I can help you and also see that's why I come to the seminar or call my office because there's a whole new change with medical collections and your credit report just people don't understand how to work I hate the medical elections I know a ad they send you a letter let's say you don't pay it let's say you don't get it and that will drop your credit immediately medical collections oh my gosh I hate you guys and student loans no fee that most you'll be able to get your colonoscopies again soon all right well is Jeanne Kelly it's the breakfast club thank you for joining us thank you good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 53,634
Rating: 4.8570085 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jeanne kelly, finance
Id: OSrxOAbeJ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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