Finally revealed brain boosting STEAKs

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all right guys welcome to the wicked kitchen today super excited i'm going to show you how to make these amazing lion's mane steaks you guys this will blow away anybody especially meat eaters this is amazing lion's mane steaks stay tuned finally i'm so excited to show how to cook these lion's mane mushrooms smithy mushrooms is growing them here in the uk and i used to get them when i was in portland oregon a lot and cooked with them a lot there so i've been really excited for this past year as practicing and playing with the lion's mane mushrooms and i'm going to show you what i think is the best recipe and the best way to actually cook these it's going to be awesome you guys so here we go all right so i'm going to turn on the oven i'm going to preheat the oven it's a convection oven to 200 degrees celsius 400 degrees fahrenheit if you're in the us on on uh on fan if you don't have fan access i would crank it up to like 425 fahrenheit or a little bit higher but i do like the roasting the convection fan position so again i'm using cast iron pans guys for me it gives the best heat evenly distributed easy to clean i can work on top of the stove if you notice how i've been cooking everything's on the stove in the oven and these are very good to transfer between the both so i'm going to crank the heat on and get that going so lines main you don't have to clean too much most of them all you're going to have to do is just trim the bottom off just a slight little bit and that'll help create an even place where it's going to sit on the pan what i did was take a regular rapeseed oil canola oil and just a little bit of olive oil so it's a somewhat of a blend i like to make so because we're going to be infusing flavor there's hardly any fat in mushrooms if any at all and i want to inject that because i want that mouth feel we're going for a very meaty texture because you know we don't need to be cooking animals anymore and these are one of the best ways to do that and have that meaty experience so we get that pan going i'm just gonna add a little bit of oil here coat the bottom i'm also going to use uh specifically just for you guys because i get so much grief for making so much spicy food because hey a lot of people love spicy food if you love spicy food or you don't let me know in the comments below i'm going to use just a regular straight up barbecue seasoning instead of the wicked one because the wicked one is definitely hot so i'm going to add this to a little bowl here because i'm going to blend it i'm going to add also i'm using the sage and onion the wicked kitchen sage and onion one and if you don't have access to the wicked kitchen brand just a lot of people make like sage and onion granulate if you just take rub sage mix it with onion granulators a little bit of garlic granulated salt and pepper and that's it so i'm just going to add that here so it'll give it a nice barbecuey meaty flavor let's get going add the mushrooms right to the pan like this i'm gonna let it sit here for a second and just get used to being on the pan i know it's gonna sound weird but if if you're one with the mushroom like you really feel how it's gonna press and you can gauge how much moisture is in it like these aren't too waterlogged sometimes they're really really heavy and they're really dense these ones are like i would say mid sometimes they're really really light and these ones are going to create i can tell already a nice thick cutlet or steak something that will really replicate a good pork cutlet super juicy inside so as that's going i'm just going to rest the pan on here for a minute before i add any pressing again it's just going to sit there and get the mushroom used to that heat and that sear because i as the mushroom goes down it's going to start expelling liquid and so i want to caramelize the edge and really sear it well so as the liquid comes out it's going to counteract that whole searing action so i want to do it you know gently and have a little bit of patience guys i'm not an expert on all the benefits of lion's mane but what i do know is it's brain boosting so a lot of supplements have lion's mane in them it's really good for dementia for alzheimer's it's one of the only things that i'm aware of that really does feed the brain like vitamins and minerals and nutrients that we need so it just helps with being smarter you know um that's why i try to eat a lot of them because i need a lot of help now i'm going to add a little bit more pressure now and start the pressing and as that presses like i said it's going to start releasing moisture and that's where that steam is going to come from in smoke always wipe that i'm going to add a little bit more oil just a little bit [Music] yeah see that's creating a really nice golden brown color you can see that i'm gonna add the pan again just go for that press again now i'm gonna really press it down just kind of have a look and i can see the oil is already starting to get absorbed into it and you see it's not too bad right there i'm going to add a little bit more oil because that does help with the searing and you can hear that nice and a little crust again guys one of the other things i really love about cooking mushrooms this way is when i gave up meat a while ago i didn't want to give up the whole coolness of cooking it's really important to just have like i had certain habits i used to like cooking meat i used to do it um but since i've gone vegan and i don't eat animals anymore i didn't want to give up the taste experience or the cooking experience of it all so this technique is really i mean it's really important to me because it makes me still feel like i'm doing what i love and cooking is what i love and this cooking mushrooms satisfies all of that i have the seasoning here just going to season it really well on each side on the top i'm going to add a little bit of black pepper and a little bit of salt and then i'm going to add a little bit more oil now so that doesn't stick always between the mushrooms here [Applause] and i'm just going to flip these over they're looking delicious they smell great and i'm going to press again now i can really feel the liquid coming out and i can see it and you can hear it the sizzling will start to slow down so now that moisture is really starting to come out it's at that point [Music] okay so before i flip them again i want to season them on the top yeah now it's starting to get a nice brown searing on there it looks season great really sticking i am going to press it again because they're really thick right now if i want to get it thinner it's all up to you how how thick or thin you want to do it i want more cutlet style not big thick steaks this time so we'll press them again see where we get to get some of that liquid out it's great let's see that liquid sometimes really i'll quite a bit of liquid comes out now i'm gonna season it one more time on this side i'm gonna touch just a little bit more oil here flip it and one more press now i'm gonna pop this in the oven for about 10 minutes and then we'll deglaze the pan and finish it up all right so it's been about 10 minutes let's pull out those shrooms yes fantastic look at that so i want to slice one up for us and i want to deglaze the pan make a quick sauce out of that add a little bit of butter just gets all that nice bits up and then i have some barbecue sauce so i'm just gonna heat that up it's a little buttery barbecue sauce a little bit of sauce on the plate here okay so just quick sharpen the edge nice thin slices it's really hot hot it's really hot i'm gonna have somebody come over and try one of these camera guys we'll call them uh tarik yeah come on over bud check this out so just a taste test because i want to make sure it's not just me put a little bit of barbecue sauce there for you you gotta grab a fork yeah please do let me know if it needs salt and pepper it's just like juicy super meaty yeah that's amazing yeah all right so there you have it guys super easy uh barbecue style lion's mane mushroom steaks this is one of the best mushroom recipes you can possibly cook all right one thing you guys know paul stamets i really want to cook for him i think he would be blown away by this technique right here and this dish and it's on my bucket list him on the dalai lama i really want to cook for them it's definitely on my bucket list
Channel: Derek Sarno
Views: 383,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wicked Healthy, vegan, vegetarian, animal-free, plant-based, cooking video, healthy, how to eat vegan, easy vegan recipes, easy vegetarian recipes, cheap vegan recipes, best vegan recipes, meal prep, vegan meals, vegetarian meals, dairy free, egg free, free from animals, whole foods, food, diet, veggie, vegetables, weight loss, vegan ideas, recipes, how to cook
Id: u-TnpiDS4fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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