Finally proving that Pikmin 3's final boss sucks

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[Music] okay um so [Music] I don't even okay uh so basically the like actual trailer for Pikmin 4 came out a couple of days ago and I it got me thinking I was like yeah I did never really finish Pikmin 3 and then it got me like thinking the reasons why I didn't finish Pikmin 3 and it was mainly just because I don't like the final boss and then I was thinking well that's not fair just because I don't like the final boss that doesn't that doesn't mean you guys should be able to miss out on it so I figured um we could just finish it real quick especially since I've gotten a lot better at beating the final boss which makes it less annoying so uh in case you forgot we defeated the quaggled mire clops and we got the blue Pikmin uh we probably also did a bunch of stuff but uh we recaptured Louie and now we have Louie told us where the formidable Oak was and uh he should be floating around yeah there he is okay um yeah you told us where Olimar was which is the formidable Oak and this is the uh final level in the game so I'm just adjusting my mic real quick okay just to get one stop okay I gotta remember not to skip the cutscenes because this is technically your guys's first time seeing this um check up no more signal is coming from somewhere inside that massive wooden Tower according to Louis yes we can't afford to waste any time onward I can't believe how desperate they are to just listen to Louis that's kind of interesting considering everything he did to make him not to trust you but whatever um it doesn't really matter okay so this is yeah this is the formidable Oak there's nothing really interesting about this place but you know I spotted some glittering gold material on top of the tree I think I smell treasure I'll head up there first thing tomorrow to investigate Louie's refusing to go for some reason but I'm not going to let him come between me and someone discovered riches that is so true okay so it's kind of hard to like react because I know everything that's about to happen oh my God what is that Captain Olimar he's out cold and what's that thing doing to him [Music] I have no idea we need to talk to him though let's hurry and bring Oliver back to the drink that's okay so uh actually I'm not gonna say what that is yet I guess I could that is a plasm Wraith um and he for some reason imprints on Olimar that's the word right he also eats him so yeah yeah did you see that that thing at all mark maybe we can save him if we defeat it I don't think there's actually any real reason why the pleasant wraith loves Olimar so much but um he does and that's why all I don't know it's weird there's like there's no lore to this oh I skipped the cutscene that's my bed okay it doesn't really matter uh the cutscene basically explains that Britney is the leader of um whatever Pikmin is carrying Olimar I like to do uh winged Pikmin because they're the fastest in this case foreign that is actually a really cool animation what is that could this be the an ally of the creature we just battled I think it's more than just an ally it has the exact signal does that mean this life form is Invincible I don't know we must make our way out of your stat right emergency retreat but we mustn't forget about Britney it's invisible when it's transparent rescue Pikmin who had been absorbed by calling with the whistle yeah so that's the logist of this you basically have not the whole day but you um have to get Olimar out of here because you could not go the other way for some reason right so we have this whatever Supreme Court and then we'll also just gonna toss Brittany actually I don't know why then they can go to the side uh and she will stay here because we actually don't really hear too I guess you can walk over here so yeah um this is the whole gist of the thing you just have to get through this area which it's cool I don't like it as much I used to hate it though just because I feel like it took too long okay I've got a lot better at this game too mainly because um I've been playing it a lot more like I I feel like when I was playing it originally I was like hating on it like a lot the Pikmin 3 is not a bad game in fact I enjoyed a lot more now and I think um I'm excited for Pikmin 4 although it looks weird but I think that's just because the graphics are a lot better and also um the camera angle is changed and the lighting is really good but the lighting on the pigment seem a little off in the trailer I think that's just because it's probably an early developmental footage it's my guess anyways yeah at this point we have like so many Pikmin that it doesn't really even matter what we do you probably noticed already that when I kill an enemy um they turn into golden mush that's just because The plasm Wraith has the ability to do that like the thing is is like I think one of the reasons why I'm so disappointed by the plasma rate is because he's cool he can make enemies why doesn't he do that during the boss fight he just does okay we'll see in a second I think Pikmin 2's boss fight is infinitely better in every way Pikmin one spot is fine it's Unique but it's basically just a normal enemy with a bunch more Health but you have to stun okay uh [Music] this one yep all right so one thing that I am curious about is that in the render or whatever the main render for Pikmin 4 there's whites and purples which makes me want and since caves are coming back I wonder if they're gonna bring back so basically and Pikmin 2 you had the um special Pikmin and the special Pikmin were stored in olimar's ship you couldn't make more of them unless you went into a cave and used the uh pop buds to make more of them so since they're bringing back caves I wonder if that means that that's how we're going to make more of these Pikmin I remember the first time I did this I hated it I don't know why maybe because I it was the first time playing it and I just don't like the way it's formatted that's not what I meant to do that's all right are you good yeah you're good okay also if I sound a little weird it's because I'm just a tiny teensy-weetsy bit sick so sorry about that um my fault love it uh uh yeah we just kind of do a bunch of winning right now [Music] okay so we light this place up and then now we can okay now we can move uh Britney over here I will say one thing that I'm a little bit concerned about in Pikmin four I should probably check the passing well good right okay well you got a little bit concerned about Pikmin 4 is that all of the captains are the same color which is not good because the thing is is like in every Pikmin game with multiple captions which has only been two uh captains um they've each been like a different color and like they're that it's not like that for show they do it because it's easy to differentiate them you know so having them all be unless they have a really good way of managing your captains which I guess they would have to considering it's four of them so maybe I don't know I'm just saying like having having them all be the same color is not a good idea because they're all just like pink and I feel like I'm gonna get confused but we'll see also they have they brought back arachnorbs or whatever they're called which is awesome or dweevils nudge weevils I think they're drivables actually well the the spiders they're cool they brought back more than just one spider or maybe there's I don't know maybe that's the only one if it's the only one it's better than a Shaggy Long Legs that's for sure why is he in danger he's doing fine somebody came out with a new mod I think it's called pigment like true spice mode I want to play that mod because I think they add the uh whites and purples to the main story which would also make this a lot more interesting to play [Music] wow look at that reflection uh yeah why does he leave also looks so stupid like that is not threatening at all there's a lot of people in here that think like the pleasant wraith is scary but he he's really not he's just a goofy looking man so then we basically take every Pikmin out and only get rocks because he okay so his most dangerous attack essentially is oops his most dangerous attack is his eating attack and um he cannot eat Rock Pikmin it is impossible for him to eat Rock Pigman so there is literally no point in using any other pigment it's so stupid I hate this boss fight but I'm showing you but now I get to prove it now I get to prove why this boss fight is so garbage I mean I guess it's cool when you like first do it but like once you figure out that you just need rocks there's no there's no points I will say though you can if you play on um not Ultra spicy yeah it is ultra spicy mode can he will do a ton of damage to your captains and he you might actually lose if all three of your captains die so that's kind of like the only thing but you know it's not really that big of a problem see like he's not really doing do anything like wouldn't it be cool if you were just fighting him and then he summoned like a spotty bull bear that would be pretty freaking sweet so yeah this so just like Pikmin 2's boss fight he has control of all of the elements but the yellow uh not the yellows the rocks can just take care of them before they spawn anyways and then he also starts flying oh but also like come on this doesn't kill my Pikmin so what's the point there's no point to this this boss fight is awful [Music] so yeah it just he doesn't have a normal health bar you just gotta keep doing this okay so now oh that's actually a problem water is the only one that's a problem because you can't oh he died um water is the only one that's a problem because your pigment can actually die from it I mean they can die from fire too but fire you can actually take out because there's no like um field around it you can just hit it normally oh look at this wow you can fly the music's kind of cool I guess but other than that you just keep getting him okay so let me call him on back please don't be water oh it's fire see and then you just take it out boom it's that simple it's so easy this bus fight sucks and like it's it I think one of the reasons it sucks more is because the boss fights in Pikmin 3 are kind of pretty good actually especially the quaggled Meyer Club so I really enjoy that one but it seems like for Pikmin 4 they're uh they're kind of combining them like their arachnor was like a disco ball that's pretty cool I guess I don't know whoa yeah he's almost dead he's just hanging out now oh now see this is where it gets more difficult see look we can just take out fire like what is the the struggle there right like do you understand what I'm saying this is the final boss it's not even that much more difficult than Ultra spicy mode [Music] come on I know he's almost dead he's like literally so close he can't even do anything he can't even do anything look he can fly that's not gonna do much I think if you have winged Pikmin they can knock him out of the air and you'll get like damage in but that's I imagine you'd only want to do that if you're really bad at this boss fight oh I don't care I keep doing that yeah and now he's done now he's dead he's done for it he can't do anything what did I tell you what a terrible final boss but now I proved it and I did it in 18 minutes I mean this is not like a speed run but I just wanted to show you guys this and I'm glad I finished this even though even though it was so quickly I did it I don't there's a little Lamar wow look at him so so beautiful so Majestic oh now that was harrowing I can't thank you enough for saving me I'm Olimar captain of the SS dolphin pleased to meet you I see you rescued my colleague Louie as well I hope he didn't abscond with any of your food he has a habit of doing that actually that's exactly what he did yeah well to apologize for that and to thank you for rescuing us please take this piece of treasure the cosmic Drive key get back to cope what a leaf gun this must be fake Captain Oliver oh potatoes on our way home so why don't we give you a lift I'd appreciate that my own ship is sadly out of commission look at the Pikmin do you think the sense that this is a really good vibe how is he still alive we couldn't have done all this without those little guys he looks so weird too [Music] nah we owe them so much so well my comrades I do oh the Pikmin are so cool they're like the coolest little dudes [Music] I love the Pikmin I want to guess I want to get plushies of them [Music] you think will be okay without us they never are they literally never are I hope so every time you leave the Pikmin they always get owned every time so let's go along okay Roger that preparing enter Cosmic speed I guess in Pikmin 2 they work kind of fine like they were just hanging out but still like they get screwed their onions are always in the ground and Pikmin four too they're onion would like come on foreign trepid Explorer successfully complete their mission after securing a bountiful supply of edible matter and learning the valuable lessons of planning and teamwork the Explorers are set to become the saviors of their home planet under their Gardens seeds they've recovered will be used to kick off a sustainable cycle of cultivation and harvesting thus bringing new life to copai however one question remains what was the cause of the accident that sent the SS Drake hurtling to pnf-404 surface [Music] perhaps it wasn't an accident after all um I think it was an accident I guess it's not because like every single time Olimar goes to this planet he crashes so mind a judge uh but let's Pikmin three sorry it took me like a year to finish um but yeah so yeah yeah that's kind of it um I guess that's an interesting phrase I never actually thought about that before because I haven't seen the credits in a long time that was the good ending by the way I got the good ending I think you need more than like 30 days of fruit to get the good ending um so yeah there's the good ending there's the mid ending and then there's the bad ending um but yeah so I don't really know what else to say it doesn't seem like they crash landed Pikmin 4 so that's cool that's really cool that they know how to fly next to this planet or maybe it's a new planet I don't know it might be a new planet I think the one in hey Pikmin is a new planet I don't really know what else to say I am gonna wait this out though because I think there is a there's like a thing actually maybe not there there's like a secret little thing but it actually doesn't even matter because so at the end of Pikmin 3 there was like uh mid credits like a Marvel mid credits thing where it's like a crash landing spaceship and everybody was like oh my gosh is that like Pikmin four thing oh my gosh but it actually wasn't Pikmin 4. it was just Louis no it was just Olimar coming back to find Louie or something like that uh I forget okay um that's one of the series I'm I'm getting there what else do I have to finish subnautica I also have to finish subnautica I think yeah I'll do that later I'll do that later different time um but yeah when tears of the kingdom comes out probably make a video on that uh when paper before comes out definitely gonna make a video on that see you guys later bye
Channel: Always Yuppers
Views: 15,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6ayqSqv4ssA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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