Monster Hunter Rise: The quest for 2 purple magna orbs

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all right so let's just cut to the chase in monster owner rise there are these things called decorations and one of these decorations is handicraft in case you don't know handicraft is a skill that makes it so your weapon has more sharpness and in order to make this decoration you need something called a purple magna orb something dropped by the flagship monster in rise magnum nallo i mean valstrax's red dragon orb seems to have a rare drop rate but i seem to at least always get one which makes me think that i will never get a purple magnet orb but for this video that's the goal i need to get two purple magnorbs to make two handicraft decorations because honestly i don't really know why i have these skills in these slots i mean my weapon doesn't guard i use insect glaive so it's kind of weird but whatever with all that being said let's begin [Music] so yeah i got the two purple magnorbs it was actually a lot easier than i thought uh apparently if you do master i'm gonna probably gonna butcher this if you do master utu sushi's challenge part three then apparently you have a much better chance of getting the purple magnorp which would have been nice to know earlier considering the fact that i had to fight magnum like i don't even know 20 times um this is a little embarrassing but besides that we got the two handicraft decorations baby that's what this was all about [Music] so yeah it turns out this whole thing was a complete waste of time because it turns out that handicraft doesn't actually apply to naga cougar's weapon would have been nice to know beforehand but i guess i do have it for the future so that's pretty neat um now i just gotta figure out what else to fill these decoration slots with but um yeah well i guess that's it can't really do anything else at this point i hope you guys enjoyed the video see you in the next one [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Always Yuppers
Views: 5,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xRRsWf58azk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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