Finally OUT! ControlNet SDXL within A1111 🔥

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Hello everyone, today I would like to talk  about ControlNet for SD XL. In one of my   previous videos, we have seen together how to use  ControlNet with stable diffusion XL on ComfyUI,   today I would like to have a look together  on how to use it on automatic 1111.   I'm not going into many details about ControlNet,  if you want to know more about it, I made a video.  This was based on stable diffusion 1.5, but all  of the settings you have to use are exactly the   same as for SD XL. This you see is the main GitHub  page for stable diffusion ControlNet SD XL, and,   if you scroll down you actually have all of the  information you need for installing, downloading   models, and other ControlNet characteristics you  may want to know. Many are still using the old,   the previous version of ControlNet for running  ControlNet with stable division XL and they are   running into errors. So it's not working -  and this is because you need to upgrade your   ControlNet extension. So, let's do that first.  We go into extensions, and making sure you have   ControlNet in here, you check for updates. Now if  all of your extensions have been already updated,   in this column, here, you will see "latest". If  has not been updated you will see "new commits"   with this little checkbox. In order to update it,  make sure that the checkbox is ticked. Obviously   in my case ControlNet has been already updated -  because I did it already - but in your case, if it   hasn't been you will have this "new commits" with  the checkbox and then you need to press this apply   and restart UI for updating them. If you go into  your terminal, you will see that stable diffusion   is actually updating your extensions and then it  will automatically restart it. Once restarted,   you will see ControlNet version 1.1.410 which  is the latest version and it's the one we need   for stable diffusion XL. So now we are ready for  running ControlNet with stable diffusion XL but we   still need the models. Where to find them? We can  find them on Hugging Face. This is the main page,   and you will see that all of the ControlNet models  for stable diffusion XL will have "xl" inside   the file name. You will see that there are many  models and some are the same... so for example,   you have diffuser xl candy full, diffuser xl  candy mid, and small. But you also have kohya   control light XL canny. So, you will say, what's  the difference, right? So the difference between   diffusers and Kohya is just that they have been  developed by different people and this is just   a matter of taste, what you prefer, right. In my  opinion, the diffuser seems better but it's again   just my opinion. The difference between full mid  is more just on the size really. So full will be   slower but ideally more precise, while small will  be quicker and less precise but I can tell you it   works really really well - I actually use small  all the time. So, once you decided what ControlNet   you want, maybe you want to try all of them,  you just need to download them so you press this   little button here, and then once you downloaded  them you need to move them inside your stable   diffusion webui folder. You can put them in two  different folders really. The first one is models   and controlnet and as you can see here I  have my xl control net models; otherwise,   you can go into stable diffusion webui,  extensions, stable decision webui controlnet   models and then you can add them here. Now, I  prefer having them in the other folder because   here I have my stable diffusion 1.5 but it's  completely up to you - it doesn't really matter.   So, once you have moved all of your controlnet  models inside one of these two folders you go   back into your stable division web UI and then  you can press this refresh button in order to   see them in this control net model drop-down  list. And indeed I have them here at the top   now. I will say let's try one of them I will  get my mask for ControlNet from PoseMy.Art. I   like this picture here so I'm going to export it.  For sdxl we can use a resolution of 1024 by 1024. and I'm going to export candy. Then, for my prompt  description, I'm going to use mysterious sdxl:   this is a checkpoint in CivitAI trained on stable  diffusion XL. I would like to reproduce this guy   or something similar obviously would be different  because I'm using a different mask. I'll paste the   generation data in here. Press this for moving  all of the settings across my tab, then if we   scroll down we have some recommendations from  the guy who made this model and is saying to   use the adetailer for getting better results. To  use high CFG scale for Fantasy, low if we want   realistic photos. So in my case I want realistic  so I use maybe a lower CFG scale so I'll go back   into stable diffusion and I am going to reduce  this to three. Then for the adetailer we can open this tab here, enable the extension  in here. I'm going to use face yolo   and then we just need to copy these settings for best results copy and paste the positive and the negative  prompt. I'm going to leave the other settings   as they are, and then I'm going to ControlNet,  which is what we want to test actually. So let's   go down, we upload our mask I'm going to use low  vram I'm going to use Pixel Perfect. Pixel Perfect   is for the resolution of the preprocessor. I'm  going to use candy because I'm using a candy mask   though I don't need a preprocessor because  the mask is already a pre-processed image   so I'm going to swap this to none, but I'm going  to use the candy model for stable diffusion XL   the small one and I've also changed the control  mode for my prompt is more important instead of   balanced because otherwise you will get something  like this which is not very nice because you are   giving too much importance to this candy mask  but we want to have something more that looks   like less than a mannequin but more like a person  right and then I want to send this Dimensions up   in here because I would like to have the output  of the same dimension of the input image of the   input mask which is 1024 by 1024 and then I want  to use a random seed so I'll change this to -1 I'm going to press generate and this is  what I've got which looks pretty good to me   so we can actually see the ControlNet for stable  diffusion XL is working also on automatic 1111   which I find it user friendly, more user-friendly  compared to ComfyUI. so that's it for today I hope   this was useful and thank you very much for  watching and see you in the next video bye
Channel: Laura Carnevali
Views: 12,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, diffusion, ai art, diffusion model, generative ai, generative art, stability ai, ai artist, imagen, nft, apple silicon, stable diffusion on m1, stable diffusion with python, stable diffusion hugging face, stable diffusion github, stable diffusion v1.5, stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion xl, refiner, refinement stage, new sd, sdxl 1.0, sdxl, sdxl base, controlnet, canny, openpose, depth, high and low threshold, canny conditioning, controlnet sdxl
Id: XmZnsu1DRGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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