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we gave him some Buffs now from Ting Yoon we're also going to enhance his basic attack here and uh just do a blast 25 30k I I would say what would you be nice 47 okay damn yes he did that before and we got a 90k hit and then a 70k follow-up attack oh it's been a long time coming but we're finally ready to God mode this boy we farmed the materials he he is now final Ascension let's just Auto add that stuff we farmed way too much xp Lite cone we're of course going to enhance that straight to 80 as well throw that in there very good boom and of course we also got to get his traces up damaged out by talent's follow-up attack increase by 20 very nice oh no we need some Immortal lument wigs hopefully we can just craft some but it's not looking so good right now honestly gotta get the effect res to get to the crit rate over here that's what I really need oh no we should be fine we have we have 101 greens and then 130 Blues so yeah let's just get all them can't believe our bottleneck is actually the monster drops that's pretty annoying but let's get the crit rate let's max out his basic attack and let's get hellscape up a little bit as well that's his skill I think these are the two most important skills still actually we're just gonna do some Material Exchange we have over a thousand of these we'll Farm materials when it's actually necessary let's go and get the 8 HP and then try and get these up to eight does that work yep I think that's actually pretty good you know he's still in the same Relic build we built last video trying to mainly focus on HP crit stats and speed here's his hands piece nice double crit lines there with some HP quick damage body there's literally zero reason to go crit rate because he gets so much from the four piece set here The Relic set his traces and if you have it his signature light cone for being my one crit damage piece it didn't roll horrible we did get 11 HP there so it's fine these speed boots were a huge tragedy we had HP and crate damage there didn't touch those we got 21 break effect in 10 attack the one wind damage boost orbit had 11 crit damage break effect it's okay I guess and out of two HP link ropes I can't really complain though again it's pretty sad it only went to break effect and death and then one tiny roll under crit rate at the end but that's essentially his build he is still e0 we'll quickly talk about his Idol ons because I haven't done that at all yet E1 makes him do a lot of extra damage to a single Target in addition to everything else he does with his ultimate E2 gives him another 15 crit rate I feel like that shouldn't even be necessary at this point but there it is E4 definitely sounds quite nice once he drops below 50 his max HP will increase by 20 and since he scales with HP primarily it is essentially a damage buff which can stack up to two times and E6 of course very nice the stacks required for his follow-up attack is reduced to four instead of five and the damage is increased quite significantly to 50 of his max HP so overall very solid Idol ons throughout I would say if anything I'd probably just go to E1 and stop because E2 doesn't seem necessary E3 is Ultimate and talent plus two which are the Lesser important ones for blade in particular but then four five and six are all really good so I'd say e0 E1 or E6 really but yeah I know he's fully built fully raised everything let's take a look at those final stats 6800 HP is definitely the most HP on any character for me we should have been able to break 7K pretty easily if the roles didn't go so bad but is what it is 1900 attack which is fine he doesn't scale with attack very much 126 speed I don't know pretty average speed I think you really need speed boots unless you get a lot of speed Subs currently 57 crit rate but again that will jump past 70 in battle once we get those two stacks which happens incredibly fast on his first turn really making rutalent Arena work and increasing his basic attack by 20 so I'll say that again um a massive amount of break effect for no reason it's it's not completely useless I suppose but I would have just much preferred one of the other five stats I was going for the 38 win damage from our orb 21 effect res there's not too much else to see there as for team setup I have been thinking about this a bit I'm really happy to have lotcha because I think he's going to be one of the best companions for blade honestly blade can pretty rapidly consume his own HP to a detrimental point and lacha is like best healer and he has the passive that'll proc as soon as blade goes under 50 and I know I was comparing blade a lot to hutau early on but he is a lot different in the way that he doesn't need to be below 50 HP to be stronger he gets his strength with the action of consuming his HP not necessarily where his HP is currently at so having a very strong healer like locha I think will be really nice for him other than that just these two Staples that have always been in my team team Yoon and Clara if I had bronia she would of course replace Ting Yoon Clara unfortunately is not a very good partner for blade because she does take some of the attention away and blade likes to get hit he likes to take damage he's a bit of a masochist one viewer had a pretty good idea and was just like well why not just put blade next to Clara so that you know if there's any AOE stuff going on blade will also get hit and that is a good point but from what I've noticed most enemies are either hitting a single Target or the entire party there are of course some that hit one Target and splash to adjacent targets so it'd be Clara and played in this case I'm not sure if it's enough right now but I do want to go in and just try it out since sim7 is the new one we'll go ahead and run through that world 7 is in my opinion the hardest by far because of the deer dude at the end thankfully as far as speed is concerned it's no issue Ting Yoon before lead actually before doing anything I'm going to essentially waste his burst here just to get a baseline with no Buffs or anything we're just gonna click this middle one of course let's see what kind of damage we're seeing here 38k honestly not bad with no Buffs I mean he just one shot at those dudes that was the first battle of sin universe so we really had zero Buffs going in there yeah why no would have rather just had them kill my team we gave him some Buffs now from Ting Yoon we're we're also going to enhance his basic attack here and uh just do a blast I don't know you know 25 30k I I would say where would it be United 47 okay damn I mean that's like that's like his basic attack now that was that was way more than I was expecting to be honest so when we enhanced he loses HP and uh laatra comes in and heals him which is cool currently we have 4 700 HP lost from death sentence which isn't quite enough to get the full Boost this really only matters for his ultimate which is sort of like genuines in that it is primarily single Target focused but it also does damage to adjacent enemies just for about a third of the damage once this death sentence HP loss goes up to around 7K or something that's when it would be at Max but that's not even taking into account the fact that when he does ultimate it will set his HP to 50 which is around 3700 HP would get tacked onto this before the ultimate goes off let's just go ahead and do his burst there should be a more or less maxed burst um yes he did that before and we got a 90k hit and then a 70k follow-up attack dude that was actually that was pretty crack for being so early on in Sim Universe we haven't even gotten to the first Elite yet that was actually insane to be honest I kind of want to get his E1 already like his single Target capabilities would go up uh quite substantially at least that's what it sounds like with E1 but we have our first Elite here so let's see how this goes oh yeah what else is annoying is that we are getting Shields at the start of battle because of some destruction card I accidentally got and when blade has a shield he doesn't get follow-up Stacks our tallies already at 5500 let's go ahead and do his burst here this won't be as impressive because we don't have all of Team yoon's uh Buffs but should still do something yeah wasn't wasn't that impressive honestly I uh when she's reducing our Max HP I'm not sure right now if that actually affects his scaling because in stats Paige he still does have a maximum of 7 400 but just in case we're going to get rid of it with a lot shot there well one thing's for sure I would say he's still definitely a lot better at AOE I would assume at E1 though he could really hold his own in single Target situations HP rope with bad Subs death orb oh no uh the aromaton really uh scares me honestly we'll do his technique on him because uh he's weak to wind and I'm noticing a lot yeah Clara and blade they don't mesh very well Clara's taking most of the attacks where blade really should be hmm 48k burst they're on a single Target I I I'm definitely happy with that 63k and then another 15K from something Jesus Christ those single target attacks watch uh do something let's take a look at that burst there are three enemies there now nice decent very decent 71k and then a 34k with his basic whoa son but I just saw his follow-up attack do uh 63 so yeah that's like way more impressive when they're multiple enemies wow a triple drop and they're all ropes HP not great HP still not great and then attack which one is still not great we're about to head to the boss now overall was not a very good run we only got six Elation cards so I'm hesitant to even raise this one to be honest definitely have to raise this one still do not have any of the proper elements for this dude uh so probably like silver wolf would have been pretty good here but whatever let's see how they do on auto until like middle of second phase tinyon gives all of her Buffs to Clara which is a little Annoying since I'm trying to Showcase blade here but I guess she has her reasons try a blade burst here 77 and a follow-up for 67. all right Clara calm down I'm trying to Showcase blade here blade follow-up attack for 182 solid solid he is going into third phase already which is uh a little bit scary a little bit faster than I thought so he turned off auto here going into Final Phase now we gotta try and kill those plans as soon as humanly possible blade burst 5800 lost right now that should go up to 90 of his max HP uh with that you know bringing him down to 50 let's see if we can kill those plants 211k oh they're getting the fruits but they're almost dead we can have like uh Clara is like can we get rid of that I'm not sure if they're even going to attack again oh blade follow-up for the win yes let's go why why do you want to give the buff to lotsha what I didn't watch I was still just a Healer oh my Lord lotshop passive no no passive um he uh maybe we'll still be okay he only has 21 HP left big Clara counter please it was okay another big Clara counter okay he's dead that was too close for comfort though I think that was the first time I fought this dude and could actually avoid his ultimate so that's something I guess Quantum boost attack rope physical boost death rope but there were Sim Universe I mean Clara was definitely there doing stuff as well so I can't give all the credit to Blade but again I don't think they work super well together so for now I'm going to remove Clara and uh I'm a little torn because Pella would give AOE death reduction and silver wolf just does a lot of other stuff but we're gonna go silver wolf for now you know if there's a boss and minions obviously debuffing the boss and then uh just kind of hope that Blade's AOE will be strong enough that's my sort of thought process unfortunately silver wolf is built like an absolute trash can she has one two-piece set I did at least eventually raise this uh sphere I mean at the end of the day as long as she has nearly 100 affected rate it's okay uh she has 86 which is probably still good enough I could raise the effect hit rate potty a little bit more but that's not like what I would give her as a final set I just haven't really gotten around um but yeah for now that's what we'll do we just got it up to 12. 94 affected rate is more than enough okay okay she is also a little squishy and won't do much damage but she is fast as hell so that's one thing she has going for her I suppose I kind of struggled with this new one The Voyage of navis astrigger I mean the final enemies here are Level 90. I guess we're gonna throw the blade team down here because she's at least weak to win usually I wouldn't have silver wolf and team Yoon in the same party because doesn't leave much for the other team maybe yukong but she's still only level 70. oh man this one is taking forever I think for this in particular you definitely need characters that are buffing to get these 10 memory imprint Stacks faster we are several turns in we still only have five from our Ting Yoon I think Yukon would definitely be a lot better for that but yeah we're almost at the turn limit just from the first boss we need to win with 12 Cycles left and we have 13. so um I really hope this team is insane all right we've made it to Kafka we're just going to start with trying to uh reduce her death I guess looked like that worked blade will get yukong's buff so I'm going to uh burst and then do blades ultimate and uh then we can do basic as well let's just see how this goes first of all I suppose hopefully some solid damage here 84. I'm I'm happy with that and another one 56 very very good actually and a follow-up for 76. all three of those attacks had yukon's buff so I'm really satisfied ow nice 85 follow-up though we should have yukon's uh double booze crit rate anchor damage and attack so a very nice 70k basic there yeah unfortunately we couldn't get uh three stars we only needed four cycles for this one though so I think it's my first team I need to work on but this is here forever so I'll try and figure out something later let's try this uh new echo of War Boss let's stick with silver wolf and just see how they do on auto versus his boss and this is a battle where I'm pretty sure we don't have any weird Buffs or anything going on so this is like raw damage right here okay a 14.5 K burst is a little less impressive honestly but we were versus a single Target now we have AOE again silver wolf just bursted on one of the flowers Pat please oh follow up another ultimate I think we do have AOE this time now and it's much more impressive at 41k there are definitely some close calls here as you can see with my silver wolf and team unit at the moment yeah and now we're going into the Final Phase I hope she has an ultimate immediately she's doing something silver wolf can you do something before you die please not on the flower again oh that was a nice 120k because yeah there are five enemies there this should be decent as well I think one flower did die but yeah was all right and there she goes yes definitely some close calls but it's a pretty tough boss and this team is a lot squishier without Clara overall it went pretty well didn't get anything particularly exciting but it's the way the cookie crumbles I'm wondering if we could use blade as a sort of sub DPS and have you know like a genuine back in there I think we would probably replace Ting Yoon in this case because you know blade can do really solid damage but also genuine can I'm not sure if it's really worth it having a setup like this but I almost really want to replace silver wolf with like uh Pella though because now they're all doing AOE here last thing I want to check out is if blade can Farm his own damn gear this is also a particularly difficult uh Cavern of corrosion probably the hardest one it's the only one I fought where I regularly have someone dead at the end so it is a little unfortunate though because la matcha and Clara also worked so well together because Clara's counters also recovered everyone's HP within Abyss field 30k ultimate on a single Target honestly I can't really complain about it not having a buffer in the team obviously does make everyone's damage quite a bit lower uh but I mean blade look at that 44k he really can do some solid damage even to a single Target that's quite impressive HP boots and this set which doesn't have good Subs anyway but yeah all in all blade seems really nice my one main concern is that without lacha I don't know how you're going to keep him healthy without using skill points every single turn I'm not sure I would personally use him as sort of a sub DPS like we kind of tried there because I mean he was honestly kind of doing at least similar if not more damage than genuine anyway and then we miss out on a buffer so I definitely classify him as a main DPS AOE mechanically wise they are actually pretty similar blade and genuine because they both definitely have an AOE Focus but can more or less hold their own in single Target scenarios maybe not as well as someone like Sila but they're serviceable in C single Target so I feel like having them in the same team was a little redundant overall though I do like him and I will use him probably for appropriate element type things when there's a wind weakness because he's like my only raised wind character now I am still quite sad that Clara is not a very good companion for him because she's eating the attacks but overall really nice character make sure to tell me what you think though in the comments down below thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 113,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, honkai, star rail, hsr, blade, blade build, blade showcase, blade guide, blade relics, blade light cone, moga
Id: mallQGa7IyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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