FINALLY DONE Spring Front Porch Update

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[Music] hi friends I'm wannie and welcome to Wan's house today's video we're going to start off at the at home store I'm looking for um a couple of things that I saw that was on sale this week at the at home store you see there having their patio sale and your girl is looking for that table that's $29.95 $29.99 that is what I came in here for as well as some florals so when I walk into the store you immediately greeted by all the beautiful chairs this is a great deal for these chairs $449.99 I love the shape of them they're sort of like a barrel type when that faux with material and then you see all the many different types of patio um sets they have I love this set also with the combination of the black as well as the natural colored um materials so very cute so as I continue walking I stumble upon these pillows and so I needed some new pillows I'm about to work on the patio area I bought um a pillow yesterday and I'll be sharing the those things that I purchased um in the upcoming video but I wanted to see if I could find a coordinating pillow to go what I just purchased but these pillows they are um all under $20 most of them were like $19 so but they had a lot of different um colored pillows different materials and whatever your theme is is they seem like they had something for you so now we're here back at my house and this is the the remnants of um last year I had not done anything to the front porch since last spring y'all nothing for Christmas none of that so we're about to just update the front porch so that it can look like I live here and like um it was just abandoned so um we're going to get rid of this pillow it is Sun damaged it's faded we're taking away all of the rugs we're going to take away um the ferns that are very very dead and we're just going to wash everything off and we're going to give this area a very good power washing now we normally don't power wash our home every year we do every other year right now it's a off year so next year we will power wash um the entire house but right now we're pretty good I will go over the side in here on the side as well as around the door you'll see momentarily to really um Spruce things up and then we're going to clean the concrete [Music] [Music] would you hate me if I as you to date me if I wrote a letter where I told you how I'm feeling would you want to meet me where I'm to see we could go deeper could you [Music] never I know it's it all but it's risk we I don't want to craw I could rewind make it but I help my feelings and I just want to say I you I just to you iore you I just you know iore you you're the only iore you crazy the way I'm thinking you lately I just do you always in my feel feelion [Music] [Music] I adore you I just to you iore you now I shared these FMS that I purchased from Lowe's on Sunday I believe it was and guys um they were so thirsty so very thirsty so I'm giving them a thorough watering and then we're going to go ahead and place them in their new home I'm also going to water I mean I'm sorry we're going to clean the lanterns I'm not going to use these lanterns in this styling but I want to make sure they're cleaned at least a little bit more decent and then when I bring them out again I'll just um wash and shine them up and they probably need a fresh coat of spray paint so I'm going to use a wreath that I already had um and it's one that I purch I think I purchased it year before last my first time using it was actually last year I fell in love with this wreath once I saw it and I love the green and the white scented and all the different types of florals that are in this wreath but so that we can kind of change it and we're changing it on a budget um I actually found some really cute pink roses at the app Home Store guys I don't know if the at home store have put in a new stock of flowers at yours but my at home store is like fully stock and the florals are cheaper I couldn't believe it I'm like would they do this but I want I wanted to say that because this is also a good time um that you can get some really great florals at a very very inexpensive price and so what I've done over here is I've taken the um stems off of the bunch of florals that I um purchased and the price of those were $2.99 yes and I've um disattached them and now I'm just inserting them into this wreath and you guys are going to see simply by adding another Floral in and a um complimentary color will definitely enhance the look of your OV making something old new again and this update only cost me $2.99 now that I have completed my wreath I'm adding these two planters that I purchased last year from pop shelf they were $20 a piece they're such a great deal um and on the inside of them there is like a lift so you don't have to put um a lot of dirt or any dirt at all actually um in this these um Planters I placed the fern in there and this area is really coming together you see I've have my um rug down here and then I'm going to put another rug on top of this one now I have another rug that has says something about shopping on it I couldn't find it but I'm going to go into the garage and I'm going to exchange that rug um and then I'm going to add a little bit more color here because I know you're wondering like okay you brought in the pink roses and inserted into this wreath but how does it actually flow with your um design well I'm going to share with this with you in just a moment so you see I have my metal um plant stand here and I had bought some patunas and they were on clearance I shared those with you guys and my idea was to initially have the prunus in this a little bit larger planner and have it sitting on the stand but it just was not working the um the um planter that the prunus were in well it it just was not cooperated so what I decided to do I tried to see how I like this um with the plants just on the ground and then I opted you'll see momentarily to have this plant um on the table right next to the rocking chair so you're going to see me kind of fiddling with this to um position it properly and it just was not cooperating so you know there there's always a plan b c and d [Music] [Music] Under The Lights you look so amazing it's so I decided I wanted to try the um planter on the ground and I stepped back each time I placed an object in a space I Ste back to see how it looks I like this I think it would work because it's not competing with the green ferns but then I was like hm let let me see what else I can do um I decided to um bring out this pillow here this pillow is absolutely gorgeous it was purchased at Ali's for $6 .99 guys I'm going to go and get another one because I think I would like um a second one in that chair as well and then after stepping back taking a look I decided to place the planter with the um petunia here on top of the table and you will see the colors that you see around in this space of the same colors that are found in the pillows like that beautiful green that comes from the green of these ferns there's a um a grayish color in the pillows and those are the Planters then you have some creams and whites and then we added the pink because you will see in the pillow there are these beautiful pink um florals as well I decided I wanted to use my porch rule signs again here this year I picked it up last year and I think I got this from um Hobby Lobby and then this is the pillow this pillow is absolutely gorgeous I wish they had um a lombar pillow a little bit um larger pillow but for $6.99 it will definitely um do what it needs to be done here and then we have our clearance patunas I've been watering them and they are perky they are absolutely gorgeous and they look look amazing here on my front porch and we're going to see how much we can get them to grow this year in this area so guys that is going to be the end of today's video as I share with you quick little update that I did to my front porch we're not done yet I want to paint that rocking chair over again as well as bring in um a couple of more um florals up in the front and when I do I will definitely share all these things with you so um make sure you go and check out all of my social medias Facebook Instagram as well as Tik Tok all of those you can find me at Wan's house so guys I'm about to go but before I do you know what I always say the next time you're in town you can always stop by Wan's house and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye so bright it's an understatement single is overrated if you get so close my baby might let you take me back take me back baby take me back baby baby me baby hind bab you paent I C you Bab me back baby then take me
Channel: Juani's House
Views: 1,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qpoNdbTfCPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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