Finally a REAL Castlevania SotN Speedrun World Record (15:39.916)

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close we're getting closer we're getting closer [Applause] I love Richter's pose just facing the wrong direction so cool there we go all right oh yes we get to play the video game not bad hi Joel storm thank you Joel what a beautiful emote so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] but whatever we'll take it we'll take it nocturer thank you for the good luck I think I said that right I appreciate all the support we've had lately guys it's been honestly very very very nice to be able to um have such an active and supportive chat as of late [Music] especially because uh the resets have been pretty brutal uh in some cases but [Music] it definitely helps having a active and supportive chat during the uh The Grind [Music] because this is definitely the hardest Speed Run I think I've ever had to do for Symphony of the Night at least I grind like this foreign I think it will get easier but we'll see I think it'll get easier as I get more comfortable with the clock rush in general and I feel like I'm getting there but it's taking time there's still obviously random factors outside of my control like this fight I mean we made it through though so I would like for it to be the case where every time I get past soccer and Guy Bond it's like very very much guaranteed that I get sub seven but we're not 100 there yet I feel like I'm getting consistent but not like there yet 309 is like acceptable it's amazing the sword can strike through walls yeah you think they programmed walls to do anything in this game come on now why is my Maria split minus 33 that doesn't make sense there's wolf is also wrong very strange I'm gonna I'm gonna have to look into that I thought I fixed my splits but they must be like slightly off no actually I'm just so fast I totally saved 30 seconds you're so right no I'm actually just like the fastest to ever do it obviously [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] that trade is so cool [Music] [Music] ah close [Music] [Applause] yeah I have no clue what happened to my splits but whatever we'll fix it at some point [Music] I must have just typed in the wrong number when I was trying to fix them uh earlier [Music] what's up [Music] frustrating a jump is still really tough yeah I think that's GG s oh barely not I guess I spent enough time in the menu that it didn't matter all right [Music] [Music] very strange very legit 30 seconds yes I agree [Music] show tell those guys can drop shutell [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] foreign [Music] very good book [Music] thank you [Music] I'm interested in I'm interested in this [Music] I'm interested farewell for now foreign [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] [Applause] slow second try but I feel like my man is pretty high right now I feel like I got a good Mana roll that's a real gold we are now officially correct with our time saving time loss [Music] it is synced back up unfortunate [Music] yeah it really feels like I got a good MP roll here whoa oh very weird mistake but whatever it's probably only like a second and a half we have a lot more time save in the second castle so it doesn't matter [Music] foreign well with brakeless in practice that I felt like going for breakfast here [Music] uh unfortunate [Music] it's not the worst mistake but [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my God come on not perfect but decent [Music] oops [Applause] come on [Music] all right well I think we just hit our goal time I think this might be a 15 30. [Music] um Maybe not maybe it's like a 15 40. [Music] [Music] oh thank you yep go backwards 15 40. that was my second trip floor clip so yeah how all right how how is it that I've been so defeated casual 11 second improvement over the world record again we're not done yet but yeah I'm starting to understand that my goal time might be a little lenient because four seconds of time save over this run is like just getting wolf clip first try so first try wolf clip first try brakeless but like mediocre second castle mediocre Clock Tower movement everything else was great though everything else was genuinely great so I I can't be too mad at this second castle was pretty whack we bonked she also said to tell you the second castle was all right but we bonked on um inverted uh inverted keep thank you Hojo for the gifted and make them your slaves we had like a weird Alchemy lab not Alchemy Labs sorry we had a weird uh inverted Chapel where like the movement wasn't necessarily bad but it was a little off I think I missed a couple of wing smashes inverted all rocks the zigzag I missed a wing Smash and the bat dash at the start was off um there's a couple things the clock Rush wasn't amazing it was like just barely sub seven with Garnet like there's definitely like according to my splits there's 1.2 plus 4 plus 3.9 so what is that three seven seconds of time save in the clock Rush alone technically more than that there's like eight seconds in the clock Rush alone nine seconds so not bad though not bad well we get to change the title of the Stream let's get out of here world record is now 15 40. and my goal time is 15 36. [Music] not bad not bad [Music] I'm gonna continue to do runs for sure because I I mean I'm not at my goal time yet but did the get updated yet probably not but yeah probably not it hasn't been updated yet that's fine I submitted everything last night so I don't expect it to get updated anytime soon but I wasn't sure if daigon was on top of that yet yeah that's fine [Music] not bad not bad yeah four seconds honestly is so doable that like I don't even know what to say uh plus 34 on some of best on my bat split is inaccurate so I think I'm gonna delete that split I'm curious what my summer best actually is hold on let me see if I can make my summer best actually uh accurate there we go so now my summer best should be a little bit more accurate and it says 10 seconds that's that seems right to me 15 30. is my current sum of best my summer best could be better though by probably like a lot I just haven't gotten enough runs to um get there yeah it's good to know I think maybe my if I get the 1536 I think my next goal will be a 15 26 probably [Music] [Music] all right let's make a tweet oh gommel's happening I gotta watch that we might do a Gamo uh watch party actually when I'm taking a break instead of doing meme review because I do want to watch some smash oh [Music] I looked up Matthew 15 26. is it any good watch who smash that's a great question depends on who's left in the tournament [Music] trying to get a screenshot [Music] foreign [Music] with this VOD all right let's see what it is let's see the the screenshot how's it looking bro I look so stupid in that screenshot hold on that's better all right new world record [Music] new world record
Channel: Dr4gonBlitzDaily
Views: 290,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Randomizer, Speedrun, sotn, gameplay, tournament, glitchless, world record, 200.6%, Bloodstained, New, Update, netflix, season 1, season 2, season 3, Sega, Saturn, psx, play station, metroid, vania, metroidvania, playstation, harmony, of, dissonance, circle of the moon, aria, sorrow, dawn, Portrait, ruin, order, ecclesia, 100%, Hollow, Knight, indie, game, kick starter, nes, nintendo, super nintendo, switch, retro
Id: uolEUrIqELI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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