Final Fantasy X-2 - The Movie - Marathon Edition (All Cutscenes With Gameplay)
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Channel: Dansg08
Views: 685,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy x, final fantasy x-2, dansg08, marathon edition, movie, final chapter, cutscenes, perfect ending, x-2 hd remaster, fantasy x, fantasy x-2 movie, fantasy x-2 opener, fantasy x-2 international+last, ffx2, ffx-2, ff10-2, version, cgi, story, all cutscenes, final fantasy x2 fmvs, ffx-2 opening, ffx-2 ending, ffx-2 yuna, ffx-2 tidus, ffx-2 perfect ending, ffx-2 yuna tidus reunion, ffx-2 100%, ffx-2 movie, ffx-2 cutscenes hd, part 1, ffx-2 walkthrough, fmv
Id: aPHs7kduaIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 376min 29sec (22589 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
No matter how much people complain about it this game is one of the best.