Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - PS1 Original vs. PS5 Remake (Full Game Comparison) | Side by Side

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[Music] looking adorable as ever my darling little better start heading back just isn't enough Marco to go around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our our our town our land our Li our Li destroyed our livelihoods when more the last time you Yi grab his Spin and hold on tight hey we're coming hey shinra's Most Wanted get rid of that thing what there it [Music] Focus get its attention on it [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't just stand there help me you're on chest compressions got it now [Music] start you picked the wrong girl creep what those guys there are from the Splinter Cell Splinter Cell they used to be with Avalanche but left after a policy dispute easy they're guests of mine and this one was trying to save your life he was nice going yui call the guy a creepi don't you you big D Dum D D D D [Music] [Music] nice going man we cannot let mid go any idea what that is the highway shinra's pride and joy the fastest most advanced airship in the fleet screw the boat let's take that plus you got a train crew and piloting skills we don't know about we're sticking with the boat that's too bad would have been perfect hey Beggars can't be choosers [Music] [Music] [Music] and here comes midgar's mobile unit their incredible skills are truly a sight to [Applause] behold there he is folks Rufus sh run ready to fire sir Welcome to the New World Order fire ladies and gentlemen based on that the seventh is off to a solid start but can they build on this beginning let's see what they do [Music] next left face formation [Music] change Dave still got a chance he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this girl's going to grab a materal so many restaurants [Applause] [Music] save your aching feet and ride a wheelie [Music] instead did you miss us Cloud something wrong uh no nothing it's just hot uh in the sun speaking of which you guys should probably put on [Music] sunscreen you might want to go first that's some Sage advice Mr pasty so you heated the call too did you what are you talking about not consciously then as you can see your brothers down there are having a little get [Music] together so line them up yes sir all right okay let's move long sir this way and up there go you to do [Music] it what the hell are you playing at that my friends is for me to know and for you to find out [Applause] what not cool man not cool not Co not Co not Co don't don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me yes only a reunion could produce such results that's long last I have specimens worthy of my attention sick bastard I'll kill you Barett now's not the time someone has to stop that like us [Music] and all we [Music] n we were happy covered in s and poest dirt but none of that mattered we had friends and family and that was enough till we learned about the miracle of makco and all we'd been missing out on and then we just had to have a taste so now only Dy is opposed damn right I am we can't just abandon the mindes not after our fathers and grandfathers risk their lives to maintain them I hear you D I do but nobody sees any future in Cole so I ask you why break our bats working harder and harder when we're taking home less year after a [Music] year if I may sir once the reactor is complete a portion of the revenue will go to the town your community will be preserved or enriched I should [Music] say listen man this is your chance to give your daughter a better life than what we have you think I haven't thought about that come on are we going to let some City Slickers tell us our coal is worthless [Music] [Music] look our made up ahe we hope you enjoy your excitement and adventure for people of all ages just going to SK by there excuse us coming through [Music] all right everyone let's get this party [Music] started hope you're ready to VIs is everyone having fun today at Wonder Square try treating if you're feeling feisty or if you got the for check out strategy lover [Music] [Music] [Music] ya ya [Music] H hello welcome gentle s what in the hell was that my most sincere [Music] apologies got any rooms there's six of us all total [Music] what happened [Music] I am Dio as Park director it's my pleasure to welcome you to this our gilded Paradise h find me the true perpetrator and I will declare your friend innocent you have 24 hours after which you will all be deemed complacent clapped in Chains and delivered to Shinra Insurance in the event you decide to make a break for it we won't need to [Music] good [Applause] hey welcome to Carell prison there hey boss your guests are here [Music] woo hell yeah allow me to welcome you to my Desert Oasis cloud cloud right mer for higher got it in one boss man but which one of you is it is it you you maybe you or is it the pooch I'm just messing with you that there is our man I don't think we've met of course we haven't met you got brain damage D that [Music] you hey I know you Dy hang on I'll get you out of [Music] here as I live in breathe Barrett Wallace come on bless your heart dropping by for Eleanor's birthday what hell marleene is set a place for Barrett yeah he's looking fit as a fiddle good question she ain't with him [Music] where's Mna she ought to be here what happened to you they'll come to think of it I don't see a give neither but you ain't the kind to come empty-handed [Applause] [Applause] still living on shinus Gill no man it ain't like that D stop go on then do it please I'm here to help you [Music] [Laughter] you here to help me he's here for you to take the load off your shoulders right same old [Music] stay back this is between us and no one else [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys it's me I'm back monaki I can't believe it it really is you we were so worried wel come home waa now why don't you go pay your respects to fellow boan hogen come on you can let them through they're good people I promise after all they're the reason I'm here what in the hell was that hey guys it's me [Music] who can you believe it wow you see that wanted poster pictures with Nothing Like Us must be that way for reason got to keep on our to [Music] [Music] these are the friends I was talking to about thank you for looking after M my name is wenh Haren I teach planetology here in the canyon one could say I know a thing or two about our world a thing or two I doubt there's a thing or two you don't know about it well it might seem that way to a child like yourself I'm not a child child anymore I'm 48 4 what nanaki here has a long life ahead of him in human terms I would say he's about 15 or 16 years old that's more than old enough I can protect our Veil and everyone in it [Music] [Music] wow this is only the beginning a shooting star planetology is not simply the study of the cosmos and the celestial bodies that dwell in it rather it is a quest to comprehend the ccal nature of [Music] Life behold the planet we call home it was from its soil so teaming with life that mankind was born born and like all living things man is fainted to die so what happens next the body Withers and returns to the planet but what are the mind the spirit the soul much like its former vessel it too returns whence it [Music] came to the Great River where all intertwine and circle the planet Without End a cycle of continuous convergence and Divergence the ceaseless e and flow that is the life stream an apt name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your parents strove to keep our Veil safe but there is one thing they fought even harder to protect you nanaki their son she was afraid because I was too small and [Music] weak back then perhaps but not anymore Heavens know you've become a fine warrior in your own right and and that is precisely why I brought you [Music] here but this is not where your journey is meant to end my dear boy you must leave the veil once more but I'm a watcher now I got to protect our home like he did listen to me vanaki when I first heard your friend's emphatic warnings I dismissed them outright no more than the ravings of misguided youths when you've lived as long as I have you start to believe you've seen it all but no surprises remain but I realize now how very foolish I have been the eyes that I thought saw the world clearly have grown blind to new possibilities but I would hate to impede your progress any further i b you leave nanaki before like me you become in new to your own ignorance with sharper eyes and Keener ears go forth and in my stead seek the great truths of our world [Music] look after him for me don't worry we will you failed this trial my boy continue your training and try again are you up to the task not lucky you bet I am after all I am nanaki Watcher of Cosmo Canyon and Son of stto protector of our fail [Music] hearken unto me [Music] my name is G natak wander off into the Wilderness you're Shinra chra not [Music] now I feel so bad for these [Music] people I hope some Marshal we're just getting [Music] started what [Music] [Music] a man who many people myself included once called a hero SEO he's insane and he's after something so powerful he could destroy the planet unless we stop him I see then I one more sin to atone for the room is unlocked use it as you see fit Mr Murasaki don't mind if we do I guess [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] believe it or not there's a [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] a no [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Eric [Music] [Laughter] don't wait your tears are empty [Music] just like [Music] you Cloud it's okay [Music] arth I'll kill you Eric [Music] And So It Begins a Confluence of Worlds and emotions loss Chief among them it engulfs breathing moments of Joy transforming them into rage sadness hatred never have I felt them so keenly I got this [Music] [Music]
Channel: NeoGamer - The Video Game Archive
Views: 72,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7, ff7, ffvii, cloud, aerith, zack, yuffie, ending, secret, comparison, graphics, church, slums, ps1 vs ps5, playstation 5, ps4, best graphics, fps, ppsspp, gameplay, theme, scene, boss, easter egg, pc, steam, 4k, reunion, Final Fantasy VII Remake, ps5, combat, summon, atb, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth ps1, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth comparison, flashback, Sephiroth, cosmo canyon, gold saucer, nibelheim, costa del sol, beach, junon, vincent, scene comparison, ending comparison, ending side by side
Id: aeNbw955Ko4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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