Final Fantasy VI Randomizer by drewlith, DoctorDT, seto kiaba and Jexvrok in 1:44:23 - SGDQ 2022

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no northling85 who donated 25 said good morning from norway keep up the good runs we certainly will thank you northland phoenix comes through with ten dollars saying was tucking myself into bed at three a.m saw ff6 rando six hours enough sleep we don't need eight hours gl drew will be cheering on from my humble little game room y'all i am so happy to report it is time the race is here it's time for final fantasy 6 the world's collide randomizer with drew dr j dr dt said okay and jex brock take it away please [Applause] all right good morning to all of those moogles chocobos and tonberries out there my name is ravel and i'm here on the separated couch here with andrew how are you doing this morning andrew i am doing exceptional i am so excited for today's run this is great we got a race final fantasy 6 worlds collide ravelin i'm going to leave it to you to explain what exactly it is everybody is seeing in front of them today fantastic but uh before we can start explaining that let's get them started count down it three two one go all right so for those of you who are unaware worlds collide is an open world final fantasy vi randomizer your goal here is to find six characters nine espers those six characters and nine espers will give you entrance into kefka's tower one thing you'll notice we all started on the airship we can fly around anywhere in the world that we want and we can flee freely switch between the world of balance and the world of ruin uh andrew do you want to go over some of the things that are randomized in this game uh absolutely so yeah you'll notice this is one big treasure hunt in the world of final fantasy 6. uh some of the things that are randomized are uh you start with three characters in this one go go you guys uh donated for that incentive uh and so gogo's there um so some of the things that are randomized that the characters when you get one uh certain checks are available to them or certain places that they can go related to them in the story like if you find cellus you get to go to the opera house uh and things like uh that what uh so much randomized for example uh gogo here opens up the zone eater check where you would normally go recruit him in vanilla at the end of that check there is going to be some sort of reward it clearly won't be go go because we already have him and even though he's a mimic he does not get to mimic himself into a separate body uh so while we're going through at the end of this check there will either be a character an esper or a high tier item reward these checks are going to provide our progression throughout the game and this is how we are going to get into our final kefka oh oh my goodness so this is why i hate the zone eater island or you know what my chat knows what i call it but uh it can be very very difficult because they have the uh the chancellor's there who can push you off over the edge and that just eats up your time it's so randomized it's uh it's a pain uh but yeah yep so our runners are probably gonna spend the first 10 to 15 minutes here they're going to be doing a lot of looting and shopping they are trying to find items and equipment in order to be able to tackle some of the battles here and so one of the things that's uh really good about uh the randomizer here is that when you guys remember playing this base game as a you know as kids it was always just ultima ultimate ultimate ultima however uh by the way that this game set up you get to really know and learn all the mechanics of what weapons are good what they all do uh use different aspers and the aspers are randomized as well in a way you can learn different spells from uh the different espers that you pick up which makes this game infinitely replayable exactly not only are the espers spells randomized but any stat boost that the espers give you they are also randomized so you could very easily find an esper that's going to teach you fire 3 and give you a magic stat bonus or you can find a bunch of espers that teach you dispel and nothing else i want to point out that uh everybody here has taken some very different routing we've got uh dt uh finding marvel shoes uh dead check why i love zone eater island um we've got uh jexie over in the phoenix cave uh we've got sedo um over in the returners hideout doing some shopping and looting and stuff and drew with doing some looting over in south figaro which is pretty dense because there's all uh throughout the game there are chests that have like secret items in that uh in them and all that stuff and so the denser uh the location with all those uh items in the chests it's those are the ones that people tend to rush to the first uh within the uh exactly so so these runners they're all uh trying to balance taking these checks and finding their progression along with finding the tools that they're going to need to move through this race they're going to be looking for things like super balls possibly rods uh high tier items like ragnarok's excaliburs maybe pearl lances or illuminas and some defensive equipment as well uh you know it's gonna depend on on what each racer finds on what strategy they're going to go one of my favorite parts about this randomizer is that there could be six different viable routes through the seed and each one of our racers is going to see different things they're going to do different checks so they're going to approach the game differently because they'll have different tools available to them uh and i want to point out there's a lot of items that we tend to look out for as runners and players and people who watch this and everybody on the uh you know who's racing right now the big things are illuminas which is one of the most broken and powerful weapons in the game uh there's ragnarok swords uh exp eggs which double your experience and just make your characters unstoppable rods are broken and they allow you to do a lot of damage um valiant knife is another one as well those tend to be the biggest ones that everybody uh is hoping to find they give you a massive advantage absolutely and uh if you're watching this you might be wondering hey these guys are running around in some you know end game areas they're not getting any uh encounters because we all start off with three mughal charms and anyone can equip them so we can take uh random encounters as we wish but if they were to fight a boss here or a battle the enemies would be scaled and the way we have the scaling set here is that it is uh the enemies will gain two levels for every uh piece of progression that your party gets so for every character you recruit and for every esper you gain your enemies will gain two levels that way the enemies sort of scale with you and you know if you find i don't know say a doomgaze here is your first boss you're not necessarily out of luck yeah and usually at the end of most of these checks there's like one big boss that you gotta fight uh in order to get the the esper the character or the item by the end of it too yep uh one of the big things uh that we found our first piece of progression here drew has found cellies celly's is uh arguably one of my favorite characters in this randomizer because she does open up several checks and has several rewards associated with her so each character has a different number of checks available to them and you know that is a lot of what determines how happy i am to see a given character uh who's your favorite character to see when you're playing through andrew uh but a shadow first and foremost foremost because he's my favorite you got doggo defense uh you got bad dad energy he's definitely a rocket by the way can we talk about like how none of us everybody who plays this game has the same pronunciation of any character's names whatsoever is it stellas celies uh celeste i don't even say it consistently every time i play it it's kind of the fun of 90s gaming is that like nobody because we were all reading it nobody heard it the same way exactly so shadow uh he comes with uh the floating continent the cave in the veld and gao's dad's house as checks uh the floating continent does have three rewards associated with it but there are a lot of battles that go along with that um so but shadow doesn't necessarily have throw uh he will have a different randomized ability it might be randomized to throw but usually isn't uh so like i was always happy to see shadow as a kid when i was playing final fantasy 6 because i knew through throw was broken throw was really good yeah so if any of our runners see someone with throw i would expect them to use it some of the other abilities that we're on the lookout here for i see someone has tools and i see capture which is fine it's an ability it's acceptable [Laughter] yeah there are certain abilities that we absolutely love to see throw for me is one of my favorites oh chancellor um let's see throw magitek tools can be very useful because you got things like the air anchor and the chainsaw that can do some instant death let's see runic sometimes help you it helps you if you get a really difficult magic based boss [Music] i think magitek might be among my favorite at the moment yes uh so not only do we have the regular abilities randomized in we have added some other uh favorites from the series uh bannon's health command is one of the abilities that you can have magitek as andrew has mentioned uh we have added the ability to have jump naturally and x magic naturally uh so again it's not just what is available to the characters normally but a few extra surprises along the way and let's not forget about general leo shock because i remember everybody loves general leo when he when he bit it i'm sorry spoiler alert this was like the justice for barb moment of final fantasy 6. we all lost our minds uh at that moment absolutely so if we're looking at our racers right now we're about 10 minutes in i see some racers starting to look towards some checks and doing a little bit as they're wrapping up their looting uh right now it looks like uh we've either found cellies or we've not found any other progression at all yet so all of our racers are pretty even right now there's no one who is uh really taking an early lead yet uh it's really gonna depend on you know who finds that next thing that's gonna open up the next set of uh checks for our for our runners and it's an interesting thing like when you're playing this game there is a balance do you loot a lot and get really powerful early on so all the the places that you go to are really easy or do you just rush them get ahead of the game and then you know hope that you found enough stuff by the end to to really uh get a far far lead on everybody else it's a balance that we're gonna see this beginning part is gonna be who really decides to stop looting and decides to just start diving into the game yep sometimes the right answer is just to face check that boss find out what it is and hope you can get through it and sometimes you get lucky and it's a tunnel armor and you can you know sort of beat your way through it you know maybe cast a spell or two and you've taken care of it and sometimes you face check into goddess and you have a bad time with it oh yeah we should talk about some of these bosses that we're absolutely uh not going to want to see magi master is a big one uh hold on i i want to see them i want to see our runners deal with them the runners don't want to see them i'm sure everybody twitch wants to see yeah but you know as we're playing it we're just like oh we we lose it magi master is just completely uh one of the most difficult bosses in this game he constantly changes his defenses there's only a handful of weapons that are really consistently useful so that's terrifying uh poltergeist aka spicy chicken is one of the more terrifying ones just because he's just so much hp and so much damage and it's very difficult to do with few party members goddess is another one uh doomgaze can insta-kill almost your entire party on the first move uh and then a couple others like uh inferno and a few others here and there usually the end game kefka bosses are the ones that everybody's terrified to see but the audience loves yeah those are the ones that are sort of the the greatest hits or the obvious ones that are like oh god i really don't want to see poltergeist i really don't want to see goddess sort of one of the sleeper bosses for me that is secretly incredibly difficult if you are still at the base level is tentacles anticlears um tentacles they will grab they will slow you down then they will grab you and they will drain your health away the way that that ability is programmed that ability actually is a fixed amount of damage and that fixed amount of damage is about how much hp you have at level three which is real rough it can be very difficult at low levels for sure and i can't wait to see who the the fifth party member they find is so we can see who they replace gogo with because coco is not staying in this game no way you guys voted him you guys uh put your donation money towards no i would be surprised if anybody actually kept go go honestly you know i think if we get another really good ability along with tools if we get blitz or throw or shock or you know maybe even health keeping that go go around to take on that ability as well could be really really valuable um frankly what i'm looking for right now is i'm curious as to which one of our runners is gonna hit the magitek factory oh i think that could be one of those uh choices that's really gonna set runners apart and either for good or for ill if you commit to magitek factory and you get through it and it's uh you know it gets you another character you know you've broken open the seed until your opponents you know figure that out and do it themselves or if you invest 15 20 minutes of time into magitek factory and get no rewards for it that can radically put you behind the eight ball oh my goodness just just that overwhelming feeling of crushing defeat when you do that you sound like you're speaking from experience there what me always i mean never no i i messed up the joke uh so a couple other things that i would like to uh go over real quick here there are a couple of open checks that are available at any point to uh any of our runners uh they are not often our favorite checks uh the kefka at narsh battle in the world of balance as long as you have two characters you can go up there and see if there's something useful there it's uh often not one of the favorite checks because it does take a while and it takes a while to just even get there and then get out of there let alone the time that you're investing in the battle itself also uh we're noticing that uh jegs rocks is taking a few uh early battles on just to get those levels up just to get a little bit ahead of the game the idea would be that if you get your exp up early enough uh all the other battles afterwards become easier and you save a lot of time just from not having to have long battles that and also uh so we start off at level three here um your enemies you know their abilities and their stats are going to be scaled down to uh our enemies are roughly levels i don't know eight to eight to twelve depending on which one of our runners we're talking about but even still a fire three is gonna do more damage than we can handle right now with the amount of health we have oh yeah first oh did i just see atmo weapons oh nice so atmo weapons are one of those uh items we're talking about are that are really really valuable atmo weapons will do the most damage in the game uh with a handful of exceptions the higher if you get a high enough level and you get a high enough amount of health they'll basically do 9999 damage which is everybody in final fantasy land knows that is the maximum amount of damage uh however you can uh use the systems within it to get the offering and the gange glove these two relics that really help you out and do that 99999 eight times it is the best attack in the game if it happens it's amazing yeah it takes quite a bit of setup to make it happen but there is definitely quite a bit of reward some of the other things we might be looking out here here for uh for offensive choices we're looking at you know tier two and tier three magic we're looking for ragnaroks and illuminas we're looking for uh we have tools i'd be on the lookout for drill and chainsaw and flash um there are a lot of options available to our runners and you know sometimes the answer is you know you got to pick up some mid-tier weapon like a sniper or a man-eater and just start swinging it because you don't have another choice and just so you guys know there are no like uh weapons or anything that aren't in the game so you cannot pick up general leo's corpse and cuddle over chardonnay or any of the bosses it's not in this game yet yeah right now we have all of the vanilla equipment in the game is available to you that is something that is uh slightly randomized here um what equipment each character can wear uh they can wear everything they can wear uh normally in the vanilla game and then for each other piece of equipment our runners have a one or our characters have a one-third chance of being able to equip it if they couldn't naturally uh so for example saban has a one-third chance of being able to equip an illumina if we find one uh we won't know until we find one and then try to equip it although uh uh sabine never has the ability to go sleeveless because he's got to go sun's out guns out all day long absolutely uh so looks like we've got a couple of different uh checks here going on drew is fighting a charter knock and has gotten through it with his lock alive but no one else three characters dead guys give him a round of applause for that my goodness wow all that for a ragnarok magicite too and you know that ragnarok magicite could either be great or it could be really disappointing where it has mutant fire yeah mute is one of those useful things we'll talk about the the final boss fight but these runners are gonna have that in their mind there's a handful of things uh that they're looking for throughout the game that it's really gonna help them out with the final fight mute is one of them instant death uh magic and attacks is another one um protection uh against instant death uh on the third tier which uh will be protected by two espers we really to see gollum and fenrir um so they'll be looking through that stuff throughout the game uh to hopefully uh not die in the final fight because the final fight is very much a make or break situation uh in these races so even if it looks like your favorite racer is ahead uh it really does come down to who can make it through kafka final battle the fastest absolutely now all of the options and the randomization and the choices that we're talking about here these are all flags that are available in the randomizer so you can change this uh to be in the experience that you want for these races we typically have uh the final kefka battle be unscaled it's a vanilla final kefka battle that way everyone is shooting for the same target and everyone sort of knows what to expect and uh knows how to prepare for it so even from the very beginning of this seed our runners are looking for things to help them get through that final kefka battle uh you know they are worried about getting through the fight that's in front of them but that kefka battle is in the back of their head the entire seed yeah and we just saw drew with pick up that uh i believe was the force shield uh in um in the ragnarok spock too uh which i did did i mess it up he did pick the thor shield right i believe so but also i just want to point out jack's just picked up possibly one of the most uh game warping items he just picked up an experience egg [Music] okay and a ribbon and he already checked the curse shield so one thing that is randomized here that has come up because we have lock when you go into the world of ruin narsh uh and go retrieve the ker shield we're not gonna make you do 255 fights to uncurse that shield i don't have time for that do you you i have a lot of time on my hands i'm so sorry anyway so we're gonna have six battles here to uncurse the shield and the combination of that ribbon with that curse shield means that it'll be a lot easier for him to get that uncursed so yeah when you uncurse the curse shield you get the paladin shield which is the best shield in the game um it lets you basically have defense against every uh status effect and it also heals you on all of them too so you're basically safe from most magic spells uh throughout the the game and it's got really good defense you know looks good you know when you wear it and stuff yep absolutely so while our runners are doing a couple of checks here uh i think we got time for a donation or two absolutely the love coming through for this ff6 community is is a lot so we got plenty to read here uh 100 comes in from frame rate who says this donation goes to picking the best ff6 character cyan garamond as the starting character wait i missed it well i guess let's get this minecraft gold net good luck to the ff6 runners how about one more you got it we also have fifty dollars from trufay saying we moogles are cheering you all on kupo but hey don't forget mog okay greetings from that mine dear narsh also greetings to that person with the cute mughal suit guys can we get a koopa from everybody behind us right now thank you awesome a couple of things i also wanted to bring up here i did want to make sure that we acknowledge some members of the community who are here and who have helped us get here so in addition to the runners and the commentators that you see here we also have ceilingcat who is backstage right now doing the tracking updating those numbers for us so that we have an idea of you know who is in the lead and who has made it uh how far which is an incredibly vital task so i want to say thank you uh now and say thank you again and also to the rest of the community the admin team the mods those who helped us vet the seeds particularly elastoid and edge and our developer atma tech this is actually a one-man job in terms of development it has been atma he's taking a lot of uh suggestions and help from other people at this point but it started off as a one-man project so a lot of props to him for that and by the way guys the reason we're taking a good break here is you'll see that uh sedo drew uh drewleth and dr dt all uh decided to do the barren falls at the same time we got some marvelous sync however they came up across the piranha fight which is a time fight it takes forever it's usually a good time to go you know get a lacroix uh apricot flavor always the best um you know and enjoy a little moment because one after a certain period of time uh the ryza pass who's the uh second boss within this uh battle shows up so it tends to be time consuming when you see that boss absolutely that is again another thing that we have randomized instead of it being a guaranteed 60 seconds it is between i believe 30 and 55 seconds on this particular set of flags uh so you know if you're lucky it can be a little bit quicker if you're unlucky it's still five seconds quicker which is something i guess and if you're me you've randomized the lacroix in your fridge uh so whenever you go up and you see that battle you go in and you're like is it going to be berry today is it going to be tangerine who knows i'm a big fan of hibiscus personally all right so if we uh take a look at where our runners are right now it looks like drulith has uh four characters and four espers uh keeping it pretty even there uh then we've got uh sedo with four and two jacks with four and one and dr dt with three and one uh so again we see our runners are taking different paths we've got someone in the sealed cave no that's phoenix cave i got real confused for a second uh we've got the imperial gate finishing up baron falls and the opera all going on at once you know unless we've seen this check before and for some of these we have but you know these runners don't know what the right answer is going to be they are trying their best to figure out you know what is going to be the right choice what's going to give them the best bang for their buck in terms of time invested and treasure density and possible xp that they could gain um you know i imagine jax is here going through uh the opera to try to get those battles to uncurse that shield because that paladin shield is going to be a huge boon in his back pocket oh yeah and everybody's kind of retracing their steps at the moment at the end of the imperial camp we've got uh the snow muffler which we already saw uh gotten which uh snow muffler is basically just physical damage is not gonna do anything so it's a really good uh a really good piece of armor that uh the runners do like to to see but it's pretty non-essential so by the time this checks done it's going to be a little disappointing just for the fact that it's not an as per character these guys want to go as fast as possible um now it does look like drew let's does have like a pretty commanding lead at the moment but this could change just for the fact that anybody could be checking like a chain of uh places that just gives them every single thing that they want in a row and that's sort of uh it it's hard to say who's really ahead at this point even though it's it's leaning in drew let's uh uh zone right now right and at the same time there are definitely some of these uh runners who might uh numerically be technically behind but they have things like experience eggs or this uncursed paladin shield or other things that are going to you know allow them to slingshot ahead of some other runners who might not have those tools one thing i also wanted to bring up you have 14 minutes left to get in your donations for the uh save or kill sid that will be the last thing our runners do before they enter kafka's tower and we're going to cut that off at 40 minutes just to make sure that uh you know our runners can have the answer uh when they are ready for it i'm personally in favor of killing sid but you know that's just me i i mean yeah if you want to murder that's fine i'm a big fan of saving sid like i mean he's wearing a rain jacket how can you say no to guy in the range he's arguably a war criminal anyway he's arguably fashionable now so seto here took a dragon spot now one thing to note uh the dragons are randomized within themselves so if you go up and talk to one of the dragons you're going to fight a dragon uh at least in this flag set here um these dragons are often a really uh prioritized thing for our runners to check why are these dragons so so valuable oh was that rhetorical or we or do you want me to no please tell us why are the dragons so valuable uh well you know the dragons you know you cut off their uh their claws you know sell them on the on the market a lot of money actually no the dragons have a lot of experience they give you a lot of magic points which will help you learn spells uh and they can help boost the level so if you're at a point where you're confident in being able to you know defeat bosses and stuff having those levels boosted means you're going to get more experience uh they're going to be more difficult but uh you're going to get more experience and get yourself ahead of everybody else faster so there's a good reason to want to take them on plus at the very end of the battle you usually get an item just like you do in the original game and that's randomized as well so getting an offering getting a genji glove getting a minerva uh or even getting like a a flame shield all could be like game changing things that could be very useful yep i will note that jack's just did uh get the fifth character the first time we've seen a new character here and unfortunately it was umaro oh you can't get rid of uh go go yet the the lemon starburst of the group right now i think people give umaro too much you know crap you know what umaro has some of the best stats in the game he's really strong i'm with you on this i think revlon actually watching one of your things i i think it was you who put a valiant knife offering on umaro and just we just watched the yeti go uh go to yeti town the unfortunate thing is that you cannot control whom he targets or what he does and that's a risk at the best of times yeah details me tales so it does look like drew is the first one i've seen uh taking this dive into the magitek factory uh at this point you know you're 29 30 minutes into a run you're at four and four you've got the magitek factory is that a choice you're going to be making there andrew uh you know it's a great uh uh place i know you're excited for it i usually if i'm running this like magitek and a lot of runners will do this they'll check the first two places where you fight the two first bosses because those can both be espers and then by the time you make it to the very end it's lengthy to make it all the way through in the vanilla game it's there's a lot going on we go by your favorite character uh that you want to see dead um and then you gotta go through uh the whole part where you're on the minecart uh which anybody who's played donkey kong uh country for snes knows minecarts are never easy but it takes a long time so usually you'll see people warp out or dip out after these first two boss fights uh it's a great place to get espers and especially with uh everybody having kind of a low character count and a low s per count right now getting as many espers in a row is kind of a big deal yeah and i actually wouldn't be surprised to see drew commit to the end of the magitek factory um there are a few checks in the game that we have made it so that you can't get an item you're either going to get a character or an esper and that last check out of magitek factory is going to be guaranteed progression but you have to fight two bosses and several other battles along the way so it's one of those risk rewards you know what choice are you going to make yeah we're seeing a lot of the places that usually there's a number of places that in the back of our minds as runners we're like uh you know this is gonna take a lot of time like we're seeing the serpent trench right now uh if you remember that there's one helmet for four people uh and it was great uh everybody got cozy and wore one helmet for gosh knows how many hours underneath the uh oh no wait that isn't this is burning house uh we found a strago we i personally missed uh strego coming in here ah i missed strego so much uh normally runners don't miss straight how much uh strago tends to have uh weaker stats among all the uh original characters in here and usually his base stats are pretty low so people tend to not be super happy plus strego opens uh some very long uh checks uh that runners tend not to like e-bots rock fanatics tower burning house is notoriously uh lengthy and um i think just those three i believe yeah those are the only three checks and i think the shortest one of them averages over two minutes for a single reward which is just not a very good you know value for your time here yeah and so you guys can see in this randomizer uh one character opens multiple uh locations available for you to uh check and see if there are things there some characters open more some characters open less umaro only opens one gogo only opens one strig opens three shadow opens uh five i believe so certain characters do have that value to them um uh selus opens up uh five as well yeah yeah um so you'll you might notice that jack's just reset out of the phantom forest if you go in to do the phantom train you can check the caboose see what your reward is going to be take it immediately and if you don't like it like jax just didn't like what he saw reset out and now he knows i don't have to go there i'm done with it and i don't have to commit to the time that it takes to get through this check exactly oh burning house oh by the way uh i want to point out uh dr dt just was able to walk right past the flame now that's actually something it's a trick that you can use uh within this game that uh rav you may know the the the actual reasoning behind this a lot better than i do but you can pass them at certain frames and timings where you can get by those uh automatic characters and that's used in the nars battle with precision but also can be used in this burning house as well yes if the uh npc and you are both taking a step at the same time and you pass during that step you won't get a battle that's something that's really hard to predict here with the flames at the burning house because their sprites are the same facing every direction so you don't know where they're going to go next whereas the soldiers in nars take a very fixed path so you're able to predict that a little bit better drew let's took down uh in the inferno uh who is one of the end game bosses here uh not one of the final statues but one of the end game uh kefka's tower bosses very difficult to uh to beat inferno so uh and is rewarded with an esper so uh you know that that's kudos also that pearl spell coming in handy too uh pearl is often not one of the more sought-after spells here um because it it is a very high power it does cost a lot of magic points but frankly it just takes a long time to cast yeah there's certain spells that are really good but they take a while ultima is not going to be found in this uh this one because we turned it off because it's so overpowered but ultima always took a while flare pearl usually you'll see these runners try to find tier three uh spells like fire ice and bolt and those tend to do a lot of uh damage without taking too much time absolutely so while we've got our various runners in some of the same places taking a couple of battles here uh let's do another donation or two sounds like a plan we have ten dollars from luce or loose saying here's my ten gal contribution that i drop every gdq event with a 100 drop rate glad to see an ff6 randomizer race this year you rock [Music] we also had 70 dollars from the status boys saying items characters bosses and espers are four elements of a great ff6 world's collide run but what could that fifth element be oh right the players best of luck to all of our runners tonight and one thing i do want to bring up if you want to play this game if you want to join us and you're sitting here watching this going oh my god there is so much to keep track of there is so much to do one thing i want to do is i want to point out that we have carefully created a new player experience we call it moogle's first seed where you can download a seed and play it along with an experienced player hi that would be me um playing the same seed with you through a video so that for your first experience you can have that guided experience if you want that along with various written guides and other things and frankly just a discord that's full of people who want to answer your questions yeah ravelin was the you know the main force behind that and deserves a lot of kudos because that was re and ravelin actually came in my first stream and was helping me out and stuff now i when i first started playing this i remember the game as a kid and uh when i picked this up it was pretty easy to figure out in from a beginner's standpoint uh it's just all the details and all the things that you learn and to craft and get really good at it it just you know it's just more time into it and more kind of understanding of the game and even the runners that you see in front of you will probably discover something new within the next like you know few gameplays it's like we're constantly discovering oh th this uh this boss is weak to this or you know oh i didn't know you could do that with this weapon it's it's you know kind of like othello uh uh quick to learn but a lifetime to master absolutely i was trying to figure out if you're going for the board game or the play there for a moment i couldn't i couldn't work starburst or kroy back into it so you know we had to go yep so right here we actually have the atma brothers being fought on two different screens at once dr dt is fighting the bigger atma brother here while drew lith is facing the much less frightening atmo weapon who usually resides on the floating continent so we do see drew going through the end here of the magitek factory so we are going to see someone go all the way through that and atma on dr dt screen is not an easy boss and unfortunately that dance that was picked is going to be healing atma uh atma the the older brother absorbs the non-main elemental spells uh so he'll absorb wind and water but is weak to fire ice and bolt almost near uh simultaneous uh defeats by the way they both were using super balls uh quite a bit in that fight which really helped them out uh robin do you want to talk about like the the math behind super balls and why we love them so much uh you can speak for yourself super super never work for me so the idea behind a super ball is that it's gonna do some multiple of some numbers and stuff like that but usually early on it gives you the ability to do um uh like a multiple where it can get you maybe like 256 damage which isn't a ton or like thousands and really can get you a lot of heavy damage uh is that number 24 or is that magi master who is that at the end that is number 24. oh my goodness we carefully avoided magi master here oh my goodness number 24 is who you see in um in uh vector uh however the uh number 24 is brother maggie master who you see at the end of the fanatics tower is terrifying so uh number 24 is sort of like the the light version the the the lacroix of the uh of the magi master brothers if you will so drew here is going to uh show us what this final uh reward was i believe it was an esper based on uh what our tracker updated jax is going to find that esper quite soon afterwards dr dt found tara at the end of the burning house which definitely means uh lots of checks are available to him now that were not available before and it looks like one of our other racers is not far behind him there he's going to find that tara as well so tara opens up five separate checks if you walked into a terror at this point where would you go first uh you got to do welk immediately uh you got to ignore the elite river entirely [Music] i would probably do at this point we're gonna stop seeing as many uh battles where they uh or uh chest checks so people are really just gonna wanna go through stuff the uh um this uh the sealed gate is a pretty quick check when you ignore everything so uh we're gonna wanna we're gonna see everybody starting to do the quicker stuff especially with dr dt at five characters but only at two espers it's definitely gonna be quick checks uh galore yeah we are our runners are definitely getting to the point where looting is less important as just getting through these fights getting through these battles getting through the checks as quickly as possible to a certain point once you get to 40 minutes which by the way what happens at 40 minutes sid lives tell me sid lives does he live does he live what is the final word on sid's fate is he living i actually have some unbelievable news for this he's living and nothing bad happened first we have a 2 000 donation wow [Applause] this comes this comes courtesy of green monkey with a very simple message wow let him die oh savage that single donation put let sid die over the top that is our decision let sid die amazing what a phenomenal donation to such a phenomenal cause thank you so much for that and uh this bid war uh so as one of the head admins of final fantasy vi uh world's collide i've been keeping track of how much uh money we've donated to charities because we've done a lot of different marathons um that donation on its own doubled everything that we had done before so amazing thank you so much for that and thank you for all of the money that has been donated for this game in addition absolutely and green monkey while i don't necessarily agree with your uh decision of pixel murder your uh generosity is very very kind thank you so much all right so seto is finishing up the burning house it looks like dr dt has found chardonnay is one of those obnoxious bosses that's uh often a challenge here early uh because it flips between the angel and the demon and if you attack and kill the angel it doesn't do you any good it just comes back chatternook was the painting in auser's mansion if you remember when you rescued realm i want to point something out sedo is using uh dragoon strats which is one of uh it tends to be uh love it or hate it with certain uh runners i've already seen some other runners sell dragon horns and be like nope not a chance other runners love it because it can allow you to do i believe 2.5 times as much damage if you have a lance on you and with the dragon horn in the boots you can do up to four times damage and if you have fixed dice you could potentially be doing a ton of damage um and it's a really consistent physical attack uh strat but also at the same point if uh you don't have high level uh characters or you have people who have better spells and attacks sometimes that's just that just needs to go on the wayside yeah absolutely so we've seen dragoon strats we've seen various kinds of magic we've seen checks using tools you know we've seen our runners employing every single strategy available to them i saw drew using x-zone that's not a spell that we see very often they're to take out a gigantos gigantos is always an enemy that you are very happy to see as a runner because they give you the most xp per level and seto sees that tara and does that happy dance and let me tell you i'd be doing that happy dance as well uh i believe are we gonna uh no i thought we were in the world of ruin for a second uh jexie is probably about to go hit up uh oh monster another box by the way let's talk about these monsters in a box uh the why the runners are checking it uh part of that reason is the monsters and box can give you uh potentially the fight against katana soul the the prize for that is an offering now the offering lets you do four times uh attacks it does diminish the amount of damage that the attack does but if you have something like a valiant knife or um anything that really boosts up your ability to attack it's still four times damage it lets you break that 9999 barrier uh with what you're doing and if you have fixed dice which does uh you know a a questionable amount of damage each time because it is a roll of dice uh you could be doing a lot of damage uh in in that attack oh absolutely and uh some of the other things we might be looking for with uh those monsters in a box sometimes you're looking for the all over or aloe vera if you find that early it will go down to a single revivify or phoenix down which can get you a couple levels early these gigantos like i said give you the most xp per level of any enemy in the game they are incredibly valuable for that reason as well um and sometimes you are just looking for uh you know sort of a known quantity battle you know maybe it's some whispers maybe it's a lobo you're just looking to get something to get you through to that next level to that next step uh some of the checks you're seeing right now the cave to the sealed gate that one building before you go into the cave is a ton of boxes and usually that's uh what runners want to see we're seeing uh jexie taking the climb up to uh world of ruin narsh finding a red dragon uh also uh i just discovered recently that same wind noise is used in chrono trigger as well the snes wind sound it is uh so i see jacks doing this uh this dragon here again you know looking for those uh high tier items those uh experience points and magic points also on the way up he'll be able to hit try talk which is a check that's available at any time but it can only give you an item or an asper and he is our runner who found that umaro so he is able to go do that umaro check and i don't think anyone else has found him so that could really uh set him ahead if it finds him something that he is looking for now in this uh oh that's a snow muffler that might not be too bad uh it depends who can wear it but um the you can get a peek into who's at the end of the omaro cave uh in this game by going to the world of balance and then seeing if anybody pops out and if nobody does uh there's no character there but if there is sometimes that's a little sneak peek to say like oh if i do find omaro maybe i should go get the uh the character that's up there if it's a realm or a shadow for me it's almost a guaranteed yes that i'm going yep so right now uh again it is really hard to tell which one of our racers is in the lead both two of our racers have the character requirements but are really low on espers our other two racers are a little bit higher on espers but missing the character requirements dr dt just did find a shadow which is an incredible find in terms of you know check density and being able to you know look for new things and also like that gao's dad's house that is an instant check that is in out and on your way oh yeah and like i said with uh shadow you got the doggo defense every once in a while um interceptor oh look who's at the top of narsh that's edgar um uh yeah the dog will uh take hits for you and uh you know just walk away because that's what dogs do edgar is an amazing character to get not only if you use him as a dragoon is he exceptionally powerful uh but he gives you a lot of really good easy checks like his throne um his his ponytail game is on point uh he does make capes fashionable uh he's all around a great guy right he also gives you a discount of the shops in figaro castle and in the world of ruins south figaro town uh although that one they don't tell you about it it's just on you to notice it in the vanilla game which i find fascinating oh yeah that's right he does do that so this nars battle let's talk about this by the way usually uh when you're playing this in the vanilla game this is early on and you're just going to in your usually runners will just fight all the battles and then the guys will show up back at the beginning and then you just try to get through as many battles as you can uh dr dt did the uh skip by the way where when the soldier was moving up he was moving down at the right time and it was able to skip by that uh going to fight ifrit right now ifrit and shiva uh ifrit will uh after a certain number of turns uh disappear and then shiva will come up if it's weak to ice shiva is weak to fire um so the idea is to beat ifrit before shiva shows up ooh jets just found major master i think that's what he reset out of a moment ago that is uh you know it is definitely a manageable boss if you are prepared for it yeah you know it's coming uh jax is looking through the item list seeing if there's anything uh that's really gonna uh help him out and it it looks like he might be struggling a little bit yeah that out that 33 damage isn't going to do it yeah so i didn't i do notice here that dr dt took an extra character here he's already got the six characters he needs why might he uh be willing to spend the time in the cafe at nurse check to actually get that extra character uh well because like i said edgar makes caves fashionable not many people do that cells certainly does uh but edgar he you know i i think he i think he's uh he's just like he's the king gotta do it now sometimes getting extra characters does get you extra checks means that things will go faster it means those levels will go up which could be a blessing and a curse all in the same uh thing now i think jackson by the way is taking on this magi master fight hoping that the jumper is going to be able to stop everybody i think that's his uh current strategy right now guys if jaxy beats magi master we gotta give a huge round of applause if this goes through because this is not an easy fight magi master with every wall change basically changes his defense so if you were using fire and then he does a wall change fire might heal him on the next one not only that he's using incredibly uh strong magic spells to damage everybody all elemental and stuff so it's pretty it's a pretty harrowing and it's done done getting a mega elixir for that and and asperger there we go that's what we need that's what we're looking for we are looking for this progression that is huge corrado not necessarily the the the most uh known esper for attacks now there are a couple espers that we are looking to pay attention to golem is one who will give you like basically physical uh attack defense fenrir in the same but in a different way a pallador will let you jump uh siren will let you cast mute unicorn will uh uh will basically remedy your your party uh uh madwin looks cool yeah and occasionally you can use show to uh take out an enemy who is weak to instant death but other than that i think you hit basically every odin and raiden will insta kill as well so some of the espers do have the ability to be used you can summon them uh you know in this game and the animations aren't like aren't really that uh heavy so it some of them can go uh be really useful yep uh also another reason uh that we might look for extra characters who might be willing to take them uh so we have a flag on here that's sort of a let's call it a mercy rule almost where if you end up with three more characters than you need or three more espers than you need uh you get to skip most of uh the beginning of kafka's tower you end up right at the three switches just before the uh the statue fights so if you're already at seven characters and you see one and it's going to be a quick check it might be worth it to to grab another character and hope for that ninth character to cut out the whole puzzle beginning of kefka's tower yeah it's sort of a bonus rule we gave ourselves like at a certain point just because we've all done this so much and you know why not even it out uh especially if you get to the point where all you're getting are espers or all you're getting are characters um to to keep the race interesting and going it's just one of the sort of um you know very particular things uh and adjustments that have been made in this randomizer to even the playing field and not make it so uh so straightforward like things like getting rid of ultima and within the um the randomizer itself you can play this game very simply standard seed have fun race everybody and kind of get the know the rules of that again one big treasure hunt and that's all you need to kind of think of when you're playing with your friends or if you find yourself really getting into it really customizing it and having a lot of fun just playing with the variety of that it really is up to you what you want to do uh in this this randomizer absolutely and we did just see both seto and jax take care of another set of pallet swaps or brothers as i like to call them the number 128 and inferno fights uh were killed at the same time now pugs are pretty awesome because if you can steal minervas from them minervas have a ton of magic defense uh they're uh also you know pretty cool but uh uh we're seeing the the warp stone used because they could also just eat up a lot of time you can steal minervas from them or maybe even win one from the fight but sometimes the runners don't want to take all the time to do that again we are moving quick absolutely uh and it looks like we have a brief moment here do we have another donation we can read out oh keeping you on your toes oh absolutely we have plenty uh we have 150 dollars coming in from subsarian who said wouldn't miss my boy set okay buzz race for the world good luck to all the runners uh fantastic thank you so much um you know once again thank you so much everyone for the the love and support that you are showing our community here um i just hope that we can repay it when you guys come to visit our community and join us and play this game along with us yeah honestly you know i think what would make my day and this is to you guys out there i i want a donation with your favorite starburst or your favorite lacroix flavor just to see just keep everybody on their toes because quite frankly i don't think anything beats orange right now it's so good both in starburst and like uh lacroix i'm gonna have to go for the passion fruit lacroix personally that's a good one anyway so uh seto did just fight one of my favorite bosses here uh it was the original ultros that you normally fight in the elite river and it's my favorite because of the sprite when the sprite comes up it looks like he's swimming through a stone floor and just the ridiculousness of that situation because he's a very weak boss and i'm like you are not strong enough to be swimming through a stone floor my dude by the way if you remember from the game you fight four ultroses and so every time an ultra spice fight comes up it could be one of those four variations which is really uh fun and if you're uh you know you've been playing this for a while you can try to figure out which one it is and if you're having trouble beating ultros that can be to your advantage i think the runners at this point are probably uh that's not going to matter much to them uh actually looking currently at the numbers just to keep you guys uh up to date with everything drulith is at six characters seven espers so it's a very good chance that drewleth could be uh the first person into kafka's tower dr dt does have eight characters in four aspers so dr dt could get that skip and really get ahead uh jax has got seven aspers five characters and seven characters and seven aspers over on seda so this really is close we don't know who's gonna end up going in first um i'm i'm gonna make a guess i'm gonna i'm i i'm going drula you know i think that's a that's a pretty safe bet considering he just got another asper and it was fenrir by the way uh fenrir is gonna cast those uh uh those multiple images uh that basically give you uh physical a defense now we may see that actually come into play on the third tier of the kefka tower fight and we'll talk you guys through that because that fight like i said it could be the the make or break for this the other thing that's going to be interesting to see and could very well be a deciding factor here is how you divide up your party going into kafka's tower because each party is going to fight different bosses and if you you know send your party with all of the fire attacks down one lane and they hit flame eater while your other party who has no fire attacks hits tri talk you know suddenly you know you're going to be struggling where someone who made a different choice won't be um so you know it does come down to very fine-grained decisions of that level of which party do you send down which lane of kefka's tower and it could turn out that you make a bad decision and you get spicy chicken at the end of one of them and your party can't beat it and then you have to warp out and then have to redo uh you know all of uh kefka tower and lose five minutes just to beef up the party that has to fight uh you know spicy chicken so yeah absolutely you know all of these decisions are you know becoming impactful when there's a race that's this close you know who chooses what uh check to do you know how quickly they get through each individual boss which uh various uh strategies they're using uh you know it all depends it all matters right now um there is not a clear clear front-runner necessarily but at the same time you know that can change radically if you know one player finds you know the right string of checks or if someone takes a wipe uh that they're not expecting to take oh yeah so right now we're still seeing all the runners stick with they've they've all roughly found the same characters nobody's found realm nobody's found gow nobody's found setzer everybody's kind of found the same uh up to eight characters at this point but uh we haven't seen any huge divergence from that so this means that everybody's going to be checking roughly the same checks uh the order that they've done it is going to make a difference for sure but this also means that we're going to probably have everybody ending up in kefka's tower around the same time i'm going to guess within the within the 110 mark everybody's going to be in kt i think that's a an entirely reasonable guess and if someone's not in kt by 110 there's a good chance that they're going to be taking the skip and then that'll catch them up very very quickly oh yeah [Music] i think dr dt is going to be making a goal of that skip given uh the esper count right now yeah absolutely i would be looking uh probably to take the auction house at this point uh that auction house can get you a couple aspers all it takes is a little time and money but there's uh a fairly low chance of finding something that's unusable by the way guys uh this might happen is it gonna happen six seven oh nope nope no drulith almost made it into kt under an hour but it's gonna take an extra dragon fight just for the levels just for the item more likely for the levels because the final kefka fight uh again if if you go in with uh with less uh levels the fight could take longer or you could take an extra fight which you lose a minute or two too but end up beating uh kefka's tower five minutes faster because you are uh your buff yeah absolutely um so right now uh at least one of our racers is fighting some of that uh auction house rng um it is random it's a series of coin flips behind the scenes on what what items will come up when um there can be up to two uh espers here at the auction house just like there are in vanilla although sometimes those espers are going to get randomized somewhere else and you're just going to have lots of items the uh gentleman at the door will tell you if there are still glowing stones available so you won't just waste your time oh the auction house is so infuriating but it can be one of those things that really does make or break it because in the original game you could get i believe two espers from uh from the auction house do you remember which ones were there as i believe it was zone seeking golem golem is a big one uh so and in vanilla zone seek had the magic attack uh bonus so it looks like pallador is there like we were saying palador is a pretty helpful one it casts jump on the entire party so you can you know if you time it out right you can line up everybody's a cast palador and then every uh the other three characters can line up their attacks so as soon as they land they do an attack and you just get massive amounts of damage uh without having your characters take any so uh that could strategy could come into play we got another magi master fight uh with uh sedo here again doesn't matter what level you are magi master is always difficult unless you have uh unless you're lucky enough to have those special weapons that do all the damage so magic master definitely takes defense piercing weapons to be able to take down effectively oh look what's happening to sid oh poor sid seriously like just give him the good sushi he's gonna give him some he is feeding the sick man you couldn't go to noble and give him a good rainbow roll or something just kind of just throw dead fish at him remember that talking fish that everybody had back in like the the 2000s the one on the wall you know what i'm talking about yes it's like he's basically fishing out plastic those plastic fish and feeding them to sit and be like yeah here you go this counts right all the micro plastics in his stomach are not doing him any good yep so the way the uh the sid uh event here works is he starts i believe with 128 hp and then once he reaches zero hp he will move on let's say um and he loses one hp per second uh so we could just stand around for 128 seconds but that's slow and we want to go fast by the way i just want to point this out like in the original game it really did look like sid was just kind of faking it because he looked like he was just up cleaning around the cleaning the house and he's like you know what i should go to bed and just be like oh man my stomach i'm feeling good but there he goes and there we go we see uh that uh we have our first person who is able to enter into kafka's tower he has completed the sid event um and as part of the kill sid uh incentive um he did get an extra good sword along with it because killing sid is sometimes a lot slower than just saving him it is kind of a weird thing you you feed him some bad fish he goes and then you're like oh so sorry to see you go sit you know what you're not using this illumina you mind if i just i'm just gonna you know i can't even ask you you're just not even alive i'm just gonna take this illumina weird situation however we gotta give it up as soon as uh as soon as drulith makes it into kt will give a uh that big round of applause once he makes it in yeah so we've got drew entering kt relatively quickly looks like dr dt it looks like none of our runners are very far behind we are all within one or two checks of you know getting uh everyone into kefka's tower so this is going to be anyone's race so even though one person is entered first you know those those last minute decisions of you know which party goes where or you know a simple miscalculation on the final kefka fight can very easily you know change this one way or the other this is still very much anybody's race guys drewleth is going into kt let's give him a round of applause now uh i do have a challenge for chat and this is something that i've spoken to the runners about there is an extra boss in kafka's tower that we like to call toilet atma because he sits in the room where uh in vector kefka does sit in a uh in a jail cell and if you talk to him he blathers on forever and ever and ever and there is a toilet in the room that you can actually sit on in the game i don't understand why but if any of our runners uh take on and defeat the toilet atma i will donate an extra ten dollars if all four of our runners take on toilet atma i will donate a total of fifty dollars so i challenge anyone in the chat to join me in that look i i would find it weird if there wasn't a toilet in there because you know what was it gonna do with stuff uh by the way uh we we did miss uh sedo did find mogasaurus rex but did not uh opt to uh get maggie because uh it was over in mobliz it was going to take too much time uh sedo just wants that last aspert to get into kt so uh we're seeing where said i was actually going to go for that it looks like it might be the auction it is the auction house so uh sedo very well could be the next person in uh it looks very likely that seda will be unless um uh what jexie's making the uh the climb up fanatics tower guys fanatics tower is i personally love it i also personally hate it because you can only use magic against the enemies in here they have a muggle charm so they won't fight any uh there's a dragon in here which will give you that extra um uh item and those levels but the boss up here you can only use magic on however at the top there is a very uh good uh item that you can get this tends to be a very long check but it's very well rewarded so this could be an offering and with those atmo weapons and that exp egg that was found maybe that ends up being very useful and there is an illumina too so if there's a genji glove maybe that helps too uh who knows what this is going to be the item could be awesome it could be trash we'll find out absolutely so while setto is fighting the rng boss drew's getting set up for his first boston kt uh you know we're doing the stairmaster down with jacks and dr dt is going uh to check out one of edgar's checks let's see if we can get another donation or two in here absolutely we have some uh very interesting and important ones uh we have 500 from ben hamilton ben says pamplemoose lacroix for the win gotta have my pam it's the quenchiest ten out of ten umaros agree yes samora starburst lacroix love coming through with trisha donating 25 saying strawberry is my answer for both starburst and the kroy and cellus is my choice for the best final fantasy character absolutely so the first boss drew is fighting here is try talk now try talk is a boss who is either weak to fire or you have to have defense piercing attacks otherwise you are going to do a whole bunch of one damage at a time and i don't know about you but we're trying to go fast and nobody got time for that oh tritock can be one of those run stoppers too that like if you have a party that can't do any damage to try talk then you're gonna be in trouble uh you know uh drewleth is using uh super balls to try and get through the fight but i think a little hesitantly because uh you might want those for another situation i think drew is also uh putting his hands up going well i'm just waiting until sully's thaws yeah there there's there's nothing else to be done at this point yeah it is kind of rough looks like sedo just found the last esper he nice and we'll see if uh this check here gives jax the last esper he needs as well and then dr dt only needs one you know we're going to have everyone entering kefka's tower right on the heels of each other now we do have uh dr dt uh with eight uh characters uh and eight espers right now so it could be possible that uh dr dt is trying to get that last character uh and potentially uh get ahead of everybody else here's the thing at the level that these runners are at they know at about this time they expect all of their opponents to be in kefka's tower so going you know taking that one extra character taking that one extra moment could be you know it is a very high risk very high reward play i will either win you the game or it could leave you in the dust and there is no way to know and we're seeing uh at this point uh dr dt is really only taking the tests right in front of the space in case it's anything special uh actually taking a little stop because there are quite a number of tests here but um i can imagine these runners are going to want to do everything they can to cut time right now uh everybody's trying to get this done in around like an hour 30 ish um uh is sort of a hopeful goal uh for everybody so i know that uh there are those things in like uh how much is this item this treasure chest how much is this really gonna give me ahead if you feel behind like finding that offering right now i feel like dr dt is really trying to aim for because that is i mean that cuts minutes off that final kefka fight absolutely especially with the weapons that we already have uh both atmo weapons and valiant knives work particularly well with that offering uh they both cheat in the damage formula in ways that the offering does not uh impact nearly as much as a quote-unquote regular weapon yeah my goodness i wonder how many ponytails dr dt got because we've talked about this before probably earlier today i don't even remember but so many characters have ponytails i think we counted five of them and sets are could have one just you know off the side is just going uh flowing hair to the the wind that is the ninth character and that means dr dt is gonna take this um uh this white dragon fight uh is gonna have the skip uh potentially available and might get uh ahead of the other two runners now drulith does have a very large lead right now so uh we're just reminding jesse right now he's got to go kill uh sid so um yeah we are we are looking at uh drewleth pretty far ahead and now it's really going to be about where the other other runners uh you know fall behind but everybody again is not very far from each other just a handful of minutes away from uh completing the the seed from each other yeah and i'll be really interested to see if when dr dt gets this skip how much of a difference that's going to make yeah without a doubt it's probably going to put him you know even with both sedo and jacks if you know not slightly ahead of them um this this is one of those things where uh this is really demonstrating to me why i love this randomizer so much yeah because there are different answers that can all be viable yeah i mean all it takes is one spicy chicken to really change the entirety of this if drooleth has to warp out uh then it's really bad uh or you know if drewleth gets uh some easy fights here this is really gonna show that druleth took a commanding lead over everybody in this uh this seed so we really won't know until we get to kafka right because even with the most well-prepared parties sometimes final kefka just tells you no yeah i can't tell you how many times i've wiped to kefka himself uh and it's been sad i think i did it once when i was playing like three times in a row and it really took like all of my energy to be like you could do this andrew i believe in you uh and i did believe in myself and it happened yeah so one of the other things uh to note here in particular with uh the final kafka battle so i don't know about you but i spend the entirety of my seed preparing for tier three absolutely tier three is that tear that can just end you if you get that calmness if you're not prepared for it but you know want to know what tear i wipe the most on tier two let's talk about the before we get uh drulith goes and and fights the tears let's talk about what exactly we can expect to see so tier one is going to be a battle of three characters now all of these are one giant statue that lead all the way up to um to final kafka the first tier is a head and two hands uh the head can cast quake so that usually you want to hit it last uh or you want to get rid of it first and the other two you want to get rid of last the second tier is four enemies one's really good with magic one's really good at just just uh destroying your your team one's really good with physical attacks uh the third tier is uh uh a bust of a lady's head and a dude who looks like he's just chilling you know waiting for the game to start uh kicking back uh the head you have to kill first cause she can just basically life to every uh the other guy and it's just no good and the the guy who's chilling back is one of the most dangerous enemies in this entire thing and is a pure run killer he has the ability to cast media which nobody can really defend against and it just can destroy you and then at the very end can use an attack called calmness which basically insta kills whoever it is unless you have physical attack uh defense like fenrir or golem uh basically uh can destroy your party and leave you with weak characters for ultimately the final fight who's kefka who's most dangerous attack ultima if you don't uh time his stuff right will destroy your party um the uh other thing about the final fight is that if you a character dies that character just like in the original game is replaced by whoever you have as your backup so you may if your other characters are weak and you only have your strong four uh that can also really limit your game and now i i quickly explained that ravlin by far knows the tech much better than i do yeah and we'll we'll go into that as we're starting to see each fight noticing how each individual runner is handling each uh tier uh but that was a a really good primer here and jax is it appears ready to jump in as well and uh dr dt has searched the skies found a guardian flying through the sky i don't know about you but i would be terrified if i was flying around in an airship and found a tank flying at it the guardian is a lot of damage by the way let's give it up for jax for making into kt [Applause] absolutely now uh one of my favorite bosses here drew is facing and that is uh who i affectionately call niles and frazier the crane brothers uh not a terrifying boss at this point you will notice that drew hit himself with luck because loch has that valiant knife which does more damage the less hp your character has so for every hp that lock is missing that is a single damage added to that attack so 5 000 damage at this point is a lot of damage for sure now you can imagine if you had that offering that's five times four and it doesn't take the the the reduction from the offering that it usually has with every other weapon so that's a lot of damage that the uh the valiant knife offering combo could do but unfortunately everybody checked every possible um monster in a box that they could chances are is on floating islander and cave in the belt but nobody managed to get at the seed it happens um [Music] so it does look like this is gonna be drulith then sedo uh and then uh it's gonna be let's see if uh dt gets ahead of uh of jacksie and sedo uh at all all right so we have drew coming into this final battle this is the the final cut scene which you will notice is significantly shortened compared to vanilla um i i will tell you that you know these game files are like three megabytes and we have to use every byte of data and every byte of information so we will cannibalize every single thing that we can so that cutscene cut it in half we kept the laugh though you gotta do it everybody do you guys know the kefka laugh though do it at home wake up your neighbors we know what time it is all right so drew is now going to uh pick the order of his party uh you'll notice that the character names are in parentheses next to the character names uh that's just so if you rename your characters uh you actually know who is who and you can also change the sprites and this is just so that you take the right people into kefka's tower so right here on this first tier that long arm is vulnerable to instant death so that exon it did miss but it is trying to hit that instant death so that it takes that long arm out of the fight immediately the face is weak to fire so he'll probably be hitting that with fire spells as well reverse polarity does slow things down because and if you're in the front row you do more physical damage if you're in the back row you do more magic damage but it also makes you vulnerable if you're in the front row to physical uh a lot more so that is a strategy that people use and reverse polarity messes all of it up so we might see a little bit of time but not much taken to just everybody losing a turn getting back in the right place yep all right so uh while this is all going on um sedo is fighting doom jax is at tritoc and dr dt is now in cactus tower all already at the switches so i believe he's going to be neck and neck with sedo at this point this is definitely a race for second place and depending if drewleth wipes on uh kefka this could be a race for first i know drew was talking about one of the things that he wanted to do here was hit a uh a desperation attack and that's what locke did there it was called mirager that's something that i played this game easily a dozen times as a kid and never once saw a desperation attack basically if your hp is low enough i believe below five percent your character will do an attack that's called a desperation move that just does a lot of damage now if you've planned for your character to do something even more powerful it tends to be uh a bad thing but uh if your character is not prepared that way it is exceptionally uh nice to get that extra damage now tier one is complete we're on to tier two all right four enemies take it away yep so there are four enemies here you're going to notice uh there is a tiger face down at the bottom the tiger face does lots and lots of damage uh it is weak to ice uh right above him is a blue gentleman wearing not very much um that blue gentleman is named hit hit does hit thing we're very creative at naming things here just behind hit there appears to be a piece of machinery that is called tools tools has a lot of really nasty abilities i think things like diffuser launcher any of those sort of technology themed abilities that you might have seen air force or guardian do in the past that tools is vulnerable to instant death which is why we see another x zone and i believe it just hit as well absolutely and then in the back the guy who i always thought looked like gal with the yellow hair and the ponytail that is magic magic casts lots of magic spells once again very creative at naming things here uh but magic has one very very fatal flaw he can be muted which uh which our druleth already was on by the way i i'd give him with the with the shoulders and the arms a little sabin you know maybe like a little leaner maybe like in the middle of like a cutting phase or something definitely has some sabin features uh or maybe it is older gal maybe it's like 26 year old gal like if he if he took the job that was more outdoors maybe construction not necessarily office you know sure so right now we see drew just carving through this final kefka like just a hot knife through butter going through as as almost as textbook as this fight can go um i would still personally be a little concerned here uh hit will final death counter with 10 hits he's got two characters at fairly low hp um you know that is something that he needs to be aware of just in case but it looks like he is going to put up phantom which makes all of his party invisible uh when you have the invis status you are not able to be hit by anything physical but any magical attack will instantly hit you no matter what [Music] oh and we're seeing that in play right now uh everybody's doing their best to just uh this is i i think drew lip is pretty much gonna get this yep ten hits no one's getting hit yep and it's going to actually go very very quickly because there's no animations here again if we are going fast drew is definitely uh you know pulling all of those strings now he is getting ready to go up to tier three tier three can still cause quite a bit of issue you do need to take care of the girl behind sleep first that girl will cast pearl wind she will also cast life too if sleep dies first if she casts life too sleep does come back with full health and yes it is as obnoxious as you think it is uh pearl wind will also do quite a bit of healing if you are not careful for it now however girl will absorb all magic all elements everything so you have to hit her with non-elemental damage or physical attacks but she only has 9999 hp and she is gone yeah and it looks like we are getting into the uh slice and dice phase for sleep um now i assume drew has some sort of uh mitigation here for calmness uh might not even be using it just might just be trying to get through it as much as possible now there is a danger to uh uh the the dude who looks like he's chillaxin with some totino's pizza rolls next to him because if he gets like half of his hp just knocked out he starts casting some really really bad magic spells meteo it just does a lot of damage train will make everybody blind and um not and uh mutes so they can't use spells um and uh and then afterwards calmness but that medio attack constantly over and over and over you'll find if that just ends up being really bad runners will heal them take care to heal uh him take care of their party and then try to go for uh the attacks all over again meteo right here let's see how many people survive if so i also want to point out while drew is here on tier three uh seto is in tier one so if something goes wrong for drew setto is basically right on his heels dr dt and jacks are not far behind either uh so sleep here is in a phase where he will use medio but also he has a one-third chance of counter-attacking with meteo as well that's how it happens where it can look like he just casts meteo twice in a row right away one of them is a counter-attack um so you really need to take care of yourself really be careful here and if you find yourself falling behind you know just heal him up above 10 000 hp that's the hp threshold once he's above that he will calm down and then you can get yourself back together yeah and then finish uh taking him out it's like if he gets too low on his health he gets he gets cranky but if he's got enough health he's just like yeah i'm gonna chill and and enjoy these totino's pizza rolls yep and drew really taking advantage there of that life 2 spell uh now one thing to note uh the characters who have been life-two they do not have the fenrir on them anymore so if they get targeted by calmness here there goes locke oh oh that's i it's still it's it's he's fine he's going to be fine he's going to be slower he did lose the character who did have the valiant knife now he definitely does have all the power to to beat kefka just not as quick and that i don't think that's going to give sedo enough time to really catch up but it does you know oh there's that music [Music] we just had to take a moment to enjoy that time absolutely so final kefka here uh he has about 65 000 hp this really becomes a a method or a exercise in counting uh you want to make sure that you are very careful about attacking kefka when he is below ten thousand that ten thousand is once again a magic threshold when he is below ten thousand hp he has a one-third chance to counter attack with ultima he can also use hyperdriver as well which will take out an individual character ultima will just be a bad time for your entire party at the very beginning here we see that uh he uses fallen one i don't see a mega elixir in drew's uh arsenal here so he is going through with those ex potions one by one and healing his characters back up you do notice that loch has been replaced by uh strago i don't think strago is going to be uh really participating in this battle very much i think pretty much uh sell us alone can take uh can take kafka we just saw her do 4 000 and if uh the um the pearl attack ends up uh being a random occurrence which proc i believe is uh what we call it uh if that's cracked then all of a sudden we'll get an extra 9 000 and kefka will be on his way out now this phase here that we're seeing is called beyond chaos where he holds a separate head and then like makes it disappear for some reason but the everything starts shaking it means he's charging up an attack called goner during this phase he can't cast altima so you'll see all the runners try to get him in this phase before uh and kill him in this phase uh because he won't cast it and i think this might nope it's close i think even julia thought that might have been it i think this might be it guys this might be this might be a time will be on the flash the crack boom oh no goner so uh at this point drew probably wants to take it really careful because uh kefka is going to be at low hp if he gets off an attack that does not defeat kefka kafka can retaliate with an ultima now if that happens uh that could very easily be a wipe on the other hand if kefka is at low hp like he is here might be worth it to take a risk and just go for that attack the the 100 safe play is to wait until he starts charging goner again because he cannot counter attack in that case and it looks like drewleth is making the move to be very safe and very cautious because that ultima even though it would be risky is just basically high amounts of danger revenger yeah i don't even know what revenge does i don't think it's ever worked with any of my characters when i bought kafka it removes positive buffs yeah so while this is going on dr dt has entered the first phase of kafka sedo is going up to the third phase and jax is again not far behind dr dt that skip really helped dr dt uh jump ahead of jax so drew is now dealing with the fact that his team is both blinded and muted we have uh fixed the evade bug so blind does actually work here kefka is charging up so i expect to see now this might be it he was waiting for this beyond chaos mode so ultima wouldn't happen and that's it guys time [Applause] g to the g that was a really clean run a really well executed final kefka fight um again if you wanted to learn how to play this game and you wanted to see how a final kefka fight goes watch that that run through with drew and just watch that went almost as textbook as possible now i want to say 130 is an amazing time in this so i mean really got to give it up to uh to drew for that wow yeah absolutely now remember these are four of our top runners so these people these folks are going to be putting in some amazing times uh no matter what um you know frankly it would probably take me close to two hours on these flags yeah i'm still at least 15 minutes behind everybody else who's top running this because everybody just is so good so good at this yep so now we've got sedo and dr dt in tiers three and two respectively and i think jax is about to enter final kefka as well uh traditionally the goddess statue is the last one that our runners uh face as they go through uh unless they find something particularly nasty they want to put off there for a moment so okay calmness was evaded we've got final uh kefka on seto's screen all right we're ready to go again now we're going to see a a different strategy here um because i believe sedo still has his valiant knife user he has his mega elixir too so uh sedo is in very good shape this could actually be a much quicker kefka fight um although drewleth did get a lot of those uh illumina attacks with the pearl really kind of made things quick one strategy we tend to use on this final fight too is we'll start throwing every thunder shield or flame shield or ice shield that gave us a ton of use throughout the game at kafka because it's that instant 9999 damage uh fastest by the way to beat kafka is if you have those two oh 99999s if you have two atmo weapons uh offering in genji glove you can get him down in one hit and under 30 seconds beat kefka um yes it certainly is possible you can also do it with uh double valiant knives after fallen one if you have enough health [Music] you know there are ways to do it but it does take quite a bit of setup and you have to you know look into it here in the randomizer but again this kefka is not going to be long for the world going down rapidly and now jax has entered the final kefka fight as well so all four of our runners uh you know entering the final kefka fight relatively close to each other uh again in a race that's you know an hour and 30 minutes long considering the fact that they are all this close this has been a very close race from beginning to end oh no oh i don't think that's survivable no there we go you know hey that's why you you make that save there um the final kefka fight can take you out at any point for anyone it happens um but again it's one of those you gotta reset you gotta go through because that same thing can happen to your opponents so you you wanna keep going and let's let's keep in mind sedo is not out of like may have uh may or may not be out of this because uh quite frankly that ultima could get anybody and uh sedo does have a lot of attack power could still get ahead of jexie even if it doesn't get second ends up getting uh third in the the race anyway so seto is not out of this by any means absolutely so dr dt is heading up to the third tier of kefka here um you know again you know we are not uh we are not worried about uh you know not having the the uh the non-elemental damage for girl here all of our runners have been able to find either you know thrown weapons or aura lances or something else um in order to you know take take girl out uh you know if you're relying on you know tier three magic for the entire seed girl can really be a roadblock for you here oh man that condemned by the way sometimes when you're at low levels and you're fighting tier three that condemned can uh can get you down now there's a trick that you'll see some of these runners do which is um they'll switch to uh their uh their menu which will stop the countdown from going down so if there are a ton of attacks already queued up and everything uh you might see it one runner just hang out on the menu for a little while just to make sure that they can um not be uh not have that drain and then lose a character all right uh i it does look like jax's stream is having a little bit of an issue he does say that the game is still going its pause so he hasn't lost anything here um i know the tech team is working on that um as they can so dr dt getting trained there uh you know train is one of those things that does take quite a bit of a time to deal with one way or another um you know you do there we go so we've got jack's back here he's going to be able to unpause and continue all right so dr dt is going into the final kefka fight now again we have seen that this final kefka can take it out of you if you are not careful uh so i fully expect dr dt to you know take it uh take it slowly although he is going up without his terror uh tara has been doing quite a bit of work here so and i don't think gogo's gonna be a a reasonable replacement we everybody knows my feeling on uh go go uh he's the lemon starburst on this lemon lacroix background that we have right now oh kafka all right so you know definitely making use of the that throw command you know at this point if you don't have it equipped on someone throw it away it's not doing you any good just throw it get that damage into kefka it is possible to do enough damage to kefka that he skips fallen one but yeah it doesn't look like any of our runners are going to be able to uh to make that happen by the way it's so satisfying when you start throwing aura lances and illumina's and ragnarok's and all the best stuff at the very end when you just have it in your inventory and there was nobody who could use it at that moment oh feels so good it's almost as good as having apricot la croix almost all right and the fact of the matter is that gogo can mimic that throw and do it again without actually uh using up that item so even if you only have one wing edge google will let you mimic it and let it happen again ooh we are seeing uh you know i did mention before that tier two is one of those tiers that secretly gets me way more than tier three um we got northern crossed here which has frozen three of the characters which is just going to you know take some time up here unfortunately unless uh shadow has some fire ability that he can hit the rest of the party with so uh we are dr dt is got the goner charger charging up here we want to make sure he is going to put in as much damage as humanly possible through this he is ripping off all of those ice shields and thunder shields getting them used up nobody needs those shields yep ah now i have not been counting so i am not sure how close this kefka is to going down uh we might be able to get it down no we have the goner here still have a little bit to go yep so it it definitely looks like uh you know we're going to take a little time i fully expect you know taking it a little bit conservatively here unless dt has been uh counting way better than i have and knows exactly how much hp kefka has yeah and usually you can get a sense of you know they're i don't know if you get this when you play but i get it like you just get that feeling that you're like i think i kind of know you haven't been counting in your head but you're like i know how many limbs of kefka i've taken off whoo that go-go just took a havoc wing and frankly i'd rather it go on gogo than anyone else look it's like if you're eating starburst then you just you drop the lemon one and you're like you know what if this were orange i'd pick it up wipe it off put it under the faucet but it's lemon i think it can go i'm just saying it can get the sid treatment all right all right that's time for dr dt coming in at 139. all right well played again we are seeing that these uh that this final kefka fight can absolutely you know make the decision um and sometimes kefka just just says no there's there's sometimes no getting around that uh but we both have both sedo and jacks at you know at the same point here they are uh pretty neck and neck uh and it looks like we are going to do quite well here this is still very much a race absolutely absolutely so we are uh let's take a look here at this tier two definitely see uh jeks coming up with some uh jumping strats here uh jump occasionally does take a little bit of time but it does keep you safe from the things that are happening on the screen which is definitely one of those uh advantages that comes up and jax has made it through to tier three so here we are tier three once again we have got to be careful we've got to take out girl we are looking out for media we are looking out for calmness these are the things that uh i'm sure is on all of our minds right now and tier two uh looks like magic has been taken out because magic uh death counters with three dispels so uh looks like sedo is also going straight up into tier three once again we have a race here this is neck and neck wow absolutely this is exciting and you know while we're uh going through this i you know once again want to uh thank you andrew for uh being here on the commentary with me i really appreciate it i also want to thank all of our racers for putting on a phenomenal show for us they've been doing great uh in particular i want to thank ceiling cat who has been tracking for us and keeping me honest thank you keeping me track of you know where our racers are at this uh literally could not be done without ceiling cat also want to give a shout out and a thanks to uh atmatech our developer as well as uh our seed vetters elastoid and edgeworth all of our admins and moderators of the discord uh in particular i do know that boo and jones both helped out with uh crafting the flag set for this particular race to make a flag set that uh you know really would work well in a marathon environment so uh once again shout out to everyone thank you so much this is truly a team effort to get this uh show up here for you all by the way i i want to give a shout out to uh all everybody behind the scenes who's just done a phenomenal job keeping us moving and keeping this whole thing going a four-way race during gdq got to give it up to the entire gdq staff uh you guys all deserve a round of applause and to the amazing uh charity of doctors without borders absolutely i just want to point out jack's had countdown on cellies did the final hit on sleep got the calmness counter attack blocked it as the countdown went to zero and then the transition happened so that the doom never hit guys note the sink right now the lemon lacroix [Laughter] all right so we've got a kefka coming down here uh on both of our runner's sides uh we've got a strago who has stepped in for jexie i don't think that strago is going to be doing a lot but both saban and gogo were still in the air which means they get to come down before kefka does anything that's just free damage that gets to happen there but we got tara doing three dragonhorn hits which is pretty amazing so i mean the damage is pretty close and neck and neck with each other and again uh sedo does have that nine nine nine nine uh selas damage going on there so we'll see who ends up being uh the first one to correct how in this uh in this current moment absolutely and we could see that saban when he was up in the air completely avoided that fallen one which is again one of those advantages of dragoon strats sometimes they might be a little bit slower but they do offer protection that some other strats don't so it gets to be both offensive and defensive and again we have seen all four of our runners employ a variety of strats throughout this entire run which i think has really shown off the versatility not only of our runners but also of the randomizer as a whole oh this is uh getting intense these ice shields are gonna go and i think i think we might see this really soon on set outside really soon that with this hit this could be it yes at the time that was time for setto and it looks like jax is just one or two hits as well and we all came in under estimate well done everybody very great job all right i do want to bring ceiling cat up here ceiling come on up and join us uh again uh we really could not have done it uh without the tracking of ceiling as well so thank you so much um thank you to all of the runners and please please anyone who wants to play this game join us thank you as well of course thank you um if you want to join us you know come find our discord come you know ask questions in our uh beginners house you know take advantage of all of our new players our new player resources this community is built on a community of people and it can only get better if more people join us yeah and and thank you guys to everybody out there in twitch land everybody's watching for var who's watching the vods to you guys back there who stayed up i don't even know what time it is but thank you guys so much thank you this has been a great time hi well i think i could speak for everyone involved that that was just an incredible incredible showcase of talent amongst all four runners very well done just just that's how you do a randomizer how else what else can you say uh during that we had some a lot of donations come through in support of our final fantasy six runners uh hashtag ff6wc comes from janice zeal shout outs from the donations desk world's collide is an amazing randomizer and has a wonderful community so happy to see it in a gdq and to be able to watch it live and cheer on all these amazing runners it's been a blast doing races with everybody good luck on the scene give us a great show and they they certainly did absolutely well now seems a good time as any to get up stretch you know see if there's any kefkas to take down in your household or in the audience for you and we'll see you on the other side in just a few moments welcome back to sgdq2022 my name is conception i have the pleasure of hosting you for one more run this morning i guess you could say very excited for the next run clinoa door to the phantom mile by a moser in the meantime we of course want to get through some of these excellent final fantasy 6 donations that we had come through for that incredible race 25 comments from q who said donating to my all-time favorite game and realizing that i really need that mod good luck to all the runners thanks gdq for this awesome race eldritch donated 20 to give us a very simple thought that i think we can all agree with i love final fantasy that's a mood tomato walrus comes through with 20 saying good morning gdq looking forward to another great day of runs good morning to you tomato walrus still some love coming through in terms of lacroix and starburst flavors as well lego myth donated 10 dollars to say the best starburst flavor is watermelon i don't make the rules also here's to you seto fifty dollars from corrodeous to say favorite lakoya flavors cola with key lime close behind sure sounds delightful all righty we have a very special message from the yeti would you like to listen to something else show me what you got computer [Music] wow phew get that accordion music directly into my soul well done well done absolutely butch from vault 101 donates 30 to some change saying sgdq rules all right i had a 10 donation come through with the the comment that says i will double my donation if you'll read my name and i'm going to give this my best try this 10 donation came for from gersagor's bursitis jesus kivitz i i i did my best is all i can say the maverick girl writes in with ten dollars saying had to stay up late for mario odyssey final fantasy vi and of course my favorite cabot club noah clinoa 2 was one of my first games on my ps2 and i quickly fell in love with the series i'm dying for the remasters next week but until then i'm excited to see a moser tear it up wow twenty dollars from unlimited wire saying i love seeing randomizers at gdq good luck everyone move features also coming through with 25 saying thank you to all gdq for always bringing in the positivity we need when it would be easy to be negative love from sydney australia a lot of love from around the world here as basic coax donated 20 saying as always thank you for the amazing event and greetings from the czech republic you say selas is donated 250 with no comment thank you for your donation choco donates 25 saying kill the saves frame the animals am i doing it right [Music] [Music] ten dollars from kandra saying i'm pretty sure there isn't a lacroix flavored starburst but is there a way to mix a starburst flavored lacroix i'd be interested in finding out for sure we just received fifty dollars from zero misu shoutouts to the holotones viewing party burning the midnight oil let's get to 1 million that would be awesome let's get to 1 million indeed
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 65,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, Speed, Speedrun, Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Super Mario 64, Video Games, Zelda, eSports, recorder
Id: aoYdI50VUNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 50sec (7010 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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