Filmora 12 Tutorial For Beginners- The Ultimate Guide in Less than 30 minutes

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hi guys welcome to another tutorial on my channel in this video I'm going to show you how to use filmora Trail to edit your video okay so this tutorial is designed for beginners who don't know anything about film or trial and want to use it to edit your video to change YouTube video Instagram video Tick Tock videos stuff like that and we mentioned that if you want to download the software just go ahead to their main website and if you want to purchase the software this is a pricing plan okay so they have different plans for man annual plans and also Perpetual plants and if you want to purchase a software don't forget to use my twenty percent discount coupon code in the description all right so let's open the software now all right so this is a start page of immoral trial and there's some information here you want to know so the first button on the left side is a great project normally we will start with this button just click create project and then we can select the aspect ratio right here and the new project is the button you want to click to go to the main video editor okay and there are more buttons here such as your Cloud project for example if you have some project and you want to share with your friends or you may want to access to your project from home or from your office or stuff like that you can share to This Cloud Server by the way with a single license firmware you have one gigabyte free free to use and more than that you have to purchase more from wondershare and right here you can also manage your ride or expand your rice but take a look at their pricing plans also and now here you have the great Hub we get some female tutorial on YouTube and also on the website okay now let's go back to create project and down here you have some main function of the model Trail for example the instant mode where you can use some template to create your video quickly and a screen recorder for making software tutorial and down here you have your local projects so these are the projects that I created with vimora Trail and the instant mode project okay so something here all right so let's start by creating a new project to go to the main video editor so first thing you can select your aspect ratio right here they have different aspect ratio for you to select for example 16x9 one by one 9x16 4x3 or stuff like that for a YouTube video I can say like 16 by nine right here and then I'm going to click this button new project all right so this is the main user interface of filmora Trail and actually this is the default layout of female Trail by the way you can also change the layout to different options for example I can select this option and I can change it to Classic with another layout of filmora Trail and sometimes when I create short video I can select this one short video where you have a bigger screen on the right side and your project information here media here and this is the timeline okay so for those of you who are familiar with female travel female 11 you can switch the layout to Classic one by the way if you are new to the software I recommend you to try this classic layout because I think it is easier for you alright so let's start importing your footage into the software for further editing in order to import your video or image or background music or stuff like that you want to select media here on top left of the window and then you can just click here to import your media okay just click here and then you can find your footage on your computer for example I have some example here it is female retro example including sound effect background music and also video and stuff like that I can press Ctrl a to select everything and then I can click open okay and here are all the media that I imported to filmora you can see here's some audio and this is some video and this is some image or stuff like that if you want to review any media you can just double click here it will be displayed here at the preview window okay and now if you want to start editing video you want to drag and drop your media onto the timeline okay for example you can do like this for now I can keep my project setting okay and this is your video timeline so where you can put your materials such as video image or audio background music or stuff like that and this is the playhead if you put it at any position on the timeline your video will be displayed here at the preview window okay so that is how simple you can import your media into the software and being mentioned that at the media folder this is your library your material Library so you can also create a folder or rename the folder right here for example I can rename this folder like GoPro for example and I can create a new folder just click this button to create a new one and it is music and I can also import the music to this folder also and it is your project media okay so now your video is ready on the timeline what if you want to split and delete a section of your video okay for example here I have a video clip here let's move the audio okay so if you want to split the video all I need to do is to move my playhead so this is the playhead move my playhead to the position where I want to split okay at this position for example and then I can click this button split the clip okay and for example at this position I want to split the clip also so I can just click this button to split the clip and now I can delete this section in my video okay and I also want to delete the beginning of my clip and it is a new one and all I need to do is to move it back to the beginning of the timeline okay so this is how you can split the clip and delete a section of your clip with femura Trail and there is another option to shorten your video is to trim it so you want to click at the edge of the clip and then you can just drag it to the left to trim it or shorten it okay and if you want to recover or extend the video clip with the trimming option all you need to do to click here and then drag it to the right okay so this is how you can trim the clip with Premier Trail so it is very simple right so let's put another video clip on the timeline for example this one okay and I will also mute the audio of this clip also and now we have to clip on the timeline okay first one second one and I I will also split the clip right here and I also delete the rest the end of the clip now you have to clip on the timeline and if you want to add a special transition effect between two clip in filmora trial okay all you need to do is to go to the transition tab right here and now you have a bunch of different transition effect you can add to your video and they divided this folder into different subfolder for example his mind with the transition effect that I downloaded from filmora Trail it is downloaded and it is my favorite transition effect and they have recommended folder where they show some trending transition and new transition and stuff like that so if you want to find any transition just click the subfolder right here for example they have transition like vertical fade and this soul and guava for stuff like that so you want to use any transition effect all you need to do is to click this button to download the transition okay just click here and they will download this transition to your computer okay so for this transition effect I want to use the digital transition so I can select the subfolder right here fan this so and then I can just drag and drop the transition between two clip on the timeline okay and here's the transition effect that's easy right and now you want to adjust the duration of the transition you want to double click at the transition tab right here and now you see this is the duration for example this is two second and you can reduce it to one second by typing one second right here you can also change the transition type here for example prefix overlap or post trick or stuff like that you select overlap the transition effect will happen in both Clips on the timeline okay and then you can click ok so this is how to add transition effect between Clips in filmora trail and what if you want to attach to your video creating a title for your video for example if I want to create a title for this video all I need to do is to put the playhead at the position I want to to add title and then I can find a title template in female Trail to add to my video okay you want to go to title right here and being mentioned that female retro has many different title templates you can use for your video for example you you can go to the subfolder right here they have title and also they have blend tags and work art and informal trial they have 3D title okay so if you want to use 3D title for your video you can also select a 3D title template right here they have open the lower third and subtitle and chapter and end credit end screen or stuff like that many things for example I can create a 3D title for my video okay just click the 3D title subfolder and then I can download any template for example this one or this one if you want to use this template all you need to do to drag and drop it on the timeline and put it on top of your video okay and now you have a 3D title very beautiful right and if you want to customize the text right here all you need to do is to double click at the 3D title okay and then you can change the title here to something you want to write on your video and change the size 80 for example and now here you have different preset for your 3D title for example I can change it to this one just double click to download and apply it to your title and then you can click OK OK very nice right and this is 3D title what if you want to add a normal text to your video there's some option for that for example you can select this option quick text and then you're going to click this button quick text to add a normal text to your video there is a normal text so you want to double click at the title box here on the timeline and then you can also change it to something and you can even change the fonts here and the size for example I can make it 60 and there are some preset for your text also I can select work out and I can change it to different type here and if I go to Advanced I will have more option to control my attacks for example this is the text Jackie and right I can select an animation for my text okay and I can select this one random and this is the type with animation I can adjust the animation here to make it faster or slower okay and I can also save it as a custom title so I can use it for my next project with this button okay and then I can click apply and this is the 3D title and a normal text title so this is how you can add text to your video what about video effect if you want to add some special effect to your video in filmora trial okay let's click OK for example this is a video a normal video and now if I want to add special effect to this video okay so let's hide the title here all I need to do is to go to the effect tab which is another important tab in filmora trail so this is the effect and we can see video effect right here okay so at the video effect we have different effects that we can use for our video and we have a set box here for example if I want to find check if I could start like that I can go here and search for check okay and we have a stream check Chaos 2 Chaos one mind and stuff like that now if I want to use this one a stream I can just write and drop it onto the timeline here just put it on top of my video okay to create a shaky fight for my video shh and there is another option you can just drag and drop the effect directly to your video like this just click here and drop it directly to your video and it is another strike effect for my video and being mentioned that female retro has many special effects that you can add to your video so just go to the effect and find the effect that you want to use and then drag and drop it to your video or put it on top of your video this is how you can add a special effect to your video and if you want to control the effect for example if you want to adjust the effect in your video you want to double click at your video and then go to the effect tab and here you can adjust the frequency for example the position of the effect and also wide position of the effect also and you can even add keyframe to your effect with February Trail for example at this option we can add a keyframe and at this position we want to reduce the frequency to zero and it will reboot the effect okay and let's click OK and here's the shake effect in my video and no effect okay and for example if I want to add a black and white effect to this one also I can search here black okay so this is black and white for example I can double click to download the effect and then I can drag and drop it directly to my video okay and my video become black and white so that's it easy right so this is how you can add a special effect to your video with filmora Trail let's go back to my medium okay so what if you want to crop your video for example I have a footage here on the timeline and I want to crop the video okay and let's move the audio first and this is my video so this is my normal video but I want to crop to my face for example okay for example I can split the video right here and delete the video and now if I want to crop to my face for example I can select the video on the timeline and I can select this crop function and being mentioned that there are some function button here on top of your timeline and if you want to manage this function all you need to do is to click this custom toolbar okay just click here and now you have some function here and you can just drag and drop it right here on the timeline or you can just delete one of them it is easy okay I just click cancel and now talking about a crop function I'm going to select this crop tools okay and now we have a crop area here we want to adjust this box to my face okay and make sure that you select the aspect ratio here similar to your project aspect ratio I'm going to select 16x9 and then I can adjust this box and then I can click apply and my video was cropped into my face okay so that is how to crop your video in femoral trial and let me show you how to adjust your video speed with vimura Trail okay for example I can put another video here on the timeline and also mute the audio and for this video if I want to speed up or slow down my video all I need to do to select the video here or the timeline and then we have a speed button right here just click the speed button with femoral trial we have two options to change your video speed the first one is uniform speed for example I can select uniform speed and then I can adjust the number right here so one is 100 speed and if I want to speed it up I can type 5 here to speed it up five times and then I can click ok ok and this is my five time faster video okay just play that's nice right and if you want to slow down your video with the uniform speed you can do the same just double click at the video and then select speed and now you don't want to type fight time here I want to type 0.5 so we could make my videos slower okay let's click OK and it is a slower video okay so this is the first option to change your video speed with filmora Trail and that's another option with speed ramping we can just double click at the video again and go to speed and we can see here speed ramping okay so this is very useful with this option you can SP keyframe to your video to reduce or increase the speed gradually for example I can select customize to a speed keyframe to my video okay and we mentioned that if you use the speed ramping option it will delete the uniform speed effect in your video okay just click yes right here and now I can add a keyframe to my video with this button and then I can adjust this keyframe to speed up or slow down my video Let's slow it down by 50 percent and at this option I can speed it up okay and add another keyframe right here and slow it down or stuff like that and then I can click OK and here's the speed ramping effect in my video [Music] okay so these are some basic video editing feature in female 12 and let me show you how to edit your audio also okay and for example I can delete this thing on the timeline and the first thing if you want to remove the audio of your video uh you have some option for example this one we have the audio right if you want to mail the audio or remove the audio all you need to do is to right click here at the video and here you have some option for the audio for example if you want to mute the audio you want to click this button to mute the audio and if you want to detach the audio or remove the audio completely all you need to do is to right click here and then select detached audio it will create a new audio file here and then you can delete this audio file this is easy right but what if you want to increase or reduce the audio in your video Let's undo the action if you want to adjust the audio you can also double click at the video on the timeline and then you have an audio tab here okay just select the audio and now you see the audio waveform here and it is adjustment okay and if you want to reduce the volume you can slide to the left and if you want to increase the volume you can do it right here and if you want to adjust the cell balance like left ear right here you can also slide to the left to go to the left ear and this is the balance and it is right here okay and you can even add fit in and fade out to your audio also with this slider this is fading effect for your audio and it is Fade Out effect for your audio and down here you have some option for your audio so just audio docking which is a very interesting feature where you can emphasize your voiceover and reduce the volume of your background music or stuff like that and you have some denoise option to remove the background noise okay and there are many options here for the audio by the way I will mention this in a new tutorial about how to edit audio Infamous trial okay and let's click OK and now what if you want to add a background music to your video it is very simple okay so I have a music file here just drag and drop it directly to the timeline so now you have a video with a background music by the way I'm going to mute the audio here and this is the background music foreign [Music] of the background music with this this line also okay I can just click here and reduce the volume [Music] and sometime if I want to add a keyframe to my background music I can just double click at the background music here okay and go to the audio and now go back to the volume slider here for example this is the volume and I can add the first keyframe to this volume slider and then I can move my playhead to here on the timeline and add another keyframe and now I can increase the volume okay so you see here we have two audio keyframe and at this position I can add another keyframe to reduce the volume of the background music and it is audio keyframe [Music] okay so this is how to add the background music and how to edit your audio and what if you have a green screen video and you want to remove the grid background with female trial okay so it is possible also so first up I'm going to use this one as an example just put it on top of your video and then you want to double click at the grid Screen Video okay and select video and then select AI tools and now you want to turn this drama key option on okay just turn it on and now it removed the green background and let's play it and you can also click at the Green Screen Video and adjust it move it to here on your video and you can also adjust the tolerance or offset or stuff like that here and if you want to select a color in your video to remove you can also use this Color Picker okay just select here and then maybe I want to remove the black instead of the green I can select it or I can select it here and then select the green again to remove the green background my video okay and let's click ok okay so what if you want to do the basic color correction in femoral Trail it is also possible for example I have a clip here on the timeline so let's delete the effect first okay so we don't have the effect here by the way I want to do some basic color correction for this video all I need to do is to double click at the video here on the timeline and then you want to click at the color tab okay just click it color and here the basic tab we can select a preset for our video for example I can select a blood preset like 3D lot or stuff like that and then I can select this Walking Dead okay just double click to apply it or start word if you want to delete the lot we can just select none to delete a lot in our video added to that we can also do some basic color correction here also for example I can increase the contrast of my video okay and also increase the saturation and we mentioned that with female retro there are some other options such as the curve here and if you want to use the curb to adjust the contrast of your video it is also possible you can increase the Highlight here and reduce the midtone here and also increase the shadow here also so this is how to do the basic color correction for your video with femura Trail okay okay so supposing that you finish your project now and you want to export it so you have an option right here hey spot okay so this is your export setting and there are many options for you for example if you want to save it to your computer you want to select logo or you want to customize your export to a device you can select device and if you want to export and upload to Youtube you want to go with this option they even have Tick Tock option and Vimeo option or you can also create a DVD with premature also but normally I will select local and then I will select a file format right here for example if I want to upload to Youtube I will select MP4 and then I will select a name example one for example and then I can select a location to save on my computer just click here and then find the location on your computer to save the video okay and we can save it to desktop for example and select folder and then you can click this button to access to most export setting with Remora trial here you can increase the video quality to higher for example and also change the build rate mode and compression quality or stuff like that normally I will select constant bit rate here and also I will increase the bit rate to 20 000 kbps for better video quality okay and for the compression quality I can select none or high it all depends on you but it is my normal setup for a YouTube video and of course I can save it as a preset for later use okay just click here and then I can say check key one for example and then I can click save all right so these are all the basic functions of female retract you have your edits your first video if you have any question about the software just let me know in the comment section and being mentioned that female retro also has many Advanced features such as motion tracking animation keyframe adjustment layers Market out and AI portrait or stuff like that by the way I will make a separate tutorial for each Advanced feature in filmora gel because it is very difficult to to add all of them into this basic tutorial for beginner all right so I hope this video is helpful for you if you like it hit the like button and if you are new here consider to subscribe to my channel thank you very much for watching and I will see you in my next video goodbye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Jacky Nguyen
Views: 12,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filmora 12 tutorial for beginners, Jacky Nguyen, filmora 12, filmora 12 new features, filmora 12 tutorial for beginners, filmora 12 quick start guide, filmora 12 tutorial, Wondershare filmora 12, Wondershare filmora tutorial for beginners, How to edit video with Filmora 12, Filmora 12 Tutorial For Beginners in less than 30 minutes
Id: AjSW3y6HNvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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