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Wow hey guys welcome back to another quick tutorial in blender 2.81 so today we're taking a look at how to quickly fill a object with smaller objects now you know that usually the problem is you can use particles or have to copy many rigid bodies so to learn how to set up a container how to set up the objects the balls in this case how to instance the balls how to set up the physics for the scene and hopefully this will help you with your modeling and physics needs let's get to it okay so open a blender and delete everything in the scene at a Bezier curve the ones in front of you rotate it on the y axis by 90 degrees and then rotate it on the z axis by 90 degrees we're gonna add a screw modifier access change to X and then we have to make a container just play around with the settings do something that vaguely resembles a container you can actually subdivide choose these to press W and then satellite so it gets a bit easier to make like the the lower you know the bent part that's usually in the middle of the of the container so you can do that like this can increase that maybe change the angle a bit so it's not that hard okay if this move this one here and then ctrl click so we can make the opening wait it's just a basic container really so now what we want to do is we're going to apply the modifier by pressing all C met from curve and then ctrl a to reset the scale let's add another modifier this time we're going to do a solidify modifier offset to 0 and thickness from about zero point or should be fine yeah and a modifier is subdivision increase the viewport - - you'll notice that you have like this little hole over here you can basically correct that by going into edit mode wireframe press C choose all of the vertices that meet up here and press alt and enjoying its center and that's gonna fix the problem that we don't have any physics problem physics problems in later on now we're gonna make the balls that are gonna fill the container so we're going to create one cube and we're going to duplicate that cube by pressing shift D we're going to parent the other cube to the first cube with keep transform and we're going to apply let's say control to apply the subdivision modifier of to okay and now we can basically go to the first cube choose instancing faces and say control a again to reset the scale and scale by face size and scale these down a bit and now this is very important apply all of the modifiers of the big sphere smaller spheres so all of the modifiers have to be applied before we go to the next step the next step is shift control a and this is going to instantiate all of the objects choose the to the X phase the leap term choose only the spheres are going to Z frame C and now move them above the container like so now we have to create a funnel the file is going to be extremely simple just add a cylinder moving up a bit going to edit mode choose the top and bottom faces and then press space and go Bridge edge loops this is going to hollow out the cylinder and choose the top edge loop s shift Z so you can scan it on the y and x axis like this and I go to the 1d no and scale it so it's just a bit smaller than the actual opening of the container like so okay now we have to set up the physics so we were first going to set up the physics for the container again apply to solidify and apply the subdivision just to be sure we're going to add a rigidbody I see and we're going to choose mesh mesh is usually better for more precise physics representations turn down the sensitivity to about zero point zero zero zero for very small margin rigidbody we're going to do the same passive with mesh that's the margin doesn't have to be as small as for in containers so we can go zero point zero zero one and now we choose one of the balls put the rigid type active mesh and we lower the margin to about zero point zero zero zero four go into wireframe choose all of the balls not the cylinder and then choose copy rigidbody seven and this is going to copy only the rigidbody settings go into the rigidbody world and here increase the steps per second to 250 and the solar iterations to 40 you can find this in the same properties panel and now if we've done everything correctly this should in terms fill our container so let's give it a try please plane yeah actually it fills the container you can see that there's like there's a rogue bowl over here but you can actually or we have a bit of collision margin problem over here and we can press that to just control words where the collision margins aren't working as they should but again just increasing the margin or decrease into margin a bit and playing around with the steps per second settings usually just solves the problem basically that's it just one of the ways you can fill the objects very quickly you can just remove the funnel from the from the scene so it doesn't like block the view of the balls and of the cylinder put a glass shader over them put a diffuser simple diffuse over the balls and you have like a really solid animation for filling up the cups with solid objects instead of just copying one object you can just instance them and create this beauty over here so thank you so much for watching I hope this trick actually helps you if you liked the video drop like enough to hear comments if you really liked the video subscribe it helps me out a lot and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: bla tadej
Views: 68,025
Rating: 4.9055796 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, quick, blender, blender 2.81, fast, beginner, blender 3d, 3d, object, filling, fill, easy, rigid, body, physics
Id: pexD2XhncNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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