Fill and sign PDF forms in Adobe Reader

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[Music] welcome back to another quick video help fail on this video we're going to fill in an adobe reader PDF file so if you receive a fail from from any service provider or any utility company that require you to fail or an insurance company anything like that they quite often ask you to fill in the contract signer and send it back now if made a kind of mock type form here this is an adobe reader PDF fail and we're gonna fill it in without printing it off and filling it filling it and manually with a pen and scanning it again back into your system all we do within Adobe Reader we have tools up at the top here we simply hit tools and there's an icon here that says fill and saying let's opt for that it takes us over onto Excel adds it Morde if you like the toolbar at the top disappeared is pretty self-explanatory really so we just select the text and you put your name and here your address we'll go in here and you get the idea with that and you just carry on so you just click and start typing okay like so so you can go back and edit these at any point you just kind of watch how the when you're hovering the mouse over things we can go in and there's a little bin icon I'll just zoom in on that for can for you in a moment so there we are a little bin icon you can get rid of it and we've got some options some tick boxes now we've got all sorts of options about this 1 2 3 or 4 different options here if we want to just tick some boxes we can just go for the tick icon and again self-explanatory we just go click click click there's this bill it dot type thing if you prefer you can see if you just click click simple as that or if it says across in the box then there we are so you get the idea with that for dating something we just go back to the text and manually type in today's date so maybe the 24th of the 818 whatever the data's and click away and that's the Dayton signature no here we are you have to say in something so there is an icon up the top here that says saying so we select that and it's asking has a Z what do we want to do we want to add a signature so we click on that and this dialog box pops up know what we're gonna do here is draw so we go for draw and carefully with the mouse you click on the mouse and just go for it go for your signature so did you do to do blah-blah-blah-blah-blah there we are okay so that sort of signature and as we hit apply the signature will be floating on the screen here so that's where we want to place it so we just click boom and that's it signed so the document is now signed and ready to be returned we can check it over that's all filled in accordingly so what we have to do here is obviously save the changes but instead of saving we're gonna save as and we're gonna call it a different name sort so we're gonna call it something else's originally it was called form to fill and we can call it something like return or send back that means when you're going to your email to attach the file you know exactly which one you fill it you're sending back the filled in form if you like so we just save that go to your email attach it send it off and job done that's your form all filled in and st. and that's that thanks for watching for more quick video tutorials and bits and pieces you can find at the computron youtube channel by searching YouTube and just search for the what's computron and of course hit the red subscribe button on there thanks for watching bye for now [Music]
Channel: Computroon
Views: 167,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, reader, sign, edit, fill, convert, text
Id: 8RRRz5TdoAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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