Filipino Youtubers Party on the Plane! (ft. Janina Vela, Alodia, Donnalyn Bartolome)

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so we're playing musical chairs in the airplane right now so it's 12:30 a.m. to be at the airport in a couple hours when I get a quick exercise in I just finished my edits and I still have to pack operation billet garland up in full force flaxseed fun fact 99% of North Americans don't get ample amounts of omega-3 omega-3 is really hard to get because you can only get it in seafood and flaxseed which is why I use flaxseed every single day in a smoothie um I got threes are like the healthiest thing for you it's good for your skin blood heart everything and it's so underrated no one gets enough omega-3s ever you can also find them in chia seeds but those are too expensive especially in the Philippines I really need a new blender tip of the day smoothie a day keeps the doctor away and stretch it's good for you and it feels good and this tastes good brother oh my god I don't really still again yeah baby no I haven't even packed yet Philemon Ellis quartz aura the shower I was just exercising so we're supposed to leave now but we have 10 minutes it only takes me like five minutes of pack actually funny thing is I never unpacked from my Caramoan islands trip I don't need her that's a good thing it's good that's all always traveling you don't even have to unpack I'm just gonna use the clothes I didn't wear there no time look at that mom's just taking care of it for me she changed it from this one to that one I know it is but my mom's like a pro at packing stuff I just shove it all in and then it becomes wrinkly and folded in a bullet but why do you need video I'll see you later thank you for packing my stuff mom high five high five high five high five there's an issue we don't know the combo to this rule the combos inside the thing and now it's locked I can't open my drama always good for the vlog [Music] [Music] maybe answer to me nice you figure it out okay well it is zero zero zero and you just open it that way that's it boom salt well Daniels oh my god [Music] [Music] what son Bashar bolometer right when we just said things can't get worse Daniel left his like face wash and stuff at my house so we have to go back it's a sponsored face wash this isn't just anything do you get it yeah let's go [Music] second-to-the-last well at least we're not last last but not least at least but I'm amazing yes better late than never everything in moderation except for green tea okay by the way if I've been mentioned we're going to Malaysia Kuala Lumpur because I got nominated for like YouTube channel of the year and YouTube personality here and breakout influence of the year for the influence age of 2017 Awards of course I have to bring my trusted Irish steed loyal Irish dog into Steve it's an American word for donkey that likes to help in the morning - yeah we're from Ireland was possible am i using first so there is proof that Daniel is actually Filipino he's just as Filipino as I am but you look 100% bullshitting and he taught us really necessary that was the reality but it's not mistaken Google's Ireland because it was just killing it right now would the stand-up Haley you would be proud and it was being funny for once it's really funny we're running off of all-nighter and he had wine so this is why we're kind of loopy Racing a stereotype of an Irishman I did that window thank you I love you so this influenced Asia Awards happens every couple years and it's for like the top youtubers internet influencers Instagrammers Twitterers whatever they just like give the award for this person's the bus of this this person is the best at that now where do we go we have to go into the lake I'm wearing glasses by the way because after 18 hours my eyes just start to turn red and I look like an addict and Buckham will do their thing we'll be photo I just got to put on the cap mystique yeah where is that who's the chick taking care of an ecological good to film now right okay now picture daya did you just you missed a lot a whole big commotion went on when you're an immigration people started taking pictures of me and Daniel and his Olaf II asked and we're vlogging it and then all of a sudden Tina fugly tentacle it felt like I was I got the principal's office she was giving me a lecture and yelling at me for filming and stuff and they were taking the pictures no pictures that I was that's really funny but basically he took my camera security and he manually went through my footage into the lead girl she was he did I've never seen someone so maybe she added by day yeah be positive it was the debugger out there but you guys missed it cuz Janina Vala [Music] hi good to see you how are you hi you my name is well edit well c-can did thank you Pastor it's so pretty though I'm gonna copy you know she's getting a time up I was gonna I was gonna get a time-lapse anyway she just beat me to it I just realized this is our first time travel vlogging together you know there are a lot of comments like like oh you guys should do travel vlog together we're going it's not just in the Philippines growing out of country like a lot in my own alive we got a stick at English cuz we're in a national sound he's adding to the time-lapse party as a cinematographer I'm taking a time-lapse of a time-lapse look at this time lapse of a time-lapse like stars check just cuz I know you but I've never met you good to finally meet you this is a Lodi everyone she's up for YouTube channel personality one of those yeah now you get used to it like this is a Sephora Walker yeah it's a forum workout I mean people ask what our secret public Allen dog program guy million missus on I could it's been the calendered season labor akka [Music] like that it's a Vixia for having so much fun me and Daniel here elodea just has like she has a goodie bag of just all these gears summer look at this thing has a mind of its own and it like it points at people and stuff it's crazy I've just been using the same camera and like my phone since day one we have to put on this oh yeah sorry I have too much cameras in a Greeley bag like everything is all wired that's cool the airport has turned into like a mini YouTube FanFest where there's just a bunch of youtubers around pictures and there's blogging cameras everywhere this is like a good pre of having cameras everywhere but you know we're taking Malaysia Airlines actually a Malaysian Airlines is the one-day two planes disappeared in like lose metal what if all the influencers of the Philippines went down on the same plane [Music] I'd be so scientist a then they couldn't get the footage so it wouldn't go viral because you couldn't even bought us a vlog that do you need help I can carry this by the way kind of help us longer out come on alodia hurry up last time Janina took this over at fan fest she almost dropped it it literally almost touched the ground and then she did a 360 like this get it on camera she's a spy not like everyone's looking like everyone's staring at us it's so funny there's like all these youtubers in the airport and they're just she's more of a desktop vlogger not to like carry your camera she had the camera backwards when she was filming sorry guys I feel you good to see you again so Lloyd is on a different flight but we are all planning something epic we're gonna prank him back because he got me and say thank you yet he will he's really nice to me Carla Humphries in the building what's up good to see you my name is will lastania so you're the one that can't stop talking I've been seen her in like what two years so I met well when he first moved here and talked my ear off and now he's making a living off of it do keep the beats me I'll teach you on this trip where's your phone where's your camera you know I know that confidence I don't have confident it's a confidence it's fake it till you make it really inside I'm like a little scared frightened boy it's just cuz it's hot in this country I mean Daniel are selling we got the emergency exit as owns always get the emergency exit because it has so much more around parla by the way is vlogging and we're gonna she's gonna vlog squad it up with the vlog squad this trip aren't ya we've never met before nice to meet you I'm just gonna sneak in here okay I just pop something it's so nice and this you just meaning everything I just do this every day all day [Music] he got used she's a youtuber this but okay I gotta get out of here they're like nuts I'll see you I see you later nice to meet you Janina you're next to me wait are you actually right there Janina has just been screwing up oh I'm just so giddy cuz I can't like doesn't process that on an airplane is this is your vlog are you vlogging dy okay hi my name is well oh what's your name nice to meet you I like your glasses mullet Arwen Yousef early why aren't you here or when you're such a [Music] so we're playing musical chairs in the airplane right now [Music] editing setup one two three four I declare a thumb war [Music] check this out I've already meditate the vlog today it's already more than 13 minutes and it's will be 9 a.m. ever happened before I've ever got a vlog done before 9 a.m. but that means I got to split this into everyone's past out of the only one and a grandbaby to take on that award a YouTube party in the airport look there are bloggers up the ying-yang we came in here storming and it was a sight
Channel: Wil Dasovich
Views: 858,330
Rating: 4.9490242 out of 5
Keywords: filipino, youtuber, youtube, vlog, vloggers, kuala lumpur, malaysia, influence asia, awards, 2017, janina vela, vela fam, alodia, donnalyn bartolome, travel, traveling, traveler, plane
Id: YvX6rSm2xWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2017
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