Fighters: How to RP Classes in 5e Dungeons & Dragons - Web DM

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You guys are awesome, keep doing the things y'all do!!

I have shamelessly taken so many ideas/tidbits to incorporate into my characters or my game. Big thank you.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/sman40012 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

These guys are among my favorite DnD content creators out there. Everytime I watch I come away inspired and full of ideas for my own game.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TheMelancholyThinker 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

i never clicked a link so fast in my whole life...

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/LoreMaster00 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sorry for the wall of text. Tl;dr percy+kill bill

I have an idea for a fighter, Marcus Booth. (Marcus for Marcus Brutus, and Booth for John Wilkes booth) he is a goliath that was tossed out of the clan at the age of 12, because he was a measly 5'3". The first town he came across was the small walled city of mordestadt. (German for murdertown) The tyrannical leader of the city is Mary, no-one knows what she can do or is involved in. Marcus quickly joined a group of assassins led by Mary, The Angelmakers. The other 4 members are Julius, (ceaser) Abraham, (Lincoln) Franz, (Ferdinand) and John (Kennedy).
At one point he fell in love with a woman and married her in secret, with only John knowing. She then got pregnant and he told Mary that he was done. He woke up the next morning on the other side of the continent bound to a chair facing his pregnant wife. He then was forced to watch and listen as his wife was gutted and killed in front of him, with his own greatsword, Wielded by Mary, as Julius and Abraham watched. Mary then left a spider web of scars across his chest and arms and buried him 6 feet down with the sword. Marcus is a samurai. His weapon is the greatsword that killed his wife and daughter. It's hilt is made of six adamantine rings, five of them have names etched into them: Mary, Julius, Abraham, Franz, and John. The sixth one is blank. It has the stats of an oathbow that grants haste, aggressive, and the ability to cast locate person at will, but a sword. and only the people on the list can be your sworn enemy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/69001001011 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey YouTube it's bruit and this is Jim Davis and our class role-playing series lives to fight another day and we're gonna teach you to fight another way but either way this is why we fight because it's fighters on web DM fights fighters fighters yes fighters Jim Davis my favorite class your favorite guys your and you've rediscovered it recently yes you've played some several a little bit it never fighters quite prominent fighters recently yeah in fifth edition I kind of went caster crazy a little bit huh um you know stretching my legs but coming back to the fighter has been a lot of fun yeah having a great time with my half horse you know it's just it's fun having a half work who's just he doesn't have a clam he found this party that's now his clan he's real he looks around it's one of those things this is like family as the people you choose right right and that's what he looked around and so like oh yeah these people are you know I look out for them this is like what a 14th level on 14th level motif level and you've also had a couple of others have made it to like mid-level fourth edition got came close to getting the fight oh right and a lot of people love the fourth edition fighter but to me the fourth bishop I wasn't really feeling him so a fifth edition one it feels great to me because it's a solid class mechanically I feel free to explore all these different role-playing possibilities for the class yeah it don't feel hampered by having mechanics that don't support my concepts what to you because you've had such extensive experience with it what is it what does it mean to be a fighter for you well to be a fighter means that you have the will and some of the ability to a defend yourself to defend what you believe in and the right to not believe in anything right if that's what you want yeah you have the faculty to make your way in the world an adventure and very few people can stand in your way yeah it takes a certain amount of cojones to live in a world of moxie to live in a world of like Dungeons and Dragons world and go there are flying creatures that can incinerate me with a thought there are magic users and powerful thank them you know what I'm gonna pick up this piece of steel and hit people with it yeah and and make my name and make my name for myself I will carve my legacy across this land and you will know me and no fear from the trail of the Dead sure more so than say like a barbarian hoo hoo I see stuff used with your their primal savagery and the dividing line between barbarian and and fighter to me as the Train that a fighter receives versus yeah the natural prowess that a barbarian has not that fighters can't also have natural prowess in their fighting styles but like it's that training it's the will to fight conquest isn't the right word but of just like challenge yeah been seeking to overcome adversity that I like about the fighter because it's otherwise sort of a generic class which can be good thing yeah I mean no no definitely the fighter has always been kind of a generic class right I mean right yes just you're just good at hitting things particularly like like old-school Dungeons & Dragons the fighter or the fighting man is a sort of an everyman style class are you a cleric are you a magic user answer no then then you're fighting them then the fighter and early editions of the game has to cover so much let's take dragon lands for example yeah it's got a cover teeka who fights with a frying pan and a rolling pin as well as sturm who I mean I know he's a paladin and the knight but he's he's still kind of that fighting Caramon is another caramel a different a different beast altogether different beast ah it's gonna cover all those kind of archetypes while still leaving room for even more that are there and I think that generic nosov just this is a person who fights one who fights yeah has made its way through all the additions of course now with the subclasses you get a bit of thematic element that interest in through it there but the generic nosov the fighter is what I like about it yeah and it but it's also it can also be a weakness so the fighters that I think are most memorable are those fighters where the player has invested a lot into both their their idea of what their fighter is who that person is where they trained what they did before they started adventuring and and develop a strong personality and backstory for their fighters so that it can kind of like add depth and complexity to that generic class and also it gives them something you're like what do they fight for you can have the most real world examples of what a fighter is like in our own history absolutely if I knew I was gonna play a fighter for a long term campaign I would look through say like Renaissance or even late medieval or something like look through the histories of those look through say like the War of the Roses or any of the number of wars that took place during the Renaissance and we're showing like Western Europe at this point and look then there's all these little instances of knights and warriors and soldiers that start standing out and and and you can start reading about something going like well you know this is this is what these people were like in our own world can I use their biography their history as an inspiration for something else one of my favorite is a soldier in Elizabethan England and late 1500s who loved fighting so much that when a war with Spanish with Spain was over between England and Spain was done and he was like well I still want to fight some more and I guess because we're not at war anymore I'm gonna go fight for my former enemy he just like writes a letter to the Queen he's like hey I'm still loyal to you but I really love fighting and they're gonna pay me money and so I'm gonna go fight for these people who just a couple of weeks ago we were besieging their cities and and fighting them but you know they've got like 70 million different Wars going on right now and he wore ostrich plumes helmets and giant billowing capes he wanted to be noticed yeah on the battlefield wanted that patronage that comes from heroic action that there was so common during that time yeah it's like having your flag at ACL so when you go to the bathroom you can get back always you know exactly where it's like always know where I'll see you on the battlefield you'll know me by my mantra nope yes and hey then that may be that's kind of the attitude that you have you wear a golden war mask with a giant horsehair crest on your helmet and a phoenix feather cloak and you've got your flaming sword in one hand and your glowing shield in the other and like there's nothing subtle about that right there's nothing you're not worried about passing a stealth champion no you're dressed like that you want people to see you you want people to notice you you want people to recognize that that you are a threat and and that you mean business and also that you are sort of spreading your reputation or you're building a name for yourself and those are think that's the kind of imagery that I like with the fighter so for like some generic historical examples we can start with like the night or the cavalier or something like that and then quickly move beyond to other cultures and and and time periods and sort of looking like okay well what was a say a mom Luke or a cataphract or a Janissary well in the Middle Ages like what did they do for their soldiers how are they different than say the European opponents that they fought or maybe like going further and looking like actual samurai and moving beyond the sort of comic book folkloric sort of take that Dungeons & Dragons uses for the night in the samurai going like well wait a second how did they actually operate what was their obligation to a lord what was their obligation to other fighters and start building a world and a society for your fighter to it and live in and inhabit I'm not really sure how that would work out because I've read the hagakure many times way of the samurai and pretty much every time it's just like they go to the master and like hey we were in town and they talk about you it's like oh well they dishonored me what did you do it's like oh we've we fought them and killed them and yeah it's like oh well you you did a good thing you you upheld my honor yeah but you did take a life so that's dishonorable I'm gonna need you to commit seppuku now right so there there are those weird paradoxes that can come in and you get that when you have like a warrior society that's transitioning out of its need to be a warrior society into a more say less violent age that you do tend to see these kind of like manuals for how to maintain that kind of like martial vigor yeah but if you if let's say you do let's back it up a bit what does being a part of an honorable society mean one of the things that I love about the the Song of Ice and Fire books is that it really shows you like these Knights that are so often upheld as chivalrous and and their shining armor and they're they're fighting for damsels in distress and for God and country etc etc they're not they're fighting they're killers they're trying to survive right and you can look at historical examples of that say from like the 12 and 1300s where you have say marshals of England or the sort of the military leaders of England advising the kings going like yeah you really do need to burn all these villages we don't have the the infrastructure to supply our army in the field we are going to have to take food from people we're going down to take their livestock their wheat that's not they will put up a fight in our own world while this was going on there was an acknowledgment that there's this dichotomy between being a good upstanding virtuous knight and the actual practice of warfare which is violence and death and murder and worse that you inflict on innocent people and so what does that if you're thinking about that in Dungeons & Dragons what does that mean for your character now how do they feel about that dichotomy right right are you are you more of a hound where you're just you wholesale acknowledge like no we're killers yeah we're killing your father's gonna be a killer you know I love that when he talks to say your son's gonna be a cure your husband's going to be a killer yeah you know and Ned Stark who's all honorable and whatever but you know back in the day when the when the moment called for it yeah he'll stab a guy in the back he's it kills because he's a killer that's a good way to add depth and complexity to your fighter what if there what if they're conflicted about this what if they're one of those one of those people that buys into the ideal and and they have a cause that they fight for and and a a need to to justify the violence that they commit for a greater good so that they can sleep easy at night like that's something that you can portray in your fighters and em really any warriors and I mean I we need to expand it even further to every dungeon dragons character ever but specifically the fighter because I like said I like the dichotomy between being an honor being part of an honor bound Society and the actual practice of violence that that is not honorable and and one of those things were if you're too honorable you're not gonna win this thing you're not gonna be deceitful you're not gonna be tricky yeah because you're gonna come across someone like Bronn right and you're gonna be serve artists yes and guess what you're gonna be going out the moon door right you absolutely are this is one of the things where I like looking at warrior societies in our own world for inspiration because you can take something like the Vikings know sort of medieval Scandinavian societies and they placed a value on deception and trickery and there's a reason Loki's a god right there's a reason that that he's part of the pantheon that they that they sort of are worshipping there's nothing wrong with some having some cunning but I think that players in the dungeons of Dragons game if they're playing their fighters they should keep that in mind that it's one thing to be like yeah I'm the fighter I stand in front and I fight toe-to-toe with my enemies but that doesn't mean that you're stupid yeah it doesn't mean that you make tactical mistakes right you're not just a tank you're not just the meat shield even where that becomes kind of a joke in the cliche it does but it doesn't have to be doesn't know it does not have to be at all that's why it's one reason I love the battle master because that is the the general the lieutenant the captain right leading people into combat is tell them where to hit you are the one the tactician yeah yeah you're you're gonna you're gonna have the party go in and you know turn into a SWAT team there's all this talk in at least the sort of lore of Dungeons & Dragons of Fighters having a cause they fight for something that they believe in that's higher than themselves and so like what does that mean is it loyalty to a lord or something whether we're talking like using samurai or Knights or something as the as the basis is it a religious institution and you take the acolyte background for your fighter and they're like a Templar acolyte and say magic initiate cleric will give them enough they're not quite paladins but there's something more than just a fighter they're temple guardian or bodyguards for a priest or something like that there's so many different ways that you can interpret that cause that that thing that they're fighting for and then you can flip it you can say like well they used to fight for a cause but no longer and they're sort of unmoored and unanchored and listless never a good place to be but it gives your character room to grow find something new to fight for well that goes back to the hound run he always had the Lannisters in the king and then he's you know like thought the king he's gotta find something else and you have Adventures of the hound and the wolf pup which still is it still is the once I spin-off that I would love yes they need to give us more of that of course the hound and the priests would also be a great one to hit with our awesome he's amazing it's really great so yes you lean into this idea yes my fighter has a cause they they have something that they fight for maybe they're an idealistic champion of an ideal or a person or something like I said it can be anything bigger than themselves a type of monster or something like that maybe they ran across a sphinx or one of the ones that are sort of like are they amount they're monstrous but they're not necessarily evil kind of monsters that that the fighter is sort of yes I the this this creature are the embodies some sort of ideal that I want to uphold and that's where they get that that sort of Harold Rick device that that they use could also be just for revenge it could be more of a like a Moby Dick kind of thing where your fighter was wronged by some great beast a dragon or whatever and that is their sole purpose in life that is over a finite how I make him feel what I have felt exactly yeah because when you build characters like that that gives the DM room to like pull the rug out from underneath you what if you get to that beast that that thing that person that monster whatever it was that wronged you and all this time spent adventuring and getting the power and skills and what you need to face them and then you get them and they've turned a new leaf they've tried to make amends they reach out and attempt to apologize or or to seek to do something to to wipe away the wrongs maybe they they're proactive and then they come after that fighter the fighter thinks they're after them to finish them off but it's really like hey I'm on my steps just came to ask for your forgiveness just came to ask for your forgiveness good thing that's exactly what I named my so yes that's where the like the the trope of like the heartless mercenary comes in right they are a killer who does not care about a cause and in the literature and everything that sort of inspires dungeons dragons those types of characters are deeply mistrusted there's something about someone who's willing to kill to fight to to commit violence for its own sake or or can be bought and do that that that makes people really mistrustful mercenaries many time periods are mistrusted hated necessary and some in some cases or at least from the perspective of the rulers but never welcomed with open arms and and seen as you know virtuous or yeah berserk is a great example of that mercenary company being raised to the level of like knights yes you have all these fighters that fought for money you know even did the whole switch they're fighting for one and they switch over to the other because they gave a more money up the same thing in Game of Thrones with the the second son's you can't trust somebody who does this for money you just can't you just can't and yet they're professionals what do you want you want a bunch of like raw routes that only train like two weeks a year and I refuse to leave more than 40 days from home they're professionals when you need an army you hire professionals I think that there's a lot of different ways that you can take it whether you have a like said the idealistic champion on one end or the heartless mercenary on the other and your character falls somewhere within this spectrum it gives you something to regardless what you choose you've now given the dungeon master something that will help your character grow but the whole point of this whether we're talking any of the classes is that your character is dynamic yeah that where you start with your character is not where you end up with them and we don't mean levels we're talking about their personality well yeah the Leafs it's like yes it's that character development that makes stories good if there is no development there's what what's the conflict like what's the reason to engage with this character because they never change that something's wrong yeah then something's wrong and my only example that I can think of from in in pop culture where that's not the case is one punch man yes the whole thing is like he's already at the pinnacle right and he's just trying to deal with that are you just trying to deal with it and and yet and yet Saitama is is is is not happy with this situation and and that there's something missing from his life despite his power and and his ferocity and and I don't the one punch man it's great show it's great Dean the inspired show obviously not inspired by TV but you can get inspiration well be for hope it's all over the place it's all over the place it's ours guy does some stuff design of Thor's God does have it has those random tables at the beginning so let's run through those the first one does talk about the heralding sign this is one of those where like I would encourage players like through the Monster Manual see what what do you think is interesting but maybe it's it's it's not just like okay I want this sign because it's you know because it's ferocious or or it's or martial you know the you know sort of like embodies of keiko martial virtue or something maybe it's tied into something in your characters background like said it could be that a monster is you know committed some atrocity or something in the characters background you took haunted one you know you're driven by this need for revenge and you're and you're Harold ik device is something that symbolizes that it could be that it that the device is sort of represents your the leash Lord that you are a part of war the the military or religious order that you're there so it's kind of something that can give the player some flavour and if you have more than just that one right it's more than just the players fighter that has that device and maybe they go to a tournament where knowing this all the different symbols and symbology and everything will give you an idea of like okay oh that's the person who I'm thinking of like mm-hmm the point of those devices is to increase person's reputation might not know them personally but you know like oh yeah he fights under the banner of this or this is her sign ah that's right we've never met this person but we know them by their deeds yeah yeah watch out they use poison yeah they might be treacherous or virtuous or upstanding or any number that's how you build your reputation is through these sort of signs next one is instructor and I think this is where we start getting into what distinguishes barbarians from from fighters in while a barbarian can have instruction let's say a barbarian is like a part of a tribal group and they have sort of informal training there the point of the instructor for a fighter is that the fighter knows techniques they have they have trained extensively with a variety of weapons and a variety of fighting styles maybe you've got schools of fighting in your world where it's like everyone that goes in is in this city fights in this particular style everyone this other city fights this one maybe they compete with each other maybe it's like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or it's like okay you got to get the Wudang Mountain where all the monks and fighters are up there training they're gonna give you your secrets they're gonna teach you the the the secrets of their style and you've got like half a dozen or so of those that train these fighters and monks and other sort of warriors and now you've got a society of martial valor it could be that they're a part of a big organization or a one-on-one trainer maybe it's a monstrous trainer right yeah you go and learn you go and learn from that Sphinx right you know teaches you how to how to fight how to fight flying creatures or yeah like teaches you some specific aspect of fighting another one I love is going back to Avatar where Sokka starts to have yeah have an existential crisis because he's in the party with the cleric or the wizard and he doesn't have anything he can do yes I'm just a guy with a boomerang right and it's just you need an instructor and he goes then he gets an awesome sword all right yep and learns how to fight the fighter that's their sort of an everyman type character there they're a blank slate and because they cover such a wide variety of archetypes and and sort of concepts you can have that like yeah my character doesn't really know what they're doing maybe you start them off it's a first level and your characters pick sort of an unassuming background and you've chosen fighter because that's sort of what you were interested in but you play them like yeah they're just a noob at this you know maybe they left their their home reluctant reluctantly or maybe they were forced out for something it takes them some time till say third ish level yeah before they finally come into their own and become the warrior the fighter that they that was always inside them yeah pants kicked him out of the house right here 18 it's time to get going old wizard comes by and pulls them out and then the bad guys attack when they're away the instructor is one of those where it that's what distinguishes the fighter and I think that it's it's rich for possibilities for Dungeon Master's because what if the party's fighter was trained by this great hero and and now the party has to say be involved with that hero who since retired and is no longer has the skills that they used to have and is you know really pushing it in terms of like their physical ability you can have an NPC that's related to the party background but isn't gonna overshadow the party now they're not they're sort of teamed up I see it as as rich in possibilities for organizations and schools of fighting and and all that kind of stuff that you could use to sprinkle in a little side quests and things for fighters in your party and then I guess the last one is signature style and and this to me is like you could have mechanical support from those through the fighting style that the fighters get or the or feats if you're using those but it's also can be just like how a player described their attacks they describe fighting this something that I like about your style of playing because of your martial arts background you have a good solid grasp of like striking and fighting and how a body moves and what you should do it's kind of like worth it if you're gonna play a lot of martial characters to do a little bit of like research on that so your descriptions and how you tell you what your character yeah I mean that's I mean cuz that's that's what you do as a fighter is you learn how to strike between those those between the plates in armor like learn those striking points learn those pressure points even though that's more monk but still there's nothing saying a fighter can't learn a few pressure points you know they know if you pop someone under the nose yeah you know you're gonna stun them yeah everybody should get into a martial art cuz why not when it when it comes to signature style I I can't help but go back to and this like you mentioned Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon it's the one thing I love it when they go to when they go to the in she has that big fight and you have like all these people and they all have like I'm descending Mountain whatever I'm like I can't not think about that like they have the one thing they're good at yeah yeah and even even going to one punch man there are a lot of that where it's just like they have the one thing the one they really know how to do yeah another another anime example what was that Claymore they like have a name for their one thing right that they can do and that is their signature combo finishing move and you know you don't have to do that in D&D right but but it could be and it could be that you name your like special abilities that say you get from battle master maneuvers or feet or something like that or you could just be like yeah I've got a variety of moves that my fighter you know when they're training or when they're training someone else they called me I don't know that they would shout them out in battle but they might yeah you know they might just get caught up in the moment yeah I mean we're talking about like the background magic of Dungeons and Dragons eventually some of that must be creeping into the fighter even if they're not even an elder tonight it's like these are people who are physically quite quite tough and I know a lot of that's a consequence of the way the rules abstraction works and points in armor class and yada-yada-yada we all know about it we playing D&D so we've made our peace with it yeah but maybe you take that and you go no normal people top out around second or third level everything beyond that is the fighters mastery of themselves the weapons they have the armor they wear and there's a magic in that yeah it's not overt magic they're not casting spells they're not creating magical effects but they are tapping into something within the world as it the dungeon dragons world as it exists that gives them this supernatural ability one of the things I love about old-school DDR the name lot of the name levels right like so every level has a certain name associated yeah yeah and at some point like around fourth level fighters become heroes and then around like a third and ninth level I forget exactly they become superheroes and I like thinking about it like that because they are superheroes they are capable of doing things that normal people are not I know this goes for all the DNA classes but I like it for fighters maybe that's what your character is tapping into is sort of background magic of Dungeons and Dragons and and it allows ordinary people from just like training and practice to become extraordinary to become supernatural what are some ways that you could play like kind of against type like how would you how would you roleplay a pacifist fighter gosh so I mean I think you could you could still follow one where the pacifism is is tempered so is it like is it pacifism like absolutely no violence or is it pacifism like I'm not gonna kill because there are different there are varying degrees and Inlet you can have a fighter that say fights with a quarter staff or a club which is how you would probably model someone who fights with like a sword that still sheathed or something like that I think it even in fight with like a blunted sword that they mostly use to parry and disarm and push people around it's more therefore sort of defending themselves against those that have lethal lethal weapons I think having one where you're like I don't fight it all would be a challenge to try to to try to play and and maybe one of those things that you start out with like yeah my my character my fighter has sworn off violence something happened that made them do this and then maybe part of your characters are part of the growth that comes through the game is tempering that extreme position and we're and realizing something like well maybe there are times this is dungeons dragons world is dangerous yeah there are monsters there yeah what's our past what's gonna do when he sees his family almost being eaten by goblins whoa - whatever foe causes a pacifist to go to war right exactly and and and and perhaps it's like one of those where your your pacifism doesn't extend to non-sentient monsters and so you say like yeah I really try to seek to avoid violence between say the hobgoblins and and the humans but when it comes to like ooze is now let's go let's go smash get some Kleenex and wipe the up but there are examples even from our own world I'm thinking of Muhammad Ali right he's a fighter in the ring yeah but when the country was like we're gonna draft you he's like sorry no thanks hey it could be that it could be that that that for for your beanie Fighter character fighting on a one-to-one level is about personal excellence is about a challenge to themselves and is about perhaps maybe fighting for a cause but fighting on a grand scale warfare and that is one of those that they swear off they're like I do not fight in wars yeah and maybe that's a point of contention for the rulers because they're like yeah this this person over here is a tremendous fighter like we would love to have them on our side but we we can't win them over they've sworn off warfare and instead are engaged in sort of like personal quests for glory and things like that I like sometimes playing characters that have some sort of physical impairment or something and I think fighter works really well for that whether it's like the blind fighter or they're missing an arm or hand or something like that first off it opens up the conceptual space for differently abled people to sort of like existing your Dungeons & Dragons world and still partake fully in the adventures that are there yeah and it also is a role-playing challenge because it's like well how would you play a fighter with one hand one arm partially blind fully blind deaf something that unable to speak something that like a physical impairment that maybe makes things more difficult for them or maybe doesn't you can come up with your DM for how that work exactly but the cut like let's just take the blind swordsman that seems like a classic archetype a classic concept oh yeah and one that fits perfectly in a D&D world right like what's cooler than just like yeah I don't need to see I can hear you I can feel your breath on my skin I know where you are can feel I can hear your armor as it scrapes against themselves I can hear you draw your sword from your scabbard that opens that up and in some of these cases you might not say like that there's any mechanics that are going on at all sometimes you get a question about it and some and and someone will say like how would you do it with like a blind swordsman that's a conceptual thing that the player uses to describe themselves and everything there are some things they wouldn't be able to do but for the most part mechanically I wouldn't make many changes like they I probably wouldn't be like yeah you can't cast spells that things that require you to see a target but other than that you still impose the you know they send more fluffy shows but would you still impose the mechanical I would if it was if it was important for the player to have a blind character because they're going for a concept then I don't think that I would i particularly if it's it's something like what is it zato Ichi the blind swordsman I forget so many comments will help us out yeah or like daredevil right then you're playing a character who's on Nick stick you're probably on the the back end of a character who's learned to live with this and learn to fight and not just kind of fight learn to fight really well yeah so I would I wouldn't impose that that that penalty the I just wouldn't yeah see I think now I kind of want to do a blind swordsman and just do a human and feel that bonus feet feel like can I just do like blind sense like some kind of blind thirty whew yeah or what or or just do like hey just don't impose the you know disadvantage advantage for fighting yeah and yes perception checks for sight are a disadvantage sure but anything else I mean hearing smell there's many ways to perceive the world right all these other senses that's and that's my physical senses that you have not counting the magical senses that are available to characters in a dungeon dragons world not counting the the the the avatar of a god of battle reaching down to a mortal who's training and trying so hard to to you know to become a fighter and to master the the weapons and armor and saying like yes I understand that you're you're dealing with this let me bless you let me or or a monster doing something similar and saying like yeah I see you over there let me let me impart some of my power on you and it gives the big I don't know why it is with fighters that this is where I go right like it but it to me like the the fact that fighters are so physical they're so you know they're athletic and they're they're jumping and swinging and taking hits and to have one that has a physical impairment is I find interesting or I mean look at look at furiosa from Mad Max fury road right she's she's basically a fighter yeah in a world and that's the one thing about that movie is no one mentions no one is very warm at all the fact that she only has one arm it has mechanical like it's literally not even throat it's irrelevant right because she's obviously more than capable of living he says so much about the world and her yeah that and that's what that's what I like about these kinds of things so you could say the same for sort of mental impairments or sort of emotional just any kind of thing like that but I like the the physical ones war for fighters myself yeah you totally gave me an idea though yeah the whole god of battle thing like imagine a blind fighter who this god of battle blesses him with two metal ball bearing highs and he can he can't see he can only see metal so he can see the armor floating in space the sword coming at him to receive the magnetic you can perceive that but he can't see anything else that's pretty cool I don't know yeah I'm gonna make that character well let's go do that [Laughter] [Music] or that uh that that uh that one episode of Star Trek where they get to the planet where they're playing war uh-huh and having people go into incinerators just to keep thee in the the war they're like this is how this is how many people would have died it's time for you to go get in but it reached our cities aren't destroyed yeah that was one of the ones that's that's kind of an episode where there's they're showing you the absurdity of so many things that have to do with for taking they're just absurd because I really like that one that was great oh yeah well captain you know thirty percent of your crew must die they were destroyed in the attack oh no no the whole enterprise was the enterprise was destroyed in the last attack you're gonna need to have all your people beamed down and walk into our incineration chambers yes it's like hey my name is Kirk I'm here to do two things that's a great adventure sticks and kicking that's a great adventure c4 like mo drones or something right like just like the mo drone army came through and the mode Ron like the Moto drone army comes in and then a bunch of like accountants and bean counters and surveyors walk to the front and they meet with the delegation and they're like by our calculations you will suffer eighty percent casualties please have it well they don't yeah it's just war as theorycraft I mean I agree like well looking at our forces we have cavalry you don't we have ad or support I'm don't you're probably gonna lose 75% of your forces will lose thirty but we're gonna win this fight we would win this fight acceptable losses please have your you know mm-hmm send us the proportion of your units and then yeah you could do that you have to negotiate between those two things it's a good planar adventure awesome patio or Akron or one of the other sort of lawful online planes yeah what if the K yeah they that's how they maintain like mekin us and all that in the chaos of actual wars yeah they got to get rid there's nothing about war that's lawful it's very chaotic as you read their closets yeah
Channel: Web DM
Views: 208,127
Rating: 4.9415598 out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons, Dragons, Tabletop, 5e, WebDM, D&D, DND, character class, Dungeons & Dragons, dnd fighter, D&D Fighter, fighter 5e guide, fighter 5e, fighter 5e rp, role playing fighter, dnd fighter build, dungeons and dragons fighter, dungeons and dragons fighter 5e, how to rp in d&d, how to rp fighter in D&D, how to RP in 5e, dungeons and dragons character classes, dungeons and dragons role playing, dungeons and dragons role playing tips, role playing tips, Web DM, fighter review
Id: 6yK9tuMOnbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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