Fighter Pilot Reacts To F-22 Raptor vs JAS-39 Gripen

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel but if you haven't been here before my name is Ryan I'm a former at 15 e combat fighter pilot F-16 Thunderbird pilot and someone on Instagram asked if I could react to growling Sidewinders video on a jas-39 the Griffin fighting the F-22 Raptor so any day you have to dogfight the Raptor just make sure you kiss your loved ones goodbye have a will in order and do something fun the night before do something that you really enjoy you shake my nerves and you're right on my brain too much love because that is going to be one heck of a dog fight going up against the Raptor is challenging but hey anything can happen you get a super solid grip and pilot going up against a newbie Raptor pilot it's anybody's day so let's dive in let's see what happens but before we do that if you would just dominate that like button for me maybe even subscribe every time you dominate that like button and subscribe I'll pilot somewhere their wings let's Dive In so guys the gripping was made by the Swedish Aerospace and defense company so it should be called sads but it's called Saab so let me know below why it's called that but that thing is a single engine fighter that has a delta wing and canards it's a multi-role fighter pretty much built to do anything there is when it comes to fighter Aviation F22 definitely more catered towards air-to-air it's the air superiority fighter of the world in my opinion and uh I think it's gonna be a formidable enemy for this SOB let's see what happens so we're inside the cockpit now of the grip in real nice HUD I like it when Huds don't have any bars around the side so it's kind of the glass just Blends into the sky just makes keeping the visual on the Bandit so much better there's that merge oh man any day you see that F22 underneath you you just kind of gets uh it's gonna make you nervous that's all I'll say about that so nice flare pattern out of the F-22 actually as you can see guys the way that the Griffin minimizes its turn radius on that first turn it just goes for that one Circle fight I it's gonna happen though after a couple different turns but the thing I like about the grip in is with that delta wing it bleeds energy so fast so it almost had an opportunity there to take on the F-22 but if you get into more than one turn with the F-22 it's going to be over so throughout these fights what I'm pulling for for the Griffin pilot is to be able to just get that delta wing to work for them have those canards make it happen pull the nose around and get a quick shot maybe a high off bore side shot but from The Stadium View as you can see pretty good maneuverability for that first turn for the js39 but the key there is the first turn because then the Raptor is going to do this and just not going to be a good day so for me the delta wing is a liability because you get one good move now again if this was against a fourth generation fighter that one good move is all you're gonna need because you're gonna be able to get your nose on them right away and that's the benefit of the delta wing that's why a lot of countries will subscribe to it because dogfights can be pretty quick they can be over if whoever gets the best first move so I don't like the delta wing because of follow-on bfm being extremely hard and the way that it stalls it actually stalls knows up so you have some complicated flight Control Systems built into the delta wing to basically push the nose down because the canards can't push the nose down affected as effectively as stabilizers on the back of your jet like the traditional Jet setup like the F-22 has for me I'm all about stability but hey creative that Delta Wings creative and again it can be deadly so that's I think that's the mindset Behind These manufacturers that build the delta wing all right here we go we're in the fight again got a decent first turn but then that raptor is going to put its nose on behind you and you're gonna get k i Aid hey man it happens to the best of us we've all lost a dog fight believe it or not I know you're probably like Ryan really you've lost before yes I will admit sun was in my eye though I'm just kidding so ultimately you've got to keep fighting that's what the JS is doing I like that good flares coming out of them you're you know you're cranking your neck looking out at the top of your canopy there but ultimately the aim 9x has some flare rejection capability baby and didn't work on that one but on this follow-on one here it's gonna smack them that's just how it's gonna go I do like the continued fighting though from the grippin but here we go yeah that's gonna hurt every time I'm actually not sure why he couldn't eject from that angle but then from this angle I'm like okay the Jet's basically an entire Fireball and then they have 22 just go ahead goes ahead and shoots some 20 mic Mike great theorem just to add insult to injury yeah this is better than an aileron roll so doing this Falling Leaf maneuver with the flare demo coming out again guys always do another round roll so I'm cool on the radio and look Strong by the pool I'll add on to that do a Falling Leaf with a flare demo if you're a raptor pilot so we've moved it to four priorities in fighter Aviation now and there's the Air Force Base below where's the golf course there's got to be a golf course down there that's what they do when they build Air Force bases they're like Yeah The Runway it'll fit but we gotta have space for the golf course foreign is up again ready to swing that bat one more time man it's all about at bats when it comes to basic fighter maneuvers you get as many reps as you possibly can and that's what's actually going to make you good because it's a skill that goes away really quick look at that flare pattern out of that Raptor I mean that's just a thing of beauty you're not gonna be able to sneak any type of weapon in that it's like a fox 2 type weapon but yeah that nose rotation like that it's kind of like the equivalent of like probably seeing a shark in nature or like a mountain lion that's stalking you when you see the nose of another fighter turn like that it just as a fighter pilot the hair in the back of your neck just stands up because you know what's coming next not gonna be a good day but hey here we go round four come on Griffin pilot come on let's see what happens real clean cockpit though those glass screens this is obviously an upgraded model of the grip in just any jet that has this much glass in it I'm a fan of and then the aileron roll into the merge instructor's uh in fighter squadrons would uh give you a call sign for that there would be you'd be roll or something to that effect uh definitely not a traditional thing to do just in pure aileron roll now if you're doing it to keep sight and you're in a fifth gen fighter I get it oh that looked like a hit there from the Raptor man just being able to point your nose like that yeah so he obviously got hit being able to point your nose like that as the Raptor just gives you so many options and that's why the Raptors the king of the sky man that's why the Raptor is the guy that she told you not to worry about because everybody's gonna have to worry about that guy it's just a formidable enemy and I love the you know the gunshot there great move better than going with the Fox 2 save the Fox 2 for another fighter because this grip and showing you so much Plan form plan form is when the jet shows you this which is a perfect gun picture if it gets like too steep like this pointed at you you're just not gonna have a lot of options not a lot of area for your bullets to hit but that was a perfect gun picture good recognition by the F-22 and let's make this sporty right you know let's make it a sporty match maybe just just use the gun be a surgeon with that thing that's what we would always say all right here we go nice merge I might have gone down to try to get more nose position with a grip in but he kind of does like an oblique type maneuver again one decent maneuver with the grip in he kind of knows he got a missile off at least but then these follow-on Leafs it's gonna be brutal you gotta have one hand on the ejection handle brother oh yeah I think it got him with a gun I couldn't tell if that was a fox 2. oh no he didn't he's still he's still alive he's still kicking keep going let's see that that much space above you if you get a fighter that has that much space it's it's really hard to defend against because that's a maneuver that I would do as well basically get up into a tree and I did this with a lot of times with two different striking goals so you'd be striking over Strike Eagle you'd go up he'd be fighting for a position the key was to manage your energy throughout these leaves to where you weren't unnecessarily bleeding off energy and then ultimately you would get up higher than the other guy he would fall off out of the tree and then you would kick in a ton of Rudder and use that vertical so on this one the Raptor uses the vertical really well this is kind of a highlight reel here of the Raptor doing work um the Raptor was like yeah it's just another Tuesday this is how I roll sorry Griffin but hey man you went up against the uh most formidable enemy that there is in my humble opinion so end of the day you know some of the bfm I saw out of the gripping was pretty good but let's just watch and enjoy Raptor in action [Music] just such a classy jet I mean it's kind of a Timeless aircraft to me along the lines of a P51 F-16 F22 they're all kind of in their own little category again not a big fan of the delta wing for me I just would rather have many more follow-on opportunities because the more you're able to rate and take advantage of mistakes the better you are I'd rather not just have one really good move which is kind of in my opinion what the grip in the Saab is good at that delta wing just gonna bleed off so much energy so there you go guys hope you enjoyed that video thanks so much for checking it out hit me up on Instagram if there's anything else you would like me to throw your way most of all thanks so much for being here before you go please dominate that like button and subscribe and I'll see you in the next video most of all have a great day [Music] thank you
Channel: Max Afterburner
Views: 44,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yHGXgnKE_D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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