Fight Club: Brad Pitt and Edward Norton TALK about Fight interview

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what you see on the second viewing there was so many things we built in precisely for second viewing it makes sense why he was fighting oh yeah I need tight whatever it is over there tight three shot basically TI you getting this is all Two Shots okay ready guys I'm having a little trouble trying to explain to people on the phone what I have seen this is not a movie that you can summarize in a sentences isn't that a good thing it is a good thing I mean I mean I think there's there's you know we all as an audience in the critical Community kind of clamors for you know films that aren't so formulaic that aren't so predict and and I feel like you know that that was one of the really exciting things about this to me is even when we were trying to make it people say what it's about what's it about you can't you can't you really need to take it in and maybe see it again it's but it's a problem for the marketing people when you see the commercials yes it it just looks like you know you guys are fighting and I'm going to see Rocky again and that's really not what this is this much of the movie I'm glad we hit on so many issues yeah it's it's tough to to to put a label on it cuz I have never seen anything quite like it to everyone's credit but especially fers and Chuck's voice it's yeah it's just it is it's an unusual it's very very thick with ideas almost it's a philosophy class or something movie you go watch and then you find yourself talking you know it is it is as we were in the beginning when we all sat down I said Fincher and BR I said you know endless disc this is this is a this is a Ze guys film it's a it's a film that if we get it if we catch the spirit of this book in this film we we'll have really kind of held a mirror up to the culture a certain time I think is it fair to say because the book was like this and I think I've seen some commentaries on the book that said that basically men are out of style in the 20th century this century is more suitable for women well I I don't know I think that's a little bit reductive in the sense that I think that I don't think it's a proclamation like that but I think it's an examination of why men feel but there are a lot of frustrated men around true it is true we are in PC times where it's you don't yell you don't fight and and yes this possibly is the more involved place but you have to experience the other to get there and that you can't just skip that step and go straight to well I don't fight I don't argue I all right I'm 46 we definitely had fights in the Schoo yard when I was coming up you guys are a little younger did your guys did you have would you say they were innocuous at this point I mean this is before people whipping out guns but you say for me it was innocuous I mean just part of the right of passage in a sense but I don't I think we're in a whole generation of young boys now that have never had a fight in a schoolyard well this is what the book this where the book uh spring from saying that we are all Spectators we're we don't participate anymore we sit behind our TV screens and our leather sofas and and and don't get in there and the the the expression of the book that I I was really drawn to was not about getting out an aggression was not about pounding the other guy it was more about getting just getting in the and receiving is your character insane is that fair to ask without giving anything away yes I yes I think that's fair to ask I think it I think it is a um I do you know the the movie this doesn't give the movie starts in my character's brain literally inside his brain and and Rises I thought you were pretty wacky yeah Rises out from that Shin into his brain and I've always thought that on a certain level the movie is metaphoric it's a it's a it's a study in a person going a little bit insane to say going going insane to save himself in a way Brad you look always insan talk a wild eye we were we were we were talking about how just earlier how you know when any of you anytime you question uh a established idea and uh you try to take that in a different direction you're always going to overcompensate until you find that middle ground and that's kind of and I think this is It's a story about how a character in a desperate effort to sort of make himself start to feel something through a part of himself goes way too far and then has to pull himself back you know and I think it's important to draw a distinction between what the film says and what one of the characters says because because the a character is advocating something that the film doesn't necessar go all the way out but definitely prepare yourself if you're a viewer a fan of you two guys in the movies for an unusual kind of ride it's a monster I think it's a bombardment of information I've never seen it's un anything I've seen in a long time and it's I feel I think we all feel very happy about about it as a as a very unique and challenging film it was quite the trip EXC nice seeing you guys thank you a lot all right good work thanks a lot yeah I mean we found we're still talking about today all of us are
Channel: Jimmy Carter
Views: 2,180,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brad, Pitt, Edward, Norton, movies, interview, hollywood, Fight, Cub, Oscar, actor, Brad Pitt (Celebrity), Edward Norton (Celebrity), Fight Club (Film), Film (Media Genre)
Id: 7VaA6_CDRyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 09 2008
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