Fifth Gear - VW Golf GTI Mk2 (Pt1)

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right we're going to start with what Johnny likes to call sensible consumer advice in the art of tuning yeah now like all of us he idolizes the Mart too GTI Golf what a wicked car it must be good cuz I've had one yeah I've had a couple you ask any expert they will tell you it's one of the all-time great the thing is johnny has the temerity to think that he can make this car better do you bid like Steve Austin he's going to rebuild it better faster stronger mmm-hmm unfortunately I've seen his welding yeah it's like pigeon twaddle we don't hold out much hope improving on a legend is always tough just compare rocky six to the original but when veto be brought out the mark two Golf GTI I think they just about made a better car than the mark one not an easy job asking me to give an objective view of this car is a bit like asking the Pope for an objective view of Catholicism okay I'll admit the Peugeot 205 GTI is probably more agile and the mark 1 Golf GTI gives probably more feedback but the fact remains this is one of the best cars in existence everyone but before I take this to my mates with a performance shop I need to set a benchmark time in the standard car now I would do that myself but I'm sharing the office with a bloke called TIFF Adele so that would be a bit pointless really this is a proper hot hatch whilst new ones come with funny initials like EBD ABS DSC TCS this one comes with just the 3g t i what it might seem old and under powered by modern standards I can assure you 139 bhp goes an awful long way when you only weigh a ton let's see what it can do straight away the first impression is there's a lot more body roll that on modern pop edges the other fare see straightaway is the fantastic balance this Golf GTI hair neutral just a tiny touch of understeer and that's always been its strongest point breaks into the straight well stopping that's English no great punch of power because I haven't got much and yet there's a constant carriage of acceleration right time to see just how quick this standard golf is stop the watch Oh little let just with the middle and stop it under the steering exting it experiences what turning let's go to get to the road and finish Bella about 49 seconds but I can't read your I'll crash whatever you do Johnny if you spoil the fine beautiful balance of this Dolf bark - you're in trouble how sweet is that mark - GTI look it's planted it's balanced Johnny cannot improve on that car I know it's amazing how lean those old cars look mainly because they hang all that hefty safety gubins on them see the funny thing is that tiff who hates old cars because he says the creaky and smell was genuinely really impressed with that car but we'll catch up with Johnny in a while to find out whether he's improved or wrecked that work of art
Channel: Nicholas O.
Views: 178,283
Rating: 4.919414 out of 5
Keywords: Fifth Gear, VW Golf GTI Mk2
Id: WFy0OsabdY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2009
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