Fibre Channel SAN Tutorial Part 1 - FCP and WWPN Addressing (new version)

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in this lecture you'll learn about favor channel which is the original sign protocol so it's the best place to start learning about Sun all the other Sun protocols it came after favor channel bottle a lot of the same characteristics so it really helps if you understand favor channel first it's quite a bit to it so I'm gonna break it down into three separate lectures and we'll start here talking about FCP the fibre channel protocol and fibre channel addressing which uses wwp ends [Music] the first thing to learn about sons is the terminology we covered in the earlier lecture what knives and son are nas is file level access and son is block level access meaning the client that is accessing the sign storage it appears to be accessing a hard drive directly when you configure storage on the storage system for the client you create online that stands for a logical unit number and that represents a disk if it's going to be presented to the host and it appears to the horse just the same as a local hard drive inside its own chassis lungs are specific to sign protocols we don't have ones with knives the next thing is the initiator and the target when we're using the correct terminology the client of a storage system is known as the initiator and the storage system itself is known as the target okay now we've got the terminology down let's start learning about favor Channel so favorite channel is the original sign protocol it's been around a long time but it's still very popular today still see it being used a lot it uses dedicated adapters cables and switches and it's different than Ethernet at all layers of the OSI stack all the way down to the physical level so it uses cards which are called HBAs host bus adapters and they look very like normal Ethernet network cards but they're different and it uses switches across the network but we use Fibre Channel switches they look like Ethernet switches but again they're different fibre channel is different than Ethernet at every level when we're using fibre channel it uses FCP that is the fibre channel protocol and that's used to send scuzzy commands over the fibre channel network and it's a scuzzy commands that are controlling the reads and writes going to the desk at the low level one of the reasons that favorite channel is still used a lot today is it's a very stable and reliable protocol its lossless unlike TCP and UDP which are used to run over our Ethernet networks so it's more stable more reliable than Ethernet networks in general it supports bandwidth of 1 2 4 8 16 32 and 128 gigabit per second now it didn't always when it first came out it was 1 gigabits per second and then it's time went on to became available then 4 then 8 and so on so if you've got a favorite channel network it's not necessarily gonna support all of these different speeds this is the latest that's available now but to have all those different speeds available on your network you would need to be running the latest hardware okay so fibre channel networks this is the architecture of them with the diagram here you see that we've got a client at the top and then server once the for this example it's going to be server one that is using the same storage but I want to give you the complete picture here so let's see if it server ones client let's see that that is you at your desk on your PC and server one is a web server and you're going to be accessing some web pages on the web server so you sit down on your desktop PC you connect over your normal corporate Ethernet network to server 1 then when your request for the web page hits server 1 it's going to fetch that from its storage which is available in the remote storage system over the fibre channel sign so for the fibre channel sign that uses separate physical infrastructure it does cannot run over an Ethernet network it's completely different it's a favorite channel network so you see on server 1 it's got its fibre channel HB 8 HB 8 is a host bus adapter it's basically the equivalent of an Ethernet NIC network card the is connected with a favor Channel cable 2e favor channel switch and then the started system also has its favor Channel HBAs and it's connected to the switched favorite channel network as well so we're putting it all together your normal client is going to connect to the server over to normal Ethernet network and then the server connects to its storage to fetch you the data for decline over the favor China Sun the addressing that is used by favor channel is w w ends that stands for what old wide name w w ends are it byte addresses made up of 16 hexadecimal characters so you can see on the slide here an example of a WWN it's a great big long address so I'm not going to read out the whole thing you can see it there that's the kind of format that it takes the WWN and worldwide node name is assigned to a node in the storage network so we've got our world wide names our WWE ends was two types of ins versus the what old white node names that's a WWN and anders the world wide port name for w WP n but we'll get on to in a second so the WWN and the world wide node name that is assigned to a nerd in the storage network for example a server or NHPA on the storage system the same w w NN can identify multiple network interfaces of a single network node so it identifies the node or the HBA as a whole we could have a multi port h ba in our server for example a different w WP n world white port name is assigned to every individual part on a node so we could have a node which has got two parts in it it would have a single WWN n and it would have two w WP ends so the w w pn is assigned to the physical interface on the node among so like i said i'm not report h ba will have different WP ends on each part wwp ends are the equivalent of MAC addresses in Ethernet they're very similar the wwp n just like the MAC address in Ethernet is burned in by the manufacturer and guaranteed to be globally unique so you do not need to manually configure the wwp n when you get the HBA from the factory it's already got but wwp n burned into it by the manufacturer and they've got a system of naming to make sure that these names are always going to be globally unique node HP in the whole world is going to have a duplicate ww-p n on their wwp ends are saying to HBA is on both the clients and the storage system as well so both the clients with your normal servers and the storage systems are endpoints on your fibre channel network and they all need to have wwp ends to be able to communicate with each other we're primarily concerned with wwp ends not WWN ends when we're configuring fibre channel networks when we're doing the configuration one of the Fibre Channel switches and on the storage system as well we're going to set it up so that only the correct client or the connect initiator can connect to the correct one on the storage for example if you've created on one for an exchange server and on one for the sequel server as well you don't want the exchange server connecting into the sequel server by accident it could corrupt the storage obviously that would be a security concern as well okay so that's our w WP ends you'll learn more about how the actual communication works over those wwp ends in the next lecture okay so you saw that boys w w ends are great big long addresses and you do have to configure your switches and your storage system to point at them so it's not very convenient to do that i way we can make it more convenient is by configuring aliases for example if we've got that exchange server and it's wwp n is how big a long address you can see in the middle here we can create an alias for it where we call it exchange server one for each be a one-foot example and then on our storage system and our Fibre Channel switches later we can reference it by the alias rather than the Big W WP n this is really convenient and makes it less unlikely that we're gonna put any typos in there or any miss configurations and also for troubleshooting later when we're actually viewing what's going on we can view them by alias so we can see which server or storage system we're talking about rather than having it figured out by its wwp n this makes things a lot easier for us and your aliases can be configured Buffon your switches and on restored system as well okay so that's it for the wwp and addresses and also our first into a fiber channel we'll get into some more detail in the next lecture
Channel: Flackbox
Views: 11,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fibre Channel, SAN, Storage Area Network, NetApp, Storage, FC
Id: o1ukb5ZzeK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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