Fiber Fairy Friday February 19th

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yeah i'm not live on my feet on my phone yet okay i do it will there it is yeah i'm not live on my feet on my phone yet we are live live is there any echo i do [Music] it will hi everybody here it is good morning hello yeah i'm not we see you people see us hopefully they see us and hear us we are live oh you have a mirror next to you there's like two of you is there any i need to go it's not bad well we can only use more sarah nobody needs to see the back of my head i only did the front i'm good from here up and just the front [Laughter] remind me not to stand up okay no echo excellent kyla kyla john and i are zooming and john used his magic to take the zoom and put it on youtube so happy to see you guys and happy we could pull it off um i do have a few die hard employees that got to work so um and i think um after after we go live today i will i'll head over there as well oh oh i can see us and the comments maybe that's good i am monitoring comments on my phone it's all different so i'm on my third floor um my kids banished me to the third floor max was like i don't wanna i'm gonna rustle the cereal box no i told my kids go to your rooms and do your school up there i don't want to see or hear you for like an hour at least all right i'll show you guys i brought the fiber home i brought the feathers to the third floor i brought some penguins i tried to just bring um you know the important things that matters at hand so we don't have a a big project today um we just wanted to uh sassy and i talked about the fiber fairy a month or two months ago and we just wanted to bring some color into the world so that's what we did and we have um sky grape and snappy am i right kyla skye yep so this is the seraphina core and um it is a it's a big ball yeah yeah so these are um really fun colors i just revisited the um the snail tutorial or felt along so the snail felt along was a lot of fun and a lot of what's here could be could be good for that and flowers and mushrooms and then oh man all right you're gonna have to say what this is so one and a half ounces uh kiwi pomegranate damn it is pomegranate kiwi and petunia so one and a half um ounces of these bundled together and that's at the 45 tier and then at the 65 tier we have um a bundle of silk it's we did it by length so it's 24 inches of each but it does come to about an ounce and it's the bridesmaid um is it bridesmaid powder oh wait powder tuffy powder right correct and then um what's this one sage i think powdered sand sunrise i'm pretty sure and then sunrise is mulberry so the mulberry silk if you're not super familiar with silks we carry two different varieties mulberry silk is really shiny like you can see um just the shine bouncing off of that it's very i was going to say silky but that's not a good descriptor for silk is it um it's extremely smooth um very strong very long staple it has about a five to six inch staple length and when you incorporate it into felting because silk doesn't technically does not felt then as the wool which it will be mixed around it or on top of it felt it it crinkles it up and it's a really nice effect so we use the silks a lot in the 2d projects that the wet felting like the fox and the um and the hummingbird the tussle silk has a little more grip to it it's not quite as slick or shiny um so it just feels like it has a little bit more crinkle or texture um i should read more about the origins of the the differences of the silk worms yeah like with um and it's still long it's still whoops it's still five inches long or so um but it does the same thing in the in the felting process so i do like tussle silk a little bit more if i'm trying to incorporate it into needle felting i think because it has a little bit of texture it feels like it um it feels like it grabs just a little bit more so we tried to pick colors that um i don't know just for fun and springy and coordinate um so question do you need to mix the silk and the core to help felt it i mean it's you're gonna be hard-pressed to needle felt silk at all unless it's blended yeah so for example the horse coat line that we developed all of each of those horse coat colors has a tiny bit of tussle silk in it because i just wanted to get that shiny you know optimal kind of coat sort of look so and they are blends of core merino and tusa silk the horse the entire horse coat line um so yes if you're going to needle felt you definitely want to blend it with something it doesn't have to be core it can be a top coat or merino if you're going to wet felt you can lay it into your wet felting as a layer with just a tiny bit of wool on top and that that will grab it and um create the they both wrinkle right i have a wet felted piece here actually you weren't supposed to stand up i know i was joking i did get dressed okay so this is the um okay so this is i never know which way to go this is wet felted and it has silk in the sky the crinkle yeah you can see the crinkle and the silk has such a nice contrast and shine it also has a lot of silk um in the base of it there we go and i think mohair which also does a neat wrinkle so the more familiar you become with um the more you experiment with fiber and try different things it just gives you so many more options like the more familiar you become with what you have and understand how they work and how to blend it it's going to your your needle felting refinement is or wet felting is going to climb and climb like it's a lot it's a lot to understand and i'm still always learning because there's just endless endless fibers colors and applications so um so the tears are core and top coat than silk and then top coat then the silk yeah and then for anyone new um what you do today anytime today place an order on the website and um if your order is 25 this doesn't include shipping um 25 you get the core bundle if you hit 45 in items you get the core bundle and the top coat bundle and if you get to 65 you get all three tiers um the way to get that offer is to put fff or fiber fairy friday in the order notes so it's not a coupon code it's um on the checkout page there's an order i think it says order comments order notes either way put fiber fairy friday in there or fff and we will pack it up and send it your way a few questions from how this works so okay okay i'm gonna try to get the tickle out of my throat without [Laughter] i just sit here and laugh at you it's the worst the other day i was in the grocery store you know mask on everything and i had just had like peanut or something and you know how the skin anyway it was stuck in my throat so the entire time i'm grocery shopping i'm trying not to cough like that's the worst thing to walk through the grocery store i'm gonna go to like a deserted aisle my eyes are watering i can't concentrate on what i was doing i left with half of what i don't need so um oh wait she put it in the comments no kelly you did it right that's right it is not a coupon code correct those in the comments yeah um so i have some other um since i'm at home i have a couple of pieces i wanted to show you guys hi yuki this is this is so exciting um this is a chickadee by daria i'm trying to think of daria's oh right her business name her business name she's not an etsy right daria lavoski i kind of just say her name in my head and probably entirely right i've always loved her work she really lets the wool speak um they used to really have kind of like a a real natural edge to them but they still do but she she has she's refined her style a lot um so this is a really um turning she made those feathers yeah she made these feathers they're firm um okay they're kind of like pressed she must have used she must have used something you know to do that but if you have a way to trade or collect other people's needle felting i think it's just a great way to well it's a great way to support other other artists but also um it's just fun because we all work so differently and so this i um this is by malachi and um it's a it's a set of three and it's the um the hair a fox and a crow and they're all creamed this way and he works um really meticulously tons of detail very firm and um just spot on in his accuracy and capturing you know capturing each each animal so oh it's like snowing snowing now yeah it's not letting up yeah um somebody's interested in locks for the lion main which typically we've done surrey which we don't carry um but you have also done fur do you know which yeah we switched in the supply pack to fur from surrey um i used camel irish and mink um i didn't go quite black i didn't do the panther um and then you can blend you can you can blend camel and irish together to get something sort of in between if you are looking for suri i would try felting farmer lady i think she's now that's lee charlton and she always keeps um locks on hand so that's sort of my if you're looking for a specific lock um i would i would go check her i send a lot of people her way when we don't have stuff is the rabbit eye um glass yes yeah both both of these have glass eyes do you want me to get the um the crow and the fox i'm sure people would want to they're right here yeah i'll grab them oh good rhonda i'm glad you got glad you got sorry from lee she has awesome awesome stuff and we just can't always keep the quantities that we need in stock okey-dokey is there a trick or a tip for working with locks without having um like the clumping part gets wasted um it's going to depend on the lock like some don't have any of that and some just do without the end yeah some locks are are nice and loose all the way through um and that that's part of the determination of a quality of a lock right so we have a huge range in lock um quality i guess because just depending on the sheep when it was shorn how old it is what breed it is it comes in we marcia has gotten very good at knowing which shepherds have have what um and we use the different quality locks for different things so we put our best locks into the fiber art bundles or sell them as individual you know two ounce bags and then we have a whole style of locks that we like to use for the fiber art locks and candy curls um then there's like hedgehog locks and you know we have different categories that oh and the nest locks are inexpensive because they're so plentiful because they're not the best they're not the best locks but when you're making a nest you can kind of pull stuff out and fuss with it and just get different textures you know okay so here's the um fox so these are they're they're in relief i mean they're really 3d but he just made an artistic decision about you know how they would be how they would be mounted and here's the raven he's a little dark let me see if i can get him to where he's in the light more i don't know so a big fan of malachi's malachi's work so cool how do we get neps to stay in landscape pieces if you're needle felting with naps good luck because they're going to stick on your needle i don't work with naps in needle felting joyce has joyce hazerlig i think she has some videos and lee has i just find it too frustrating because they clog up your clog up your needles um but i do use them in wet felting and have fun with them in wet felting and sometimes you know sometimes they really stick and sometimes they don't um i feel like the most success we had was in the frogs the doodle bugs and when we did the turtles um aaron butler showed us a technique where she she actually used a little bit of um silk over the naps which okay you're thinking naps are hard to stick and silk doesn't felt but somehow um because the necks have this little webbing around them like little wool webbing when you wet felted it thoroughly the silk got caught in that and if you used a contrasting color it pressed down between all the naps so particularly on the tortoises it made a really cool skin or the dragons mm-hmm so does it have a business name um house of felts house of felts yes and he's in the uk the ravensbeak i couldn't say exactly but it's not wool he might have used a sculpey or a paper clay we have a few questions about fur and what it is and also i think like a general people in europe um there were several questions about like outlets over there selling through amazon would we sell through dhd directly because of the fur and just the accessibility which is its own whole topic as far as shipping internationally and all of that okay so fur fur is um i was gonna say exclusive to us but somebody else could it's made for us and i designed it to to create a fiber that we could felt on using the fur technique so all of it's sticking off or you can blend it into shingling but it doesn't felt readily because there's no wool in it so it should it keeps the um the brush ability of the of the coat or tail or main or however however you're using it we did switch like i said the lion to fur um partly because it was hard for us to and messy for us to keep sourcing the surrey so in the kits we really like to have consistency and the fur gives us the ability to have consistency and we switch the bunny puff to the fur which actually is a complete joy because um working with the angora was tricky and sourcing the angora was tricky um so it's fluffy it doesn't quite have the weight that surrey has so we've had several inquiries lately about highland cows and that is definitely a a spot to use a mohair or a suri because it it has the lock ends it has the weight um when so before fur if i wanted to create a long hair look i'm really mainly turning to surrey and mohair and silk um sometimes sheep's locks you know depending on the look but i don't like to cr create fur with wool unless it's it's meant to be short and lay back and look kind of more smooth because it'll felt with with handling so when i make a project that is long hair like let's take the highland cow for example i'm just gonna walk through it from armature to to finish project because people email us they're like i'm making this what colors do i need and or what fiber do i need um i don't like to pick all the wool for you for your project because i want you as felters to explore what fiber is and how you like to use it and the tech you know the techniques that you like to use because everybody's different so when i build something basically i have my armature i'm wrapping it with core wool that's almost always my that is always my start if it has an armature then i'm adding shapes so body shapes um because at some point you have to stop wrapping and start adding shapes to put the wool where you want it to be still using core core just builds the project very easily and and quickly and efficiently so then i will turn to the head some people do the head first doesn't matter but i usually do wrap the whole thing and then build shapes on the body and then i'll turn to the head um and then those are detail shapes and depending on the shape it might be a combo of corn top coat um but i'll do the the base of the skull and everything in core and then as i get to brows and cheekbones and muzzles now i'm gonna start incorporating top coats and top coats can be merino they can be natural top coats you could use core only in your face because core is so short and fuzzy you're not fighting the length of the fiber because faces are usually you know smaller on your project and then there's the all the range of 40 colors of top coat that we have so any mix of these things then when i get into the pelt whether it's a pelt or the top coat of the animal or the fur let's just stick with the highland cow example i'm going to buy a coordinating core accent colors in core or top coat depending on how they're going to be used and then i'm going to buy a some type of fur whether it's fur surrey mohair you know some long fiber and i also want a long fiber wool top coat that coordinates with it so that it if in some places in transition from the face to the body um i can use the wool to transition to the fur and also if you end up shingling which you probably i almost always shingle there's few projects that i do like the full stick off fur technique and so when you shingle with fur or sorry or mo hair you want to have a little bit of you're going to have your your fur go onto your project and then you want to have a little bit of wool here and then you fold that over and felt it and so the wool is in there kind of getting blended in but keeping everything secure so the fur the direct fur is like the bunny puff where it just sticks off and poofs whereas shingling is more like um i think we have some newer people who are just asking the difference uh shingling i think a good example was the duckling mm-hmm yeah we shingled on we shingled on the penguins right we have two two layers of shingle on the penguins you could watch the songbirds the chicks the ducklings the penguins um it's it's it's putting on kind of a long for look like covering more ground and not if you do the okay let me back up i kind of break it down into three techniques direct felting which is what the little penguin's head is just stab stab stab just straight in if i were doing a short haired dog it would be all direct felting um four there's four okay i might add another one and then um there's the idea of a pelt so a pelt we do in the fox the raccoon the basket bunnies um maybe the donkey i can't remember if we direct felt on the donkey but anyway there's lots of videos that have a pelt and so the pelt is you're laying out almost like making an animal skin rug you felt that and then put it on your project and the pelt can have shingling in it and then shingling is taking a long bit of wool let me get my all right let's pretend that the silk is i have a cat being a over here okay let's pretend that the silk is the fur and that this top coat is my coordinated well it really is my coordinated top coat this is wool and the shingling is you put the fur against the project this is just a little penguin and then you you're going to put some wool in there and you're going to stab the center about one third of this like between where my fingers are so you've got some fluff here and you've got some fluff here and you stab stab stab and then you fold this over and stab and so now all you see is the fur all you see is the fur but everything's pointing you know in the direction that fur would go and i've just covered an inch and a half and i can do another one up here and cover the rest and have the have the look of fur without stabbing in tiny tubs of fur you know all the way up the whole project so that's shingling and then fur is when you take your fur your lock i use fur two ways i use it as a technique and i it's also the name of a product so the fur technique would be to take your long staple fiber felt it only in the center and have everything else stick off so some artists do this all over their entire animal and then trim it to have that furry furry look and sometimes we use a noodle in the center like a staple a few people have commented how wonderful paper directions would be in addition to the videos which if you ever want another tutorial again we're not going to do paper directions it would take us so much longer however i have heard people say um especially since we tend to comment like watch a tutorial first before you start a really good idea is to watch it and just jot down some notes of shapes fiber mounts like you could make notes for yourself and i've done it on projects that i want to make repeatedly so then i have like a little cheat sheet for myself so i don't have to go back that's a really watch the whole the whole tutorial again um yeah that would be a massive massive undertaking to try to put on to paper everything that's also on video for us yeah we always recommend watching the video first um i um sorry to disappoint but i am not well i never say never but i i have no plans to write out um techniques yeah with pictures i just actually started that way very first supply pack i put together was a sleepy mouse with written instructions um in like 2009 10. um i don't think we ever actually did anything with it and pretty quickly switch to videos um it's just uh yeah it's just it's just more efficient and i can convey verbally and visually um what is really hard to convey in photographs and writing without creating some huge right like a huge per per product because i think we you know even when we do something small we we try to use the best fiber the best techniques that we like my stuff's not simple you know what i mean like even though the penguins relatively small and simple beginner project um um we we you know we give you three fibers to blend together and i don't know like we like to we like to show you guys how to [Music] just whatever kind of skill we can embed into the project that's what we that's what we try to do um back to the international question uh we've looked into [Music] specifically more specifically the uk um idea of a distributor and uh the business when we were looking into it really wasn't ready for it um it becomes really complicated actually and we looked into freight um shipping like container shipping on ships and all kinds of stuff and basically my stuff is priced for sale here and i didn't you know if we price things for international sale whether we're shipping them to a distributor there or you guys are paying the vat tax or there's some sort of import fee however or just the shipping charges of you ordering from us however it's done it's going to be more expensive like there is no way around it um so at least not that i have figured out yet um so that's the report on that and we have to make some changes actually with the uk um because they're requiring us now to have an account um with her royal highness there's an acronym um we need an account with the queen and and we're supposed to now collect the vat tax so so when you buy from us you're going to pay the shipping and the tax rate then when you order um so things are changing right um and if you don't even understand it yeah and apparently the rest of europe is going to do that as well i know we were we were dissing the queen a little bit at first i'm like we don't have time for the queen um somebody commented that it was their first time live someone said it was their first time live and they recognized um the dog so the dog the dog voice oh hello everyone that was funny [Music] okay so using amazon that's another thing we looked into and we were hesitant to you know one of the things that we do feel we do very well and that we actually really enjoy is interacting with you guys and the customer service um and um it would felt a little it felt a little iffy um joining the amazon train in in that regard and also again this stuff's like it's complicated it takes a lot of time to figure out and um it's i actually really wanted to do it because i wanted to everybody goes to amazon and i wanted to be when they go to amazon looking for needle felting like i wanted to be there so i have looked into it um but um i for whatever reason dropped the ball and even if we do that oh then there's an inventory issue um people are like no amazon yuck the only issue is people who go to amazon and i shy i'm an amazon shopper um the fiber you get off of there is not good i mean generally i don't want this yeah on amazon but generally what we hear is it's it's not great so we had talked about just doing um even just one like intro kit or starter kit so people could get their hands on the off-white chunky core which is amazing you know when you when you use that compared to the stuff that's there it's a world of difference but we're doing our we're doing our thing so yeah so if you were like i love amazon no amazon it's okay we're not there's no amazon judgment either way here we don't um we use amazon at work a lot because we try to do something and we're like oh i don't have the usb to usbc connector that came same day that was a good amazon day so amazon does help us help you yeah um so yeah that's the international picture you know we're we want to um present ourselves as a um i don't know i was looking for an analogy it's a big company i mean we are in a way but we're not we're not we're not amazon we are sassy at the carter like um you know making kits and yeah yeah but we do we we do a good job because everybody at seraphina is super invested and dedicated and um like we love to be there and we love what we're doing and um it just it's a good it's a good it's a good crew yeah there were a couple questions about rewards so make sure you have a customer account with an email and a password every time you log in and place an order once your order ships um that amount will go into your rewards points you can find it by logging in clicking on my account and then in the choices there's a my rewards so you can go in there see how many rewards you have for every 100 points you can get a five dollar um gift certificate so the rewards turns into a gift certificate once you redeem it it sits on your account like a gift certificate um when you go to pay it'll automatically apply um the order that you place using rewards does not get rewards it's the way the system is coded so yeah if you're using ten dollars in rewards you may want to make a small order because if you do a 200 order 190 of that won't count towards future rewards um we've asked the web designers about that and you know what a variety of reasons that's the way it's coded with that i'm fine with like that's the way rewards programs work right you earn the rewards on your purchases and then on the purchase that you use the rewards you're not earning that doesn't count so just keep that in mind as you place in place an order using your rewards that the rest of that order does not apply to future rewards so as long as you're logged in um if you never knew about the rewards if you have an account and you're logging in you could have a lot of rewards sitting there um so click in and you can go in and redeem them i think you know always making sure you're logged in is good because you know other sites like when i online shop i noticed that i am pretty much always logged in i don't know how good our site is about like just keeping you keeping you logged in i think that's a web browser thing that you choose yeah um yeah whether to stay or not but definitely check and you may think you're logged in because your web browser remembers the fields but you're not actually logged in um but if you're logged in you'll have all your orders there you can refer to past orders if you're wondering what fiber you bought um i think that shipping is you know the tracking's in there and everything so it's it's best to have best to have an account um rhonda you just want to log in and then click on my account and in that my account there's a bunch of options and my rewards is there um liz send an email to admin at serafina fiber art as a reminder and i will check your order there were there was a question about transparent wings like how you would do wings on bees which we have in the tutorial we don't have clear wings yeah you're gonna have to turn to um another resource for that because i haven't made those i know there's a lot of products out there for very realistic transparent wings but i'm always just about seeing what i can do with wool so but i know i know they're they're out there i just don't have that um we do sell mugs if you use the little search box and put in mug it should it should show up i assume they're on the website where does that come from somebody else somebody asked the question do we sell the mugs um oh yeah there was a question about well definitely people are i think anxious about the feathers i have them right here a few questions about um certification oh okay all right um i have the feathers right here so i'll start with that i'm not gonna i'm not teaching any technique today um i just wanna show you the direction that we're headed um and i before i present the technique and um i want to get better at it and i also want to have everything that we need because it's going to be a few new products for us so i want to have everything that we need so that once you guys have the information um you can you can get what you need so um sabine and dalisa who are fellow felters came to me and were so excited over kind of sort of over the period of coveting 2020 they were um developing this technique and they sent me some feathers i will show you i think these are delisas but they got a very nice flat this one's black so it's a little hard to see um very thin flat pretty accurate you know accurate feather more so than anything that i have been able to do let me show you a blue one there's a teeny teeny tiny one here i'll show you [Music] and it's a fun process and you can have a ton of control like the lisa made this one it is tiny i mean it's the size of my fingernail um so you can really have very exacting results um my style is a little more like free form so i played with um with their technique and i made um let's see this i think this was one of the the first ones but it's fun to get some color changes um i've this was a little just a little bright colored one and i tried to control it a little more and do a specific um it's a blue jay oh i really liked my black one because i got and you're not gonna be able to see it but i got like a um i got a shine to it with um with silk there we go they're so cool in person yeah you can catch a little bit at the tip the teal yeah yeah and then i went bigger oh and then i made so you can also use it um for a 3d so this is a fox tail um so it's real real fluffy i didn't blend my fiber very well that's why it's kind of like a little chunky looking but um yeah it's just got a ton of potential so then i took the technique and i changed it a little bit for larger i didn't change it i just did something built upon it inspired by them um for larger feathers um and i made the next ones that i made were or these so it's really fun because not only is building the actual feather fun this one's like super super fluffy um but then once the feather is built you get to groom it and iron it and trim it and kind of like fuss with it and play with it and you can really i mean i feel like we're at the tip of the iceberg um delisa made some peacock feathers using the technique but um kind of like taking the same kind of technique but then turning it so that you can get that round um spot um so it's it's gonna be it's really exciting um it's not particularly it's not speedy but i really enjoy the process very much so it's kind of a joy to to make to make them um i have a book and it had a pheasant feather so i kind of tried to emulate that and then the peacock feathers i'm still i'm still like i'm pretty happy with it but um i don't know i got some i've got some work to do there there's some questions about how they would be attached and some questions about the spines [Music] yeah yeah still you know all still in development basically you know i haven't built anything with these i've just been just been making feathers um the spine is um the spine techniques once the feathers finished is still i still want to kind of play with that and see what the options are there um so that's what we've got um it's going to be there's a a tool that's very helpful that we're also want to have made so there's some stuff that's got to come together but um we wanted to share it and let you know that it's in development yeah we often get questions about feathers and it's something yeah you've been wanting to really yeah it's figure out for a long time yeah it's been stumping me for a long time so i really i was really excited that sabine and lisa shared their what they had discovered with me it was um it was a really really cool thing that they did so yeah um what was the there was two parts to that feather to the feather um no oh oh certification program um we um have been a little bit delayed by the weather but we really have made it a point to um focus on that so i'm pleased so far with with what we've got and we're refining the details and we are um trying to present the information in the most um fun and helpful and thorough way so it's it's it's coming yeah um there will be the way that i think the way that we're thinking it will work and we're still gonna um we still need to um consider everything and um iron these details out but that there's gonna be a page on the website that just says you know seraphina certified instructor curriculum and you would go to that page and it would have some information for you but basically you would need to inquire to receive the full amount of information because um it's as soon as we start explaining what you're getting what we get like it's we want to protect that a little bit because it's it's just a lot of information um so yeah so it'll be we'll make a probably the plan is to make a youtube video that um that also introduces it and explains a little bit about it there will be an application process and that will involve meetings to meetings with me and there's kind of a list of requirements which you'll get when you inquire so you know whether you are ready or want to apply and then once you go through the program and you're certified there will be a lot of benefits terms of supplies and um [Music] uh kind of like us sharing everything that we pretty much everything that we've learned aside from we're not we're not tackling the live um the program yeah the program is meant for in-person instruction so the certification really is for people who want to teach and make a their own business of fiji yeah there are a few well people are asking about the brown hair oh we can always everyone wants to know no the brown hair tutorial everyone oh that's so funny more brown um someone did ask like a general question about university and just that that level um of instruction i think if someone's new and they're not sure about purchasing you know yeah so we a huge proportion of our projects and tutorials are free on youtube um they're also in a very organized way on our website on the tutorials page the free tutorials page so you can go from not knowing how to felt at all to a level four filter for free um just using the tutorials you know when you're getting started it's nice to use the supply packs because they have everything you need you don't have to figure it out or guess or um but nothing no purchase is required to watch and use the tutorials then we have a level so before we opened the annex the new online learning platform we created videos that were for sale um that you had to purchase so they're like upper level and we called those felting university um and they were like 45 or 48 or something somewhere in there then when covid came and i started doing online teaching via zoom i learned so much from that and i was able to i realized that there's so much more um material and input and visual aids and information that can go into an advanced tutorial and so when we open the annex now we have this platform to do that so the felton university tutorials right now we have the dragon i think is the only one is is 95 i think i'm getting that right so the price went up um because what you're getting is a lot more involved and then the but all of the older felting university tutorials are also available yes the bear the wolf the lion and those we do encourage people to get on the annex if you're able to get it digitally um that's the way i saw someone just ask when the dvds would be available we are not going to be burning dvds anymore with the newer material um we can't you get reference material you get printable like downloadable um the dragon you get like a layout on how to um lay out your piece to wet felt there's a ton of extra information so we are moving away from dvds um we do have an option that i i need to set up when all the dvds are actually gone if you have horrible internet access and you need it physically we we have an sd card that you'd be able to order on the website but pretty much if you're interested in any of the university tutorials you're going to want to go to the annex and download it if you can yeah yeah that's okay and the horse is um uh a phfd which is the next level which is what the elephant is as well so these are these are really like more complex larger projects um and the horse is one for 145 i don't know in that range so yeah and these take a lot longer for me to pull together um uh teaching so the next kind of the next one that's slated is the hound slash dog um and i just had a fun conversation with my stepmom patients who shows dogs and um there's a wealth of knowledge and the more i got into the dogs the dog breeds the dog characteristics the more i was like oh my gosh this is huge i want to give i want to at least touch on everything um someone just asked about the moose um what happened to the moose yeah what happened to the brown hair loose is in the works you know i i do um i do uh have it's only me well and the seraphina crew but like i do have way more ideas than i have time so i apologize for for putting stuff out there that's uh that's not at hand yet but um i don't know i'd rather be that way than then uh i don't know what to call it anyway they're all i think you know i really i we've been talking about the certification for so long and it all of the pieces came together and so i'm really concentrating on that which does put a hamper on the tutorials being developed well in two weeks of snow has us two weeks behind in filming because we're almost halfway through i think certification yeah so the annex the annex is its own site you will have a profile you will have a different password it is not it it links from seraphina fiber art website but you are entering a new domain so yes you have a different password um you'll have a profile and then as you add to your it's called your library as you add to your learning library they all everything will stay there and be there for you forever yeah um i had another thought uh oh so the good news is we we see a lot of new filters which is like super exciting and there's a ton of tutorials already established and the new ones that we're making like we're just getting better and better at doing it so um yeah so there's a lot to look forward to and to build build upon and i'm i'm having fun right now like i miss teaching workshops but i'm really having fun diving deeper into these more complex advanced um tutorials because there are so many of you that have you know that are ready for more detail or or more challenges or um so i think it's been it's been a really interesting year for sure an unplanned um direction but a really good a really good direction [Laughter] so she needs to tattoo it could be the same password as our website technically it's just it's a it's an additional login you can make yeah it can be the same one it's just you have to create that it doesn't link together you have to create that account so yeah um somebody did ask for a fiber fairy fiber recap for anyone maybe more recently joined today is about some nice bright colors and we've got um a bundle of uh um grapes skye and snappy core this makes me want to make i mean i realize we're beyond the season but this makes me want to make elves yeah and then um kiwi petunia and um pomegranate top coat i might forgive my bundle it's been unbundled so it's it's a mess and then 24 inches each of um sky mulberry silk sunrise sunrise sorry um you're fine i wouldn't know i just wrote it down so all right well tell me what these are then sage and powder asian powder tessa is it such a bad bad look that i i don't have every we've added so much there's a lot of there's a lot of fiber yeah um so on the new kind of what's new front definitely with the feathers will come some some new stuff um 2019 into 2020 was a huge fiber revamp for us um oh i forgot about the catalog another big idea that's another big idea was a beautiful color catalog that could double as your fiberfield guide um but yeah it's going to get that's probably going to get pushed pushed um the tiers again were 25 45 and 65. someone said would we consider letting people know ahead of time ish what the tears are so they can plan their cart accordingly generally the next one coming is our large one so i like the large heifer international big spring one so all we'll say is it would probably would be probably a higher yeah i don't know i like to surprise you guys i don't i don't like to keep you on your toes yeah like it's kind of meant to be like a i don't know i i i i'm not the shopper so maybe i would totally be annoyed not knowing but it started out as a surprise like look when you purchase today you're getting this this and that's right that's just the way we've gone the march um fiber fairy like kyla said is going to be um is going to be huge and there's there's no catalog someone said there's a catalog there's an idea it's yet another idea project um the good news is everything that we do is um fun and exciting we just have too much to do um i can tell you that the march fiber fairy is going to be different in that um the supplies that are coming to you as the fiber fairy giveaway are going to be for a felt along uh three weeks later so that's kind of a fun well we'll see how fun it is but i thought maybe it would be a fun a fun twist sniper fairy your mother the fiber fairy looks a lot like kyla's mother actually yes it was absolutely beautiful and um and it wasn't planned that way maybe i just had her in my um in my thoughts okay so if you the fiber fairy um doesn't doesn't build beyond the top tier so if you spend 135 dollars you're still getting the three items yeah did you do that math that's quick math no someone just doubled oh oh did you do a quick double of the my math is slower than that oh i did not do any math i just came up with a number well that was good because that would be a double of the 65 yes yes don't get two fiber fairies you only get one oh my gosh we would just we would not be able to prepare for a fiber fairy if that's the way it worked um our needles are not color-coded um sorry i just i just said that you can nail polish the tips if you want i know there's some really awesome like red and they have that like rubbery stuff on top i gotta pick my battles um amy for the fiber fair you want to put fff in your comments and if you feel like you didn't shoot an email really quick to admin at seraphina five art and i can put it on there ooh excitement about the felt along it's gonna be a fun one yeah it's gonna be a fun one for sure i was i was just thinking about oh so bad i i will try very hard to get the brown hair out maybe maybe this spring i'm saying it i'm saying it so that i have to do it it's ready i mean it's not a kit yet but right the project is developed it's really so similar to the snow hair we almost made it one tutorial but they're different enough yeah um question about the kit fibers the well there was a question about what people could do with the current tiers with today's offer i didn't i didn't prepare a project for today's offer like i said we just wanted to get color um if you look at the fiber fairy pictures there's a snail there's the flowers these fibers could be used towards lots of the projects that we already have elves doodlebugs you know anything on the color on the color front um someone asked how to determine what fibers are in the kit we um we don't we don't label and list everything in the kit because to us that's like a recipe um that we created so but i do usually say what everything is as i start the tutorial um if i don't do it specifically i'm sure i don't do it specifically right name by name but you see which colors are yeah you see which colors and also because the kit contents have to change sometimes we can't get something anymore or you know it we do have to change them um and you can work on your fiber field guide that will help you assess what you have and begin to learn the colors and the fibers see you can actually staple a section to the fiber field guide the fiberfield guide is free um i think it's in the tools section kyla uh yes i believe it's fairly updated right now so i mean it's all the new merinos it has the silks um all the new core the new natural stuff so um yeah that's just that's that's just the way it works and then you know the more you do the more familiar you will become with the fibers and you'll you'll know at least if it's not exactly the same as the kit you know what you need and that's the other thing there's about 100 ways to approach the same i'm just for the kids i'm just making choices you know based on what we have what's efficient what what you know what we can get a lot of what is going to be consistent so um like the penguins for example they can be made with any gray top coat you know um we used three different merinos but um they could be made with baby alpaca so i'm texting jennifer to see if she can add more field guides oh okay apparently they're out of stock okay we should have a bunch somebody asked if you can teach how to make a milo so they can have their own that's a no [Laughter] we have stayed away from the um puppet tutorial in general um well not stayed away from it but just it hasn't been high on that on the priority list yeah but no milo is a one-off he needs a he needs an update he's gonna be perfect he's perfect all right jennifer's gonna hopefully add more field guides milo as long as we have i think we have a big a big box still sitting there okay good does wool fiber deteriorate with time um no can last a very long time i mean moths are definitely the enemy that will destroy well pretty quickly but wool is amazing i mean it holds up it's it's strong it's antibacterial it's it's fire resistant um that's why it's used so much and sheep are so miraculous it's um i mean i think there's if you think about the um the stife figures i think they're made out of mohair um but there's a lot of antique wool items it's really the moths that you have to um prevent so whole beards lisad milo v3 i know version three yeah it's gonna be interesting and there's always we're gonna get a lot of flack what happened what happened to milo until you watched the original one and it's like so there's been some conversations lately about um how firmly to felt does anyone want to talk about that i i just uh oh my sister's finally calling me back um oh the updated pony yes definitely some of the old videos i would love to eliminate and update um the pony was one of the one of the first things i mean yeah there was a handful of things that i made and sold on basket bunnies ponies foxes um there were definitely some early projects that like are dear to me so the pony yeah the pony revamp would be good i missed the original one he's still hanging around uh what fellows were asked about purses i i've never made a purse it's not really my thing so i'm not really the person the person to um help you with that unfortunately but there are a ton of like really good wet felters and i'm sure there's tutorials out there um as far as fiber merino really if you're gonna be wet felting is your best option but in terms of like actually constructing a right right purse there are no children's books left the fiber fairy that gave them away was sort of to to clear them out and it worked um okay firmness i just want to touch on this um i um i okay i'm just trying to think where to start i my things are they hold up very well like the fiber fairy has been around for a long time um there's just there was some talk about things not being felted enough and not be not holding up or being good quality and there is no basis for that whatsoever so the only thing that you need to do is felt to the degree that works for your sculpture like when i teach a workshop i definitely have people who are not wrapping tight enough or not making their shape firmly enough and things don't end up not anchored and you can't build the build the sculpture properly but that's just technique that's just understanding how firm a shape needs to be and how it needs to get anchored into the wrapped armature and you know this is according to the way that i develop projects um and then i have people who were making a shape for example to put on a head and they overfelt it and now it won't attach to the head because it's already all the way felted so there's no sculpting it in place um and they're like why won't this attach you know so it's there's no right or wrong it's just what works for the techniques you're using the look you want and the feel you want i like my things to feel like the real thing would feel like i want them to be furry or have give or softness or um i want them to have flexibility um i want them to have the character of the wool that's the whole joy in it for me um and so my things have to me that has a little more life like i feel that you can overstab the very energy out of something but for someone else to them the goodness is is to control it and to have perfection you know and to to work it until it's perfectly smooth or perfectly consistent or they don't like the anything that's not dictated i don't know how to put it but it's just it's just preference in terms of your technique um you're going to develop it like if you're just getting started and you don't know right now you're going to develop it but in the tutorials i really try to explain how thoroughly something is felted in the tutorials i'm working real time um sometimes i do stab more you know after the fact but i'm working only a little really tiny bit yeah so you know what you see me doing is how much i stabbed something um you're rapping though which people need to keep in mind when you wrap you really get a lot of your permits from solid wrapping in my technique um the wrapping the development of the wrapping and my skill the development of my skill and wrapping has been huge because i can wrap an armature firmly with very little felting to a pretty far degree and that's just a huge time saver um so if you don't wrap firmly and then you try to felt into that it's it's squishy it's not holding its base so if i i'm really just trying to approach it like like a live being so the armature being um bone the shapes being muscle and the top coat being skin or fur um and and and comparable in feel also so we talk about a bagel because everybody knows has a bagel you know like it's a definite shape it has a skin but you can squish it you don't want that stale bagel or i mean i talk about like my forearm like you know parts of my forearm are bony parts of my sculpture are bony and other parts like the belly are going to be um softer so it's a little squishy so i'm i'm i'm basically saying there's no wrong or right and that anything goes but at the same time what is right is that your piece has integrity um and and the look that you want and that you're you're happy with right well and if it's not felted enough or wrapped firmly enough they're not going to be successful because the pieces aren't going to come together work together and if it's if it's too hard or rock solid then you're not gonna yeah so there's no right or wrong but there sort of is that large in between area of yeah it's got a it's it's the technique working that's the right like the technique right so my approach is kind of like sculpture where all right your sculpture might have an armature then you're going to build out like let's say you're sculpting a face you're going to build out the hard you know the points um the bridge of the nose the cheekbone the chin and then you're going to take pieces of clay and like roll them in your hand and you know put them into place and then you take your fingers and you you push it around and you sculpt you might even kind of carve out a little bit and that's making the wool shape putting it on to the sculpture and the direction that you stab um so i talked a lot late more recently about soft pillows versus a wrap shape which is firmer and so yeah it's all just refinement and and you will build build build on your abilities and techniques um somebody somebody asked if there was a um trick to wrapping they can't ever seem to wrap tight enough and i think a lot of that is your hand placement how you hold the wool yeah there is there is um there's a couple of things so i'm just looking to see if i have i do have a pen or something right here one second okay oh i didn't even have to get up so one thing that i have discovered is that the movement of wrapping away from yourself does seem to work better pretty consistently for everyone across the board so i do encourage you to develop that habit so which means when you come around um when i bring the fiber around i'm going away from my i'm going away from myself if i put it so that i can't even do it uh so that i'm coming towards myself a couple of things i lose my i can't come around and still have a grip on it without switching my hand well i could do that i can do that but then also i'm coming at me so i don't have the freedom of going away there's nothing out here so i can just rap as i need to um if you want it to be really tight you want to keep your hands very close together you don't want to be out here going like this because you can't if you pull on it it's going to break but if you keep your hands really close together you can pull as hard as you want and it will not come apart i mean i am putting a lot of force on that um i'm pulling as hard as i can and you just keep it like a ribbon and one thing that i've noticed that i do without thinking much now is i try to end with a really wispy piece so that when i end i just keep smoothing those fibers around and they i shouldn't have used a green pencil with green wool they just become um they just they want to stick the wool wants to stick and they just become one whereas if you end with like a more of a blunt chunk it's hard to get that to stay in place and to look smooth so as you get towards the end of your wrap get in the habit of kind of drafting um drafting is when you take fiber that's more chunky like this and you pull the fibers slightly and evenly out and so you end up with a thinner thinner piece versus this so get in the habit of just drafting that very end out and your your wrap will end very smoothly some of the beginner tutorials that we've more recently filmed um are are great for anyone new who's really interested in um watching your techniques i think you go through them a little a little more slowly yeah like the penguin in particular you taught very much for beginners um so that i think in the beginning of our filming history i wasn't as conscientious or conscious of of conveying that like i just i just did it and i you know and i wasn't even as good at it then i just didn't realize that it was um you know needed more kind of explanation i guess people are saying the figure eight i too get lost in the figure eight the over um but watch it try it a couple times it gets it gets to be somewhat natural yeah so someone wants to know about going to the end and back up so i'm gonna go to the end of my pencil the cat's being so weird and so because i'm wrapping in this direction there's an angle to the wrap right that goes this way all right so this got loose because i let go of it um so to turn around right away i can't just go around here right away i want to angle back the other way so in that one move in that one wrap you angled back yeah yeah and whether you're wrapping a tool or the end of a wire that that like locks down your fiber on that end the tip of the fingers that's always a tricky one i struggle with the tip of yeah yeah swax helps having melted slacks or tacky wrap on your thin wire and also make sure you don't use too much wool because it'll get away from you i think i can show the figure eight so the idea of the figure eight is to fill a space or to build the wool you could figure eight on a straight wire and it's going to build a little knob in one place if you just went straight it's gonna wanna just slip but because i'm figurating every time i change direction it locks it down onto that onto that bump that's how we do the pony knees and the goat knees we figure eight a thin piece of wire in one place uh wool not where the other way to use it so that's a way to wrap but not just have a log to like create a shape through wrapping um the other way that we use it is to fill a space so um so i want to fill this corner if i just wrap wrap wrap i'm just going to end up with a big weird like bent pencil look but if i figure eight i'm gonna fill in this um i'm gonna fill in this corner and that's how we do hawks and heads i just had to get my wool going so what i'm going to do is wrap here i'm trying to find the the best background wrap the back of the wire and the top of the wire and not touch the corner so i'm wrapping the back and then i'm wrapping the top and then i'm wrapping the back and i'm wrapping the top and i just keep moving away from the corner this is a little sloppy because and it's building into this triangle yeah filled in that triangle and didn't put very much here at all so that's what the figure eight is for it's great for use it to make hawks build out a joint build up look and we have a head that's that's bent like we did it on the penguin yeah was that a feather wire i wondered where he had a wire an upside down feather [Music] yeah the band-aid on the tip of the finger is is really the um that lock down that turn around because you're going this way and then you come around and you go the other way and it it it holds that band-aid onto the tip of your finger better than if you just went straight around you don't want to twist the wool with the figure eight you still keep it as that flat ribbon generally you don't want the wool twisting any time you're wrapping you want it a little different on the figure eight because you can do the figure eight without it's it's a little hard to describe but you can do the figure eight without flipping the wool around as you would when you regularly wrap um someone asked can i show a chest wrap i don't have what i need here um to i don't have an armature to do that on but it's in pretty much every single video that we've made hey buddy i've been sneaking up to check it out oh he's sneaking up to get a drink from the bar uh refrigerator too funny somebody asked earlier which bat for a black horse so if you if you look up horse coat um on the website you'll see all the different colors i forget what we called it seal brown maybe we called it but it is not black so if you um if you want black black then i would use um your trouble i would use um like a core merino mix or something someone's asking with a for the horse course does the rhone horse barty's body start with dark then light over the top i don't know horses i don't even know yeah i don't i don't exactly remember what i did but i did use a technique of i think i used the chestnut um or deeper color underneath then put the silver on top and then reverse needled out the dark on the road um there's a lot yeah i think that's what i did and there's a lot of ways to approach it the reverse needle i've been using so much it's so much fun and i'm not necessarily using it to fuzz things i'm using it as a technique to to disrupt something or pull a color out that it you know stab back in to make a spot or um it's great for faces because um uh you can if you get a line or a weird color blend you can pull it out and stab it back in and when you are adding a skin like something on the dragons it's helpful because it pulls out the fiber that's underneath and you stick it back in and now it's it's easier to lock it on because the skin's wet felted so someone said that cat is so lifelike oh my gosh that's itty bitty kitty she's she's i woke up the other day and i heard this like weird i knew it was a cat but it wasn't a meow it was just like and i um opened my armoire door and she had been sleeping in there i had shut her in there um reverse needles i was thinking i don't know lost my train of thought uh somebody's asking the um like the power tax versus swags we have a blog link on the website and there is one blog it's probably the last one that's posted um that goes through beeswax you smooth tacky wrap swags like all the different products and what what we found they're good for that's a really if you're new to all the there's there's a lot with all the different wax things so yeah um i can i can talk about the chest a little bit i think because it's always the same but the left-handed right-handed thing makes it a little extra difficult to interpret the motion uh but basically i start i'm going to just use myself i start by going around the body but you're making you're making like two bandoliers so when i come around the body like let's say i'm going that way then i'm gonna come around the back and i'm gonna come up over this shoulder and cross and go under this armpit then i have to go around the body again and come up here and now i'm going to go over did i just do the same shoulder you're making an x right here so there's no wrapping around the arms or neck um it's a bit around the body behind the neck and then the x comes over the shoulder and under an armpit and you have to go around and then it goes over a shoulder and under the armpit so this has been fun it's my favorite thing to talk about all these things yeah it's been a while yeah the majestics the dreaded tiny toes and chest decks it's true does a cat ever eat your wool yeah the animals like fiber yeah you have a cat or a dog that's interested one of my cats ate one of my they didn't eat it they just tore apart one of my wool ornaments this year but i don't know if my animals are so inundated with it i do put like my chickadee um and malachi's pieces i actually have to remember like i do put them up away from where the cats can reach them because they're very precious to me but um uh the dogs don't really mess with it anymore you know the dogs don't mess with it and but i i definitely uh i made something for one of my girlfriends this christmas and she got it and like within an hour her dog they do especially if they're not around it i think they are just like super interesting yeah yeah cows cow would be fun what happened to milo's sidekick from the time ferris is hanging around ferris is around we need to revive ferris if you are brand new and you get this fiber fairy offer you'll get some core wool um with the first here and that is great if you're brand new to it the core and the top the silk is a little more like figure out what to do with it um unless you're wet felting but and if you're not sure what to order the off-white chunky core is awesome and any beginner level one supply pack is a great place to start that gets you really a feel for the different kinds of fiber and going through a project and seeing how you use each of it is a great way to learn um yeah when you wrap i'm trying to think if there's a situation that you can wrap too tightly there's a couple of techniques that i do towards the end on like the flank where i'm keeping my ribbon wider and i'm using it more as a way to bring things together rather than you know just wrapping the arm the armature so there are times when i wrap a little more gently but if you wrap tightly i can't think of a time that you can wrap too tightly and when you wrap tightly and if you can taper your end and smooth it in yeah without stabbing it might be hard to get the wool back off the wool really has its own energy and it it wants to stick to itself especially the better um fiber for felting like the off-white chunky core um is so great for building up uh bulk and making shapes um so yeah sometimes i'll make something and i'm like ah that wasn't right and i'll try to take it apart and you can you know it's hard to you'll probably mess up the piece sometimes you can but i can't seem to make the seals front flippers um i think they're a triangle the fiber has to be going horizontally um it's the same as a bunny ear or there's a lot of shapes that we make where the fiber needs to be laid horizontally and then you stab down the center and and and fold the sides in and then once you've done that then you can kind of shape the ear or the flipper more uh with felting but i don't know if that's helpful or not it's hard to say what's uh what's going on um yeah if you were making a pony could you skip the pipe cleaner and just use the tacky wrap on the wall sorry on the wire mm-hmm i did that on the um yeah and i don't love it it's a little it's still a little slippery um i feel like the the pony it's just use i would before i did that i would try wrapping tightly with less wool and when you have the pipe cleaner wrapping around the armature if when you come around with your wool you can overlap the bulk of it in between the pipe cleaner you really can smooth out that it won't look as bumpy whereas if you if you think about kind of putting the wool between the pipe cleaner wraps um also keep your pipe cleaner moving along like don't wrap it like soup don't coil it like a spring around the wire just have it have it move down um [Laughter] and asked so in in 2012 um i had an etsy shop and all my felting was at home and it's like all i did i just ate and felt it gained a lot of weight oh i was so infatuated i loved it so much i i really like now with having the business like the huge variety of things that need to be done um that's really fun for me because i unless i'm making art i do have a hard time staying focused and concentrating um so i like as much as i love felting i do like you know the other um tasks that are at hand at work and um kind of having a choice of like okay am i concentrating on a drawing today developing a project just answering correspondence but um it's been a while since i've become obsessed with something but i think if i were to do a big project i would you have to become a little bit obsessed to to tackle you know tackle something like that so question about the teacher certification level and a few people asked where it would be available it's going to be all online so internationally as long as you have an internet connection um you'd be able to um access that and level pretty much as like your level five like you're doing the big projects yeah yeah it's it's there might be a little bit of wiggle room but the application um requires some university level projects to show me and some um of your own original projects that you've developed um so i taught when i was less experienced but in terms of so it's not a matter of saying like you know you you know you have to all know all of this um to teach you don't but in terms of us um doing this program there is a there is a requirement so because we're you know we're entering a uh needle-felting relationship with the instructors and so we just want everybody to be at a certain place with it and and it's and it's really about familiarity too with our tools and techniques um because that's what um we hope that you will be working with so um someone asked is it easier to learn from an actual animal or like an artist's rendition of i guess when you're oh yeah i mean i i use both i just you know when people come to do the 2d i ask that they work from a photograph and not someone else's art i guess because that artist already made decisions um but i make artist renditions for the universities and it's great because i can i can control what i'm showing and they're more they're more like illustrations than um you know than like a painting of a dog or a horse or whatever as far as actually trying to get proportions and features right you definitely want to be looking at actual it depends on it depends on the artist like so for the horse course i illustrated a horse in profile and it has on it all the head relative proportions so that's you know really useful um and you know a photograph might have a tip an angle to it that you know all those weird angles are helpful because we're doing 3d but um i i would say it doesn't it doesn't matter as long as the drawing is helpful and accurate yeah i'm just reading comments um we don't sell eyes um a needle felt my eyes i did um look into some glass eyes and the they're handmade they're beautiful but they're generally larger than what i need so i never followed up with it but um can you use wool felt not pre-felt for 2d so i guess like fully felted bowl if you were stabbing directly into it you could you wouldn't be able to wet felt easily into that right right yes right right i mean wool felt and pre-felt is like so many different things you know it's hard to say what exactly something is um there's non-woven felt woven felt nitfelt wet felt i don't want to jinx anything but we're like an hour and 45 minutes in with no technical or difficulties i think we're winding down you sell top coat and top coat samplers um the samplers is just light colors put together so it's the same 40 uh 40 top coat colors just available by color family i think streaming via youtube has a little less like i feel like we would often get frozen after a while like started to get angry with us oh did you put the link on facebook i did okay when we started yeah i did not uh yeah this has been fun and i'm i'm pretty happy that i didn't get in my freezing cold car and have to dig out my gate oh oh we shoveled last night it was brutal yeah you said that snowed but then it had sleeted so it was thick and heavy and it was something yeah um okay anything else before we go to spit it out get it out that's what we're here for trying to think if i have any other tammy you have a good plan for a turtle start with the skeleton wet felt the shell oh daario levoski made the made the chickadee yeah i had mentioned that earlier she's one of my i think one of my favorites and i'm not sure i'm embarrassed i can't remember where she is israel maybe i think so yeah laura's saying i meant are top coat samplers and top samplers the same type of fiber um what's in our i'm thinking of the top coat but i can't think of what else we have as a sampler [Music] that's also called top uh any chance of getting the red old world santa bat back i'm just gonna ignore that question i can't think of what else is a sampler that would be do we put something else as a sampler i didn't think so i think it's just top coat uh yeah was there a reason the old world santa bats the red not that i couldn't out of stock might be out of stock i mean has it been out of stock for a while i think well someone asked before and then the question got away from me that they've been watching the site for a while so i don't know i don't know why yeah i'm so i'm not uh yeah i'm not sure either bring in any bells for me so i'll have to talk to sassy she'll know okay one more time before we go can you show the three bundles of fiber 25 45 65. this is your core bundle three colors this is your top coat bundle which i have now desecrated also three colors an ounce and a half and then uh 24 inches each of three colors of silk which comes to about an ounce so we have romney top samplers and top coat samplers both of which are top coats romney's just a different type of fiber oh the romney okay yeah yeah they're different two different fiber families um i've never used an electric filter i think i don't think it would really work for me i like to stab deeply and and i don't think they do i i i can't really say because i've never used one and i also think i don't want the electric and the noise and it just makes it kind of a different thing i think for me but i've never tried it so i'm not knocking it i'm just saying i have never tried it what's the closest horse color to sorrel um chestnut you know i made the chestnut a little lighter because we also have the liver chestnut um but probably mixing chestnut with palumino it just depends the sorrels can be anywhere from kind of a palomino color to a chestnut color um such a huge range in horse i mean infinite really range in horse colors so the nice thing about the horse coats is they can be further blended to to make other ones make more yeah there's a question about magically getting proportions right when trying to figure out new armatures yeah i think just continuing to try yeah she she's always trying to make armatures for different animals which is good for you that's awesome sometimes they work sometimes they don't i get it wrong you know i i usually start with something that's similar like i'll look at let me think uh you know like if you know it's gonna be about the size of a fox for example about those proportions then i look at the fox wire lengths and that's where i start and um or i make a drawing and um to the scale that i want the project to be and then i actually just like i'll just do a profile like the horse let's say and then i just draw the armature inside the drawing and then i measure that so i know that the head neck and forearms added together doubled as the first wire you know [Music] looking at skeletons helps a lot if you look at a raccoon skeleton you can look and say okay is the femur bone the same distance as the whatever the bone is um from the knee to the hock you know like you can you can you could take a ruler or a pencil or piece of wire and actually compare things and know you know the neck equals the same length as the skull or um you know the the height of the withers is the same as the length of the back that kind of stuff um [Music] yeah i do like the crunch as well i do i like the whole process of needle felting someone asked about reverse versus twist star triangle twist those are the style of the needle tip and then those can be different gauges and we don't not every gauge is made in every way but um so you got the gauge and then you have the tip style so i believe the reverse is not it's not a twist i don't know whether it's a star or a triangle but um um we we do have a store we're closed at the moment um we never reopened from closing for kovid and we currently don't have our products in our store um it's empty and we have a bunch of tables and a bunch of live streaming equipment in there so um yeah paul beardsley asked is there a feather tool he missed the opening so i guess he missed our there will be he missed our feather chat yeah there will be um it's not it's not ready it's not i'm not it didn't reveal any reveal anything you can see the corner of it in some pictures but um yeah it's all being further developed um okay so i think we're i think so i'm trying to answer something yeah thank you for thank you for doing that i'm just like not paying attention so but i am armature wire gauge identifier oh boy i mean you could make something you know if you get some 14 some 12 you could make a little chart for yourself with a little sample of each another thing that's nice if if you start making bigger things you can twist two or three 14s together or a 14 and a 12 or and you can keep those to see how they feel um if you're kind of branching out into something bigger um but no i mean i i can tell a 14 from a 12 just because those are the two that we use all the time but um i would i would make yourself a sample when you get your things in kind of like the fiber field guide make yourself a little wire wire guide sometimes it's a little hard to tell between the 22 the 26 and the 32. yeah all right well thank you everyone for being good it was nice to see lots of new people and a lot of familiar names on here and thank you john for helping us uh pull each other together and um yeah zoom onto youtube and keep us in the comfort of our homes yeah there he is i tell john he's indispensable now all right well thank you everybody everybody just um i look forward to our next visit and um we'll keep you posted via fanfare and the newsletters if you haven't signed up to get the newsletter you know we if we've got some important news we shoot out a newsletter um seraphina fiber art is the facebook business page and with that we also use that because everybody can see it because it's public and serafina felting fanfare is the facebook group and that is a um you know a place where you guys can ask questions and share your work and see what other people are doing so i believe if you didn't have a facebook account you used to be able to see our business page and we're hearing now that you can't see it without a facebook account so that is why we went ahead and sent the um fiber fairy with the newsletter we haven't done that in the past but our plan is to do that and in the future we'll be linking in our in our group and on our page um the youtube stream but we'll probably be streaming live on youtube so those of you who are not on facebook or not on social media um still have a opportunity to connect so yeah that's definitely gonna um switch to more including more newsletters um with the information so oh my gosh you guys are the best i'm looking at the um i'm looking at the thank yous and you guys are awesome and you do you make work an absolute dream so we will see you um we'll see you again soon yep hey john you're gonna be there we don't know how to turn this thing
Channel: Sarafina Fiber Art
Views: 6,080
Rating: 4.9520001 out of 5
Keywords: Fiber Fairy Friday, Felting, Needle felting, giveaway
Id: YWDBcL1Lzmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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