How to Needle Felt Cats Part Four: Face, Pelt and Finishing

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[Music] stabbing stabbing stabbing okay the two eyes are starting to yeah this isn't good yeah that's good I'm also going to put a black line to define the mouth and then I'm going to decide I feel like this muzzle side is a little Envy but maybe not like I might put a little piece on here to make these a little more round but I really want to get this little point up right here and maybe there's a tiny bit in this line here it's not real strong this you could take a little bit up one side and nose and a little bit up the other you like what you see there first looks like a cat Harrison insurance and then we're gonna come down and then back up and then how far back is the question looking at it a reference picture I would like to see a profile first we take profile in there for me okay you can get your finger story work those paws ferrets that's impressive yeah I'm taking the mouth all the way back to under the eye yeah I think that's about right like under that cheekbone that little turn up that is one of the cat-like details now the nose looks big because the pink goes back too far so I'm going to put a little bit of dark right on the top of the nose here so what kind of sports car does a cat drive I don't know hey he's a tough man a Ferrari oh that's a great one well I'm gonna have a sports car someday in Serafina blue maybe what do I want do anymore brow I don't think so but I do want to get the black line under the eye and then so the black rim which it's not I don't think it's the eyeball I think it's the eyelid this one just needs a little bit because it already was black there's a lot of little details this is this is this is the way they are this is this is what it is and then I want a little light line I'm gonna use the on to the off-white it's real easy to control and it's not quite as bright as the the Serafina white that's going out side of the black line yeah it's meant to look like you have a little bit of this coloring on their faces but it looks a little I'm sorry I got my head I'm pretty roomed okay and then do I want a little bit of dart here I think I do I'm just blending a couple colors and I'm gonna let the fringe fan out so that as it goes back it kind of blends into this gray that's back here so you're using a pen tool but it only has two needles if you have a three needle pen tool you're gonna be stabbing the heck out of yes and I was tap-tap-tapping like just to get this on there then I have to decide what kind of color changes I want on the side of the face medium gray mix a little bit of light gray sometimes they're real almost distinct like I could actually what I think I'll do is a little bit of oatmeal instead of bringing the gray all down in here I'm gonna bring the oatmeal on to this gray that I put on the cheek and just let that blend that away a little bit and then I'll put meele here as well whoops at the base of the ear here so based on what people are making they might be doing all dark yeah like that I like bringing the bringing the oatmeal and then I'm gonna put a little bit of blender on the muzzle here that's it back here too I'm gonna mix the oatmeal on the off light so that when I put the Pelt on should blend in what's been pretty scraggly next back there oh yeah yep free fell takes care of all that oh I don't know I'll take it something's gonna take care of it okay okay what's happening this is what I'm talking about right here like what do I need to I need anything just a little bit the lighter green I think hmmm some of those faces go dark the whole way yeah they're all different some of them have some like kind of red and um you know we can't put like every single possibility in the kit but I'm gonna cut this fiber because I I just want to make sure it's short enough for this little little space that I'm doing and so sometimes cutting it is a good way to manage it so all I'm looking for is some of these crazy crazy fibers off just a little bit to put right here just didn't want that to be quite so and then I'm just tapping it on gently but I won't take out a finer needle and get it really secure in there without whiskers to do anything if I wanted my muzzle bigger which I'm wondering about I would just take the oatmeal and make a tiny little soft pillow with fringe and put it on here I'm just showing it in case anybody needs to do it the fringe is nice because it just takes it just then you don't have to go back and re re blend because the fringe just goes in there alright I'm gonna shoot those a little bit more about yeah like that better I felt like it needed a little more fullness what do you call the cat who was caught by the police the cat burglar that's not a bad one oh I didn't get it I mean no but that's why I'm a bad one what do you call the cat the perpetrator ha ha funny I'm gonna put a little bit of dark down in the ear like nestled down in this ear hole just to mimic like the cavity that it is I don't like the way this is like all light gray right here so oh we were just talking did you ever stab yourself on film I know a chance to me well I didn't just stab myself but just I just met yourself yeah it would be an appropriate video for you to seven so this is alright can we work on the pelt can I get away from this space well let me do this we're still here let me just do that let me just do the black dots okay the black dots so depending on the cat and the amount of light in the room and their pupil is it can be round it can look very round or it can be vertical so I try to go sort of somewhere in between so I just roll the piece and then dab it into place and I put it as if the pupil is a little bit farther up into that's under the top lid then the bottom lid so it's a little wider so that just makes it look like the eye is disappearing under the top lid all right now I'm gonna really try to zoom in on this okay did you move up like an inch that's perfect and then the white dot of course which is teeny so I'm trying to make it a little narrower at the bottom and then a little wider towards the top so my cat needs a lot of little finish stabbing he's all fuzzy at the moment because I've been sticking stuff on it without really with the Sarafina white you want a fine needle you want a teeny tiny little ball of white and then you want to stab so you go up top outside of the people right between the pupil and the IRS make it tiny little tiny little white dot you just keep stabbing right in the same place it'll get tiny doing the powder the whiskers doing the pelt so we have the four the Siamese we have the white for the black cat we have the black I just want to talk about on the black cat chin and white muzzle and white but then basically the cheekbones the brow bone like everything else I would do in black and these markings don't have to blend they should be distinct so that makes it a little bit easier I think and don't forget we cut off the the corner for the ears yeah weird grief oh no well pre-fill here it is so I left this on I didn't put anything on it I'm gonna put a little bit of Seraphina white where it becomes one with the with the with the with the 3d piece on this one I took the earth is it's a cold earth that that mushroomy coloured please don't probably know that information and then I I cut up I put grey on it and then I cut up a lot of different grays and browns and just let him be real patchy and then I I actually cut a dark Rambouillet pre-filled for these little strips but you could just twist like a natural black in your hands and I leave it all out and I stabbed it a little bit just to keep everything a place and then I wet felt at it so that was the only way I could figure out how to make we grab the UM the orange tabby and the calico how to make a more complicated coat because if you try to stab the coat onto the cat the cat becomes all tight and not cat-like cuz it gets tight and hardened so I was messing around with a calico which in some ways was successful in some ways I learned how I would how I would do it differently this is a pretty extreme like real distinct calico but I have I have a tortoiseshell that's more like blackened and an orangey brown with just a tiny bit of white this was the orange tabby if I did it again I would not leave any of the background prefilled showing I would make sure it was on this is camel merino I can't remain or not maybe this was the Nutmeg but we have a whole variety of colors that you could use to do this but you can see with these short little pieces like how it cut the fiber into like half-inch pieces so those were you know they're okay they weren't like total success but that was the first time I had tried it I'm gonna put one more wrap around the neck here I feel like I just want to I just want to pull these two pieces together before I put the pre-salt on that cuz I said it looked ready yes say I feel like this neck it's okay first time ease but I feel like for the for the regular domestic it just ends up a little bit long they really don't have quite this much neck the Prix felt does kind of bring it together a little bit okay so I'm gonna start by centering it and then stabbing it to hold it in place you really get in between the shoulder blades oh you know what you want to do if you can before this step this fuzz out the edges a little bit and especially if you've wet felt in it to make a design definitely fuzz out the edges if you don't this is just a dog brush but you can use your fingers if you don't have something like this and this will help like when you go to like work it around the legs and attach it to everything it'll help it blend be careful not it'll stretch so be careful not to stretch the center of the pre felt too much it's okay to stretch the edges fringe is your friends fringe is your blending friend no no so this is not overly complicated you're just around the elbow you can either rip or cut a little a little bit so that you can work it into that like right here just rip a little bit if you've got wet felted you've got a you've got to cut it a little bit because it'll be too well felted to rip when i cut and then we three French yep and then here I really like to get like a kind of like a flap of skin so leave that leave that can you see that leave that skin flat as you bring this around the way I might even tuck a little bit of coral in there because it's a little bit would be that way feeling uncomfortable over there at all Faris what I was sleeping I was dreaming about taking a nap in a sunspot Wow I wouldn't look that gets a little dicey around here so just keeping that skin flap between the thigh and the belly and then on the tail I'm actually gonna cut and bring this let's see if I cut it I'm gonna cut it here like wide to each side of the tail and then these will come around the leg and this will actually come around the tail so let me do this part first just try to fringe it out a little we've been working on a color called reason it's not in your kit but basically it's a little it's just a little like purpley Brown off color that would make good Paul and Paul's in buckles but it's what the color was inspired by we got inspired in our Tyger Tyger workshop to make a good paul color first we were calling it to Paul well it's better than butthole but then I thought yeah it's better than butthole then I thought reason and then around the tail I'm gonna just kind of pull some of it away but I'm gonna get right around that tail I like this step because it just it kind of brings it all together oh my gosh I can't wait to see the cats that people make this cat to me got a little wimpy in the in the bone this is a lot of stabbing like it's like I mean don't stab it to where you know it doesn't move anymore of it Wow really proves the saying there's more than one way to reskin a cat cat reskin nice I'm skinning it giving it skin that's really a terrible thing yeah if you're a cat I can define the shoulder blade here okay so wherever pelt meets body you might want a little bit of Sarafina weight so like if I just take this on this leg make that a little less distinct and then just have a little strip yeah just a little strip that everything comes together and disappears just look at my reference pictures again so I doesn't see see what their legs do here we call a cat that gets everything at once mm-hmm I've gotten pretty much everything I could desire Wow so Ferris what persuasive oh my gosh with the purrs yep I guess it's either perjure we at the other plant where the P word that we're gonna go with in this particular video I just want to do like well can we do like one dirty syrup I don't really know about that oh I'm looking they're all really bad it's okay we could go backwards and make people figure out what they think the joke is [Laughter] that's kind of like jeopardy right it's the Jeopardy of jokes the answer is you put it in the shower oh what the kids can ask their parents and the parents can say it's not a funny joke am I done yet I know you have a lot of stabbing to do how much of this are you gonna film you're just gonna tell people to stab away you're pretty much doing the same thing all over I'm fringing the edge stabbing it in and where I need to I will put sheriff you know why all right people fringe stabs helped cover will be back I'm gonna put some okay let me shoot like so I put some Sarafina wait here I put a little oatmeal off-white here where the help blends into the face probably could use a little bit of Sarafina white across the chest to get rid of this craziness because if they're upside down they gotta look cute I put a little across the tummy trying to still make it kind of hang down like tell me squish [Music] now it's a matter of like positioning really I'm happier with him now yes he's good he looks like my uncle oh yeah what's his name Jeffrey Jeffrey okay I am threading a needle with the horsehair yeah mister you can't see that I'm super zooming you can't see it well you just can't really I like to go like whoa and then so what was Nick saying about the whisker sticks out farther than the cheekbone so what are you saying yes they go down into the end of how they can then you go in low out high so now you got a little angled action going on we looked at pictures the whiskers kind of tend to go forward okay if they have a curl they curl forward let's do one straight across they have a lot of them and they're surprisingly long so I'm giving you the basics like you can go crazy with details like muzzle dots and muzzle dots it sounds like a greeting a blessing okay you know the pelts the feet the pads oh I think I just cut the wrong whisker let me get one more and then I take a tiny bit of take a tiny bit of house as possible I have five on one side and four on the other ah there it is there it is this is the one I cut all right he's got one we're short whisker thanks I'm super zoomed you can't suppose so every short whisker there was a story I bet yeah their whiskers fall out which is weird I'm putting a tiny bit of superglue and if you if you leave a little drop you will kind of see it but it's you know it's just the price you pay for your whiskers sticking in I guess you could take like a sacrificial toothpick and I'm gonna smear the glue around a little bit so you don't have any dots I just had the urge feel like that and I think that's because I really wanted to stab that more not stick toothpick in his nose what else what else all right that's good stuff me yeah I approve all right I'm gonna keep like stabbing and shaping okay that's perfect Paris it's been a pleasure Paris you learned about me again you are ten um so this is the one that I need I'm gonna be happy with it I'm not quite yet I can't um and you know I don't want to spend another hour you know filming me kind of tweaking teeny tiny little things but I do want to get his legs a little more tapered and skinny and better color changes and what else maybe just a little more stabbing on the face and body to refine it but I like it I'm happy yes you made yourself a cat there I can't wait to see what you guys make and hopefully at least something that we said in these two three hours has been helpful because I know for me cats it definitely better struggle how I said that [Music] and let me hear one more cat goodbye don't it is if it has the word / in it that I don't want to hear just just kidding so the cat supply pack is at Sarafina fiber art calm and on facebook you can find our page at Serafina fiber art and our group is called Serafina felting fanfare and if you're just getting going or tickling so Serafina belting fanfare is a great place to share your work ask questions find out what's new we always post everything new there at first so I hope to see you there [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sarafina Fiber Art
Views: 14,711
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: cat, cats, needle felting, needle felted, fiber, fiber art, wool, how to, diy, instructional
Id: 4cv6qnW-Eow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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