Fiat 126 Engine Repair - Flipping Bangers - S03 EP2 - Car Show

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this time on Flipping bangers it all starts well  we may well stand a chance of doubling our money   yeah and go slowly downhill Theory wonders all  over the road and it makes so much noise I can   hardly hear this bundle of joy thousand pounds uh  was sent to test us dropped all its oil engine oil   yeah that's not working I'm hoping you can help  me yeah I thought this was going to fly through   the workshop but that's a lot of stuff to do  I really wish I'd had a good good old look   at it before I volunteered selling though I mean  where we were that yeah oh no yeah it worries me   we'll say goodbye to our day jobs and  invested our own hard-earned cash as   we try and make it in the Cutthroat world  of second-hand cars you've got to buy well   but you've got to sell well we have a goal  we need to double our money if we put 500   quid in we need to see a thousand pounds  back but we're forced to the very bottom   of the market we buy cars that nobody  else wants who else will buy that car can we keep our business afloat flipping  bangers there's so many things to do to this car returned our backs on our regular jobs and  so to carve out a new living by buying and   selling cheap cars evicted from our previous  Workshop by Angry neighbors will has sorted   us out with a new base and apart from having no  working toilet it feels like home we've raided   our bank accounts and this time we have enough  to invest around 500 to 1500 pounds on each car [Music]   thank you sometimes sitting here I really feel  that we're living the dream I absolutely I   absolutely do I love the fact that we can zero  in on a car I can tell you've got something in   mind okay well I have got a suggestions have  you yes go on then Fiat one two six okay one   two six let's have a little look Then Shall We  Fear one two six produced from 1970 onwards it   was a replacement for the much loved Fiat 500 they  still sold five million five million and they're   becoming rare do you reckon that's anything to  do with the rust a lot of rust doesn't it it is   an awful lot of us you're going to like this bit  though four grand for a nice one oh Grand four   grand for a good one for a good one exactly they  were sold here until 1993. really so we should   still be able to find a runner you know someone  that someone may be still driving around on the   streets using it as a daily driver if we can  buy in at sort of a thousand pounds 1500 quid   yeah we may well stand a chance of doubling our  money yeah shall we have a look shall we yeah are we um allowed to put our feet  on the furniture in the new cover sorry The Hunt is on we don't give away Trade  Secrets but shall we say that many biscuits   were consumed in the time it takes before Wills  Rusty musty smelling Land Rover is ready to roll   but what car are we seeing and who found it do you  know when you're driving to go and have a look at   a car feeling all fired up and you're wondering  oh yes is this the one yes definitely that's what   I'm feeling like at the moment Sophia one two  six yep and it looks great in the pictures and   it sounds pretty good in the adverts but the  adverts face small and doesn't give an awful   lot of information fingers crossed I think we're 1  200 offers that's not a cheap car but it's within   budget and actually there's not that many around  at that price at the moment I haven't been around   one for as long as I can remember I actually  think it's just going to be a bit fun isn't it   hilarious and I remember it with it with a certain  amount of fondness yeah yeah we arrive in Surrey   down a maze of streets that will be virtually  impossible for the trailer to get out from that is her house on the end whoa well where's  the car then well she said it's in the car park   so it's clearly there and so she is a cherished  but slightly crusty one two six resplendent in   the early morning sun [Music] does that looks  so out of place in the modern world yeah it   does yeah it very much was a car of its period  yeah it was obviously very cool to be square   in 1972 wasn't it it's amazing yes exactly  the Fiat 500 the original curvy beautiful   fashion dictated flat Corners yeah hey Nico  hello good morning good day good day how are   you this is beautiful oh thank you very much I  love it so much oh so what are you selling us   we started to work on it eight years ago so  really yes wow and I'm looking for somebody   who can finish this job and love it as much as I  do well I'd have to say that is what we do isn't   it that's our thing yeah does it drive yes it  is excellent thank you very much easy tiger I go   oh cheers well we'll take you for a little spin  around the block then see ya thank you enjoy it   thank you oh yes oh okay it's tiny it's made for  us too isn't it that's good job isn't it yeah it   looks like it might have had a little bit of  an electrical prolapse down there uh yes but   at least all the parts are still here and it  already looks like you've done the wiring gas   it does look like I wired that up doesn't it you  can pop that back in and notice that this interior   light lens is missing which if you want to put it  back to original that might be a problem mightn't   it trying to find that it could be really because  I don't think the UK was the predominant market   for these cars so we may struggle trying  to get bits and pieces like that yeah I   know it was made in Poland for another 10 years  after it stopped being sold here yeah yeah wow   um uh roof lighting's missing isn't it possibly  the same again with that we might have to make   one we can make one couldn't we yeah that'd be  quite nice maybe a furry one that'll be lovely   wouldn't it that's the car's not too bad that's a  bit grossy in there your seat cover that's a bit   shabby in there yeah that looks like that's a job  for you yeah what do you think about these these oh yeah ready in our excitement we have not checked  for any signs of rust essential on a car   that's known for it but we're too Keen  to sample the 126's driving abilities   car was not designed for two middle-aged men it's quite small isn't it  he's very small he's very   very nice it is this is fun this is a fun  little car you want to be sitting where I'm   sitting because it's no fun here gear changes  off all the clutch is awful the brake pedal   goes to the floor oh come on steering wonders  all over the road and it makes so much noise I   can hardly hit what do you say [Music]  I'm just pointing out what's Happening   Here definitely not a scrappy car or good life  ahead of us well if you stop doing that foreign back up to a level where it's going to be usable I  have to say really it's quite a lot of stuff isn't   it to do and is there a profit in it after we've  done that right that's what's worrying me now it's   going to be dictated by the deal she's only had  it on for two days hasn't she yeah so maybe if   we're cheek and we make her up or we might be able  to twist her arm might we all right well let's go   in hard really really pushy I love the idea of  you going in hard because you're such a softer because every penny counts so if we're gonna take   this car on we need it to be  a nice price nice guys or not thing oh my tiny person but have a look and see look tiny that is 704 cc's of noise so that  is that's the culprit yeah this is the more   modern one as well water cooled flat twin  cylinder the older ones were twin cylinder   but air cooled and vertically oh look these  fuel pumps were a bit glossy yeah and there's   some attention and that looks a bit Dicky  doesn't it on this cooling pie yeah it looks   like somebody either chopped that off which is  supposed to go somewhere else or maybe it's a   pipe that they may do with it I don't know  but we need to fix that yeah it's got a new   um it's got a new fuel pump on it but  the one thing isn't it in reverse you   can hear the engine moving can't you so the  other end yes please continue the giggle ah no spare wheel I reckon that is the spare  wheel what do you think oh yeah this one yes   because that one and that one don't match no  yeah that's a shame nice to see it's got all   of its mats though yes one of these suspect  that fits on the heater there it's not bad   is it put another cover here fuse box don't you  think that's funny because that is a modern 90s   fuse box this car looks like it comes from  the 70s but actually it's a 90s car because   it's got fuses and relays as well look that's  Porsche it's weird isn't it yeah I've seen about   a bit of welding done down here yeah but it's  relatively solid isn't it looks it yeah it will   oh sorry hello how was it I'm okay we love  the car of course we do um but us taking it   home depends on how much you want for the car I'm  glad you love the car the starting price is 1200. 1000 pounds the offer needs to be higher than 1200  not lower well there are quite a lot   of these on the markets at the moment so  the nothing in this condition below 1800.   yeah you know the market better than we do  okay what about this we'll look after the car   we'll get it back up to the level it needs  to be we could even send you some pictures   of it we did all that but we pay you 1500  pounds watch and learn will watch and learn you got my heart take it yes excellent excellent we'll load it up should we yeah let's  load it up thank you very much bye bye bye poor   and Nico she's actually about to cry and our  cheeky prize is ready to load up and take a   ride back to a place where the days never  end and this car truly belongs our Workshop   up it ain't the cheapest car we've ever bought no  it's not but it has made me laugh it has made me   laugh too I'm just looking at this online this car  was made in Poland 72 up until 2000. and in Poland   its nickname was mulch which means the small one  that's quite a sweet name it is sweet in England   mulch doesn't sound that great by the end of  the production run they were actually badged   mulch which I think is very sweet that is nice so  a nickname that actually stuck yeah like in some   regions it's called the kazlak the cough because  of the way it sounds in Slovenia it's called [Laughter] yeah he's not fast is it so it's also known  as translations of the little spider oh it's   a child child's nice isn't it polish man okay  and the mouse's truck the mouse is truck oh it's   little got it yeah yeah that's my favorite  yeah that is gorgeous they really love them come on the next day we trailer The Fierce up to  its new home this is the first of only five days   we have in the workshop and we like to look over  the car freshly and pick our battles it seems to   have disgraced itself on a trailer oh dear not  nice what is it I don't know 2050 I think what   do you think it's engine oil isn't it engine on  oh another job on the job list hey come on let's   get it in actually I'll get the shot you do this  the fear hadn't been driven for a while before   Gus's heavy wide foot was involved so we know who  to blame for this one you ready I'm out here yet   I can't stop it you know that I'm hoping these  brakes will work well enough that I can [Music]   just rolling a car into the workshop  could be called beautiful this is it [Music]   he worries me is how between us test driving  it and US putting it on the trailer that it's   dropped all its oil I really don't know okay  let's take stock of what we have got here a   really messy little car oh come on don't be  mean initially this card doesn't look horrendous   no it doesn't look horrendous you're right not  from 20 yards it really doesn't does it let's   look at the jobs the mismatch on the paintwork I  mean this trim is a bit awful in all this gloss   black isn't it you go for a bit of satin black  maybe it could be a job couldn't it it could I'm   thinking Wheels yeah could put Trims on there  or we could find a matching one for that one   that looks like it's from a Fiat Panda yeah the  interior yeah trim issues the seats well they   need a bit of attention don't they they do now  I think we can repair those well you could I can   thank you and the headlining as well we haven't  got a headlining so perhaps we can find one and   fit it yeah and if we can't then we can make  one yes that's a good idea and then the rest   of the Interior well it's really mainly that radio  and the wiring that goes with it if we check the   radio out if it works put it straight back in  tidy up that wiring as we go job done yeah so   at least then you open the door and it's like oh  instead of oh that makes a big difference doesn't   it it does yeah but also apart from all that  we've got to do the engine haven't we I mean   yeah it runs terribly so we've got to do at  least electrical overhaul and probably fuel   system overhaul but I don't know if we're going  to have a chance to do those now we've got an   unidentified oil leak something we didn't think  we were going to have to do but we are and it's   it's quite a major league it's a lot of oil on  the trailer it is yeah it's already it's a big   list isn't it now I thought this was going to fly  through the workshop but that's a lot of stuff to   do if we want to earn some Molly we're going to  have to really work for it improve our worth on   this car definitely and we should get on with it  not until after a nice cup of tea though I guess yeah so all the fun we were having at the start has  dimmed once again as a Tidy Car turns out to be   more Troublesome than we thought the engine needs  to run before we can even think about tackling any   of the Cosmetic stuff and soon enough we can trace  the source of the leak I think this is it isn't it   and I think this is our culprit do you think yeah  the hole's actually designed to show us that we've   got a seal gone exactly so the oil's coming out  of it oil seal gone if water was coming out of it   that would mean the water seal in the water pump  had gone because our water pump is mechanically   driven from a shaft that is taken off a gearing  system in the engine yeah so there'll be an oil   seal which is gone which we're hoping is going to  be right here because it's easily accessible once   we take this pump away let's get the water pump  off shall we okay I'm gonna go get a drain tray   so we can drain it all all right I'll take this  plate off oil seals do as the name suggests and   cost pennies to replace but labor required to  locate them is often Miserable as we've got to   remove the thermostat and the water pump to gain  access or more if it doesn't fix the leak [Music]   removing the water pump is a predictably messy  job and reveals a fluid that's not very nice oh oh foreign yeah good timing yeah last one  off three hoses one big one two small ones   there's as much water that's gone down  my sleeve as there is in that pan so to   be honest this might be looking like  I'm smiling I'm feeling a bit soggy   lovely that rusty water yeah that's been  in there a long time a little out there   oh yummy there you go you better get through  that now won't you yeah perfect I'm gonna leave   it with you and go and get dried out all right  now that will has done the unpleasant stuff the   idea is that the water pump housing will  just bolt off should come off with a bit   caught out dribbled on my knee so that's the  thermostat housing off it's really corroded   in actual fact you can see here it's corroded  so much that it's taken a sort of bite out of   the aluminum here on this corner this is the  thermostat in there and that basically opens   and closes when it gets up to temperature letting  the water circulate around the the water jacket of   the engine but it's only a housing so I'll take  the thermostat out and check it in a bucket or   in a cup of hot water to see if it's opening and  closing and I'll clean the housing up and we might   be able to get away with putting that back on  now I remove the water pump the next unit alone last night we didn't have an oil leak this morning  we do have an ollic I've been taking the taking   the casing off here which come off really  easily all the bolts come out really nicely   but as with old cars there will always be one  and the nut that is holding the impeller on   so it's on the end of this shaft here has  been running in water with uh antifreeze in   it and it's completely corroded it doesn't  have any Flats on it so I can't get it off   um so I'm gonna have to be  creative to try and get this off oh in the end the grips do the job and I  managed to remove the bolt and the impeller anyway it's off that's good and I can see the  seals in here so all I've got to do is pick   them out which I'll probably do tomorrow but  the great thing about this is it means we're   not going to have to split the engine so  we're saving ourselves an awful lot of time   should we go yeah definitely the first day  closes with a lot of mess everywhere but a   feeling that we're moving in the right direction  just before home time there's another quick job   to do I usually take pictures of our cars  for an online auction I forgot earlier   with the drama of the leak so I've rolled  the car back outside to finish the job my   usual headache is that I don't know how  much the car will change inside and out   right Fiat 126 auction what I'm going to say  it's a small car we don't actually have to say   much we have to say it's a good runner it's got  good cosmetics and this is important no rust it   has an issue it's got black wheels on it at the  moment and we're going to change those so I'm   going to make a note about that as for Price the  strange thing about 126s is if you move away from   the auction sites onto the listings the price goes  up I've seen them on sale at the moment for 3500   pounds and that's for a very ordinary car people  are asking five and even six thousand pounds for   a good rust free version so I think what I'm  going to do is put the car on for 4 500 pounds   on a listing or near offers what we want to do is  cause a bit of a splash find the person who's been   looking through the listings for a really good  rust free car and that is our car foreign [Music] need to nail the Fiat engine if we're going to get  through this project without too much pain hello   girls hello how are you I'm all right now you seem  to be an incredibly early what are you up to well   it's been weighing on my mind that this seal has  to seal both the oil side and the water side it   doesn't seem long enough to do both the oil and  the water and not let the oil dribble out the hole   oh yes so and I wasn't sure about how to get the  retainer out I've ended up collapsing it Knocking   it in on itself which doesn't seem right but it's  what I've done and it has come out and I think   it is right okay okay well you know I think uh I  think you've probably found good judgment on that   you uh seem to have a nice cup of tea  there yes oh would you like a cup of   tea that would be lovely thank you  give us a moment while will makes me   a cup of his especially weak tea I finally  reveal the site of the water seal [Music] we feared we'd have to go deeper into the  engine and sure enough that's the new plan   the forecast loses his stuff I've popped to a  local trimmer to pick out some material for the   seats and for the headlining we've got to re-trim  some bits on our fears and because I happen to be   an absolute whiz with a sewing machine it's down  to me to find the fabric and buy the fabric but I   don't really know what to do do I get traditional  Fabric or non-traditional fabric but I do know   that there's a lovely little trim shop just down  the road from our Workshop Gary's a nice lad he's   been around for ages and he's well known for doing  great work oh yeah oh get hello there oh yeah you're a trimmer I am indeed I'm hoping you  can help me what sort of trimming do you do   whatever time you want classic  cars uh leather rear trims   bike seats motorcycle seats wow you name it we do  it that's the full gambits isn't it yeah perfect   for what we want because we've got a little Fiat  one two six and we're trying to get it fixed up   so we can sell the car on cool problems with the  seats they're really frayed down the cheeks on   the back of the Seas okay and I'm hoping that I  can just do a repair on the seat backs and maybe   recover the outer cheeks in some sort of vinyl  yeah and basically do a repair on what's there   keep the rest original just try to Yeah final  might be better option if you're concerned with   friend I am yeah so I'm thinking trying to make  it hard wearing and what sort of color you've   got plenty of vinyls the seats are cloth with  a couple of bits of color in them but mainly   gray okay we lost a few degrees have you so  we can have a look and see what you've got   oh that's a mid Gray a sore cutter exactly the  right color that's pretty I should have bought   a sample of the fabric with me so I could  put it next to it of Forgotten silly me but   it's brilliant I love this sort of mottled  effect on it as well that's just a black heavy   green black heavy grain that's called is it that  should sort of get around and do our cheeks quite   well it's a little bit inflexible but oh is it  it was on a nice sunny day that's a handy tip   so if it's a little bit creased or a bit baggy  in the sun in the sunshine and it'll settle on   to onto the cushions I like I like that sort of  a fix okay well that solves that problem yeah   so the next thing Carl's got no headlining at all  at the moment and I need to find a cost effective   and pretty quick way of putting up something in  the ceiling of the car that's just going to make   it look a lot more appealing and take a bit of  noise out what would you recommend well you'll   need some phone back in that sounds good phone  backing you could stick the folks on phone first   yeah and follow up with some nylon yeah that's  here in a car well it's I think it's early 1980s   yeah I'm not on would have been not on anyway so  right okay see what we got okay same gray for the   head on him yeah yeah the same sort of Dove gray  sort of color would be great that's just standard   quarter inch phone okay so that's my Baseline glue  that up to the ceiling first and let it dry yeah   well that sounds perfect for what we need but this  looks like the really interesting stuff just nylon   fully stretch material okay so that'll get around  the corners quite seriously it's almost got a   sort of velvety finish to it it's good stuff and  again stick this with impact impact adhesive and   we're good to go as well have you got enough of  that to sell me enough to do a headline I've got   plenty you might need two's worth just in case  I get it wrong you'll be okay that's brilliant   thank you very much no problem in that case we'll  do a tail get this in my car get back over to the   workshop get stuck in Good Luck thank you thank  you very much cheers Gary charges me 50 Quid for   the materials which is a nice price thanks mate  back at base I'm carrying on with the engine strip   so our oil seal is on the shaft it's got to come  out forwards the idea is I'll screw these into   it give me something to yank off the downside  is it's going to completely destroy the seal   which is fine as long as I can find another  one I'm not really sure I should be showing you   this it's not exactly from the best practice  manual but if it works I'll be happy [Music]   yeah that's not working I  think I'm going to push it in   and see if I can break the seal and pull it out  which doesn't sit pretty with me but I've sort of   run out of options I don't think it's going to  come out I really don't like that Gus needs to   get this seal out before I get back otherwise  I'll know that he has been thwarted foreign one the battle between Gregory and the oil  seal is over and there is one victim will   is on his way back with the fabrics and  at the end of the day a waiting part I   decide to look ahead at the next stage  of work on the Fiat I thought I'd give   will a hand by taking the interior out so we  can do his seats yeah and I might be in luck I think they just slide off could that be  right how does that work in an accident they do the driver's seat is the one that  really needs TLC so I've got that ready for will it's day three although it feels like day 33. so  the oil seal was behind the water seal all right   okay there had to be something else and I suppose  yeah just a complicated all yeah not good I like   this though there's that little viewing platform  so I can watch you work for about a second yeah   there's so much to do on this it's D-Day for the  engine if it can't be sorted today I don't know   where we're going with this car ah there we go  what beautiful engine are you enjoying working on   that no not at all oh it runs like a bipedal pig  doesn't it and I'd like to get it running really   smoothly I really would you know that little thing  down there just puts a fear into me to be honest   and I'd rather get stuck into those Wheels Cool  okay good all right leave your turret see you   later now we've got black wheels in matte black  paints one of them's odd these whales are a bit   shoddy because it looks like the last person that  had a go at them was using a tar brush or possibly   a brick to sand them down so I'm going to give a  good bit of sanding to a really nice job and then   that way we stand a good chance of earning some  proper money the wheels look nice cars sell well   and for once I'm not refurbishing Alloys Gus  has found a spare wheel online for 30 quid   or so so at least we get a matching set I've  only just started sanding these wheels and I've   already come up against a massive problem the  paint that's on here is like rubber it's like   elastic and it's sort of peeling off in great  blisters at the moment the sandpapers just not   having any effect on it so I think I'm gonna  have to try something a lot more aggressive   and while will hides out the engine work carries  on for this engine to run properly it relies on a   delicate blend of fuel and electricity to cause  the explosion within the cylinder head but that   is a subtlety that is completely lost on this  engine because it runs absolutely terribly so   I'm going to take it all out and change it this is  supposed to be a DIY job but of course it won't be   there's no air filter in here at all which is  not fantastic this is just a baffle in here   which needs cleaning out when you take an air  cleaner off of a carburetor it's always best   practice to cover it up it's very easy to drop  stuff down there very difficult to get it out the coil is my first Target for removal   you wouldn't necessarily change the coil when  you were doing an electrical service but they're   just not very reliable and we've got one so I am  going to change it [Music] dummy experiments a bit   upsetting hot air gun didn't really touch it at  all the wire wheel on the drill far too aggressive   so the sad fact of the whole thing is it's Back  to Basics sandpaper elbow grease and a lot of   time and unfortunately it's not time that  we have and it's going to take me absolutely   hours and hours but there is a cure for time  spent and graft to come you want a cup of tea   here definitely that's it one of those jobs  I really wish I'd had a good good old look at   it before volunteers but then I couldn't wish  it on you could I ah I just about had enough   so plug leads come off you've got to make sure  you get those on the right way around in the coil   spark plugs come out which is all relatively  easy but the elephant in the room is the fact   that there's a screw down here which holds the  points on and it's broken and I can't get it out actually move it there we go the condenser wire is broken as well  so I'm going to have to get a new condenser the   condenser suppresses the spark that goes  to the points stops IT arcing too much and   because that's broken they have been arcing so  they're massively burnt out and pitted which is   another reason why the car is not running  properly into the Vise time for surgery   I could drill it out but that would have to be  very very precise and the top of it is very uneven   so I'm thinking probably first I'll put a punch  in there and that'll lock the advancement hard   so it doesn't spin round so that when I tap on the  edge of the screw it'll take the force of the tap actually that's loosened it  so in with a pair of pliers yeah that's got it that's fantastic it's  actually come out so that is a real relief   because it means I don't have to attempt  to drill it which I wasn't happy with doing   so all I have to do is find another  one a lot of this stuff is wills and   actually less of a mess than I expected  yeah I can't find any M3s anywhere ah but there's these little brass m4s so it would  be possible to tap the hole out to an M4 thread   cut one of these down and use that instead I  think that's what I'm gonna do tidy it up and   then that should go in nicely so I'm cutting a  thread which our little screw will then fit into   now that feels feels nice and loose so hopefully  this will now wind into here which it is but the   proof of the pudding is if it tightens up which  it does fantastic so I can order my parts rebuild   this put it back on the car but that is a job for  tomorrow of the workshop though I've had enough foreign as if we needed any reminder that there's only  today and tomorrow to sort out the 126 which   neither runs nor looks any good I'm in charge  of interior transformation today look here poor   little fear look here's Paul says actually  falling apart of the things I can't believe   it it looks really awful doesn't it and we really  do need to make the interior of this car look nice   because it's letting it down  quite badly at the moment   and like any other job I don't have loads of  hours to throw in it so I've got to come up   with a nice way of fixing this lot so it all looks  pretty presentable so I have actually got a plan   I've already sourced the seat material  from Gary to recover the seats before I   can do that I need to strip them it's not  rocket science but it's not easy either   I've got to be very careful I want to take them  all off keep them in one piece because I actually   need what's here as a pattern for the repair  that I'm going to make it takes a bit of time   I've got to get the headrest off but the headrest  doesn't just pull up like you'd expect there's a   little clip which is buried deep deep inside of  the seeds so you can't just go in there gung-ho   and then it will actually come apart without  damaging anything and it makes your whole job   a lot lot easier there you go just like that  this is the bit that I'm after so my thoughts   were that I'm going to be repairing this section  down here and in order to repair that section I   need to take a template from something but as  we can see there is very very very little left   of the bit that I really want template thankfully  there's another little layer below which happens   to be exactly the right shape and size so that is  going to be the bit that I take my template from   making a template is exactly what it says on the  tin the sides of the seats are the only bit I need   to repair so I draw carefully around the seat  squab sides and use the durable gray material   to make the new ones I'm very very tough the  template has worked a treat it really simply   is the case now of just stitching this bit to this  bit and then putting the rest of the seat together   I'm off to find Fair Parts which are notoriously  hard to come by and I've run into a little hiccup   the traffic from here up to the shop I was going  to it was just south of London as atrocious and   it's going to take me half a day to get up there  and probably longer to get back so I thought I'll   swerve off I'll sit down I'll try and find  stuff online and I'll have a bit of a break   but in actual fact is it just my age I just  find it so frustrating I can't find anything   I want on here so maybe I have to do what I  much prefer talk to someone hi recambio hello hello are you I think I might  have pushed mute on my phone sorry see technology it's not good for me um  I've got one we've got a one two six   Biz and I need some parts or I need to see if  you've got some parts can I run a list by you um okay so we need a um a water pump oil seal I  get through the list including a one two six this   badge learning that the points I was going to buy  were the wrong sort and the leads I'd expect were   not good that's a save could you give us a quote  for that probably looking around around 54 pounds   oh that's total fantastic absolutely fantastic  and could you get that on a courier down to me   there you go you can't be talking to someone if  you want to get something done I'm not doing the   internet down it's a fantastic resource but  sometimes the old ways especially when you're   old are better and now that's done I can have  a little sleep before I go back to the workshop   poor gas has called and is trapped  in murderous traffic and won't be   back for more than two hours at  least the workshop is running well so that actually holds the panel in place that  Stitch there but the bits that really makes it   look pretty is when I now fold this Edge over  and pull it tight against itself I'm now going   to run another seam down here to give it a bit  of detail and a lot more strength a professional   trimmer would charge around three to four hundred  pounds to trim a pair of seats like this and so   our Sweat Equity is making a big saving second  side done it's coming on really nicely but   here's the here's the trick right I'm now going  to line this up with the original back panel so   when I took it to bits I actually marked datum  points here and here those line up with these   seams here and here carefully line that up get it  over to the machine before I drop it or it slips   yeah hasn't slept and I've made a conduct love  for the sea frame at this stage I'm full of worry   and Dread because I spent so long cutting it all  apart carefully making up new bits stitching all   together carefully and in theory in theory  being a brilliant thing it should just work   but that doesn't stop me  from being worried about it [Music]   all right first look see how it's come on   actually I'm quite chuffed with that going  on there quite nicely the ripples in the   side will settle with a bit of time and a bit  of warmth in the car I think the fabric blend   works really nicely looks quite smart and stylish  considering look this is what it used to look like   nasty nasty nastiness this makes me a very happy  boy we are still only halfway through the job that   one's done but I've now got to do the other seat  and it's going to take a long time okay a late   one for both of us sadly but progress is coming  day five we've got to put the car back together   and finish the rest of the Cosmetics how'd you go  on with the seats the seats well after many many   hours painstaking back breaking work I eventually  got them done did you yeah excellent I'm hoping   you're gonna like the effect they worked out  rather nicely yeah they're in there draw a   cup of tea yeah please okay have a look all  right huh will hasn't lied the seats are great enjoy that is that one mine it is yeah thank  you last day today I know it's our last day   yeah it worries me well what have you got to  do and I'll tell you the list I've got to do   right well oh I've got the headline in today the  wheels they've got to go back onto you finished   them those are done stacked up ready to go on  yeah I've got the water the water pump to rebuild   completely you've done that no because I've only  just got the gasket I've got to do the fuel lines   um and drop the tank out I've got to address the  trim and re-spray that rub it down that's quite a   lot this is normally the point of which I say we  should be jumping to and getting on with it but   we should well we should it definitely should  yeah definitely real quick like lickety-split   whatever is in the tea does the trick and the  wheels are on in minutes this is the most amount   of work we've ever done on a day five and with  the tank out Gus has got to remove the Jubilee   clips and swap the knackered hoses I use the  gray nylon to make the headlining I cut the   foam panel attach that to the nylon glue the roof  and fit my foam and nylon headliner headliner is   in I'm draining the tank you can see the amount of  rubbish coming out the tank and that is the reason   that you would put a petrol filter on an old car  because the tanks are normally full of well that   looks like rust to me oh my goodness quite a lot  of it I'm resetting the tank so the electrical   system is finished and now the fuel system's  finished we've got new braided hoses on here which   look beautiful with new grommets in here to stop  them rubbing which is lovely new filter and we've   cleaned the tank out put it all back together so  this engine should be good for a long time now and my water pump housing has arrived so  that goes on but there's plenty left to do like fit wheels [Music]   refit the satin painted trim  and install the radio [Music]   done I'm ready to go in yes [Music]   and there's a final touch I'm rubbing down the  rest of the trim and spraying it with satin   black [Music] and we have a fear that looks  great the Fiat cost is 1500 pounds we had to   Shell out a fair bit on materials and parts none  of which were easy to find the total still comes   in at well under two thousand pounds if you can  find a better one at that price please don't let   us know we'll simply cry it's funny isn't it  we do a lot of cars and we build up a lot of   affection I know we both do not all but for a lot  of them but this car this car was special isn't it   I would definitely take this car home I'd pay my  money for it well it is a little Peach he's such a   lovely little car honest and now that we've done  all our work on it very very desirable as well   yeah I mean it's not the sort of car you're  going to go on a touring holiday in France   definitely not nor are you going to take around  a racetrack no definitely not but it's a fun car   and it's a desirable car I mean yeah I'll buy it  as well well so I say I want to buy and then you   say you want to buy it don't worry my wife would  definitely say no to that there is one thing I   was thinking that could Cloud this otherwise  golden moment give me the test drive yeah   she might shame herself dramatically by breaking  down in great style or developing on oil leak   the size of her own Footprints and then you'd  have to take back all those really nice things   you said about it wouldn't you and I will take  those words back as well you would yeah foreign [Music] on the way back as well I am not getting on  my hands and knees underneath this car again   which is why I am treating it with kid gloves  while I'm driving it what was it feeling like   then well it was always slow wasn't it but it  feels less slow now it was always really noisy   wasn't it but it sounds quieter now doesn't  it yeah which is amazing yeah car seems to be   pulling together rather than trying to pull itself  apart which is what it felt like beforehand it did   yeah that makes me think about the selling  though I mean where we were that yeah oh no   no well it's it's fine it's the same as ever  lots and lots of people looking at it but no   one pushing the magic button saying buy it now so  I've lowered the price by 250 quid just to try it   entice some people in because those people off  their fence so they're sassy on again because of   fire yeah exactly [Music] seems like um this  guy's interested he sent me one one message   then another message and then another message  or questions about the car oh good stuff who   lives in East Sussex though cool is he coming  down he's coming down electronically oh okay   I hope you're dealing with that he's coming  now okay ah Neil is it Neil yes how are you   thank you now for the video walkground trying  to get a good composition for you there you go   it looks great I'll show you in the back let me  just show the drivers we really need to see around   4 000 for it yeah after an entirely torturous  process we're getting somewhere well yeah three   eight would definitely be of interest to us if  that's a proper offer we would accept that yes   thanks and with that deal we grab around two grand  profits we've doubled our money well that all   seems very positive yeah I think I think we might  have sold it yeah I was a bit nervous oh yeah   oh that's funny well we're going to celebrate with  a cup of tea yeah the ball bomb [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Banijay Engine
Views: 206,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automotive, car collectors, car enthusiasts, car flip, car restoration, car show, cars, classic cars, fiat 126, fiat 126 refurbishment, gus gregory, renovation, restoration challenges, vehicle transformation, vintage car maintenance, will trickett
Id: B11NamV7Bk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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