FGHT Houston: Youth Service - Part II

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to waste my time y'all talking back to me we must understand that that that it does not take a whole lot of people but people that have a mind to work so now we now when we're inspired when we're driven and it's something that we know that we need to do we're going to do it see lord this is where i get in trouble see see and i'll talk about this and i'll reiterate this and i'll move on here's my point i'm going to make that we talked about new year's resolutions how 80 of them are that they're done with before february gets here 80 percent this is gone they didn't watch the weight we try to hold on to the other 20 percent so we just don't completely lose face uh in in people one of the biggest things one of the billion-dollar industries is that of dieting no don't look at nobody i'm just saying it's a billion dollar industry the reason it's a multi-billion dollar industry is because people try whatever comes out because they're excited about oh i'm i'm gonna do it this year i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a vision and they they did run well they they start and then all of a sudden it's like you know what just i i i love me i'm i'm okay with me i'm i'm i'm comfortable with me and all of a sudden feelings change boy y'all getting quiet on me feelings change all of a sudden that is not the priority that it once was let me check the heating it's not the priority that it once was now because the you know the lord is uh he's blessed me and i and i'm grateful to god and i'm not gonna play with the lord has done for me so i'm just i'm okay do i have a witness that boy y'all getting quiet now i'm making y'all nervous so so people just give an honor to god who is the head of our lives to our leaders of this house bishop lee and first lady amy lee so i oversee his apostle hermes lady danielle murray and to on to the legacy of apostle to be it's merely dr shirley murray we have to pray for us [Music] [Music] i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can't i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can't i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can't i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can't i can't explain it but i know that is major i can't explain it but i know that it's major i can't explain it but i know that it's major i can't explain it but i know that it's major i can see it i can see it i can't hear it i can feel it i can't i can see it i can hear it i can feel it [Music] i can't explain it but i know that it's major [Music] i can't explain it [Music] it [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i see miracles [Music] i see miracles [Music] miracles you are a miracle [Music] and it's happening for you and you i can't explain it [Music] everybody can't explain i can't explain it but i know that it's major i can't explain it but i know [Music] i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can't i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can see it i can see it i can hear it i can feel it i can [Music] hey man stand to your feet how many of you know that you know what's coming is major but you know that what you made out of is way better and you know you made it out all right [Music] put your hands together [Music] i [Music] thank you [Music] i made it alright [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you [Music] all right [Music] thank you lord [Music] [Music] one more [Music] i made [Music] thank you thank you [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Music] oh come on clap your hands how many made it all right when the enemy said i wouldn't make it someone said i wouldn't be here today but thank you to god that i made it out all right come on clap your hands [Music] find somebody say i made it find somebody else to say i made it that wasn't the right person to find somebody say i made it [Music] come on and clap your hands for jesus hey man come on clap your hands for a redeem for those elections on tonight how many are ready to go around higher i mean we're gonna move into that better part of the service the word of god and man we're gonna ask everyone to be standing if they not uh standing brother luke coleman come on clap your hands for him hey man continue to put those hands together for the lord on tonight hey man you all may be seated in the presence of the lord and man i do thank god for this opportunity i ask that you all pray for me uh i will be turning to the book of galatians that's the book of galatians chapter number five in verse number one again that's galatians chapter number five and verses number one when you have it please say amen and the bible says stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage and man i think that's going to get us where we're going tonight can you turn to your neighbor and announce my text say neighbor free that's the only word that i need to put into your hearing on tonight in this chapter paul began by saying that christ has set us free in order that we should be free but freedom requires resistance against bondage those in christ must stand firm against the devil and anything who would try to drag us back into bondage galatians 5 and 1 which is what paul was trying to tell the galatians that for us truly to be free can only be achieved through god john 8 36 says if the son therefore shall make us free ye shall be free indeed i believe that the body of christ as a whole has been under bondage for far too long and now god is saying i'm trying to set you free if you just follow my commandments and my law bondage can be anything that holds us down naturally or spiritually some of the main ways that the devil can keep you in bondage is monetarily he could be fighting you in your family telling you that you're not worth being saved and the devil can tell you that you're missing out on something that's in the world but these are all things that he's tried before for the bible says there's no new thing under the sun so the devil is fighting different people with some of the same methods that he's used in the past but thanks be to god that has given us ways to fight back against the bondage of the devil in our passage paul says that the people you have to walk with in the spirit galatians 5 16 this i say then walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh paul was saying now is the time to walk in the spirit in order to escape bondage i know by now this might seem a little cliche but the answer we all seek to freedom is in turning away from the wickedness and into god's loving arms then and only then we will have the answer that we seek god has been more than good to us so the least we can do is to be is to abide to his word and to do as the bible instructs of us and stop looking back into the old days that's what's wrong with the galatians but god and is telling us to let to not live in the past and don't worry about what happened in the past but we have to push past all of that it passes nothing but a cage of bondage to your spirit and in my closing i want to leave you with this scripture first john 1 and 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness then and only then can you be free and man touch your neighbor and say i am free pray for me hey man come on come on again brother luke coleman for that word on tonight how many free on tonight anybody free hey man come on clap your hands for him one more time man man we're gonna call our next people speaker we're gonna call sister ayanna bell come on clap your hands for [Music] and then first i give honor to god to my bishop and my first lady into all the saints hearing tonight pray for me and y'all may be seated amen today i'll only be reading one scripture i'll be reading from luke 10 and 19. that's luke 10 and 19 and when you have it's amen amen luke 10 19 says behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you and the title of my message is exercise your power so i want to start by explaining what exactly is power well i found quite a few different different definitions but the two i want to mention are one the ability to do something or act in a particular way especially as faculty or quality and the second one being the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events now as children of god however the type of power that's been given to us isn't one that authorizes us to be controlling or in charge but it's power from god that gives us authority over the enemy it gives us the right to rebuke the enemy to speak over our life and to put the devil on a run now this power isn't one that is gained through status it isn't a sign due to strength but it's powered through the holy ghost that gives us victory over the enemy and when it comes to this power it cannot be stolen from us the lord gave us this authority and we must exercise it we can't allow it to lay there or allow the enemy to think even for a second that he is winning we have and will always have the victory over the enemy and through this power we have no reason to fear him second timothy 1 7 says for god had not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind first corinthians 15 and 57 says but thanks to the god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ now with all power and people who are in power there comes respect that follows and in the case of every child of god the enemy has no choice but to respect and obey our authority if we have real power which means what you speak is what goes now i want to focus on three main points to truly explain what to truly explain exercising his power in our lives the first one being to recognize that this power is rightfully yours now i'm sort of a history geek i love history government and overall discussion with anyone and in our world being citizens we have our own set of rights and powers including unalienable rights and mainly the first ten amendments in the bill of rights the most important thing about these bills is that they are rightfully ours and we can use them to our advantage they can be taken away from us and they give us personal powers as human beings and with this power from god is the weapon we have been given to use against the enemy jesus specifically says behold i give unto you power which means we can have it he's given it to us and it's up to us to walk in it and use it simply being a child of god being saved and having his holy ghost qualifies us to be power packing saints the second point i want to address in exercising your power is to number two develop confidence in your ability to use it you see the devil would love to convince us that the power we have is useless or that we aren't strong enough to use it against him which is why you must have confidence in your god and what he has placed in you you are a child of the king the most high god the one who sits high and looks low so the enemy doesn't stand a chance which is why confidence is essential if the enemy can cause you to lose your confidence in your ability then he knows you don't stand a chance against him but don't give in to that lie don't think for one second that you're not strong enough or powerful enough to stand up against the enemy joshua 1 9 says have not i commanded thee be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee which so ever thou goest philippians 4 13 says i can do all things to christ with strengthening me the third point i would like to address is that you must let your actions be lauded in your words it's one thing to go around professing to be strong and mighty but it's another thing to actually be doing something the devil isn't just afraid of your words you have to put in some work and some actions to match it so when i say exercise your power i mean put in a work get up and do something don't allow the devil to drain you don't get cold and dry in your spirit don't allow the enemy to feel like he's winning get up and fight don't sit on the power god has given you use all this power you have and fight back pray harder fast longer and apply some pressure to the enemy you must consistently be exercising your power in all areas of your life when the devil fights you in your mind you need to exercise your power when he fights you in your faith you need to exercise your power when he fights you and your family you need to exercise your power when he fights you in your joy you need to exercise your power when he fights you on your job you need to exercise your power when he tries to fight you in your spirit you need to exercise your power no matter what area it is the devil tries to attack you in utilize your weapons and fight back second corinthians 10 and 4 says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds in every situation and through everything that is thrown at you get up and fight back and exercise your power hey man come on give us this ayanna hand clap for that word on tonight listen to your neighbors say neighbor exercise your power are you packing on tonight hey man come on clap your hands more one more time hey man we're going to call our final speaker we're going to call our sister kylis allen come on clap your hands for her [Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody amen you may be seated on tonight hey man i won't be before you very long amen if you would grab your bibles and go to the book of matthew chapter 8 verses 6 through 10. amen that's matthew chapter 8 verses 6 through 10. amen and it reads and saying lord my servant lying at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus said unto him i will come and heal him the centurion answered and said lord i am not worthy that thou should has come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for i am a man under authority having soldiers under me and i say to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my servant do this and he doeth it when jesus heard it he marveled and said to them that followed verily i say unto you i have not found so great faith no not in israel amen and we're going to go down to that 13th verse and it says and jesus said unto the centurion go thy way and as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour amen if you will look at your neighbor and say neighbor the power of faith look at your other neighbor and say neighbor the power of faith amen i began to look up the word power and man the word power means the ability to do or to act i mean it means to have authority over and then i'd also begin to look up the word faith amen the word faith simply means belief and trust in the loyalty to god man it also means something that is believed especially with a strong convention conviction amen the centurion comes to jesus and basically asked him to heal his servant which was sick of the palsy and then i began to look up the word uh the word palsy i mean it simply means complete or partial muscle paralysis i mean it's often accompanied by a loss of sensation or uncontrollable body movements or tremors i mean basically it's just a weakening or debilitating influence amen the centurion goes on to tell jesus that he wasn't worthy for him to come unto his roof that if he would just speak the word only amen that his servant would be healed amen he goes on to say that i'm a man under authority with soldiers under me and man he had full confidence amen in the ability of jesus to heal his service and requested that jesus simply give the command and then he begins to say i am a man he says under authority i mean basically that means that that he you know he was a man that he was subject to others was subject to his commands amen and they knew how to obey amen and basically he was prepared to believe that jesus had the same authority over disease and sicknesses amen i mean he simply asks amen that christ would give the commandment and he felt assured amen that he would be obeyed and man he had no proof they meant that it could be done man but he simply just believed and had the faith to believe that it would come to pass amen what can your faith do amen your faith can assure your success amen uh in the book of mark 11 and 22 it says and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whatsoever shall say shall you say unto this mountain be thou removed and thou cast into the sea and shall now dot in his heart but shall believe that those things which set come to pass he shall have whatever he said amen just letting me know amen that i don't have to accept amen what the enemy throws my way amen but i can speak to my situation and god will change it around amen amen faith is also an indispensable element when living for god i'll say that again faith is an indispensable element when living for god hebrews 11 and 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him amen if i could call an example i mean the three hebrew boys amen the three hebrew boys they a man they had to faith had the faith to believe that god would deliver them out of the king out of the hand of king nebuchadnezzar amen amen their faith was so strong and secure in the lord amen amen and we as the church we have to be the same way amen no matter what the enemy may threaten us with amen we must have the faith that god would deliver us and that if he doesn't do it we still know that he's able to do it amen hebrews 11 and one says now faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen amen the three hebrew boys they man they just hoped that god would make a way even though that they didn't see a way physically amen and sometimes in life amen we don't always know how god is going to deliver us or how that he's going to make a way i mean we just have to have faith and trust in god amen that he's going to do it amen james 2 and 17 says even so faith if it had not works is dead being alone amen how many know that that we can have all the faith in the world amen but if we don't put works with that faith then man then it's dead amen some of us want new heart new cars and new jobs and new homes amen amen but if you don't go out to the car lot i mean or to the realtor i mean you'll never know how god can work things in in your favor i mean you want the we want the church house filled up amen but we won't be able to get it filled unless we go out and witness to the masses and let them know that they need to be saved amen you don't need a whole lot of faith amen you just need some faith the bible says just the grain the size of the grain of a mustard seed amen that's all the faith that we need amen you have to turn your faith on amen and when you have faith you'll be able to directly excuse me you'll be able to direct it to act league actively expressing your life they man through faith you can attune with whatever you need for your growth and constructive purposes amen you have to know uh you have to you can know what you need to know you can break free of destructive situations and habits amen faith can also intervene in your loved one's life amen your faith can touch the lives of others you are concerned about amen individuals and humanity and everyone amen wherever they are whatever they're doing amen your faith can help them amen when you have faith turned on and leave it on don't turn it off with the thought well i guess it didn't work this time amen but if you if you in faith have turned your switch on and god amen you will continually move in every area that you designate amen you just have to keep your faith and your trust in god amen know that he'll make a way out of no way know that god will do it even when there's there seems to be no way out amen it looks like every door is closed you have to believe and trust in god amen that he'll make a way amen god has given us the faith and all the tools that we need we just have to believe in and step out on faith amen uh the song says uh faith faith faith just a little bit more faith it doesn't take a whole lot amen just use what you got amen and i come to let you know just use what you got amen god has given you all the tools that you need amen to be successful in this life this holy life that we're living in amen just exercise your power to faith power of faith amen pray my strength come on clap those hands all of our young people on tonight come on put those hands together for the lord on tonight amen wonderful message from our young people on tonight blessed be the name of the lord we thank god for everyone that was on the program on tonight clapton brother cameron for his poem on tonight amen clap those hands have been preserved for redeemed even with those two wonderful selections amen for us that we thank god for brother luke copeland talking about being free oh tonight amen and be not entangled again in that yoke of bondage praise the lord we thank god for being free how many glad people glad to be free on tonight hallelujah whom the sun set free it's free indeed boy y'all sounded kind of weak to be free y'all sound like i'm bondage listen i'm determined to come to church and not sound like i've been jumped i've been set free by the power of god do i have a witness in the building here hallelujah that's not how free people act free people they act like they free they move like they free thank you jesus song says i am free praise the lord i'm free anybody know this i'm no longer bound no more chains holding me it's just a blessing my soul is resting hallelujah praise the lord i am free i wish i had somebody could lift those hands watch out now and give him praise like you know you're free on the night thank you jesus hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord amen we thank god for that clap those hands for says ayana amen simply saying exercise your power you've given power over all the power of them all you got to do is use that power that you have don't have a witness in the building and no we got to exercise that power that we've been given we exercise that power even the enemy knows we have it that's why the bible said resist the devil he'll flee from you just exercise that power that you have put the devil back in this place amen person exercise your power amen and cisco these came back finally and told us amen this power in just having faith power and having faith you can speak to yonder's mountain and tell it to be removed and cast in the midst of sea the boss will believe and don't doubt and that mountain has got to move because we've got faith lord have mercy o faith and go a whole lot of places that we can't get to but we got faith to believe god and know that god can turn some things around in our life would you clap those hands with all the wonderful speakers that we're on program on tonight at this time stand to your feet we want to make an altar call with anyone that needs something from the lord on tonight a man we serve a god that can do anything but fail thank god amen for you tonight amen and all the young people even that one program and thank god for you coming out to support all the young people on tonight amen thank god for them amen thank god they sought god for a word and the lord did not disappoint us all tonight how many thank god for the word how to know that we can take this word and apply it to our lives and use it in the time of need amen all we gotta do is exercise the power and the faith that we've been given thank you jesus amen to fight the attack on the enemy amen listen i've been set free not to go back into bondage i've been set free to stay for anybody in here i've been set free to stay free and whatever it takes to stay free i got to put up that fight to make sure that i stay free is anyone that needs something from the lord on tonight we have time to pray with you and pray for you whatever the need may be i found out the little becomes much when you place it into the hands of the master thank you jesus oh blessed be the name of the lord thank you jesus hallelujah what are you doing would you bow your heads will you pray with me father we thank you for the service on tonight lord we thank you god for every young person that was on program god that represents you god we thank you god for the anointing that does cover their life right now god we thank you for using them for your glory and for your honor on tonight god we give your honor and we give you praise god to the least of them to the greatest of the god we thank you for it all god we pray god always god that your word god did not just follow god on hard ground but god it went to the place where you sent it to go and encompass the task in what you sent us what to accomplish and we thank you for the word of god now god let your word uplift hearts right now god let your word god speak to the lives of people god to encourage them god to know that they have the power they've been set free god and they have the faith to believe you for whatever they need god we thank you for the word of god on tonight god and god those that did not know you're the partner of this sins i pray god you said in your words they could just confess their thoughts that you're faithful and just to forgive them of their sins and we thank you for the right now god we're asking that you would fill them with the holy ghost change their life forever may they never be the same again from this day forth in the name of jesus god strengthen right now god heals sick bodies god raise them up for your glory and for your honor right now god god those that are struggling and going through god i pray that you give them the strength they need god bring them out of that problem god bring them out of that trial god and god those with prayers and petitions that are up before you god i pray that you honor each and every one of them in the name of jesus god watch over your people god keep us safe cover us protect us god from our hurt harm and danger all men of sickness diseases diversity that may be in the land god watch over keep us safe god will be careful to give your name the praise of the glory and the honor and let the people of god say amen amen come on clap those hands out you people come on clap come on come on clap those hands out you people help me get the lord of praise in this house god bless you and we love you come on clap those hands thank you for tuning to the good news broadcast of deliverance we are located at 59 knox street houston texas 77091 you can contact us at love for you 713-692-6570 join us at any of the fallen worship opportunities tuesday and friday nights at 8 o'clock p.m sunday morning at 11 o'clock a.m and sunday night at 7 30 p.m for more information go to houstonfgt.org be blessed
Channel: FGHT Houston
Views: 179
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: fght houston, bishop andre lee, full gospel holy temple, pastor andre lee, houston fght, bishop lee, pastor lee, preaching, jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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