FFXIV: Looking Back at...Patch 2.4 (ARR 10th Anniversary)

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foreign Mr Happy here and welcome back to another patch retrospective for Final Fantasy 14. we're celebrating a realm reborn's 10th anniversary by looking back on how the game has evolved over the last 10 years and part of that is looking at all the content that was added in each and every patch now I remember 2.4 being a little lighter compared to other patches I think it was because they were finally gearing up for heaven's Ward and we know based on interviews that it had quite a toll on the dev team specifically the 2.4 to 3.0 cycle that being said there's still some very important things that came out in this patch so without further Ado let's get started like I say in all these videos msq is just a foregone conclusion somebody did suggest that I should do a brief overview of the msq that was added in each of these patches but that could be a video all on its own in fact pretty sure I did a video on 2.4's msq so that would be just a little bit redundant that being said this was starting to push us towards the heavensward expansion with a lot more Ishq hard being involved in a lot more characters being much more at the Forefront after not really speaking to them very much since our original Trek through Court this way back in the level 40ish range along with msq came some of the more normal stuff again three dungeons per patch it's going to be really sad when we get to the point in this video series where I can't say that and I have to say well they started doing two and they started doing one but for now we still have three as part of the msq there was snow cloak which not really a favorite of mine I called it snore cloak because the music is just that peaceful not because the dungeon was boring but it was definitely an interesting one I remember the first boss in the icicle mechanic where he freezes you if you are not moving being very confusing to a lot of people not to mention the snowball mechanic on the second boss oh in case you didn't know those bosses have been changed to some degree ever since they added Duty support so be sure to go check out my video going over those old msq updates when they did them the other two dungeons were hard mode dungeons sunken Temple of Karn hard mode and cess Tasha hard mode out car and I remember the second boss with the character being a big problem people not really understanding how to stop it in Rage cast and says Tasha hard mode you know I don't really remember there being that much struggle but I do remember the occasional wipe to the final boss which given it's the same last bosses hole breaker with a few little changes here and there you wouldn't think that would be the case but uh the second boss as well says Tasha actually had quite a few dungeon wipes in fact this was kind of a patch of dungeon wipes a lot of people like to refer to 2.1 with Pharaoh serious but 2.4 had some stuff that definitely through the average Duty Finder group into a bit of disarray as for trials this was where Shiva was introduced dreams of ice being the name of the patch you probably would have figured that even if you hadn't played at this point but you knew about Final Fantasy Shiva was an interesting one because Shiva hard mode and Shiva extreme to this day are kind of a meme now not because they're easy but because of one particular mechanic they're tank Buster now in normal mode there's a cleave attack that's a tank cluster whenever she pulls out her sword but in extreme it's a split damage AOE and I remember the constant grief of people getting Shiva hard mode and roulette or just doing it in general and forgetting that there was that difference to this day I still don't stand in the middle of the room whenever I achieve a hard mode and a roulette for that particular reason that being said the Shiva trial actually aged quite well when we got it back as an unreal trial in a later patch I was reminded that it was a pretty decent extreme definitely not in the tier that things like Titan or ramu or but definitely stands on its own quite well and can definitely recommend giving it a pixie if you didn't way back when unfortunately who knows if it'll ever come back as an unreal but hey it's the memories that count right speaking of Trials there was one other trial other than Shiva and Shiva extreme and that was the dragon's neck Coliseum this was actually part of the Hildebrand update and yeah we got a lot of Trials as part of Hildebrand Back In A Realm Reborn so not only do we have Hildebrand as part of the update but we had an encounter against ultros and Typhon orchupon whichever translation you prefer a pretty difficult one at that the Hildebrand trials again were never really that hard but they always had some sort of gimmick that made it hard for some people and didn't always make it a guaranteed clear I remember wiping quite a bit especially on the bit where everyone gets transformed and you have to rotate around the arena so dragons that Coliseum a pretty decent one nowadays you'll just Massacre through it in fact I'm fairly certain that since its release they've nerfed the whole knockout of the Arena thing to be significantly more forgiving but then again I don't really remember it all that well so all I remember is people wiping a lot however there were some major major updates while there wasn't necessarily as much new content to consume stuff that wasn't part of the usual like we had with 2.1 through 2.3 there were some pretty major things one of the most major things being the introduction of a new class end job the only time we've ever gotten a new class and job in the middle of an expansion in that of Rogue and ninja being added Rogue to this day is still a bit weird you can't start the game as a rogue you have to get to level 10 and then class swap to it I'm sure that's never going to change but it's still weird thinking that all these years later that that's still a thing but ninja when it was introduced just wildly changed the balance of the game pretty much immediately the players discovered a rotation that was better than the devs had leading it to be more powerful than people had anticipated than even the devs had anticipated by the way that thing they didn't predict us doing pre-poll huton yeah kind of crazy to think about that nowadays right but of course win's trick became became a meme almost immediately and ninja found its way into every single group now also fun little tidbit when they were first introduced we didn't really have scouting gear so instead they just kind of shoehorned dexterity onto striking gear at the time and so ninja was sharing Gear with monk for a little bit until 3.0 actually rolled around there might have been a few scouting pieces before for that maybe at the lower levels but I definitely remember the giant list of striking stuff from the patch notes and I remember being glad because I loved playing Monk and I ended up playing ninja for final coil anyway so it worked out but this was something that they never did again and for a reason they have explained they said that working on Heaven's Ward and working on the three jobs that it introduces as well as ninja to release in the middle of the expansion at the same time was just such a massive undertaking it completely exhausted the people working on jobs and job balancing at the time especially because ninja was already late ninja was supposed to be a 2.0 edition and didn't make it till 2.4 because they wanted to deliver it as soon as possible but then they stole 3.0 to work on which is a lot of the reason why this patch is just a lot more traditional stuff or updates to old stuff and not really much in the way of brand new at least not until 2.45 but we'll get to that in a bit anyway ninja 2.4 let's move on like I said I brought ninja in the final coil and that is another thing on our list the final coils of Bahama but one of the most revered raid tiers to this day not necessarily because of the encounters although having just reviewed them in a recent video I will say that the quality of the final coil raid tier was actually really really good for the time it's crazy to think that then we would get gordius and Midas which while not necessarily low quality or so divisive because of their difficulty after having something like final coil which was kind of that sweet spot that they had already figured out that people were fairly content with it took I believe five days to get world first it and even then just so much damage and so many more interesting mechanics across all four of the encounters so really really good raid tier really highly rated across all four encounters and honestly just one of the best finales to a raid we've ever had I mean this is not just a finale to a raid this was a finale to a story that began in 1.0 so for those people like myself who played 1.0 and knew that story and got to experience it and even for people who just saw the Realm Reborn trailer with Bahamut coming out of the sky knowing he's the central character to all of this still has that little bit of extra oomph not to mention it had voice acting for several of the cut scenes it had its own complete cinematic that was added at the end of The aroma-born Cinematic just oh we've never seen so much effort and so much polish go into a final tier since final coil and I don't think we ever will again kinda sad to say but I don't think we'll ever top final coil now in terms of content that pretty much covers everything but I do have a list of quality of life related updates that they did add and updates to existing bits of content you know the delivery mogul's got a few more quests big fishing got some more fish um oh there's actually a really big one here housing subdivisions plots 31 through 60 were added in patch 2.4 and I remember us going man that's so many more houses that's great if we could have seen ourselves now we would have very different words for just adding the subdivisions because we have gotten so many more houses since then and it has never been enough and I don't think it ever will be enough there's also some PVP updates you know new actions new rank New Gear yes I mean PVP gear had item level and was like Associated like you could use it for like easy gear back then I remember people getting item level 110 gear and bringing it into final coil I don't remember it being a good idea but I remember people doing it so at least I got to make mention of that of course Tombstone upgrades you know 0.0.2 and 0.4 always new tomestones and those even numbered patches so no surprise that the usual Shenanigans happened there they also had drop rate Buffs for 2.2 and 2.3 ex mounts all the way from Nightmare which they added in 2.2 to all the aroma-born extremes up to that point which would have been ramu of course 2.4 with Shiva added its own new Mount and that wouldn't get its drop rate buffed for quite some time they added the level Sync icon and the Duty Finder to let you know that a level sync was going to occur they had the duty withdrawal penalty added in 2.4 not only did they add it but it was if you withdraw while in queue three times in a day you cannot re-queue until the next day at like 9 00 a.m Pacific I think it was like daily reset time or whatever at the time um so yeah pretty severe I don't know if it's the same now I think now it's it's 30 minutes or something it's changed and they've like added things since then I guess we'll go through that as we go through the rest of the retrospective but reading that I was like man is it still like that and I should have probably looked before I recorded this video but hey it's a fun little thing to discuss then there were there's almost these other little things that are here what else we have fabnerian onions being usable in the field because people who didn't have houses couldn't feed their choco both have narian onions to raise their Max rank so that was huge grief for a lot of people um they I remember in the patch notes they would list every single individual item that that was added to these synthesis so there's just this massive list of items like this can now be desensized and there's no like formatting it was just name of item you know forward slash name of item forward slash no formatting row after row after row no spaces between the rows our patches are so ugly back then oh they added the Commendation achievements which yes did mean the parade Chocobo for 3K commendations was added in patch 2.4 there was a tiny frenchless update but man let me tell you I can make a whole video about how the friends list needs updating because that thing is an absolute disaster to this day and then we had some stuff that was also added in 2.45 uh quite a few things actually for one the Zodiac weapon got another update in 2.45 this made them item level 125 and the next step which would be a patch later would I think it was when 130 and 2.5 and 135 and 2.55 guess we'll get to talk about that in that retrospective but another zodiac weapon update for you in patch 2.45 oh there's three things I have listed here three other major things for 2.45 one raid loot penalty being introduced now this is as we know it today one chest and zero chest prawns that was not even a thing you could do before 2.45 so essentially as of that patch if you you could party with people who did have clears for the raid already and people who didn't have clears for the raid that week just for every person that you add who already has a clear for the week you lose loot you know so if you have you know five people that are just getting their first clear for the week then you get one chest but as soon as you cross that threshold to four people then you get the zero chest thing and that has been around since 2.45 it's just wasn't introduced until that patch a really funny one Speaking of raid Dragoon magic defense buff now that sounds like such a dumb and little thing to mention in a patch retrospective but dragoons were notorious for just dying to aoes and especially in final coil with how high the damage values were it wasn't uncommon to just have to give a Dragoon an extra shield for Mega Flare because at the lowest gear level imaginable that you could enter with you just might not live with damage Vans without some sort of extra luck especially if you were using Blood for Blood for Blood was a problem throughout all of a realm were born but for dragoons it was a twofer yeah they had a little more Health but it didn't really help in all honesty so once I got buffed in 2.45 everyone started using them and monks kind of fell to the Wayside because by that point no one was really struggling surviving with mega flares and Dragoon ninja became the melee meta that would persist throughout pretty much all of Heaven's Ward into even kind of storm blood so it was a bit of a hard time for monk for the next couple of years and then a big big one the marriage system was introduced there was a lot of talk about the marriage system prior to its release because the dev team had said they were unsure on if they would allow same-sex marriage upon upon the Eternal bondings release however they did confirm it it did I believe release with it and on top of that you know as we know it now you can get all the rewards you know that you can buy the different bands on the on the Mog Station but uh yeah that was just 2.45 like that there were major things in the 2.4 x series but like compared to when I was talking about new stuff in 2.1 2.2 2.3 you can kind of tell that more resources were being put into stuff for heavensward at this point and that they were mostly just looking to you know add a little bit of enhancement to what how the game already was at this point in 2.4 to 2.5 was kind of a rough time um not specifically that patch I mean through that all the way in the heavensward because both of those patches kind of ended up feeling this way that being said we also weren't pining to do 10 different Relic weapons back then so maybe some of us just didn't care as much maybe we just didn't like it as much we didn't want to do 10 relics nowadays well I guess in shadowbringers I did all 17 relics and I wouldn't even do two back then so you know it's just it was different times different interests I suppose now I'm sure there's a ton of little things like little housing updates that they would have made to like the functionality and little crafting and Gathering updates but to me these are all the most major things in 2.4 and 2.45 that made it what it was so let me know what you think about patch 2.45 in the comments section if you have a memory from that patch especially because around this time would have been also the PS4 really I think the PS4 release was a little bit before I think it was like February of the same year before so it would have actually been a couple of patches before this either way let me know if you have any good memories from patch 2.45 or bad ones just put it in the comment section of the video below be sure to like favorite subscribe and share and stay tuned we've got plenty of patches over the next several months to look over as we celebrate a realm reborn's 10th anniversary with that thank you for watching I'll see in the next one and until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 9,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play
Id: Y9MZDyj70a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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