Fettuccine Alfredo: la ricetta originale del Ristorante Alfredo alla Scrofa

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Good morning, I'm Mario Mozzetti. We're at Alfredo alla Scrofa, in Rome. With me is our legendary executive chef Sergio Peri. Today, we're presenting you the recipe for Fettuccine Alfredo. This recipe, which is born in this restaurant around the year 1914, so it's more than 100 years, is made with the same ingredients of more than 100 years ago. We're talking about butter and Parmigiano Reggiano. The butter will have to be sweet, as a contrast to the sapidity of Parmigiano Reggiano and Parmigiano Reggiano, that will have to be aged 24 months. Let's see how to make fettuccine Alfredo, from scratch. S: I'm Sergio Peri, executive chef in Alfredo alla Scrofa. Today we're presenting you the legendary fettuccine Alfredo. The ingredients are: for 6 people, 250 gr Italian pastry flour, 250 gr semolina flour, whole eggs. Let's take the two flours and place them in the center of the counter. Let's give it a quick mix and make a nice hole in the center. We're adding the eggs and starting to break them with a fork, just like it's done at home. Let's mix well and after it became denser and firmer, we can start working it by hand. We're using some semolina flour to clean our hands. Using a spatula, let's remove the part that is still sticking to the table. We're working it for at least 7/8 minutes, until we obtain a dough that is smooth and homogeneous. Once we work it for 7/8 minutes, let's try to make a ball and let it stand for about half an hour, wrapped in a wet cloth or in film. Once the dough is wrapped, we're letting it rest. If the room is warm, the dough should be put in a fridge. If the room is fresh, it can be left out. After half an hour, the dough will be tougher and ready to be spread out. After we cut the pasta, we're pressing it a little and covering it lightly with semolina. We're starting to spread it out. In this way, we're folding it a couple of times. After folding the dough in two or three parts, we're working it in a simple machine, that can be bought in every supermarket. After passing it in two or three times, we're starting to tighten the rolls. With your machine, try to make the fillo dough as thin as possible, in order to reach the best thinness, just as ours here at Alfredo's. Once we obtain the fillo doughs, we're starting to cut our pasta. Here we are. We can spread them or create nests, in this way. These are our fettuccine Alfredo. Since the cooking time is really short, about 30 seconds, we have to get our ingredients ready: the butter must be cut and Parmigiano Reggiano grated and sifted. Using a fine net sieve, sift the Parmigiano. Use your hand to help the process. Try to collect as much Parmigiano Reggiano as possible, without wasting it. Here is the result. Now, we're moving to the kitchen and making our fettuccine. We weighed around 220 gr of pasta for two people. In abundant water, we're adding salt. Let's take our pasta and unfold it lightly, throwing it in in this way. We're preparing our tray with 40 grams of butter and get close to the pot. While stirring, we're moving it out, in this way. We're now handling them to our mixer. M: So, we've seen the recipe, the preparation, how to cook them. We're now getting to the key atmosphere. The true turning point in the whole process of fettuccine Alfredo is the thickening, meaning the creation of a regular pasta dish: fettuccine, butter and Parmigiano into fettuccine Alfredo. Here is Ubaldo, our master mixer, who will proceed with this thickening. Ubaldo is covering the plate with fine Parmigiano Reggiano and is going to thicken. Observe the movement well, as the movement he's making is wonderful. This waving movement, one, two, three - one, two, three that makes us dancing, that makes us feel this dish as a music. He's incorporating the butter that was placed on the hot plate before. The butter is lightly soft and it's thickening the Parmigiano Reggiano with the butter, the water. This is a key movement, as it prevents the pasta from breaking. He's now proceeding to the portioning. Our grandfathers, to give the sense of perfection in the execution of the thickening of fettuccine Alfredo, said they had to be drooling. So, you went through the complete preparation of this dish, from the ingredients to the cooking made by Sergio, to the thickening made by Ubaldo. When you'll be in Rome, you can come and taste them here in Via della Scrofa 104. 104, as much as the years of history written in this voyage. Ciao!
Channel: Italia Squisita
Views: 3,676,577
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Keywords: Fettuccine alfredo, Alfredo recipe, Reazioni chef italiani alfredo, ricetta fettuccine alfredo, ricetta alfredo orginale, alfredo alla scrofa ricetta, pasta alfredo ricetta, pasta al burro e parmigiano
Id: Sk9HCxfIREo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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