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Ferrari seems to have established a pretty solid foundation to work on for the 2024 season and in Marinello the engineers are convinced that the sf24 has the potential to fight Red Bull throughout the current campaign the upgrades that are coming to Ima are set to revolutionize the car's performance as Ferrari are exploring all options with version 2.0 of the sf24 to provide flexibility with this in mind what are the upgrades that Ferrari are bringing to Ima well stick around to find out the Ferrari sf24 comprehensively has led the way behind Red Bull this season showing consistent performances in the first four races which had different track demands in terms of configurations and surfaces that has added up to Ferrari being comfortably second in the Constructor Championship with 120 points and the season has started according to the Italian team's plans with the sf24 the team has made massive improvements in aerodynamic relations resulting in the sf24 gaining ground in important areas Ferrari has eliminated the tendency of its cars to shred its tires off quickly dramatically improving the car's overall race Pace a key factor contributing to the SF 24's better Tire management is that the Italian team has been able to stabilize the car's sensitivity aerodynamically resulting in the peakiness of the aerodynamic of the car being cured therefore with such a strong and stable platform to develop on the team now is focused on introducing upgrades to the sf24 car with the hopes of gaining a significant leap in performance this now could be done in an easier manner compared to 2023 considering that the sf24 does not restrict the Italian Engineers anymore in terms of gearbox or chassis structure but Ferrari are not just focused on Raw performance according to the team's technical head enrio cardile the team wants to gain both performance and flexibility with the upgrades that are being introduced at Emer our car has a more stable platform and we need flexibility if we EV valate advantages we will adopt them we are ready to change programs IMA is the race which every Ferrari fan must keep their eyes on because the marinilla team will be introducing a new front Wing a new side pods design as well as a new underfloor for the car as of now it's good news coming from the Italian Factory as the team are witnessing better than expected gains within this upgrade package which is a Twist in itself for IMA Ferrari will be introducing a new front Wing design which is an upgrade reported to be of minor detail changes to incorporate the rest of the upgrade package in perfect sync following the new front Wing huge improvements to the SF 24's concept will be made as of now it's positive news coming out from Marinello regarding the car's cooling performance as the next batch of upgrades will be focusing on this aspect as well Ferrari hasn't suffered any cooling related problems throughout the first four races of the Season hence the team is first planning on to Dawn massive changes to the car's cooling system in terms of both components and Bodywork Ferrari have chosen to make important changes to the car's radiator inlets moving on to a Red Bull style inverted lip overbite style side pods design similar to the Red Bull rb20 it will be rb20 inspired but won't be an actual copy according to formula Uno this upgrade to the car side pod is made to improve the car's development flexibility the sf24 will equip itself with a new Inlet which will not only be more extreme of openings but contrary to the initial orientation will take up the idea of Red Bull with inverted lip showing in fact the flexibility of which card spoke about alongside the upgrades being made to the side pods Ferrari will be introducing a new underfloor as well as the upgraded side pods have allowed Ferrari to obtain a different load distribution giving Ferrari the option of improving the underf floor's performance the Marinello team will introduce a new floor with a complex concept applied on it reports have it Ferrari beli the rear end of the car is where most Improvement can be found and to unlock that potential the team is going to add kicks in its underfloor to significantly improve the load generated around the car's rear to better place The Car Center of aerodynamic pressure improving overall balance adding more Ferrari also has upgrades in the works for the body workor around the car's cockpit around the cockpit sided dividers according to the latest report from formula Uno the side pods upgrade Ferrari have the pipeline for the sf24 is aggressive and unexpected initially Ferrari tried the overbite side pods design in the wind tunnel and did not receive good results but the team has been running a parallel program with its original developments and a found of recent unexpected gains providing both performance gains and flexibility keeping a wider development path open for the Italian Squad this could be done thanks to the redesigning the Italian team has done to the car's fundamental architecture the chassis design Engineers back at Marinello were able to grasp key data points about the car's fundamentals early on on including cooling performance which gave the team the license to go aggressive in terms of cooling and aerodynamic Solutions pushing the car aggressively in the Wind Tunnel the sudden change in development plans also has been a primary reason for Ferrari to delay the first upgrade package for IMA which on the previous schedule reportedly was supposed to arrive at Miami if we had to believe the statements coming from Ferrari as well as media outlets close to the Italian team we should be able to see a competitive sf24 after these upgrades are tied onto the car one that could threat the dominance of the rb20 providing us with some entertaining races in 2024 the most important thing to understand here is that Ferrari have established a solid foundation to build on within the sf24 and has opened an array of possibilities for Ferrari to pursue developments on that they believe could bring lots of performance to the table in theory now the important question for us to answer is can Ferrari with these upgrades close the gap to Red Bull to challenge them for race wins more frequently well the possibility does exist the gap between the sf24 and the rb20 over the first four races has been between the mark of 3 to 4/10 of a second despite the different circuits and surfaces both these cars have raced in that proves that the sf24 is consistent consistent as the Red Bull the engineers back at Marinello expect the upgrades to add a tenth of a second worth of downfalls alongside a 10th and a half worth of efficiency that equates to 2 and 1/2 T of raw performance considering that downforce gives drivers confidence improving the car's consistent load generation also will result in a gain in lap time and we can estimate it to be around half a tenth all that adds up to 3/10 which is enough to be that much closer to Red Bull just enough to Trel their dominance one thing to note is that the Gap to Red Bull is considered from thepp and side perz on average only has been about a tenth or two ahead of the Ferraris so the imul upgrades would potentially allow either llaa or SS to challenge Red Bull as a Constructor but we should remember that Red Bull also have their own upgrades in the pipeline for IMA so should be interesting to see where the rb2 lands after that upgrade package is applied with upgrades on the horizon signs expects Ferrari to close the gap to Red Bull as the season progresses I think they Red Bull are definitely going to have an advantage in the first third of the Season until we bring one or two upgrades that make us fight them more cons consistently but science thinks it may be too little too late to challenge for the title but by that time maybe it's a bit too late with the advantage that they might have on the championship in the meantime we need more australias but I don't see red bull as a team making these mistakes very often no added the Spaniard considering how strong and consistent the sf24 has been in the first four races what do you guys think can Ferrari with its next huge upgrade package at IM bring the sf24 closer to the rb20 to fight for race wins we are very much into your thoughts and perspectives in the comments section down below and on your way down don't forget to subscribe to the channel to get notified of our future uploads to keep yourselves up to dat about the 2024 Formula 1 season
Channel: Overtake Fans
Views: 19,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #f1, #f1news
Id: ztXFyLs5XNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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