Ferrari F430 manual review. Why I would choose this F430 over a Scuderia.

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well welcome to a new Harry's garage video and today's car is this Ferrari f430 a real favorite of mine this one came out in 2004 and it was a real step change from the Ferrari 360 that went before it all sorts of tech on it was Ferrari at their peak early noughties they were dominating f1 introduction of electronic systems were going into their road cars all sorts of clever trick on this car will ya discussing a bit more detail later but I particularly wanted to get this example in because this is a manual gearbox to f430 and they're rare things it's not quite sure how many are actually produced but around ten percent or thereabouts of production is around 15,000 in total f430 is produced in both Spyder and coupe a form so that mated around 1500 cars that were manual and actually makes it rarer than the Ferrari f430 Scuderia which is about 1800 cars in total so what's a manual light to drive well we're going to the more detail on that but it's a I think it's well worth searching out even when it was launched we call the f430 as limit this is December 2004 which year of Evo and we called it Ferraris baby Enzo it was a really lovable car anyway let's go have a look in a bit more detail do you think it's a good-looking car the f430 it introduces sort of sharp nose from the previous generation of f1 cars of the 60s a really classic look for the intakes at the front of the rats that at the front 19-inch wheels on this with this particular example doesn't have the optional comm ceramic brakes steel bracelet look at this - a lost I have to say in the 19-inch wheels but they work very well looks great in this color of blue rather than what I might turn Ferrari retail red and then at the rear where we got the Enzo lights the round lights from the Enzo on on here on the f430 in also this monster great diffuser this is the period of Lucca Montezemolo in charge of Ferrari and the one thing he detested was spoilers on the car spoilers so all it got it was a slight lip on that boot lid and it's or it's just such an elegant look to me it did actually produce corn a lot of downforce of it but the CD factor they say was identical to the 360 but about fifty fifty percent more downforce just a great-looking Ferrari okay let's have a look up at the front and the engine but but I'm here to do the front and a lever there for the engine one thing I do like about the Ferrari f430 was it was a really practical car it has an enormous fuel tank it's 95 liters of fuel this cars whole seeking thing it's got proper range and if I just open this up that is quite a big hole there this is the history and this car and the files over there I've got a lovely tool kit all strapped up you didn't get a spare wheel on a Ferrari of this vintage you've got this it's just got the foam the inflator and stuff in there but actually that is quite a big space in there that's your paint code on these cars as well and then at the rear oh I'll just this lovely detail here this is on the mirror the f430 lovely detail on the mirror just signifying what car this is this is actually glass you've got the engine all on so there it's yours look in a moment it's really set into the chassis how lowdown it is and they sort of shade this glass here so you don't see this so ugly bits which is the air intakes and stuff here you just see that flash of red so here it's the exhaustion you've got the intakes here the water here lovely oil currents dry sump this car Ferrari red crackle though this shield in the middle yes such a sight evocative site because it's try something can mount the engine really loan you have to look right down there before to find the cylinder heads really tough well down and it's just it that's just to get that weight right down and then you peer into the inside as well through that glass screen so yeah quite a sight no wonder they put a glass window above it so it's always on shows a good-looking engine okay that's the car let's take it outside take it for a drive because that's what this cars all about yeah nicely trimmed this car obviously the Kramer interior black - and see this blue stitching to match the exterior color on here big veins conventional radio this is the age before you got the screens the only Ferrari never really did it they put it into the actual - he rather than having a separate screen here simple heater controls as well hurrah we just twist this and you know you put on auto or fans etc a manual gear change in a Ferrari f430 typical gate all the same the aluminium no on top these are just the hazards and mirrors and stuff just the same as on a Ferrari 550 or something like that but this is the big change this wheel one with the stars version but - with the little manettino we saw it on the Enzo and here at ease on the f430 its introduction where it has you know on slippery roads sport race or CST everything off there is actually a snow position as well so yeah that was the big change on the f430 this is a link of what that took over the traction control the dampers and this e diff anyway let's get on started where you turn the key and press here I sort of blare from the exhaust that's sort of typical of the that's a high-revving light flywheel v8 sir Ferrari now bit serve so a different sound this is it mute because I've got it on I'll put into sport just it could only be Ferrari what a noise right I'm gonna get a little bit more heat into this let's just get this underway so old having a collage but changing gear just quickly the press cars none of them were manual but they're for 30s Ferrari is very keen to push the technology had at the time and obviously the f1 gearbox that was the link to it you know the 8th one program that changed on panels they speeded up on their 430 over what was in the F 360 so that's what it was all about fast fry so the manual that was old-school there's nothing to do with the press cars anyway you join me a little bit later on some better roads the big difference with the pair for 30 years you've got so we called skyhook dampers these electrically adjustable dampers that we're all linked for some control by a super brain and could change the saw damped it settings in an instant depending on the road service chemicals it this is an evil bitter Road and instantly I just install estat the right quality in this f12 30 at the moment I've got it in wet road just because it's civilized and I'm just trying to know about the is where he's warm they're actually they might put it just into support just to come up here but really was a big change and is this very vocal engine a different source sound it's got valve exhaust sadducees absolutely standard as catalyst or also keen to test this one we are in sport and even there the ride is good 3000 rpm Dada lots of blossom end torque as well 25% all that in the 360 I'll be still 343 it's a short stroke engine is bore is wider than the stroke on it it's built through high revs this engine so you don't expect taught to be high but with a variable valve timing from the Enzo on this engine it just is such a clever anjali maximizes everything it care even though it's got that short stroke to boost that bot main tool really clever 4.3 liter or you can just cruise in six pretty on the wet road system parts of the exhaust and makes the dampers that a little bit softer just lots of moods whatever mood a Ferrari in fancy is all in control on them manettino switch on the steering wheel he's got the same wheelers on the end so what they all wrote s used to do you just the call button is there just where your thumb goes and he will everybody doesn't when he first came they say to Ferrari it's so easy just to press it by mistake but it's got the indicators in the right place same indicator stalks as you get on the 5:15 stuff and also on your Fiat Punto but we went weren't telling you about that they work fine nice not have a cluttered wheel [Music] wheels fully adjustable if they on the dash you've got this rev counter held and proud in the middle I've got a window in it that would tell you your gear chains what gear you're in were this an f1 and the manual they disease just blank is just a black hole does the square of the top possible you can it just tells you what mode you got in all the time or whatever speedo 220 mile an hour speed Oh to the right so you actually have to watch the speed from this the downside is it's the very most about a third of the speed on theirs is up to a hundred miles an hour so you can look at it quite carefully because he done half get a move on this car this car has even got electric seats and it's coin plush there they do a sport seats of carbon backed one but thus the standard seats like this from the rectory really big bowls is on and a big favorite of mine add them in my 550 Maranello and it's a very exceptional seats front there's a locking glovebox and there's a boat or from UCF boats in Burford there you go good ventilation for air-conditioning these giant vents on the front if four thirty on them yeah really nice place to be spacious there's a useful shelf just behind the seats like on the Testarossa so you've got added space for extra bags etc if you're going away behind the seats as well I say I'm a thousand rpm 1,200 rpm and just move away no problem until beautiful into really good my usual Sprint's up the hill I'm in second gear 30 miles an hour between $1000 p.m. what happens next this just sings it feels effortless but there's a it's so flora is no mistaken I think they're they're one all the way that they just make their cars you could be blindfolded a bit sorry you know immediately you're in a Ferrari that's what I've always loved about the f430 and it's short gig as well it's not like a garden so I'm forced to help caught up with a lorry come over take if I mean second now get off it's about 70 miles an hour so you can but it's just because of that threat for all those reps you actually think it sort is because you've got server speed very simple single gears this is and it's a quick car proper proper quick I was amazed we didn't figure on an Evo but Road and track did and an acreage to sixty was three point seven and a hundred was seven point nine seconds both increments point one of a second quicker than a Ferrari f40 that's the sort of performance you've got in there for thirty spectacular I mean they're really provides are there's obviously f40 is manual and this being a manual won't be quite as quick as that because the gear change pedal guillotines he's always quicker but mighty impressive just a way of ribs so clever this to still want my face to everyone for about ten years but it sort of is lovely to revisit again even spoke the ride is good I can go up to race and act as hard as up again in sport is just a Lily's compromise for driving on road is where I pitch it steer is typically light Ferrari lighter than you getting some other cars but easy to read this deserve freebies a hydraulic steering obviously no electric steering in 2004 five just lift the simplicity of it rid of them I made this car as well while addict guard came out at fourteen eighty two kilos slightly heavier than the claim where they never fourteen thirty kilos have been claimed but then it hasn't got the ceramic brakes and it hasn't got that sort of carbon fact and your seats and also it's fun for the few moments so the ninety five liters all those things just put popping up but it feels light and athletic out on the road don't feel at home just love the way you just blip it we can change it things a really exciting I feel they sort of like disappeared because of four five eight came along it was such a change of car with the dual clutch gearbox etc but then a 4:30 and she dedicates simpler anything I use did fine with it as they used to grind out this has syphilis pot oh it took this enrolled hasty thing it's all dance as if 360 didn't never have really gelled women feel slightly and live didn't quite trust it this it's just a step on nice thing so summarizing the f430 what don't I like I'm really struggling on this one trying to do a list before I set it out and I couldn't really think of anything I've never quite like the rear view but of the car doing it's as wonderful as the front but I'm actually over the years I'm like it or not used to so that's not really a dislike and crying it out used to ground out suspension meet this one doesn't see me doing it it's like to have optimistic bump stops though they don't quite know where how about suspension travel is but this one seems fine on them the lights is much easier to do the lights on one where's that engine it was a complete game changer compared to 360 way more powerful was 23% or powerup 483 horsepower that is plenty for a road car that means to you this bills ace down here you know it's just under five animals pattern the annual game what does bring it along do you feel connected escarpment the f1 gearbox was a pretty good effort I've never buy a 575 of their f1 cables but on the who's Eve no problem - that is just a little bit today's cars it's brought the sound oh it's just nobody's infantry visit I sort of forgot why I say you know anyway back on track another thing I love about it the usability it's it's a classy Ferrari this the way I can turn the exhaust out I can turn it up I love the mood changes that the planet e2 introduced the big boot the big tank etc and carnal words carpets Scuderia is obviously his nemesis the scooter here is pretty stripped down I love them to bits but a touring there they're quite hard work ever riding jet everything turned up to 11 this is very easy to live with and still pretty flippin bad at the top end so I love these and I think the bang for buck the f430 is a bit of a forgotten hero 80 90 thousand will buy you a nice example and Nouveau you can find a manual that adds an extra connection and I think this will be a very special car this car sold we sleep about 120,000 here big company had it is to work on it around hundred and twenty scooter rear is gonna cost you 160 170 so 25% less than the scooter ear but I've got more involvement I've got more usability and a normal f1 gearbox f430 Scuderia 40% discount on the scooter ear I'll be mighty tempting all from f430 so well I've really really enjoyed this car feels an utter gem with the manual gearbox search one out like a manual you're in for an absolute treat so I think this is a forgotten hero this car bang for buck off the scale of my favourite Ferraris so there you go hope you enjoyed this video if you have well keep watching keep subscribing check out Harry's farm as well scribe to that if you will that'd be fantastic because anyway there'll be more videos on both channels carolyn very soon thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Harry's garage
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Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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