Fern Brady's Best Moments | Taskmaster

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[Applause] I feel like I don't know what's real anymore oh [Music] no hi F hi uh hello Mania Alex let me tell you this right now got a good feeling about this [Laughter] get the most pleasure pleasure pleasure from all of these rubber shoots you have 30 minutes your time starts now so first thoughts just a massive slide slide I wish there were bigger cuz I'd just make a slide well I would just go inside and then what would you do uh have a sleep are they percussive I'm going to need five little chocolates five little chies oh are you having pleasure oh I can see your little green fly yeah right okay is it fair to say that a lot of our tasks um are getting in the way of you having a nice sleep no it's for a very good reason I was so excited about coming in to do the task days that I didn't sleep which then meant I was tired and couldn't do my tasks very well every day when you came in I would say I'd been too excited again yeah well I've written down what my perception of what we're about to see is I think we're getting three slides one with jockies and a big Irishman playing a giant Glock and finally it's Fern and Sarah and their ideas of pleasure I have an [Music] idea it feels like I'm doing bad things to my dad or something I would like you to first put on a blind fold and then I'm passing you a shower cap why protect your lovely hair oh do you like bananas yes cat them in your mouth right so I just want you to be ready for anything is that all right yes oh oh co where is it going to come from [Music] yes first I wait didn't want to give you a chance to finish it cuz that's not the task the task is my pleasure are you finding it pleasurable yeah it's really good fun is it is that one finished that one's finished now what oh [Music] do make your thin lips stick out more please did you say please I would have any passive aggressive stuff from you please I kind of wipe my hand but everywhere I wipe it they're getting dirtier oh yeah that's L sore raise your eyebrows did you say that's not sore I can smell something egg drink this drink [Laughter] this oh it's warm I quite like it is it soup you look scary now right have you finished um yeah oh I've got bananas all over my feet right did you enjoy yourself no I didn't enjoy myself I did though yeah bye byebye well I mean straight off the bat two things gave me a great deal of pleasure Alex horn in your dress and the sentence catch them in your mouth Fern yours was a bit more medieval I thought what was a curveball for me and when it started um becoming like Misery the film when out of nowhere he decided to fill his mouth full of ketchup the thing is is extremely passive aggressive so he does a lot of things like goes h under his breath very English brand of passive aggressive it just makes me want to be violent to him yeah get to the end of the lanes in exactly the same amount of time one lane two lanes that time must be under 1 minute of course is two times W also you must mirror yourself during your attempts there are two bonus points for the most stylish mirroring mirroring mirroring po attempts must take place within the next 10 minutes this is Lane one there yeah on the flat yeah this is lane two it's a travel ler yeah yeah and you want to reach the ends of them at exactly the same time I can tell you if you were stationary on that yes takes about 1 minute 25 the time I do it in must be under a minute so I cannot be stationary on it sneaky sneaky sneaky well there's no there's no point going quick on here because that mean I have to go double quick there can you go double quick Greg will give style points that's most stylish people from Greg sty points from Greg well finally it's firm ready ready [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] sounds like you're a people's Champion anyway you talk us through your performance fa uh from my point of view I've written down uh lackluster and wildly inaccurate tra really hard I feel like I don't know what's real anymore because because at the time I kind of thought that there was some airport staff and they were looking at me funny but I thought oh they were just really jealous of my costume I didn't know it was that bad unfortunately firm on one side of the path she did it in 29 seconds the other in 45 seconds there a 16c difference T time yes it is and it's something we all think about once a week because you've asked him this week to bring in the thing that you most want on a Sunday morning oo what you brought in it's my favorite breakfast soup this is her favorite breakfast soup lovely o it's like a Savory tofu ping y uh that people have in China I think Alex has some here you are there's the stop Yes try it try it CH to well obviously oh fishy it's very spicy and quite crunchy yes please do oh my God Greg I thought you weren't going to try it cuz aren't you from Shrewsberry or something you seem like you just eat [Laughter] roasts oh God yeah that is isn't it tastes like a farmyard well you like because of where you're from it's a flavor of hopelessness um catch something catch something most spectacular catch wins you have 20 minutes time starts now has anybody got Co no no I don't have Co have you got any sort of infectious diseases I had appendicitis when I was eight oh I remember catching something when I was a kid my dad kicked an American football in the air I really remember catching it are you good at catching yeah if I can see the thing coming but how much better would most prot be if I couldn't see a coming oh my God so my first thought was just illnesses but I just don't think any of us have got time so first things first I need a ball I'm just going to find a ball Alex okay okay you stay right there my slime what do you catch catch a fish but everyone's going to say catch a fish what could I catch nothing's alive in here you don't want to go outside and just catch things what would I catch outside the birds uh I wouldn't worry about animals people p up also when you whenever there's one of these you have to do it mine's better mine's always better good [Music] so your first three instincts of what you could catch Fern are a fish a bird people yes I I thought that was all obvious things to say okay next up like all of us she's scared of fires yes it's burner [Music] Fredy [Music] [Music] lovely 20 minutes 20 minutes I caught a falling star I know powered only by turquoise fart Greg I thought I'd show a little making of video so we can all admire the that Fern put into [Music] hers well this week you've asked them to bring in the best fancy dress Fern I am dressed as an alien dressed as a Scottish man yes this is Fern's fancy dress have a look [Laughter] oh my God you know where you get these like educational films for children um this was a film where there's a a Scottish book called The Corn gatherers about two brothers and um for some reason I was an alien that inhabited the character of the book but I'm not a not what people would call a fpan and I got shot dead in the end right why why was the alien shot I was shot um cuz I wasn't meant to be gathering cornes in the forest uh I feel like possibly my drinks have been spiked oh oh baby write down five wonderful words you have 1 minute your time starts now [Music] um last year when I started learning one new word a day people laughed at me now who's laughing me loquaciously [Music] lacious 20 seconds for him D 12 seconds if you want to change your mind nope thanks job Euphoria 10 seconds sex I panicked I panicked great great stuff I doubt I'm leaving the room what have I going to do now I genuinely don't know I don't believe you for a second I never believe anything you see apart from everything you needs on the task exactly information is on the task why do I feel I have made a rod for my own back write a classic song oh Jesus you must write lyrics for a piece of classical music your lyrics must contain your five wonderful words you have 30 minutes your time starts now I'm going to give you some options Jesus is Lord you need that many wires is that an iPod Touch what is it World War II and is it only those words or other words oh other words as well okay fine oh you wrote down the name of the song yeah it's cayon isn't it correct thank you I think it's too poignant for this too poignant okay is that Hall of the Mountain King correct two points how many points have I getting for this Lords [Music] next that was a banger yeah yeah yeah yeah pop the next one on onean Lake by chovsky [Music] no no no it's too British noot last one I can play this you don't know that one it's not his best you're not writing lyrics to that though no well if he didn't what's it called not even a good name Sonata and C major I need to listen to it while I write the song yeah yeah here we go well you just stand there yes you're just going to have to keep going back to the start this is how I like to write my raps yeah me too here we go stop pause okay weel up again pause again and where do you reckon people would sing your song in the head can you really play that on a piano yeah instead of having friends at school I spent two years learning mozarts and add and that's one of my favorite ones oh next up let's see and hear Fern Brady oh no here we are again series 14 who will become the house is Queen it just me from Brady me from Brady I'm the rightful Queen dilapidated house filled with mystery we bloody knows what we will see only one contestant will achieve the height of Victory and the task was serendipitous they were gifts to the task mistress so the other contestants they will boot liing SEO fans a big b Mr K CH and losers and a stamp on their toes that was painful you SED yourself with some stinker words but yeah it's a masterpiece wasn't it yeah I wasn't aware we were allowed write a disc track she really took you all down really I mean accurately as well I don't know what I don't know what my word means you were obsequious obsequious yeah oh that you suck up to people and you really don't you're you're not I mean he does he doesn't wow Dara you're not obsequious thanks [Applause] Greg it's the last prize task of the series and you've asked them to bring in the thing of yours that the Taskmaster would most like to own hi F hello I've brought you magical tarot cards here are the tarot cards so this wasn't even what I was going to bring in I was going to bring you in this uh spray that turns your hair brown then I mean so far it's been a very unsettling R and then I did a reading you're not going to believe what came up in the reading and I didn't make this up the first picture five people battling out with sticks that's all the middle one that card means child like joy and a sense of Freedom the final card I mean I even need to say anything who do you who do you think that is in the what a disgusting big fat demon on top of the box I'm not making it up this came up when I did I read asking yes I just don't know what the significance of it [Applause] is order three things for your final task you may spend up to £50 you're 5 minutes you're what what what your time we're not going to say that bit yet your time starts now the thing is I could order something that could be completely useless yes I don't order that I need like a um I need a Swiss army knife scissors please pens uh um uh I'm sorry attacked D me okay not a Teddy like a animal that used to be alive and now it's that a double cheeseburger a big bag of potatoes chocolate what size the chocolate I don't know what this special say like A4 is that uh get me5 seconds get me a baseball cap Genie Genie three wishes oh no Aladdin a lamp a lamp a lamp magic lamp okay well a long time ago they all chose three items for this final task so let's see what they're [Music] [Applause] for hey champ how's it going yeah where you from carry originally oh really the man yeah very good hey look who is it's man yes welcome to your final task ah you remember the items yeah I remember these items hello Fern hiy do you remember these things wait did I meet these potatoes before yeah what the hell did I order Vaseline oh god oh it's just loose just on the top oh I'm not allowed to eat it am I throw one of your objects over the Caravan throw one of your objects over the Caravan from here no from anywhere like okay then completely cover one of your items with one of your other items then completely cover one of your items with one of your other items then put the covered item on the wooden Barrel without touching that item with your hands wooden barrel there fastest wins your time starts now oh did I ask for these potatoes did I ask for these pens oh hello finally it's fine oh no you can have another go if you want or even get closer oh I'm sorry oh no what do you have to do now put potatoes on the [Music] pens is it so put potatoes on the pens and get the pens on to the wooden barrel well yeah that's mad well you chose them what if I brought the wooden barrel over here how much do you dead left 100 102.5 yesterday oh get the pens onto the wooden barrel without touching oh like this yeah supposed to I feel like I understand this task and I'm just getting on with it any regrets about throwing the robin over and no what use would you been in Jing you could cover the Robbins and the potato oh right yeah that could work as well I'm a bit tired now yeah yeah there's actually like loads left be brave oh like a space Oh that worked yeah oh I think the doin went on top of the Caravan does it matter he didn't go over it well you can check the wording throw one of your objects over the Caravan oh yeah there oh I stopped the clock Jesus Christ well why do I know where to start look it's been pointed out to me that I think in an unusual way before and I told a few people in my life this is how I solve the task how would you solve the task everyone said like throwing the potatoes over the Caravan but to me the obvious thing was to let the bird fly Fern come close to completing this task I don't know if she completed it or not I think the rule she might have broken was did she completely cover the pens with the potatoes cuz after that she just had to get the pens on the barrel without touching them with her hands which she did do were the pens at any point covered by potatoes we got a picture of the pens out their most covered by potatoes I mean that's as covered as they could be it they are covered not they are covered if someone went oh H can you get me a a green felt tip pen you'd go I can they're covered in for more Taskmaster subscribe [Music] now
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 359,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, bob mortimer, channel 4, panel show, uk comedy, comedy
Id: JC4n8T1LqyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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