FENG SHUI Cures for Common Home Issues (Solutions for challenging conditions!)

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel I'm Julie and today I have another highly requested Fung Shui video for you if this is your first time tuning into the functionary series before we get started I just want you to know that I am NOT a Fung Shui expert by any means I've just been applying Fung Shui principles for over 20 years now under the tutelage of different function masters my own mother and family who's been following function tips for pretty much their entire lives so I believe in the power of feng shui I believe that every object whether living or not has an energy that's attached to it if you believe in a function you will give it power if you don't believe in Feng Shui please watch this video with an open mind and see how my tips can help this video is all about installing cures for cosmetic and structural home issues that you cannot change in Feng Shui a lot of these issue might deal with remodeling efforts which let's be honest not everyone has the ability the budget the time the effort to remodel or renovate their homes merely to follow feng shui but what you do have the ability to do is incorporate Fung Shui cures to counteract these negative issues that could potentially block the good Chi that's coming into your home before we get started please take a moment to like this video give it a thumbs up comment below and subscribe to my channel if you have an RV let's talk about the most common issue that I see the stairs are facing the front door the front door is considered the mouth of your home it's where she enters manifests and influences the occupants that live in the home the staircase plays a such an important role in moving Chi around the house when you have a staircase that's facing the front door she comes into your home and rushes right up the stairs it doesn't have a moment to land on your first level me and her around and give the home positive energy when you have this instance Chi bypasses the entire home auspicious Chi doesn't flow through the first level causing an imbalance in the home so if you have this condition in your home the first thing you could do is install some sort of crystal lighting a pendant or a chandelier above the foyer in your home if you can't install a light you can easily hang just a crystal orb that's multifaceted the crystals and the light will help disperse chi around the home bouncing off all of the walls from the second level to the first level and restoring some of that balance you can hang that crystal ball between the door and the staircase to help slow and disperse chi if you have a landing in the front door this is an opportune time for you to try to block that Chi and help it meander around the first floor you can do this with a really slim entry console a piece of furniture or even some plants low to the ground this will help Chi move through this space without rushing upstairs right away moving on to the kitchen this is easily the most common condition and structural issue in the kitchen that you cannot change it is a safe in a stove located directly across from each other clearly it's not easy to cut your entire kitchen just to follow Fung Shui principles I mean I did for my own kitchen I'll link my kitchen makeover so you can see what I did before a brand new remodel you really do have the opportunity to put it in its correct location the think symbolizes water which is in the north sector of the home the stove symbolizes fire which should be placed on the south wall of the kitchen kitchen layouts are such a common a Fung Shui issue when you have a sink in a stove directly across from each other they represent conflicting energies and elements so the idea is that the auspicious energies that come from water and fire are going to cancel each other out therefore not allowing any of the cheese to permeate through the kitchen clearly moving the appliances is inconvenient and it's costly so if you can't move the appliances themselves and you're not planning on remodeling here are a few cures that you could use in the kitchen you can place a potted plant like a small herb or a jade plant in between the stove and the sink the color green is really essential in the kitchen because it represents the wood element the wood element helps support fire and water therefore allowing both energies to permeate without cancelling each other out if you don't have a surface to place the plan you could also use a hanging planter in between the stove and the sink a refrigerator also represents water so if you have a refrigerator that's a from the stove that can also cancel each other out you can place a potted plant above the refrigerator and therefore restoring balance the best location for the sink of the stove is not directly across from one another but at a diagonal angle my stove the sink is diagonal from each other it's actually one cabinet off and I designed it that way so that the stove could be on the south firewall and the thing could be on the north water wall in order to allow those elements to really energize the kitchen I also placed a metal island in between the two appliances to help the energies retain its power to bounce back the energies you can also place a small mirror on the stove wall just so that it doesn't amplify the fire element the mirror element will reflect the water so it doesn't cancel the fire out a stainless steel appliance could have the same effect as a mirror if you didn't want to place on your right on your stove here's where that crystal comes in again you can also hang a crystal from the ceiling in between the two elements to help disperse that chi you could also install a six hollow rod windchime suspended in between both appliances the stove and the sink if your kitchen is located in the eastern sector of your home that metal could also help soak up the opposing cheese and balance the elements out moving on to the bedroom the bedroom is where we spend a third of our lives so it's very important that you have positive Chi coming into your bedroom while functionally strives to create a balance between yin and yang energy the bedroom is one of those conditions that has a lot of yin energy it's restful energy that will help you sleep so we don't want too much yang energy in there in function way a bedroom is designed to have morgen energy that will help induce calmness and relaxation and promote a good night's sleep you may have learned from my previous function video that mirrors are bad Fung Shui for the bedroom mirrors bounce around too much active energy if you want to learn more I'll link the video how to use mirrors and Fung Shui here a TV in the bedroom is also a functional technology in general is not good for the bedroom there's too much active yang energy and it disrupts your sleep TVs in the bedroom are also known as a black mirror because sometimes that reflects your bed and it's almost like introducing another energy in the space removing the television from your bedroom actually promotes a better sleep and more rest but I am guilty of being a television in my bedroom you guys have seen my bedroom makeover I've gotten to the point where I'm so used to it I actually decompressed better falling asleep to like my favorite shows but in the beginning it wasn't that way so he absolutely have to have a TV in the bedroom here are some common things that you can do to counteract that yang energy you could cover the television at night with a light scarf a towel or a blanket you could place the TV inside an armoire that has cabinet doors and then you can simply close the cabinet doors at night you can also source a custom make a cabinet specifically for the television I've seen a ton of these cabinets sewed online and they're rather inexpensive I think you could get a really good one for like a 42 inch for under a couple hundred dollars I'll leave some below so you can take a look and see if that's a good fit for you you could also paint the wall that the TV is hanging on a very dark color whether or not it's like a dark brown or black to almost make the television disappear you'll remember from my master bedroom do's and dont's video that my walls are like an almost dark black walnut I used to love sleeping in a really dark bedroom because at night and we can turn the lights off watch TV and it almost has a very cozy Theater vibe in there another common functio is beds under windows why is this an issue your bed is supposed to be in a command position you're laying in bed you're laying against a headboard your head should be against a protective wall a protective wall simply means a solid wall there's no doors there's no windows the reason why it's bad feng shui to have a bed located directly underneath the window is that the chi is moving in and out of that passage you'll remember that your bedroom is supposed to be a calming relaxing space if you constantly have Chi moving back and forth out of the window behind you or above you it's going to disrupt your rest you can combat this issue by installing heavy drapery or window treatments right behind your bed so every night you need to close the curtains or those heavy drapery panels and that will further help protect that wall you can also specify a tall or substantial headboard what you're looking for is a sturdy headboard something that's solid to rest your head against no metal slats no wood slats no openings you just want something solid you can source a tall upholstered headboard just for this purpose another common issue that I see in bedrooms is that the sliding closet doors are all mirrors the easiest thing you could do to cover up the mirror there are multiple ways that you could do this if you want to leave the mirrors in place you could easily install a drapery rod right on the wall above the mirror or hung from the ceiling that way you can install share panels or drapery panels and slide it back and forth to cover the mirrors when it's not in use if you rent and you can't remove these sliding closet doors you can place a really thin film over it they make it in all sorts of varieties from a frosted paper to graphics to murals you can even apply temporary peel and stick wallpaper directly over the mirror that way you have an opportunity to customize it according to your style in a study let's move outside the house one of the most common issues I see in function way exteriors is when your front door is facing a street that comes right into your home so imagine you're opening up your front door just look outside is there a street that's coming directly towards you it might stop at a tee but that oncoming Street is headed straight for your front door the issue in this case is that the negative Chi in the form of a poison arrow is coming straight to your house without twisting or turning you can block this poison arrow or deflect it so your home and front door can be protected if you want to place a structure or a barrier to block it you can plant a hedge or a row of trees in front of your home to block that oncoming energy you might be asking do those hedges need to be large or tall the taller the barrier the more protection you're going to get but honestly a low barrier or low hedge is better than nothing you can also place planters or low cement block anything that acts as a barrier or screen is going to help block that poison arrow I remember the home that we grew up in Huntington Beach although my parents felt like they probably finally made it they have this big house you know all the kids have their own rooms we had a nice pool in the back I mean the house was horrible Fung Shui the stairs was facing the front door you open the front door and it had a direct line into like a hallway and then when you open the front door you're met with this angled roof line that was across the street from the neighbor I remember my mother's Fung Shui master coming over and he was literally like oh my gosh I can't believe you bought this house without consulting with me and the first thing he had us do was place an eight-sided bagua mirror right outside our front door concave and flat Bhagwat mirrors have the ability to absorb that Chi so since that poison arrow in the form of that roof line was coming straight to our front door the negative energy implies that something bad is going to happen to the owner of the home so we put that mirror right outside our front gate to help restore some of that balance so if I've learned anything from my functioning masters there is no such thing as a perfect Fung Shui home even if you custom build it yourself you might be faced with really tough decisions that require some trade-offs from architectural standpoints to individual family needs just remember that almost any kind of bag energy can be remedied so in this case there's no such thing as a perfect feng shui home life changes your needs change the environments change is best to understand these key tips and cures to help remedy common issues so you can lead a more fulfilling life a more positive life that's healthy and uplifting think about an area in your home where the energy just feels off maybe the vibe is not right it's feeling like an unlucky corner or maybe you just need a second opinion and some clarification drop me a comment below and let's help you feel better about your space if you like this type of content and you want more Fung Shui please give this video a thumbs up don't forget to share this video if you found it helpful and please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Julie Khuu
Views: 353,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interior design, feng shui, feng shui tips, feng shui cures, solutions to feng shui, how to feng shui your home, ba gua, feng shui interior design, feng shui julie khuu, feng shui tips 2022, feng shui tips for home, how to feng shui, feng shui 2022, interior design tips and tricks, feng shui basics, feng shui tips for mirrors, interior design trends 2022, design hacks, feng shui tips 2022, feng shui tips for home 2022, feng shui lucky, feng shui home, feng shui wealth
Id: w9Jj42TwVM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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