FENCES 2016 MOVIE REVIEW - Double Toasted Review

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absolutely the whole first act is I'm watching it I'm like oh my god that's me Cory in ten years see ya when you watch this you buy yeah this is the flash-forward it's in here this gonna be those two [Music] you know something y'all know I love Denzel I love Denzel with the passion no he's not a man-crush don't get me wrong right there I want I wanted to be Denzel ever since I was a kid when I saw him in Carbon Copy I said I can be him one day never got there baby but you know you were in a movie with him I was I was man I would open look I wish I could find him anybody files in the chat and I might have it edited in here but I was in a close I came to my dream was encouraged on the fire didn't care did you hear this and no oh yeah he's in it encouraged them to fire no Joe no I'm not lying the movie courage on the fighter he was in I was an extra in that and they actually gave me lines no I didn't you can hear them cuz I had to mal them without saying anything but it's better that people if you look for courage in the fire you see me in there and I'm wearing headphones and I'm forgot who the the actor isn't on next to is a it's a famous actor but uh I'm sitting up there and they told me that don't say anything just do callsigns and at the time I was in the National Guard they said so you're a military guy you know whatever military thing that you do that you call out do that just don't say it just mouthed it off now here's the thing people for all you lip-read is out there the military [ __ ] that I was then I was calling out to people I was calling out cocoa puffs Captain Crunch frosted flakes you know I was calling out cereal man Chocula Count Chocula raspberries where they shoot that was it Killeen Oh was here was it on I was in Austin oh yeah I shot that here cocoa puffs Rice Krispies you know I'll do it all that's it and you know in in the whole time I almost couldn't do it cuz the whole time the next room Denzel was there I even heard him doing some stuff over there it's a dream of mine so it is hard for me to sit up here and see even when Denzel was a villain and training day I still love and still defend him to this day man he wasn't doing what he had to do just a wall man he had a hard job sorry no yeah the job you know he was doing what he had to do sir and a job just twisted him but I gotta say that this is the one that challenges me a man fences and it's not just em because people know that this is based on is based on a play by August but August Wilson this came out in 1983 and as you can see right there it was uh one first people to do was James Earl Jones now it was what he was famous for doing outside of Star Wars oh yeah exactly that was a great role for him right here and we showed you a little bit of his performance in there him and Courtney be Vance as his son where it's a it's a powerful powerful powerful play mainly because the dialogue and it really does kind of challenge you to like this person uh play you here by James Earl Jones uh Troy Maxon and Troy Matteson is a guy just trying to hold his family together he's working hard what could be wrong especially now you know some people say well it may be a little rough on his son but you know that's what makes him a man what law is there to say I got that like you do you want to stand up in my face and ask me some damn fool ass question like that don't my liking somebody come here boy what I don't know I was like [ __ ] when you did that I gotta be looser yourself to me but you know you see how powerful that is you see how rough he's being straighten up god damn it ask your question what law is that it's saying I got to like you know all right [ __ ] as long as you live in my house you put a sir on the end of it when you talk to me yes that's enough hey the [ __ ] right there yeah our show on the show keeps of for choking and you see how working on courting to be Vans you know L single parent or anything [Applause] thank you work for him actually no it did not that's what you expect what happened right there because that's not love some people say no I still think it is go I don't know why you tough love it stuck 9 and some people that's what you see with the trailer right there you think it's tough love because as I told you Troy Maxon he's a garbage man and he's in it and this is in Pittsburgh this is actually part of a series I think a 10 part series the the Pittsburgh plays from from Wilson and here he is a guy just trying to get by you know he's taking trash out every day all he asks is that he come home have a beer on the weekend enjoy himself maybe work on the house a little bit and then go right back to it but he keeps his family fed clothed it and keeps a roof over their head so why is everybody coming down on him why's life messing with him and one of the things that I have to say about this play right here this play the people consider this play to be set the dialogue to be almost sacred at this point so and this is the denzel washington directed movie so one of the things I could say about this is that this is a tightly tightly directed film and when I say tight I'm not talking about ads and yet moves quickly on man you know the quality of this is so tight I'm saying that it is sticking so strongly to a source material that it almost doesn't have room to breathe outside of that you can tell there's no improvisation going on yeah you know I mean if you were looking at it in and uh and it doesn't need to be because man one of the things that I was looking at with this movie I said it it tries hard real hard to make you like are not even like but just have sympathy for an unlikable character very true yeah if you see what I'm saying because I mean okay see you looking at Denzel right now he got that smile on his face mm-hmm you know it's enough here having a good time with it with it with his with his Co working his buddy right there and plus like I said Denzil watch they may be training day that's that was his one time but mostly time he's real cool and you know this side the thing with with him in his film though you get a couple drinks up in here and and he starts bragging about himself he's fun to be around yeah he's a cuz he starts you know he starts doing that he he's really trying hard to convince himself that he's happy he's trying hard to convince himself that he has a good life he will sit up there and talk about how look man I'm nice I'm a simple guy I got I got a home I got food on the table and most of all I got me a fine-ass wife oh I watch that front door by myself is that back though I was worried about you oh oh look at and that's a bill to Davis's role she laughed and she giggling oh man we do this [ __ ] at the family Union you know dad get a little bit the sauce he get happy a little bit stuff today drop a drop grab a mom and a sling but if you know it's not a move if you know there's like after a while everybody kind of hey they started like pulling back and I'm like okay there's the point set up man they know that other shoe bothered yeah you keep telling stories like a friend like a my life is good these talk talk but yeah I was a real good baseball player yeah I could've been somebody for watching for you [ __ ] on me back my gosh [ __ ] here comes look I got to go home yeah yeah why don't let you have he lashes out it anybody that he can anybody around him that's within that's within shooting distance he the the thing with them is that he's not really it's not so much that it's his family's fault or he's blaming them for anything it's just that he just doesn't know who to be angry at anymore life has just got him down so much you know that the see the problem with him is that at one time he could have been a history change in baseball player according to hell so he said oh yeah that goddamn Jackie Robinson my [ __ ] anyone [ __ ] holy [ __ ] head [ __ ] I don't care yes I think it's exact words that negate [ __ ] man you don't know that telling if he's just drunkenly tell me why I should tell tall tales to begin with oh yeah he does man and he just in and he feels like if it wasn't for his father being shitty to him if it wasn't for him having to go out and break laws just to survive if it wasn't for him having to get into the life that he has right now because his time just wasn't there because then practice you know they wouldn't let the Negro League get up there and prove themselves if it weren't for life everybody but him trying to do things and he would have been something right you know his his son comes over he can't wait for his son to come over as from his son from another marriage by the way he can't wait for that boy to come over ask for money so that he can just tell him you know a you ain't [ __ ] you know what you ain't no real man like me his son wants to be a musician you know uh and you know he's uh I mean you gotta be man the straighter show you make just make him look happy and jolly and make it look like a stuff like he's just you gotta get mean is when he really has to get people in line yeah that's the thing cuz when this movie starts in the clip you just showed us from the first 10 minutes of the movie so the whole time you're watching it it was I got that I did that Martin said when we watch the trailer the first time and when we saw him doing the play went inside was playing this role in the play was that oh no he's going to be that jolly version of this character so you're not really gonna be that you know the other shoes not gonna drop he's not gonna be taken seriously and then what's he oh yeah yeah cuz we see James Earl Jones version we yeah oh yeah in the Denzel version he's kind of you know joking and and lovable I think somewhere between Denzel when he did it on Broadway and made this movie he spent some time shadowing my father and picked up a lot of winners on how to really hone this this character and get it just right oh yeah man because when you see in the trailer the trailer actually made you root for him because as I told you man he's just a guy trying to get by you no he's out there sacrificing for his family and then his son played by Giovanna depo his son had to come up why he's working on the weekend worked at his job working at home working on the fence this son got to come up at the wrong time asking dumbass question dad how come you don't like me and and everybody talking about boy he works his ass off for you that ain't like that's love are you talking about each every day yes sir got a roof over your head yes sir got clothes on your back yes sir why you think that is cuz he hell I know it's cuz of me but why do you think that is cuz you like me thank you it's my duty to take care of you I hope on sibility to you I ain't got to like you and that's good cuz he don't he uh he resents that boy man trailer headed out a couple of em bombs he dropped an SPG oh hey funny watching this I was like yeah every Friday night my dad we get just completely blasted drunk and come home and give me that same goddamn lecture every Friday oh I'm so he would line us all up and give us that saying I got a point we could recite it though he was saying it damn slash you in that helmet right there mark wish he had to helmet yeah uh yeah man you know I when you watch this it's funny how you you thought that he was making a point no he really resents this kid right here and it comes through and it just makes you angry how he's doing that because not only does he resent this kid he is he is trying to hold him back that kids telling man you just scared I'm gonna be better than you he's like no boy I just want you to be something I'll you wanted to be a bum like you yeah he's not helping out every single one his dreams every chance he gets that kid a Giovanna depo you know he looks he looks like he's scared in the trailer but he's great in the film he I mean there's their chances when he really starts to come up because as you can and it's intense too because throughout the movie you can just see that anger just bubbling man just trying to come forward and you know he you know he's saying you know I'm only gonna let this mother [ __ ] be in my face so many times you know I'll blow up give me your feet their bones and pumping hard you've never done nothing behold me back afraid I was gonna be better than you and there's one point me talkin bout man shut the [ __ ] up okay here comes it's always scary doubt this movie is some time to like me I don't blame you for feeling like you do but shut the [ __ ] up he has a horror movie this movie works very well it really does it is so it is so intense in the thing with Denzel in the film that you really got to understand where they challenge you the most is that this is a man who has a sense of entitlement that's one of the things that really works great about this movie this acting that's going on in here there are so many complexities to it because it is it is hard it's hard this man has had I know he's going through something but he has such a sense of entitlement that he feels like well you know I I can get to go on do anything I want to do young you know what yes I work hard yeah oh I [ __ ] up I know and I'm not heard about everybody in the family but I earned that [ __ ] and I'm gonna do it again you know this is not a negotiation I'm gonna do what I want to do yeah it's a very selfish guy you know as much as you want to feel for him as much as you feel sorry for him it's like man all of this oldest you brought on yourself but but it's somebody else's fault according to him but always somebody else's fault and still at the end of it all you do feel sorry for him at least I do that's what I think is great about this I gotta tell you about the acting because he's still it man you said your dad did you like this all the time no yeah and you still felt bad for not [ __ ] that mother I'm not there I'm not quite there with the feeling bad for like the way Marta's feast few mintues over yeah Marva having flat team are having flashbacks talking to create a whole time but I know I cuz I'm scared you gonna turn on me like this why don't you like me Margot yeah I guess I like it mind you gonna review the movie i what rule says I got to review this movie this was a movie that I watched it I watched it at home I watched it with my wife and she was looking over at me she's like are you okay are you all right with this I'm like yeah this was 15 years ago this would be a trigger for me I'm past it now I can just watch and enjoy it yeah and for me I look my dad was never as hard as as Martin's dad was but he was hard but he was never like this and within you know in but I can kind of relate because there were times when my I saw my I tell you what really and maybe I maybe it was just something I could relate to with this cuz no matter I was that kid well I told my mom and dad I told him money my mother would tell you I got so sick of them arguing I win the room and said one child just get a divorce I'm sick of both they all right now mm-hmm and yeah but you're I didn't mean it no I mean we would say that we've been it no I'm any man I had my [ __ ] planned out I knew I was gonna have two different homes I couldn't wait to see what a hot piece of ass my dad's gonna get next I wanted one get two different sets of Christmas gifts I was ready for that [ __ ] I'm a man man I was gonna make sure to make a profit it's a business model make it out to Christmas list yeah [ __ ] that makes a major lemonade after mom said she gonna get me this can you match that Christmas with yeah you got it but one of the things that I saw is that no matter how much my dad arguing no matter how much hot grease my mother threw on my dad they loved each other in their times and my mom just you know she understood him like nobody else and you watch this here and these people understand him Viola Davis in the film she anchors this movie man that's why you feel bad for him because this is them from from that you know they want Tony Tony Awards for this they were in the play together for years and that you see Viola Davis in the background and she's just kind of I'm so sick of this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sure but she puts up a brave front the whole time she does up until he just makes it impossible man yeah yeah because you know you see her you see the fringe even see the children man they look at this dude and they see through him he does all that bragging and tunnel stories he when he gives they all see that you know what we can't really say anything because he's the breadwinner here but this dude is weak and they and you know you and because everybody can deal with him you like well if they can deal with him I really feel bad for him to man because really at one point he's gonna either be them he's going he's gonna alienate everybody and Viola Davis Viola Davis even though everybody said his denzel's movie Viola Davis is right behind him because Viola Davis as y'all said she will put up with his [ __ ] until a certain point and that's what you got and she can put that snot on your ex if you get Queen cuz you can squeeze yeah we should feel the wrath of the nostrils on you and then something happens in the movie and she snaps and you was so happy that she finally bucks up to him I get 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot as you don't you think I haven't won and other things don't you think I had dreams and hopes what about my life what about me comeback Denzel just moist just always counting slime yeah yeah got ectoplasm oh man [ __ ] damn viola you know it's up you know when you see when you see her actually go toe-to-toe with him in this scene you realize just how much she was doing without having to say anything I tell you a lot of times when when Denzel is showboating viola is right there in the background just doing her by languish aching her head faking a laugh and the other thing too was that uh I forgot what's a dude's name um his friend mr. bono bono yeah the second him and uh Dylan bono started going out as IO notice Cory and Marcus created the whole again yes one is Martin do you actually the whole first act is I'm watching it I'm like oh my god that's me Cory in ten years see we're when you watch this you buy yeah this is the flash for junior there's gonna be those two again fine when Martin told me that I went I got offended cuz he's lazy my wife and I told you it you did look like what yeah cuz Martin man washes movie that's us I was like man I know lose like dis on that movie [ __ ] you and then I went home and watch like oh [ __ ] that's next week Martin grows a white video who's that actor man I don't know his name he watches he wasn't Manchester by the sea - yeah he was yeah he was he was he's a night guy is a little that's not a bad performance in this film and everybody is giving great performances in here and see that's the thing why there's some shortcomings in this film and a lot of has to do with just the the the nature of the play but I would tell you the thing that transcends that is that these actors and another reason why you feel for Denzel is because he physically transforms on a dime like their mamas way when he's jovial and he's happy he is handsome as hell Denzel but when he when life gets him down you mean five minutes late angels everything he's a bum everything just sex denzel's the only actor I know that can grow a five o'clock shadow on the spot you know [ __ ] like Plato you know just push his head down he pumps his shoes like yeah that Adam you said when he's happy and then when he's being angry but even moments where he's like shocked by something you're like whoa this is like a completely different person when he's feeling himself to be the victim in a certain role yeah yeah you know it's uh and and a lot of people in the movie like I said that good but Denzel is the only one that can really show you how life is dragging him down and I mean he's the one that's been tracked down but life the most in here so it makes sense look you had experiences with it I had some experience I think anybody who's had experience with a black family in this movie can really relate I mean not without it even being without Denzel even being are being around somebody as extremist Denzel I mean some of the things where you were told how you were told to equity you were told to do anybody I challenge anybody to not be taken back that childhood who was raising a black black family I challenge you to go to the whole move without letting one your sir slip out by accident yes ma'am you know it's really uncle October when he gets into his son's face you start with coiling on the couch like oh no back away Corey not oh yeah I mean and that's the thing about the movie [ __ ] you I'm talking about how y'all are gonna go back to some your childhoods like this movie for some people it's almost like you been with your mom and daddy I heard my name called on this movie so much it was my mom and dad at first I thought it was cool to where the movie was saying my name in it I hate this [ __ ] by the end I want him to help me with this fence McCrory I was putting my shoe because I kid you not there was one part I was watching this and I went to my fridge to go kid go get something to drink or put that sort of bars are oh my god Tony with this man everybody said quote don't hit me just shudder it's the acting in it that makes it so powerful these people as I say it they they know the material Denzel and Viola Davis they know the material so well they are so close to it they understand it so much the moving my house might have it's uh as laws here and there's low points in there but for the most part it has a huge impact that dialogue cannot be it cannot be denied I die I challenge you again to sit there and not be moved almost in fear in some of the things that they say here and just to not be taken in by people who to forget being taken you know looking at them as characters just admiring how much they really love this material right here they love this material if there's anything I can say that that is uh and I have to say this because the movie has so many great parts in it that you know you think it's going to end on a high I actually hated the last five seconds of this movie man you know so bad and can't really say where it is but I remember last my second well good let's Leslie let's leave it I did it's probably the best man yeah it's it's it's extremely extremely cheesy it's something where the movie was so powerful and I was doing his job so well in that last act that they pulled like just something that was really just uh that's really cheap at the end you know you you know I'm saying yeah I mean it's it kind of I'm assuming this they didn't the theater thinking nogada sat through a depressing ass movie and that's it so it gives you some kind of glimmer of hope at the end but it did really feel kind of tacked on I was gonna say that whole epilogue kind of just felt tacked on just a I mean keeping money maybe in the play haven't seen it um but it just kind of felt like right we need to wrap this up neat so people can leave with at least decent feeling of alright this this is done and you should feel good yeah that's movie that's better than what it what it pulled at the end I mean really is what would you give it man the one thing that really holds it back from me giving it better than sex is that that epilogue man that that that kind of just sounds like this is too perfect like it's in it in this way yeah so yeah it's it's a solid full price for me go check it out gosh you never actually what I thought about the movie well you know that naturally was gonna go to Eunice come on mr. Thomas now alright uh what I'll say is I never have a I don't really have a problem with a movie translating from from the stage to to film even if it's stage II I'm like yeah it was a play I'm I'm down with that and one of my favorite plays is Death of a Salesman which this is so much like like the black version of a Salesman and one of the things uh like you bring up training day this is this is another one of those Denzel roles where yeah because he's so charismatic and lovable that when the movie starts you like hey man he's a little rough but he's just funny and yeah I know but life has been hard for me he's just trying to give tough love and it comes like in a third at me like oh no he's a son of a [ __ ] nothing I've been giving him credit this whole time [ __ ] the kid who knows that this is almost a second training well yeah as I'm aware was his name Alonso yeah he's I'm like Alonso where he has the he pretty much is lied to himself so much he's disillusioned about the shitty things that he has done oh yeah oh yeah but but you go along with him exactly that's the power I give dental all the credit in the world he was able to pull this trick off twice cut the training day you like you go fooling me again it's like your mother but you know you were cutting her some slack yeah cutting him a lot of slate like hey man you know life is hard for him he's a black man and he just didn't get those breaks and you know he's got a good heart and by the end you're like nah [ __ ] us dude - dude this is probably my favorite movie of the year are real okay um and so yeah I give it a full-price better than sex all right and I don't remember the last you know five minutes I was talking over yeah but yeah well you know for me uh yeah I was it was I was emotional by the way is it a high price or better than 600 better section I mean for me I you know it's try to sneak out here give it to me but for me personally it's a better than sex but if I say that I don't want people going like man I saw it it wouldn't better sex for me I'm like well sorry for me it's better than sex I honestly don't think that it's a great movie but I think it's lifted up by great performances like the story itself I don't think is uh as strong as the people who are strong as the characters that inhabit this story if that makes sense to anybody so I can't really go as far as Martin did with better than sex but yeah it's one of my favorite movies of the year it's uh and again I told that that says something about the film well I noticed major faults and especially with the story and I'm still able to say that I was moved way moved by this film and give it a high very hot full price yeah this is probably one of the only movies this year that I didn't feel like any actor was weak like even his son this other son came on for like eight minutes and you're like wow he's doing a good job too I won't be you know more [ __ ] you dizzy I would be no more dad too late you're are you already on the path radioactive himself okay I am my father's son to say PA you an [ __ ] just like him that's why I hate about a guy people ain't even like I was dense it may that's why I hate this [ __ ] be pushing around mojama here what say I gots to like I got [ __ ] on my god takes you out to piss about your dog food homes your fur this is I got to like you [ __ ] you better put aside Gamefly brings to your house to you over 8,000 new releases in classics that are available to rent or you can buy them for almost every system out there current and some old systems like I said I've been trying to put my gamecube back to work for years game flies give me excuse to do that and you can even try 30 days for free by typing in game fly offered.com /tt and when you do that you'll get 30 days for free of games and movies get all those things all I'm in one just and a house don't go nowhere because they all gonna get brought right to your mailbox you can also bring the element of surprise every month to your home in the form of a loot crate mystery box in that box I can't tell you what it is but I can guarantee you it is the best in geek and gaming gear some people say is like having Comic Con brought right to your home you want to leave the house for nothing getting all kind of stuff and everybody likes a little surprise every month it's a little bit in here's another surprise for you you know if you go to our link try loot crate calm /tt Osten and you type in bridge 10 that's the word bridge and the number 10 you can get 10% off and it a 10% discount on your first crate how's that for surprise right there loot crate brain the mystery and the surprise to your mailbox once a month with hey everyone thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to our channel and go over to our home double toaster comm for more videos and livestreams and remember stay toasty
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 73,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fences 2016 movie review, fences movie 2016, fences movie review, fences movie trailer reaction, fences movie trailer 2016 denzel washington, fences movie soundtrack, fences movie preview, fences movie clips, fences movie full, fences movie trailer, movie reviews 2016, funny movie reviews, movie review channels, denzel washington, movie trailers, movie trailer reaction, trailer reactions, trailer, movie, reviews, trailers, reaction, fences, podcast, double toasted
Id: iECLd27VHZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
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