Female Reproductive Cycle | Menstrual Cycle

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iron engineer it's in this video we're gonna continue our discussion about the female reproductive cycle if you guys haven't already seen it go and watch the ovulatory cycle first because it's completely dependent upon being able to do this video okay alright so now if you guys remember we left off with progesterone production right from the corpus luteum and then we had estrogen production also right so let's bring estrogen over here so we can have them together so over here you're gonna have a stroke gin and progesterone now before we actually go into what these hormones are gonna do to the uterus let's map out the three phases of the menstrual cycle okay so the three phases in order first one is going to be menstruation now the menstruation face is the shedding face that's how what they can actually go you know will actually put like a little like a thing here to kind of describe it so this is a shedding face what do I mean by shedding okay in here in the uterus you have an inner lining so there's an inner lining of the uterus just called the endometrium okay so again what are the two layers here there's actually the specific layer is called the endo metrium now the endometrium is actually composed of two like sub layers or strata if you will you see this like lime green one right there that lime green one is actually called the stratum function Alice okay so this green one right here is actually called the stratum function Alice okay it's that green layer right there this blue layer below it is actually called the stratum base Alex okay so one more time endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus which is made up of simple columnar epithelial tissue and it consists of two different sub layers one is the stratum function Alice which is this green lime layer right there and then the other one is the Shraddha massage which is this actual blue layer here during menstruation the stratum function Alice is the one that gets shed out of the uterus so what is actually being shed out of the uterine lining it's actually going to be the stratum function Alice that's being shed okay now about how long is the menstruation period now again assuming that it's an average that average is about days one to five obviously it could change from person to person right depending upon whether they have that actual menstruation period or whether they have heavy menstruation you know men arrayed you okay now days one through five is the period in time in which this actual stratum function house is being shed so now let's show that then so what also is being broken down oh before I do that let's actually discuss something really quick you see the stratum bus house right there you see that red artery that's going through it that's a straight artery then the one in the stratum function Alice is actually going to be spirally and coyly artist let's write that down right now so that you guys have that in your mind so the stratum function Alice is really really important it has these things called the spiral and coiled arteries okay I know it might seem insignificant but it is extremely important that we understand this and differentiate that in the stratum bus Alice it consists of straight arteries now specifically these are branches of the yeren artery which comes off the internal iliac artery so these spiralling coyly arteries in these straight arteries are going to be arteries that are coming off of the uterine artery which is a branch of the internal iliac artery now whenever the stratum functionals being shed what are you actually losing with it the spirally and coiled arteries that's why there's blood being lost so not only is there tissue loss there's also going to be blood loss and that blood that you're losing is the vessels those spiralling coyly arteries but what are you keeping those straight arteries which are than the stratum ViSalus okay that's the first step so that's our menstruation phase and what was the ministrations consisting of specifically the shedding of the stratum function Alice with the blood that's carried by the spiral and coyly arteries cool now what did you see that actually remains here - raddimus Alice remains so this next phase is actually called the pro literate 'iv phase now the proliferative phase is actually going to be whenever you're regenerating your actual stratum function out of the endometrium so the proliferative phase you actually regenerate your stratum function Alice layer so you shat it off in the menstruation phase and then you regenerate it within the proliferative phase another thing that you're going to regenerate is you're gonna regenerate these spirally and coyly arteries so you're gonna regenerate this spiraled and coiled arteries and I'm gonna explain how this happens okay so first off what days is the proliferative phase actually occurring from it's occurring approximately from about days 6 to 14 now if we come back over here for a second - the actual follicular phase you guys remember what days with a follicular phase days 1 through 14 and what was the primary hormone working in that area FSH right what was the primary hormone being produced estrogen so now let's go ahead and see what this estrogen that we produced over here what it's actually doing in the uterus we heard he told you what it's doing it's regenerating the stratum function house so let's show that what is it going to regenerate here it's gonna regenerate the stratum function Alice that's why they call it the proliferative phase because it's gonna cause proliferation right of the endometrium all right specifically the stratum function what else did I say it was gonna do it was gonna regenerate those spirally and coyly arteries what does that call whenever you actually make new arteries you know that's called angiogenesis it's kind of a long-term autoregulation but this is where you're making these new spirally and coyly arteries and again who's doing this this is actually going to be the job of Astra j'en now you know what else a surgeon is doing not only is this regenerating the straddle functionality not only is it regenerating the spiralling coyly arteries but you know there's also uterine glands that we have to have these little uterine glands that are secreting specific fluids he's starting the process of making these uterine plants and these uterine glands are gonna be really important in the next phase that we talk about but again what is it doing it's leading to the starting the production of these uterine glands they're not secreting anything they're just making these uterine glands so what's the next thing that they also do up here so not only was it regenerating the stratum function Alice and the spiraling core the arteries but it was also making uterine glands look what else it does it's also really smart too you know here this is the cervix of your uterus there's specific glands within the cervix of yours you know these glands these actually like like mucous glands look what estrogen does to these glands it tells these glands to start producing a mucus but this mucus that it produces is very thin so there's brown stuff that I'm drawing here this is a mucus but this mucus is very very thin mucus why is it important to have a thin mucus because what happens around day 14 to about do you know day 14 or 15 the female actually undergoes what's called ovulation right and injects that Oh a site out into the ampulla the fallopian tubes if sperms if someone's a little swimmer decides to run up through this actual female reproductive tract do you want it to be blocked by a thick mucus plug no you do not you want it to be nice and thin and if it's thin it's gonna be easier for it to actually move towards the actual egg so not only do you want it to be skin but you also wanted to consists of very specific chemicals that we talked about in fertilization that helps with called capacitation of the sperm so what is it doing here to the cervical mucus production it's making it thin so what estrogen doing here also it's also causing thin cervical mucus production for what so that it's easier for the sperm to move up to the egg and it also contains chemicals that help with help ending capacitation of the sperm activating the sperm helping it to clean its head right of cholesterol and local proteins and different types of things like that okay that's what's happening within this proliferative phase which is around a six through fourteen okay and again what is it doing just to recap again it's causing proliferation of the actual stratum function Alice of the endometrium it's helping the actual angiogenic effect to make more spirally in coyly arteries it's leading to the production of these actual uterine glands they're not secreting anything just undergoing the production of them and on top of that it's making a thin cervical mucus that the sperm cells it's easier to be able to get to the egg and helps to activate the egg right I'm sorry activate the sperm okay for capacitation now we go into the next part over here what is that last phase so this last phase here it's actually called the secretory phase now what was the primary hormone that was involved in the proliferative phase just so that we can continuously recap on that what was the primary hormone estrogen right he was the primary hormone that was stimulating the proliferative phase what's the primary hormone do you think that's going to be stimulating the secretory phase progesterone now who was actually synthesizing and secreting that pedestrian let's come back remember in the ovary we had the luteinizing hormone convert the graafian follicle into the corpus luteum and then it stimulated the corpus luteum to pick progesterone that progesterone right there that was produced by the corpus luteum is gonna act on the uterus what is it gonna do here in the actual uterus it's gonna do some of the similar effects to what estrogen did what did estrogen do he caused regeneration the stratum function house right well guess what progesterone does he makes the actual stratum function Alice Eve a little bit thicker so he makes it a little bit thicker and then on top of that you're gonna have to have blood supply that part of the area right there right so what is it going to do to this area it's gonna help to make the spiraling corley arteries a little bit longer right so it's gonna make more spirally and coyly arteries guess what else is going to do you know how those uterine glands were synthesized and they were made guess what the progesterone is gonna do progesterone is actually gonna stimulate these uterine glands to start producing a nice type of fluid nutrient-rich broth I know it's a heck of a nasty word to say but that's what it's doing it's e creating a nice nutrient-rich broth which is rich in glycogen which is a polysaccharide right a polymer of glucose a lot of lipids and a lot of specific types of proteins so again if we look at everything it's doing here let's map out what progesterone is doing again the first thing he's doing is proliferating again so proliferating the stratum function Alice so making it a little bit thicker what else is he doing angiogenesis right making those uh spirally and corley arteries even bigger right more of them and it's also causing the see creation of the uterine glands within the endometrium but it's not done at that he has to do something else a surgeon was causing these cervical glands to produce a thin cervical mucus but you know if hypothetically if a sperm that this little swimmer would have got up there and fertilize that egg if it fertilizes that around day 14 technically we should have it at least I'm uh some type of a blastocyst that's actually going to be implanting into the actual uterine wall hypothetically that's not always the case right but let's assume that there is an embryo and planted into the uterine wall do you want anything to just have free access up into this uterus no you do not so what does this actual progesterone do it switches the cervical mucus production by the cervical dance and look what happens to it he plugs this sucker up he forms a thick thick thick cervical mucus that plugs up the cervix why why do you want to do that because you want to keep this area private you don't want to have anything have access up into this area so you form a thick cervical mucus plug to prevent any type of substances or any type of organisms up into this area to protect the actual potential embryo so what's the last thing that it does it also causes a thick cervical plug to be formed okay now we're at the last part right and what was the secretory phase so we said that the specifically for the actual proliferate if it was day six through fourteen on average the secretory phase is approximately days 15 to 28 now everyone must realize that this is not always the case obviously menstrual cycles change from month to month all the time for certain people okay on average if I was to give you like the average generally we say that about 28 days is like the normal range anything that's actually 21 or below so anything less than 21 is pathological okay anything that's actually greater than 40 is also pathological so on average we like to say that the average menstrual cycle is 28 days with give or take a few - 21 is the lowest anything below that is pathological and to about 40 is the top point that you want to go one more thing if this female is fertilized right the embryo will implant into the wall of the uterus and it will start producing specific types of chemicals one of those chemicals is called human chorionic gonadotropin and what human chorionic gonadotropin does it helps to be able to continuously stimulate the corpus luteum to make progesterone right so if the female is not fertilized so she doesn't have fertilization if their embryo isn't producing those chemicals like human chorionic gonadotropin to let the corpus luteum know that he can start producing progesterone right until the placenta develops around the 12th week right of gestation if he it doesn't get those signals from the embryo the canoe corpus luteum produce progesterone no so what happens is let's say that this egg over here is waiting for the sperm and it gets to about you know day 26 27 28 and there's no fertilization occurring no fertilization occurring means no embryos implanting no embryo implanting means no human chorionic gonadotropin no human chorionic gonadotropin causes the corpus luteum to not produce progesterone why is that significant you know these spirally and coyly arteries that says zoom in on one let's say here I have my spiraling core the artery it's activity so it's activity it's normal vasoconstriction and vasodilation activities is completely dependent upon the stable levels of progesterone so progesterone is keeping the normal contraction and relaxation of these blood vessels it's keeping it normal but what happens if there's no fertilization occurring progesterone levels start decreasing can they regulate the contraction and relaxation of these vessels now no so what starts happening as a result if you don't have this progesterone and these vessels start undergoing spasms where they undergo very very basal constrictive days of relaxation phase of constriction vasodilation so much that over time these vessels become very very weak and their walls become very very fragile that what happens is eventually after one strong basal constriction the blood vessels dilate so much that so much blood rushes into this area that the capillaries in this area rupture if the blood ruptures in this area what starts happening so let's say that these vessels here rupture what starts happening then this blood starts accumulating in the stratum function Alice right because these spiraling corley arteries have ruptured so I say here's some blood accumulates here also and then what else over here to write these spiraling corley arteries also ruptured if these guys are rupturing can the actual oxygen and nutrients be delivered to these actual stratum function Alice's no if the nutrients and oxygen aren't delivered to the stratum function Alice's they become what's called ischemic you know what ischemia means ischemic means it's not getting enough oxygen supply to that area if they become ischemic eventually they don't get enough oxygen to where they become necrotic in other words they die if these tissue cells start dying what happens they start sloughing off it's a heck of a word I'm sorry for the word but it's what it is it's sloughing these actual layers off and what is it sloughing off its sloughing off this actual shraddha function Alice and the blood from the ruptured spirally in corley arteries and whenever it's lost out through the actual vaginal canal because what happens is eventually the progesterone production stops right so what happens to the cervical plug it goes away right that's another result of it and look what happens here look what you lose as a result coming out of vaginal canal they're actually gonna have what is this this is the stratum function Alice and what else is going to be a part of that stratum function house all that blood that was lost from the spiraling coronary arteries what is this call whenever you're shedding the inner lining of the actual uterus menstruation so now guess what happened the normal menstrual cycle ended at day 28 if fertilization didn't occur and it starts back over on day 1 to begin the menstruation process all over again now like I said if fertilization does occur then the corpus luteum continues to act like the hormone producing structure for progesterone until the placenta develops around the 12th week and then it actually dies off if the corpus luteum doesn't I mean if their fertilization doesn't occur then the corpus luteum doesn't get those signals from embryo guess what happens to the corpus luteum the corpus luteum starts dying and actually starts becoming scar tissue so he starts dying and look what happens to it it starts turning into a nice scar and fibrous tissue scar and fibrous fatty tissue what is this scarred and fatty fibrous tissue here called this structure right here is called the corpus albicans so it's called the corpus albicans and the corpus albicans is again the result of fertilization not occurring and the corpus luteum starts dying because it doesn't get signals from the LH or from the human chorionic gonadotropin and what happens it starts undergoing death and gets converted into fibrous tissue what is that fibrous scar tissue called the corpus albicans okay and can this thing produce progesterone can it respond to LH no so then the actual whole ovulatory cycle has to start from the beginning also are a ninja nerds in this video we cover a lot of information about the female reproductive cycle I really hope you guys enjoyed it I hope it made sense guys what we're gonna do in the next video is we're gonna do a nice little overview of everything here just to get a quick recap and make sure that you guys truly understand all of this [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ninja Nerd
Views: 590,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: female reproductive cycle, menstrual cycle, menstruation
Id: EfexbuyIqCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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