Female Reproductive Cycle | Menstrual Cycle | Hormones | Embryology

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today we are going to talk about the female reproductive cycle they are also called female monthly sexual cycles they are also called menstrual cycles right we will discuss about that that during these cycles what are the changes in the body and which organs are playing role and what is the purpose of these monthly cycles which is the highest center which is playing a role in female monthly cycles which is the highest center in our body every ovary is not highest you know it's in bottom isn't it which is the highest center you know to having kids and making babies is such important business to the nature that there are some higher center which orchestrate the events in ovary and uterus right ovaries and uterus are just taking the commands but where's the command center where is the command center yeah it is you say pituitary gland no master of the pituitary gland that is hypothalamus that is the hypothalamus first of all actually in this thing the female reproductive cycle actually you have to understand the major axis is hypothalamus hypothalamus then it works through interior pituitary right then anterior pituitary control the ovaries and ovaries control the uterus prepare the uterus to take the chance and for the pregnancy so we say that female reproductive cycle is hypothalamic pituitary ovarian uterine excess whenever you talk about female reproductive cycle you have to talk at four level what's happening in hypothalamus what's happening in anterior pituitary what's happening in ovaries and what is happening in your trust is that right throughout the monthly cycles am i clear now first of all we should know where is the hypothalamus the first point is the master regulator of female reproductive cycles and of course also don't feel bad mr israel is feeling bad even in males also their sexual activities regulated by hypothalamus thank god not monthly right so what i'm talking about that master regulator of your sexual activity that is done by hypothalamus it is so important you must know where it is exactly not only it controls your sexual activity it controls your weight it controls most of your endocrine system hypothalamus is the master of your endocrine society it is the chairman of your lot of vegetative functions your weight control your temperature control hypothalamus even influences your mood even it tells you when you are hungry and when you are you have eaten enough is that right even it drives anger hypothalamus even controls all your autonomic nervous system suppose this is 70 kg man just come here i think is more than 70 kg right this is 70 kg man this must be more now this man is all visceral activity all autonomic nervous system activity all reproductive activity all endocrine activity including a sexual activity including his mood all of them is controlled by his personal hyper thalamus so this about 80 kg man 80 kilograms dancing his all body system is dancing according to the directions of hypothalamus what is the weight of hypothalamus anyone who knows what is the weight of hypothalamus approximately i know you are not sitting admiring that all the time you have any idea the master regulator of your body how much weight it has i think you have been wearing it really yeah okay i will tell you he's right and totally unexpectedly right it is about four grand right four maybe he has personally five grams but usually most of the people have around four gram weight of just four grams you know how much is four gram this little nail if you remove this little nail and wait it is approximately 4 gram this little nail is just about the weight of the hypothalamus which controls so much is that right so whenever we talk about female reproductive system and even males we start the story from hypothalamus and then again masters are under control of other masters yes hypothalamus is being controlled by your mood there are higher centers even above the hypothalamus which is called limbic system in the brain you will study neuroanatomy limbic system influences hypothalamus heavily you disappear okay limbic system is part of the cerebral cortex which control your emotions your moods your perceptions that influences hypothalamus also it means that infusions the females monthly cycle also mr ronald you can ask females and some of them may tell you that when they are emotionally disturbed their cycles get disturbed am i right or wrong is that right so you must know don't start that female is just it's really insult to female that she has such a wonderful reproductive and biologically increasing the human system and you just tell their ovaries and uterus muscle regulators are very high so we have to know first of all where is hypothalamus exactly located in our body everyone knows where is deodorant where are the ovaries of course hypothalamus is in the central nervous system i will draw the central nervous system here right in this diagram we should know exactly where is the hypothalamus you know this is cerebral hemisphere midbrain pons medulla spinal cord cerebellum i'm not going to teach you all this right now i'm just interested you must know exactly can you put your finger exactly where is hypothalamus there can you put your finger there exactly where is hypothalamus you must know because that regulate every month out of females anyone can come and put the finger on this diagram and tell exactly where the master regulate master of yeah she want to put fingers like this she got so emotional about these cycles she thinks whole brain is busy regulating that brain has many other functions yes okay let me tell you you have heard of anterior pituitary gland and posterior pituitary gland look this is exact position of hypothalamus right and just under it this is hypothalamus then look this is interior pituitary gland what is that yes please anterior pituitary gland or hypophysis and this is yes what is it posterior pituitary gland let me bring this diagram out okay i'll make it rather more simple i've brought the structure out right let's suppose the structure was present over here right now this is hypothalamus this is anterior pituitary of course this is easy to understand here should be nose so this must be interior and this must be posterior right this is interior pituitary interior pituitary gland and what is this gland just please posterior pituitary gland is that right and this is the pituitary stock stock mean connection so pituitary is attached with the under surface of hypothalamus with the pituitary stock is that right now hypothalamus is so small area here it is controlling anterior pituitary and it also has a very intimate relation with posterior pituitary now right now we'll discuss relationship of hypothalamus with anterior pituitary actually there are very special group of neurons here what is this this is a special type of nucleus i will enlarge this nucleus this is a group of neurons here what are these this structure is made of lot of cell bodies neuronal cell bodies and this collection of neuronal cell bodies called this collection of neuronal cell bodies called it is like an arc so it is called arthuate nucleus actually neurons which are present in the arcuate nuclear they are the truly master regulator of female reproductive activity is that right and some help is given by another group of neurons here and this group of neurons is called pre optic yes nucleus in the central nervous system nucleus mean collection of neuronal cell bodies nucleus means collection of neuronal cell bodies so there are pre-optic nucleus and there's arcuate nucleus both of them regulate the female reproductive system if you really want to remember only one of them which one you will remember if you cannot remember both are quiet right so put a star with it at least this is what you should not forget right so in the arcuate nucleus there are special type of neurons which are releasing a special chemical substance look this is a neuron i make now one neuron large this is the neuron this neuron on stream releases special type of chemical substance right and all the neurons here are releasing that chemical substance so chemical substances coming out of this nucleus what is the name of this chemical substance anyone very good he is saying gonado gonado propane releasing hormone i will write full name [Music] gonadotropin first first of all you should know what is gonadotropin gonadotropin hormones mean such hormone which have tropic action on the gonads and endotropins mean such hormone which have tropic action tropic mean growth action now the hormone which is coming out from here or we call it hypothalamic factor hypothalamic factor which is coming out from argued nucleus is gonadotropin hormone releasing factor gonadotropic tropic hormone releasing factor now what really happens that between the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary there is a special vascular connection there are some blood vessels right and these blood vessels are connecting the hypothalamus hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland right this vascular connection is very important because this will take what is this thing gonadotropin yes please releasing factors take it down to the anterior pituitary it will take it down to the anterior pituitary then there are cells in the anterior pituitary there are cells in the anterior pituitary right and when these cells are stimulated right they can release what they can release gonadotropins right it means gonadotropin the release from where interior poetry from the anterior pituitary gonadotropins are released but who forces the anterior pituitary to release gonadotropin that is hypothalamus so hypothalamus releases some factors those factors go to the anterior pituitary those factors stimulate the cells in interior pituitary and those cells release the gonadotropic hormones those cells release gonadotropic hormones now one of the gonadotropic hormone is called follicle stimulating hormone and other gonadotropic hormone is called just please luteinizing hormone so in a simple word what we can say that from the hypothalamus gonadotropic releasing factors are released and these gonadotropic releasing factors are taken to the anterior pituitary there they stimulate the anterior pituitary cells and then anterior pituitary cells under the influence of hypothalamic factors they release gonadotropic hormones one is follicle stimulating hormone another is luteinizing hormone is that clear no problem after this so if female has maybe lot of ovaries lot of uterus but if she does not have hypothalamus functioning or she does not have fsh lh produced will her system work no so whenever you talk about female reproductive cycle don't start from ovary start with the hypothalamus is that clear no let's start studying that how follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone work in a particular female right let us suppose we talk about a female who has monthly cycles of 28 days what is the normal length of female reproductive cycle of menstrual cycle normal length no but females have uh not studied the books they will go always 28 days but this is a biological system sometimes it may be shorter in some female it is shorter some female to female that is longer right i said average is 28 days but what is the variability they are allowed within normal range for example if i say a male length is five feet eight inches but every meal is not that length some are bit tall and others are short so what is the average average is 28 days is that right but of course our reproductive system has not studied the books so in some females it's a little shorter cycle than some female this little longer cycle what is the how much female they're allowed to have how short or how long because if they're having cycles shorter than a specific days then we think it is pathology its not normal or some females are very long cycle then we think it is abnormality so first of all we should know how much is the normal range do you have any idea what should be the normal range we are going to be doctors yes three days uh you are telling about which days three days plus and negative on this side now actually let me tell you exactly it is 21 days to 35 days let me tell you what i really mean by this and why it is so important that my students should know that listen some females have shorter cycles and some females have longer cycles and some female in some part of life they have shorter cycle that other time of life they have longer cycles actually a female has cycle somewhere between 21 days to 35 days it is considered normal but if she is less than that then we think it is pathology she should be investigated maybe something wrong with her or if some female has cycle let's suppose regular cycles are more than 35 days you must again watch what's wrong with her is that right so about most of the females should have cycles between 21 days to 35 days right if it is less than 21 days it is considered a problem right now we'll talk about these things later first we talk about how it orchestrate now we'll draw the four structures we'll talk about a typical female who has 28 days cycle but i'm saying the cycles can be shorter or longer now listen here what we call it day one and here is suppose day 28 is that right now what we have here is day 14 which is the middle cycle 14th day right now what we do that we start making our concept that a female who passed from the day one of the cycle up to 28th day of the cycle what are the different events which are occurring in her body what is happening in hypothalamus what is happening in interior pituitary what is happening in ovary what is happening in utras that is the concept which you have to develop over this time scale is that right so let's start with first of all from hypothalamus and interior pituitary again what was this nucleus from where the voranotropin releasing hormone are produced what is the name of this nucleus nucleus and some help is given by pre-optic nucleus now in the beginning of the cycle usually female menstrual bleeding remains for about four to five days is that right what is the cause of bleeding i will discuss it later right right now what happened the the first day of the menstrual bleeding right first day of menstrual bleeding is considered first day of the reproductive cycle is that right first day of the reproductive cycle now as during around these early days what is happening in hypothalamus what is happening in anterior pituitary what is happening in ovary that is what we will discuss it's the beginning of the cycle why this bleeding occurred i will discuss it later right now we concentrate at higher level actually in early days this is start releasing what is this gonadotropin releasing hormone this gonadotropin releasing hormone is coming in interior pituitary and in the anterior pituitary it is stimulating the cells and those cells are producing yes please follicle stimulating hormone now follicle stimulating hormone is going to work on the ovaries is that right let's suppose i draw one ovary over here i make a very big ovary just for conceptual purposes right now in the ovary there are special type of follicles which are called primordial follicles have you heard of them primordial follicles what is the structure of primordial follicle primordial follicle has just one oven what it is having one oven right and this oven is surrounded by epithelial flattened cells these are flat cells right this ovum is surrounded by flat cells is that right and this structure is called primordial follicle is that right now what fsh will do with it in the beginning of the cycle anyone who knows right so mr ronald say fsh will follicle stimulating hormone will stimulate the primordial follicle true answer is that you are wrong primordial follicles do not need to be stimulated they automatically every month automatically start growing and convert some of the primordial follicle convert into primary follicles fsh actually work on primary follicles to convert them into secondary follicles this very important point listen female has two ovaries in every ovary there are thousands and thousands of primordial follicles in the beginning of every cycle automatically some of the primordial follicles start growing without the support of fsh i will tell you what is the role of fsh but what really happens automatically in the beginning of the cycle about approximately 15 primordial follicle start growing and what happens to these primordial follicles yes i'm just showing one primordial follicle but many of them start growing and they convert into primary follicle now what is the difference between primordial follicle and primary follicle just symbol yeah something controlled but that is not fsh yes there is it says is there anything which control the conversion of primordial follicle to primary follicle answer is yes there are some local substances are produced which control the conversion of primordial follicle into primary follicle then fast when then order comes from the top to convert the primary and going to the secondary and graphene follicles is that right you have to remember it primarily by local factors convert into primary without fsh now what is the difference in primordial follicle and primary follicle yes please anyone what is happening never studied this topic look only difference is look what is this this is your ovum isn't it these cells what are these cells primordial follicular cells these follicle cells become large and cuboidal and they make one or multiple layers around the ovum that is the only difference is that right so at the beginning of the cycle every month somewhere between 10 to 20 or approximately 15 primordial follicles convert into yes primary follicles how we know that which primordial have converted into primary they're under the microscope to look at these cells these cells become cuboidal is that right what are these cells doing by the way what these cells are surrounding the om what they are doing there of course they are giving the nourishment om is such an important cell in the body female is carrying ovum to produce the perpetuation of human generations is that right so these ova are having these primordial cells or follicular cells which are nourishing it okay my question is that you must be knowing that over made from the primordial cells i will not go into detail but you must be knowing that primordial cell goes into meiotic division meiotic divine is that right and during that deviant there is first meiotic to vn and then there is second meiotic to vn right this first meiotic domain and then the product of first meiotic dvn they go into yes this is second meiotic debian i will teach this topic separately i'm not going into detail because just what i'm telling that one of the very basic cell first it will go into first muting to bn and make two two cells then sell the product of first majority deviant will go into second neotec division is that right my question is that in the female i mean human female when the first meiotic divine start and first in the human female when the first meiotic divine start i'm about to be impressed by someone yes before the birth of the female herself you mean if there is a female standing here and she's pregnant just imagine there's a female standing here and she's pregnant full term pregnant right and you do no no listen listen and i do the ultrasound and we come to know that this female lady is carrying a female fetus do you think this fetus female fetus which is not yet born do you think in this female fetus there are ovaries yes ovaries are there of course do you think in those ovaries pry oba has started their first murdering dominion do you believe that okay i'm happy at least one thing all of you agree and you're right that is true the first meowtic division start in the females ovary even before she takes birth from her mother is that right and what about the boys you are also having basic cells from where you are going to make sperms when you start first meiotic dominance for making the sperms yes about the boy yeah dr israel when you started first meowtic to be an injured germ cell you really got bothered for the next generation your wife was bothered even before she took herself birth your wife started planning for the next generation even before she was born that her ovaries was having the ova which have started their first meiotic division what about you you also started before you took birth or after that yeah females know more about even men she is saying that men start their business i mean meowtic business after people puberty you can look at them right that even at cellular level female plan ahead of the men as far as babies are concerned right listen again females when they are themselves in fetal life when their ovaries or garnets are being made their ovaries are being made at that very time before they take the birth they have started first meiotic division of their ova cells is that right but men start a male human male star first meiotic division for the sperm formation first mutated durian after the puberty is that right we don't pre-plan so much so what really happens all the females who are sitting here in their ovaries there are a lot of primordial follicles and in those primordial follicles they started first meiotic deviant when they were themselves in the uterus of their mothers first meowtic divine right and when they complete their first meiotic divine they just start or complete also look just a minute she has to start first neurotic dominant and complete the first meiotic divine product of first mutated vn will be two cells one cell is called polar body other is the secondary ovum then secondary ovum again undergoes second meiotic deviant and make one more polar body and itself it convert into definitive over let me tell you from this from here the first muting division start and once it is completed it make one polar body what is this polar body have you heard of it and other is secondary ovum then secondary ovum and polar body both undergo second meiotic dominant right and first polar body will give rise to two more polar bodies these are two more polar bodies from the one polar body and from the secondary ovum that divides into third polar body so how many polar bodies one polar body second polar body right and third polar body and this thing is the what is this definitive ovum of course from the beginning all this was over right but you should know the difference in primary woman secondary over men definitely problem is that right so primary ovum started the divine what really happened they were first polar body and there was secondary obama that's the right and then eventually it converted into definitive over now question one thing you have answered very well that this process the first myotic division female start female start when when she was in her mother uterus so it means that for example if you talk about this female then all the primordial follicles which is having in both ovaries they are having such ova which started their first meiotic divan many many years back when she was herself in intrauterine life claire next question is that it started its divine then it get arrested in prophase it get arrested in prophase it never complete first meiotic division during the fetal life so females are bore born with the ovaries having the ova which are frozen in their prophases is that right when they will complete this divian yes who will tell me so they're born in prophase one yeah okay so she is not sure right that every female in the world i mean human female they're born with the ovaries loaded with thousands and thousands of primordial follicles having the ova which has started their first meotic division but yet not finished all over having their nuclear materials stuck into genetic materials stuck into prophase when they will complete it it's a very interesting question isn't it when they complete the first meiotic division when primordial follicle is yes converted into not primary secondary it means if we talk about this female right this month she chooses about 15 primordial follicle out of them some will be converted all of them will be converted into primer primary follicle then some are converted into secondary follicle when follicle converts into secondary follicle then over suddenly become active and complete its first deviant complete sets first mutated to vn and started second murder to be n once it has started its second meowthic division when the over is going to complete the second meiotic division i will be thoroughly impressed if someone can answer for example look a female having primordial follicle converted into primary follicle then secondary follicle then graphene follicle then ovulation occur then om has gone to fallopian tube sperm was never there is that right during all these phases when female completed its second meiotic debian she started the second biotic division before ovulation when she complains look female that ovum which never gets fertilized never completes the second periodic viewer woman which never gets sperm is so sad that it dies without completing it second biotic division sperm is not there what is the fun of completing it you know females are delicate and having the vm they start their business too early but they're so sensitive if sperm is not there they never complete second neutrino and om dies is that right but if obama is lucky and gets a sperm magical touch of the sperm and obonville and rush completed second beautiful get ready yes this is exactly what happens so a female has ten babies so how many of them really completed second biotic division 10 but ask her how many she aborted you never know right if she has five abortions and 10 life baby it means 15 times so the point which i want to hammer in your mind is that over in the female start its first muting to be n before the female takes birth and at the time just before the ovulation ovum complete is first muting to be n and start the second muting to be n and second muting to be n will be only completed if sperm is there if one gets fertilized if ovum never gets fertilized never completes its second meiotic to begin now let's move forward so this is a primordial follicle and what is this primary follicle what is the difference in primordial and primary don't tell me spellings are different in primordial they are flattened cell follicular cells are flattened here the follicular covering cells are cuboidal is that right this is primary follicle now these cells may be mono layer or they may be multi-layered is that right this is primary now this is the important point taking the primary to the secondary follicle is the business of fsh you must know exactly where it works is the right look a female does not have follicle stimulating hormone or every month look if a female does not have follicle stimulating hormone right then all the primordial which converted into primary they will never convert into secondary so conversion of primary into secondary and further growth of secondary into graphene requires follicle stimulating hormone i'm so much stressing because when you will become doctor you will be using many drugs which are modifying fsh latch estrogen action progesterone action first you should know what are the normal actions now now it will convert into secondary follicle what will happen here is the ova meanwhile look granulosa cells they have become multi yes multi-layered is that right right right and then some cells you know what are these these are connective tissue cells of ovary what are these stroma of ovary these are connective tissues health of the ovaries stroma of the ovary when now it is getting ready for big things two things will happen what will happen number one owen will make a special private layer of connective tissue around it females like privacy including the ovum so over will secrete some glycoproteins and these glycoproteins will make a very very unique layer of glycoproteins around the ovum this layer was not present in previous stage what is this layer called excellent she knows it zona pellucida what is this zona pelosuda what is the function of zonation of zona palace soda what is very special point about it the sperm will come if it comes many many sperm hit on the zona palu soda but as soon as one sperm passes through the zona palace soda and touch the zona palace would have become resistant to the rest of the sperm listen in future when this will be ovulated i will tell you that zoono palace would have a very special function that it will allow it has special receptors that it will allow only human sperm to pass through it thank god zona palace allows only human sperm to pass through number one human male sperm number two that once you know they have found that in 101 along with this zona palace sometimes hundreds of the sperms are embedded in the zona palace many you know it's all about competition the many sperms are trying to get to the ovum and many of them have put their head in zona palace but as soon as at the first ovum first sperm touches the obama let me tell you this is zona palasoda right here is what inside it what is this ovum is it right let's suppose here are the sperm a multiple sperm are coming and trying to reaching through this right as soon as one sperm this is the probably most competitive one it has touch here you know what the ohm will do just look at it an analogy there is a female living in a very very beautiful palace and there are thousands of the windows open one day someone will come many men trying to approach those window as soon as one man jump in automatically all windows shut now it's a private matter no more allowed to enter in are you understanding it it is true at the cellular level also that as soon as one sperm touches this sperm membrane touches the oval membrane ovum releases certain substances which modifies the zonal pellet suit in such a way every other sperm is stuck and never unable to move forward and only this will happily transfer its genetic material there and some other subs factors that is how um prevent the police for me how what it prevents the multiple sponge should not come only one is that clear but as soon as it touches here om has to do one more thing it has to complete it second meow take down you remember and actually this is the magic touch of the sperm which reduces the ovum to complete its second meiotic deviant is that right but let me tell you these structures this is a primary primordial follicle primary follicle secondary follicle and secondary follicular cells release some substances due to those substances some connective tissue cells around it make a special arrangement here now look this whole specialized structure look in there inside the ovum then there is what zona pearl soda around it there are what are these granulosa cells what are these granulo granules granulosa cells right and what is around them this is called pica cells this is called thicker cells what are these yes please granulosa cells is that right and even there will be as it will grow further chica cells will make two layers thicker internal externa is that right you may be thinking why dr najib is putting so much time on this because they are very important things what is the very special function of granulosa cell and thicker cell anyone has some idea or they are just there because god wanted you to memorize the things or the special function of thicker cells and granulosa cells yes please okay she thinks all these cells are there to kick the ovum out is that right i think some more important function okay one function is they are all for the nourishment of the every another function you know what is that these cells thicker cells produce the product which go to granulosa cell and grown nose granular cell convert these product into a very special product which will rush to the uterus to make the uterus ready that there is some chances some ovum is being prepared maybe there is going to be pregnancy and uterus has to get ready so very important you know what is the substance coming from here to here androgens male hormones i know i'm teaching female ovary female ovary produces male hormones from chica cells then thank god male hormones move to the grenada south granulosa cell our master in converting the male hormones into female hormones estrogen you get it so one of the very important function of granular cell is converting the androgens into estrogen yes have you heard of estrogen or estrogen females are very proud of that who is making it granulosa cell but they are very clever that they convert the male hormone into female hormone these thicker cell produce testosterone like materials which are called androgens is that right eventually what happens that all these cells produce a lot of fluid and that fluid now look here that fluid is filled into that due to that reason cell is pushed this is ovum pushed on one side ovum having what is the zoona polo soda and some gun loads of cell that around it and other granulosa cells making a very big covering and what is this here fluid filled cavity what is that fluid felt cavity it is very rich in estrogen another thing and around it what is here yes please thicker layers thicker internal and thicker external this type of follicles are called which is having a very big fluid filled cavity this type of follicle is called yes graphene follicle or secondary follicle have you heard a graphene follicle is that right now first make this concept there was primordial follicle primordial follicle that convert into primary follicle and this event is without facet then primary follicles if they don't receive fsh they will degenerate but if stimulation can follicle stimulating hormone come that hormone convert primary follicle into secondary follicle and second follicle secondary follicle develops fluid filled cavity and then it is called graphene follicle in the now this cell in the graphene follicle it has completed its first meiotic divion and it started its second meiotic division am i clear meanwhile what is really happening let's look at the uterus i will make a uterus here this part of the uterus is called cervix here are the fallopian tubes what is this fallopian tube and here is also fallopian tube now the part of the uterus above the cervix and below the fallopian tube this part of the uterus is called body of the uterus this is called body of the uterus and this part of the uterus which is above the fallopian tube is called fundus of the uterus this is the body of the uterus and what is above it fundus of the uterus and here is cervix of the uterus these are the three major parts of the uterus now in the uterus if you talk about layers of the uterus these these cells they are making which layer endometrium this is the innermost layer of the uterus uterus uterus is lined from within by which cells which are making this is endometrium of the uterus here are the smooth muscles and the smooth muscle layer of the uterus is called just please myometrium what is it called myometrium outside is the connective tissue which is called perimetrium is that right now listen we will see what is happening listen carefully come back from the day one interior pituitary started producing follicle stimulating hormone follicle stimulating hormone was converting primary follicles into secondary follicles and then into graphene follicles is that right now listen carefully did one follicle start or many follicles started the business many follicles started is that right now in normal female ev beginning of every cycle i told you somewhere between 10 to 20 follicles started the business started the growth again computation do you think all of the follicles will grow in the same speed or they may be slightly different what do you think they will be different some of the follicles will grow faster and other follicles will grow slower remember in this diagram i'm showing only growth of one follicle but actually like this about 20 series are growing in a female ovary is that right now competition is really very very cruel something very strange happened you know what happened all these follicles when they convert into secondary level their granulo the cells are producing estrogen what they are producing estrogen this estrogen is doing some important functions i will tell you only two number one the estrogen which is being produced from here estrogen let's suppose this is the estrogen this molecule through the blood will come to the what is this endometrial and it will tell the endometrium you know there is some good news some follicles are being prepared be ready there is a chance to have a baby so what happened endometrium starts preparation endometrial cells start multiplying so now it will start multiplying so it will become thin or thick it will become thick is that right so what estrogen is doing estrogen is going to the yes endometrium and forcing the endometrium to undergo proliferation that is why this stage is called proliferative stage of the endometrium for a while you suppose i'm a female right cycle has started just hypothetically cycle has started early days from anterior pituitary follicle stimulating hormone coming follicle stimulating hormone coming to my ovary making many series of follicles growth then granulosa cells start producing estrogen estrogen go into the uterine endometrium right and estrogen is a happy message to it all these cells proliferating is that right am i clear now it is in the early days of the cycle you can say first initial days of the cycle now what we will say we will say the uterine endometrium is passing through which stage proliferative stage and blood is passing through which stage she is having what in the blood high level estrogen stage and ovaries passing through which state follicles so look here these were the cycle 28th day here day one here 14th day here the business is going somewhere here it has not reached up to here now during this what was coming from the top fsh what ovary was doing follicles in the female body what is happening ovaries making follicles and what is being released from follicles to the blood estrogen and what estrogen is doing to the uterine endometrium proliferation so this part look at this some people call it fsh part of the monthly cycle some doctors will call it follicular part of the monthly cycle some will call it estrogenic part of the monthly cycle some will call it proliferative part of the monthly cycle but actually a good doctor will say that this part is follicular phase as far as ovary is concerned estrogenic phase as far as blood level of the female hormones are concerned and it is proliferative stage as far as endo metrium is concerned is that right clear now this what happens that estrogen has gone and made it proliferation this is good or bad this is good you know females plan too much now but you know some naughty things are also there i told you competition is very cruel there was only or one follicle growing many follicles growing do you think if all of them dump their ova and millions of the sperm come a baby a woman may have 12 babies is it good no isn't it so we want to get the oven from the best of the follicle if we get the ovum from all the follicles there will be too much babies isn't it now computation will come as estrogen level in the blood will go up not only it will lead to proliferation here this will go to back to where it will go and tell them you see i'm estrogen if i am coming to you it means follicles are growing if they're because if estrogen come and and coming to the anterior pituitary cells and these cells hypothalamic cells it means follicles are there because follicles produce estrogen so when these cells receive estrogen they become happy they say yes we send fsh and follicles are maturing and the evidence of mature follicle is report is coming through estrogen they become very happy and do you think now they will send more stimulation no so what happens that fsh level goes down now the real competition thing will come the follicle which is best grown can grow without fsh now and the other follicles which are little bit smaller they were still dependent on fsh and fsh is withdrawn and the smaller follicle dies in this way nature chooses the best follicle every month again let me repeat it listen carefully in the beginning of the cycle hypothalamic pituitary system coordinate with each other an anterior pituitary releases fsh fsh recruits many primary follicles into secondary as secondary follicles are growing granulosa cells and thicker cells that they are thicker cells are producing androgens those androgens are converted into estrogen by granulosa cells these granulosa cells release the estrogen in the blood this estrogen does two function it does many function but two i'm mentioning here one it will go to the uterus and switch the endometrium into proliferative stage secondly estrogen rush to the through the blood to the interior pituitary and hypothalamus and rising level of estrogen inhibits the release of fsh is that right and even lh also is initially less so this estrogen going back is positive feedback or negative feedback negative feedback because one thing is increasing and having negative influence on the production of other things estrogen is going up but forcing the fsh to go down so now understand the analogy that one father is supporting 10 children is that right children start growing one of them grow very well and send something back to the father and father assume fine my children are going well i don't need to support anyone elders child will survive and gender was still dependent on support of father they will die this is exactly what happens here that follicles were dependent on fsh as they keep on growing more and more they become less and less dependent on fsh and all of them are producing estrogen but the follicle which is best grown graphene follicle produces massive amount of estrogen and this massive amount of estrogen forces the interior pituitary to stop the production of fsh and as soon as fsh goes down other than the graphene follicles they become degenerated those degenerated follicles are called attractive follicles we call them atreytic a tractic mean degenerated attractive follicles so you see that out of so many follicles she started the activity only one will be selected other will go down is that right atrezia those which go under atresia all of them probably completed their first mayor take the divian all of them started their secondary murder deviant but none of them could ever complete it even about this we are not sure because it depends on sperm there are so many chances you know and different now graphene follicle is left there others are going down now what happens now listen carefully sometimes would happen if i'm giving something mr gavin will come here let's suppose i'm the ovary and he is the interior pituitary i'm the ovary and here's the anterior pituitary normally anterior pituitary produces gonadotropin hormones fsh and lh i will discuss the role of lh after few minutes fsh and lh so she produces gonadotropins and who orders him from hypothalamus right so under the hypothalamic glandotropin releasing hormones it releases fsh fsh coming to ovary ovary making lot of no no no no yeah you should look there uterus yeah dude no no no yeah over here stay the way and it's over it stays away and hypothalamus is far away okay right now listen listen now what is happening that he sent fsh to me i produced a lot of primordial follicles and then into primary follicles and then into secondary follicles one of them graphene follicle then graphene follicle was naughty number one it stimulate the uterus okay we put the uterus here number one it stimulates from ovary this is going estrogen stimulating the uterus and uterus is very happy and proliferating is lining and getting ready that oh baby will come right okay but meanwhile estrogen go back to hypothalamus okay this is hypothalamus this is into a pituitary entire vegetarian this estrogen initially what it is doing more and more estrogen going it becomes angry and it does not produce fsh and most of the follicles die only graphene follicle is happy is that right and it is still giving estrogen something which doctors yet don't know clearly but something happened what thing happened something very unexpected and strange first listen what was normally happening and now what will happen unexpectedly normally over throwing the estrogen through the blood and fsh and lh production is down but around the middle of the cycle something changes into anterior pituitary that estrogen which is very high which is supposed to suppress the fsh allerg actually under the influence of estrogen he suddenly start producing more fsh and lh it means normally estrogen inhibits a fsh lh production this is negative feedback but in the middle of the cycle estrogen stimulate the production of fsh and lh there is slight increase in fsh and dramatic and terrific increase in lh now when estrogen is inhibiting the anterior pituitary production of fshlh we say there is negative feedback and when estrogen increases the production of fsh lh we say there is positive feedback do you get me this is something doctors are working thank god they are not clear about it so we don't need to learn it the many theories why second second feed uh negative feedback convert into positive feedback but you are just supposed to know the estrogen which is coming from the ovary from the follicles right please thank you thank you that estrogen which was coming here here is proliferative stage here it was inhibiting fsh and allied i told you competition is cruel i think probably this negative feedback was only to kill the remaining follicles in computation because when fsh lh went down then all other died only the best one survived after that more estrogen comes and product release of fsh ls becomes less or more more and dramatically which comes out lh lh is called luteinizing hormone now in the female somewhere in the middle of the cycle suddenly fsh level becomes double or triple and lh level may become 10 times more that is called luteinizing hormone or lh hormone surge so every females i mean every female who ovulates develops a strong lh surge luteinizing hormone surge luteinizing hormone multiplication in the blood now when neutralizing hormone comes here what it is doing live under the influence of luteinizing hormone many things will happen number one blood vessels which are going here they will dilate they will dilate number two number two these cells these are what what cells thicker cells they will release destructive enzymes like proteolytic enzymes which can digest the proteins one of the group of enzyme is collagenase which can break down the collagen protein so this luteinizing hormone which has come here under positive surge that will bring changes into that meanwhile this graphene follicle has become so big that it produces an elevation and where it produces an elevation on the surface of the ovary it produces a nipple like projection there it is 2.5 or 2 centimeter or two and a half centimeter size when it produces pressure there blood flow here become more or less less so this become a vascular area what is this a vascular area this and this become dark color so this is called this point is called stigma so over the graphene follicle stigma develops stigma developed that graphene follicle is growing up and stretching the capsule of the ovary and the point where it is pushing the pressure most of the capillaries become under the pressure closed and this point become a vascular at other points blood flow become more or less more and when blood flow become more there are some local substances produced like prostaglandins they also dilate the vessels when blood flow become more these secretions become less or more fluid hair becomes lesser more more because from the blood it is derived so it become under less pressure or more pressure inside it there's more pressure inside it meanwhile destructive enzymes are being produced and destroying some collagen fibers so cover is becoming weak or strong weak so what luteinizing hormone has done luteinizing hormone has increased the pressure in this and made the capsule weak and within few hours it will complete its first meiotic deviant and started second metric to be n and within few hours what will happen this will rupture this will rupture and as soon as it will rupture this ovum along with its friend will come out ovum along with its special cover what is that what is this zona pelosi and some cells granulosa cells around it these granulosa cells will come as bodyguard of the ovum these granulosa cells will rearrange themselves around the zona palace soda when they will rearrange themselves this rearrange special protective cells around the ovum are called corona radiator very good they are called corona radiata a crown which radiates crown made of cells is that right so om is coming with a crown crown made of sals so it has jumped out of this do you think now there's any value of this thing left behind when om has gone it's a very big value this is the structure this is the structure which is us which has pushed the ovum out they are like parents om has gone with this friend and these parents will support it remember in those females where this stopped working they don't never get baby this structure is very important which is left behind this structure let me tell you this structure this structure is left behind om has gone away baby has left the home with its friends right now we can make it here it all water has gone out there were fluid which has splashed out and om is floating with its friends into that fluid it has jumped into from the graphene follicle and remember meanwhile you remember there were hormone coming from here estrogen high level of estrogen and high level of fsh which led to release of the ovum stimulate this finger-like process of the fallopian tube so before the listen now it's so wonderful i don't know how to i can appreciate the nature if this is the ovary this is the fallopian tube finger like processes just before the ovulation under the hormone influence this finger like processes approach the ovary and start sweeping on it and they find where is that swelling they know ovum is coming out of this so they start have special sweeping actions on that until oven with his friend jump out and they capture it did you get it now your princely ovum is here along with its what was there zona fellow soda around it grown granola the cells which are now called corona radiator am i clear when water and this thing has gone down this will collapse in will it collapse in or not when it will collapse in this structure will become like this folded structure like this empty this structure will convert into this now this structure is made of which cells it is made of remaining granulosa cells you remember the granulosa cell which are left behind the structure is made of remaining yes please grand lotha cells plus it is made of remaining thicker cells it made of remaining thicker cells and this structure out of this structure obama with his friends have gone on its special journey is that right meanwhile fsa i told you there was positive surge and there was a lot of lh one function of lh was luteinizing hormone was that it helped in ovulation second luteinizing hormone will work on these cells and there will be dramatic change into these cells they are very much worried that we have asked the ovum to leave we should support the ovum so they make special preparation you know what happens to this cell these cells swell up their size increases in these cells endoplasmic reticulum become too much smooth endoplasmic reticulum these cells accumulate a lot of fat globules these cells become large they're a lot of fat cholesterol-rich globules and they make smooth endoplasmic reticulum what is this all telling you and then this is telling that these cells are going to produce some hormone and that hormone is going to be derived from cholesterol so what really happens they start producing a hormone called progesterone of course they can't they still produce some estrogen but estrogen is less and progesterone is more what the progesterone will do now story goes beyond the 14th day in the middle there was a lot of lh lh led to jump ovulation after the ovulation has occurred ovum has gone here what happened remaining cells convert into swollen cells with lot of cholesterol smooth endoplasmic reticulum and all of them look yellow color cell other term for yellow color is gluten lutein mean yellow so doctors call it lutein cells so they say some lutein cells are derived from yellow cell they're designed from loser cells some are derived from thicker cells and this whole body body mean corpus body made of yellow cells is left behind under the influence of luteinizing hormone once the ovulation has occurred whatever granulosa cells and whatever thicker cells are left behind they convert into yellow body and that what is called corpus luteum this corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland in a female total life of this corpus luteum this usual life is just 10 to 12 days this is a small gland produced in females every every month this gland is called corpus luotium and luteinization occurred under the influence of luteinizing hormone lh now you understand why we call it lh because that is luteinizing hormone that one of the very dramatic function of that is that once the ovulation has occurred remaining cells should be luteinized this corpus luteum now produce massive amount of progesterone meanwhile i forget to mention one very important thing what was that that very important thing was yes that very important thing was estrogen was at the peak just before ovulation i told you that estrogen make it proliferative stage but i must tell you one more thing under the influence of estrogen this cervical glands cervical gland make the mucus which is very very thin usually mucous plug here is thick but when estrogen is at the top mucous become very very thin and stringy in the cervix why it become thin yeah this young man knows so that's it's getting ready to take chances with the sperm so that sperm can easily pass through that when estrogen is at the peak just before ovulation mucous of the surface become very very stringy and thin so that if sperms are about to be there somehow their travel will be facilitated am i clear anyway this was function of estrogen now we come back what is coming now progesterone the progesterone will come here it will further modify the endometrium tell the endometrium you are so stupid you are simply proliferating do some more good things for the coming baby no don't become just thick become warm and red carpet reception and be soft how it happens under the influence of progesterone a changes start here what are those changes before the progesterone there was some straight arteries going into this what was this straight arteries suddenly arteries become coiled arteries become coiled so endometrium under the influence of progesterone become more vascular or less vascular more vascular red carpet reception if blood flow more to endometrium more edema endometrium more fluid in endometrium endometrium becomes swollen and it becomes warm and its capability to produce the nutrition is less or more more meanwhile under the forms of progesterone also there are special glands here under the influence of estrogen those glands were straight glands those glands were straight glands suppose this is the estrogen treated endometrium and straight vessels this is estrogen treated now what progesterone will do progesterone will thicken it further it is progesterone treated and its blood vessels will become coiled so it will become less vascular more vascular more vascular and glandular structure will become also torturous gland will also become torturous quilt straight gland will have less health and this gland with lot of twists and coils will have more cells so under the influence of progesterone endometrium become more thick it become more vascular it become more glandular it become more soft it become more warm it become more nutritive it become more mother like it's getting ready is that right now look this is now this part of the cycle going on at this time and who is directing this ultimate changes progesterone and progesterone is coming from where corpus luteum all of you know this thing what is the life of corpus luteum 10 to 12 days after that it will die now listen carefully what really happens let's suppose this is the lucky ovum that while this ovum was traveling in this direction sperm approaches here sperm really travels all the way and reaches there and let's suppose this ovum gets fertilized i will not go into detail of fertilization we'll have separate lecture on that ovum gets fertilized as soon as i told you sperm touches the ovum sperm membrane touch the over membrane and sperm material goes into ovum some changes occur one change i told you previously that in the zono palace soda all other receptor for sperm will be inactivated so other sperm cannot approach now over secondly russian complete its work what was that word complete second me arctic divine complete secondly arctic divine and thirdly listen without sperm owen survive for how much time if sperm does not come what is the lifespan of ovum it lives for how long it lives forever or it lives for one day or ten days or one month yes okay you tell me where if sperm does not come where the ovum goes where the egg goes you will say come down as hen give a egg there is an egg i don't know i'm asking you that what happened to this egg if spark does not come it look look human egg is very very sensitive it survive here only for only for 48 hours maybe if sperm comes happy news if spun does not come it dies with the sadness the process of death is called apoptosis people call it apoptosis one piece silent apotosis so human egg without complete if sperm is not there without completing your second meiotic division it becomes so sad that if sperm stimulation is not there it undergoes apoptosis and dies within the fallopian tube it is just one humble cell which has died there the unfortunate cell just some macrophage or neutrophil come and eat it and digest and finish the story okay rather than fertilization we start in this female she did not get sperm listen now carefully she did not get sperm if she did not get the sperm ovum survived for about 48 hours and then ovum dies then over dies don't tell anyone that om is coming out right womb dies in the fallopian tube neutrophil macrophage eat up now what happened do you think this corpus luteum knows that its ovum could not get the sperm and it has died no ovum dies so sadly and so silently it does not send any chemical message to corpus luteum so corpus luteum think still myom is moving on the way so corpus luteum keep on producing progesterone up to 10 to 12 days it could produces a lot of progesterone and it makes the uterus endometrium very very ready for the product of conception but if up to after 10 to 12 days it does not get any happy news that product of conception has come do you think if sperm has not come do you think ovum survives no ovum dies corpus luteum does not know the death of the oom it will automatically keep on working for 10 to 12 days if up to 10 to 12 days corpus luteum does not get a very very special happy news what are the happy news they're from the uterus happy news should come that ovum which was sent that met the sperm and now product of conception are there and uterus is pregnant uterus from the uterus some special message should go to the corpus luteum if female gets pregnant but because pregnancy is not there sperm was not there ovum has died do you think that special message will go from here to here i will tell you later what is that very special chemical substance but do you think that chemical match of message will go from endometri from the uterus or from the product of conception if there are no product of conception then any message from product or conception will go to this no so it will know after 10 to 12 days that it did not get any message it will start degenerating and involuting it will rapidly degenerate and during that process eventually it will become very much something degenerated material we call it corpus albicans albican mean white like a scar material it stopped producing this yellow material and progesterone but look here look when it is degenerating because it is disappointed because there were no reports from the product of conception attention place what really happened there was no sperm within 48 hours diet or 72 hours diet product of conception are not there so no happy news from the product of conception to this it completes its natural life of 10 to 12 days and it involves degenerate when it degenerate it knows that there's no need of me i did my best i sent my own there's no report coming what what is the fun to maintain all this red carpet reception so it become disappointed and degenerate as soon as the structure degenerate progesterone level dramatically goes down estrogen and progesterone when progesterone level goes down remember this endometrium is progesterone dependent many small vessels in this they undergo spasticity because progesterone keep those vessels open so all these vessels will shut down when they will close blood flow to this area will increase or decrease decrease all endometrium will become a skim bank endometrial will go into which stage ischemic stage but before that progesterone was making the endometrium in progesterone stage or in secretory stage when progesterone was there there was a lot of glandular structure so endometrium was in glandular stage or endometriosis secretory stage or endometrium was in vascular stage but as soon as corpus luteum dies regenerate endometrium goes into ischemia ischemic state when these vessels close shut down what will happen to these cells this is a very thick area it needs good blood supply to live on and blood supply go down cells will start dying you say necrotic changes will come when some cells in our body die we say there is necrosis so necrotic changes big areas of endometrium will undergo yes necrotic changes right these necrotic changes will slough away and some vessels where from where these necrotic layers will slough away the vessels which are opening their bleeding will start so blood along with sloughed slaughter broken away pieces of endometrium they will start coming out and female will have menstrual bleeding is that right in a way uterus is very sad and weeping with blood tears it could not get the pregnancy there was so much all the hypothalamus and interior pituitary and ovary so all of that system so much orchestrated and danced around but still there was no pregnancy so all this will start it will take four or five days and it will slough out but you know never lose the hope estrogen progesterone has gone down because this has died as soon as estrogen progesterone go down these cell think oh there's no estrogen progesterone we should start the new business again now we'll start the next month and see this time will make her pregnant good news now for five days she was having menstrual bleeding right meanwhile how much blood during one menstrual bleeding occurs anyone knows how much is bleeding total in these days and four or five days or six days maximum allowed or eight days after that it is considered pathology yeah anyone knows something strange we are doctors we are supposed to know these things you forget okay anyone remember i think you have been knowing it well okay uh he's right actually it is somewhere between 20 to 80 ml it varies between 20 to 80 ml if it is less than 15 ml this is also considered pathology or if it is more than 80 ml per cycle it is also considered pathology i will not go into detail of these things let's go back to our true story second month start last month was disastrous and menstruation is there right all now endometrium has three layers one layer is called compact layer this is compact layer under it this is what layer this is deepest layer of endometrium is called basal layer right then this is glandular layer and this is compact layer these two superficial layers are lost but basal layer is never never lost endometrium loses its two superficial layers these two superficial layers which are lost into menstrual blood these are called functional layer so endometrium loses its functional layer along with the blood but never loses this basal layer why from basal layer it will again be coming to action for the next month right now we'll start the next month now you people will tell me because corpus luteum is degenerated converted into corpus albicans estrogen progesterone level the high or low in the beginning of the cycle estrogen progesterone are produced by this thing is it there or low they are low in the beginning of the cycle we are starting the second month when estrogen progesterone levels are low these will produce more gonadotropin releasing hormone and interior pituitary will produce more follicles stimulating hormone so more uh primary follicles will be eventually taken to secondary follicles again sec granulosa cells along with the thicker cells and granulosa cells will produce estrogen thicker cell will produce androgens and granulosa cell by an enzyme called aromatase they will convert androgens into estrogen now second month again first part of the first half of the cycle is going on in first half of the cycle she is having more follicle stimulating hormone more follicles are growing towards the secondary level more estrogen is coming and now uterus again start this was slapped uterus endometrium was soft you know this layer has gone but basal layer is left it will again undergo what what changes proliferative changes is that right as estrogen in the second month again going up this is going into proliferative changes fsh lh goes down so only the best most grown and dominant graphene follicle remain others degenerate right then in the middle of the cycle there is powerful luteinizing hormone surge and ovulation occur and now next ovum width whether it's corona radiator on the way and what is left behind is left behind cells convert into corpus luteum and again this this is now this uh second cycle corpus luteum this will again start the same behavior it is a life of how many days 10 to 12 days now what happened that these corpus luteum start producing a lot of progesterone so that its product is moving and it undergoes under the influence of progesterone it goes under secretory phase vascular phase is that right it become more thick more vascular more glandular and it become more receptive for the product of conception and this time female got the rather ovum got the sperm and as soon as sperm come there normally without sperm ovum live for how many hours 48 hours then it dies if magic touch of sperm is there om is going to live for how long yes question is madame to you if ovum gets a sperm then ovum is going to die in 48 hours it's going to live live two cell stage it will break over will complete its first meiotic to be a second memory deviant then of course we'll go into fertilization and discuss that thing but anyway one will convert into two fertilized om will go into two cell stage then it will go into four cell stage so and so forth this over when it's product will live for how long maybe 80 years you are the product of that fertilized album one of the fertilized roman right now this fertilized ovum right it will go into two cell stage right this is zona pala soda okay this is zona pala soda right and this is obama into two cell now on the first date get fertilized this was sperm on the first day one it got fertilized on day second it become over divided into two cell mitosis start and day three it may have gone to maybe eight cell stage and called marula i will teach this this thing in detail later meanwhile this is traveling traveling traveling it has come here and here now it has fluid filled cavity then what happens the hundredth of the cell which are derived from the division of ovum one fertilized ovum break down into multiple cells these cells make one inner cell mass and they make one cell mass which is outside and zonopolis would break down zona pelosi break down is that right and fluid goes in from where this fluid is coming this is the uterine milk milk from the endometrium of the uterus this is special type of fluid which is coming from progesterone treated endometrium nutrition material going into this then what happens that how on which day it arrives again go back first day fertilized second day to become two cell stage third day itself multiplied and makes something like morula marula is 12 to 16 cells then fluid fill into it fluid filled cavity is called cyst so this rapidly proliferating cells any cells which are rapidly proliferating are called blastocyte and these are rapidly proliferating cell with a fluid filled cavity fluid filled cavity is called cyst so this blastocyst come here on about fourth day on fifth day it make finger like projections and these finger like projections with those finger like projections it hang with what the what is this it hang with the this fingers touch the progesterone treated endometrium and this fingers or villi or this whole structure is called trophoblast what is it called this outer structure is called trophoblast am i going faster you are understanding it am i are you clear right that many cells divide some cells become inner mass and outer cells convert into trophoblasts now this trophoblast tissue make what what is this finger like processes these finger like processes touch the endometrium and from the fingers digestive enzyme calm what is coming out digestive enzyme wherever it touch the endometrium it digests the endometrium endometrial cell undergo digestion and when they break down they release nutrition for this so it keep on making the way and taking up the nutrition and then it becomes what happens it has become within the endometrium it has gone within the endometrium this is the happy baby of course baby is not like this at this stage now blasphemous has gone into thick highly vascular highly secretory highly nutritive endometrium it has gone there about five day fifth date start implantation seven eighth day completed completes implantation now it is in the endometrium now do you know it is happy comfortable it is stuck within the endometrium endometrium is giving the nutrition now what it will do children are very very selfish now they have to give a special message they will start releasing they have to give message to whom corpus luteum they have to give a message to corpus luteum congratulations there is pregnancy the ovum which you released has met with the sperm and product of conception is there and it has implanted so don't be disappointed don't be in despair and don't degenerate it has to send some message from here to here because if you degenerate all of it will go down along with that baby do you think that's a good news no so actually this product of conception having the cytotrophic cytotophoblast trophoblasts will produce special type of chemical substance these chemicals substance through the blood it's a very happy message or sad message yeah this happy message will go into blood and this happy message message of congratulations it will through the blood reach to wear suddenly corpus luteum changes its program it is so happy with such good news then right what it will do rather than dying it start multiplying it become more larger happy and it become very big and it starts producing heavy amount of estrogen and lot of heavy amount of progesterone so that estrogen progesterone supplies continues rather it become too much and if estrogen progesterone become too much do you think these blood vessels will shrink and this will come out so this endometrium will be well maintained and female will miss her periods and she will worry is she pregnant or not i don't know she will be very happy depending upon many factors but one thing is there that because the product of conception was there before the next period and it send lot of happy news there and these happy news or congratulation message made the corpus luteum more stronger multiplying more luteinizing and now this is no more corpus luteum of simple periods it is the corpus luteum of pregnancy corpus luteum of pregnancy it become very strong it produces massive amount of water estrogen and progesterone it maintains the endometrium very very well so that product of consumption can grow over there is that right and very heavy amount of estrogen and progesterone inhibits the pituitary system severely so that no more fsh coming no more follicles allowed to take chance until that baby is there is that right now what happens some of these stars go from the female blood into urine and the special test when she checked these are there she say oh i'm pregnant now you know what is this chemical substance hcg it is called human chorionic gonadotropic hormone hcg human chorionic gonadotropic harmony actually now we can say the product of conception from the trophoblastic area release hcg and hcg is something like luteinizing hormone so hcgs goes back and stimulates what corpus luteum and corpus luteum convert into corpus luteum of pregnancy corpus gravidatum right and this corpus will ready to serve the baby for a long time but baby will pray another trek you know what baby is going to do actually as time will pass by baby will make its own placenta corpus luteum every month it keep on supplying good amount of estrogen and progesterone to the uterus so that uterus become a very very friendly place for the product of conception so it means baby survival here depends on the constant supply of estrogen and progesterone but it is very clever what it does after some time it's placenta start producing its own estrogen and progesterone baby develops a special covering around it and placenta and placenta is an endocrine gland so product of conception start producing itself estrogen and progesterone and when estrogen progesterone goes up is that right after it become independent it will again degenerate it has done its job it will still die but not sad it it works for about three to four months during that it becomes totally independent in estrogen projects progesterone production is that right so female remain pregnant for example for nine months right estrogen progesterone remains high in her blood initially it was high due to corpus luteum of the pregnancy and then it was high due to auto production of estrogen progesterone from the placenta is that right so until estrogen progesterone remains very high her anterior pituitary remains suppressed and she does not produce more follicle stimulating hormone and she does not develop more follicles and she does not take more chances am i clear so what females are doing every month their whole biological system and reproductive cycle every month is orchestrating certain events to take chances on pregnancy every time when periods come it is the disappointment of the biological system that we are disappointed whatever preparation we made and we are throwing away all our preparatory endometrium and blood but again the cycle start again again now i will go rapidly and you have to tell me everyone be attentive we are about to finish the lecture right and i will make the graphs and more diagrams tomorrow about this make it more clear but right now you have to tell me in the initial days of the cycle is that right first half of the cycle remember first half of the cycle is not fixed second half of the cycle is more fixed ovulation occurs 14 days before the next menstruation is that right for example anyway now a female has 28 days cycle ovulation will occur on which day 14th day but female has 34 days cycle then ovulation will occur on ovulation will not occur in the middle it is before a female has 34 day cycle ovulation will occur 14 days before next period so it will be on 20th day and the female has 24 days cycle she will have ovulation at 10th day this is important because females should know when they have maximum chance to get pregnant because sometimes they are desperately trying to get pregnant and sometimes they are desperately trying not to get pregnant so this is very important for females to know that when they are when they are most fertile they are most fertile around the time of ovulation and when is the ovulation if some female has regular cycles then ovulation usually occurs just 14 days before the next period of course female who has irregular cycle she cannot judge it well is that right and a female has 28 days cycle ovulation will occur on which day 14th day a female has 34 days cycle ovulation will be on 20th day if female has regular cycle of 24 days ovulation will occur at 10th day am i clear now and first i will say it first half and the second half during the first half fsh goes up follicles start forming from primary to secondary to graphene estrogen start flowing estrogen make the uterus endometrium into which state proliferative stage so what we say first half is fsi dependent phase or first half is follicular state of the ovary or first half of the female is estrogenic stage hormonally or first half of the female is proliferative stage speaking in reference to endometrium then on 14th day before the next menstruation ovulation start there's a surge of fsh and allerg once ovulation occur then remaining component of the graphene follicle converts into corpus luotium now om is traveling into flopping tube and what is the duty of corpus luteum to maintain and further make the endometrium more secretory more vascular so they'll become more ready for the product of conception if if sperm come ovum gets fertilized and product of conception reached to the uterus and product of conception implant then they will start releasing which hormone hcg is that right they will start releasing hcg is that right that hcg will give a happy news to the corpus luteum and corpus luteum will become corpus luteum of pregnancy and it will not involute it will with all the love it will support the endometrium is that right meanwhile hcg also go to the central nervous system to the female and she feels nausea is it good or bad why ronald feels good excellent ronald knows more actually it's good nausea is good for the female because she will become more careful about what to eat because all the females are not eating you know cow is also a female and cow is not taking microwave food and other things so actually lower animals when the females get pregnant they develop nausea and they become careful about the food so that they don't take anything which may damage the baby some chemical substance so human females also develop nausea nausea is due to rising level of hcg so hcg is doing three important things related with the human female number one it is maintaining corpus luteum number two it is producing some degree of nausea of course for a while it is bad but makes the female more careful about the dietary things and thirdly it help in the diagnosis of pregnancy why do you get nastier from things that are good for you now look look look female develop nausea for everything and that is also one early sign of pregnancy i don't know about western culture in our eastern culture when a few any girl who is married and start getting the nausea the all the elderly females become concerned she's pregnant and then they start giving her special foods and tell not eat this not eat that and take more rest whatever they think is appropriate but the thing is that it's a major event in female life and she should get alert get some signals from inside right so that you go to doctor look around or whatever is there right i will not go into that right now concentrate on this right female behavior is out of domain of this lecture okay we'll talk about that in behavioral science listen so what we are talking about that if she gets pregnant just make a fast review if she gets it's pregnant it will go here release hcg and it will be maintained and cycle stop that is why females do not have periods when they are pregnant am i clear opposite to that if during all this effort when ovulation occur no sperm is there obama will die corpus luteum of natural life of 10 to 12 days produce lot of progesterone keep on making it ready more secretory and more vascular and more warm and more thick and more nutritive but up to 12 days if it does not receive any hcg it assumes that it's ovum has died and it degenerates it degenerates estrogen progesterone levels go dangerously down and it sloughs down and menstruation start and biological system is ready for the next chance and next month class dismiss
Channel: Dr. Najeeb Lectures
Views: 201,273
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: endocrine system, menstrual cycle, mensus, female hormones, the female menstral cycle, effects of estrogen and progesterone, follicles, ovulation, gnrh, endocrinology, menstrual, reproduction in human, reproduction, embryology, human female reproductive system, female reproductive cycle, follicle stimulating hormone, ovulatory cycle, menstruation, Dr najeeb, physiology, pregnancy, periods, uterus, hormone, follicular phase, reproductive system, progesterone, lh, estrogen, Graafian follicle, embryo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 5sec (6605 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.