Female Furies | DC Super Hero Girls

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at superhero high you're learning how to be a superhero not just for metropolis or earth but the entire universe counts on you heroes but why lock up this amazing stuff apocalypse years ago darkseid the ruler of apocalypse hijacked our tubes and brought his army to earth our heroes nearly lost the battle against darkseid whoa now for everyone's safety i'm the only one who can access the boom tubes you're sure it's okay oh of course now you get in jump the tube to korygar and i'll lock it back up before anyone notices nothing bad can happen that's how you do it none of that scratching and banging now take care of that screecher [Music] you wait right here sweetums [Music] [Music] finally fury's ready for today we conquer earth [Music] force of apocalypse power of amethyst oh what is the meaning of this you're sitting in my chair yes granny goodness by the way thank you for falling for my whole framing gorilla grodd ploy i needed him out of here since we never cracked the code on gorilla mind control you're welcome granny another super i'll stop her down i got her [Music] [Applause] please principal grodd granny [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] let me give you a nice scratch [Music] huh [Music] [Music] it all started with a special assignment for principal waller's task force x class we've intercepted lashina's plans to break the female furies out of bel rev if she succeeds the female furies will certainly enact revenge on superhero high let's go over our strategies again remember a successful mission is all about expecting the unexpected the unexpected female furies come out come out wherever you are this way [Applause] hello supers let me introduce you to my old pal um i'm sorry what was your name brian brian's gonna learn all about the agony matrix unless you find him you have two minutes tick-tock what do we do i can help big barta i know how to disable the agony matrix but you're a female fury why would you help us i like brian he always gives me extra mashed potatoes come on if you don't let me out lashina will but there's no way you can deactivate the agony matrix without me [Music] this way please hurry i'll give you all the potatoes you want the female furies we can't let those villains escape no offense none taken katana stay here with big barta i'll stop the theories fairies go back to your cells what you were supposed to be occupied with bry bry girls get her out of my way stop about to catch blue girl stompa is about to catch a cold [Music] fine i'll do it myself [Music] and the rest is history or at least better suited for my next history of heroes report batgirl and hawkgirl with a prisoner drop off babs hook girl great work bringing in the cloak shadow all in a night's work commissioner gordon she was gonna end up in bell rev sooner or later i'm just glad we made sure it was sooner oh me too oh dad thanks for bringing me in girls getting past security is a real pain now i'll just get my female furies and we'll get out of your hair you won't escape us i will if you want to save him the dart was poisoned and the antidote is at the place in metropolis that reminds me most of home don't mean to throw you into a sticky situation but time's a waste in what'll it be me or him [Music] tick tock ladies [Laughter] let's go home furies stompa activate the mother box huh [Music] oh man not again the perp said the antidote isn't the place that reminds her most of apocalypse apocalypse is dark dangerous and smells bad the centennial park tar pits that's what she meant by sticky situation [Applause] you take the west quadrant i'll search the e squadron there it is [Music] oh [Music] don't worry i got you no get the antidote to my dad then come back for me [Music] come on comes [Music] sorry dad i let the female furies escape oh babs being a good hero is about making tough choices and you made all the right ones huh does that smell like tar in here yeah well crime sticks the female furies and they're on my lawn granny goodness please supers we come seeking only peace the same piece that the ambassadors wish to achieve with these games ambassador garen beck i presume i'm granny goodness dean of the apocalypse magnet school we received an invitation from your council ambassador beck don't listen to her nonsense granny goodness and the furies tried to brainwash us amanda i understand you are used to running things around here but do remember that the games are the jurisdiction of the council hmm this does appear official is not the decision that i would make but i trust the council has its reasons as ambassadors it is our mission to promote peace today we uphold that mission by allowing apocalypse magnet to join the championships this isn't gonna be good big barta we saved you a seat once a fury forever a fury right ignore them they're using known tactics to anger you right thank you thanks ladies shiva lashina don't be so upset about big barta she has new friends now and she'll probably leave him in a lurch like she left us stompa no like lurch it wasn't a lurch it was juvenile detention we were doing our time because we did the crime but you didn't do your time you betrayed us to get out of there i gotta give you credit this gone good thing is one of your bestest tricks stop a fight pretty yes put that down furies finish these supers hey buggy i should have finished you off last time oh looking wood stomper cart can i keep [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] batgirl wake up [Music] not so fast [Laughter] come on furies [Music] hey granny out of my way big barta i don't take orders from you anymore i make my own choices now [Music] can't beat me barter bumblebee stinks between skates give it back our baddie gets it supergirl harley's buggy [Music] [Music] oh lasso come home with us you were born a fury and you will always be a fury you're right i was born a fury but i changed i fight for good now [Music] oh you did it that's one way to use a mega rod [Music] [Music] superhero girls [Music]
Channel: DC Super Hero Girls
Views: 15,143,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dc super hero girls, dc superhero girls, superhero high school, teen titans, TTG, super hero high, superhero girls, dc super hero girls episodes, dc super hero girls cartoon, DC comics, super heroes, supergirl, batgirl, poison ivy, hawk girl, wonder woman, green lantern, jessica cruz, mera, raven, harley quinn, bumblebee, katana, hero, starfire, ms martian, barbara gordon, comics, dcsuperherogirls, dc superhero high, dc super heroes, dcshg, UGC
Id: telkqeAVHa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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